Book Read Free

Face in the Mirror

Page 7

by Paula Mowery

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  A tear slipped down Sydney’s cheek.

  He brushed it away with his thumb. “Hey, what’s this?”

  Her lip quivered. “I thought…I’d lost you.”

  What was she saying? Did she actually have feelings for him, even after knowing his past? He swallowed the lump of emotion lodged in his throat.

  Before he could think of a reply, she spoke again. “Nathan Greene, I don’t believe in coincidence.” She grabbed his hand and held it in both of hers. “This was God’s plan. I hope you can see that.”

  Nathan was pretty sure he was in love with Sydney, though he hadn’t experienced it before. But an uneasiness was still embedded inside. How would all of this play out now? Would Raul ruin Nathan’s dream of being a police officer? Nathan certainly wouldn’t expect Sydney to bear any of his shame. Now would have been a good time to trust God and His plan, but Nathan wasn’t convinced that God was on his side.


  Sydney settled into the plane seat across from Nathan. He pulled his lap belt over and winced as he tried to latch it.

  “Here, let me help.” She scooted forward and clicked the belt into place.

  Nathan smiled. “Thanks. I guess that nurse was right. She said this thing would give me some trouble before I could make it back home.” He motioned to his injury.

  “I’m so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to help.”

  “You did.” He glanced at his seat belt. “Now I’m secured in for this flight.” He shot a quick look at the cockpit. “I’m guessing they’re pros at this?”

  “You’re not nervous about a little plane ride, are you?”

  “Naw.” He shook his head.

  “Don’t worry. You’re in good hands. Marshall and Colton are definitely pros.” A slight ache spread across her chest. “Just like my mom…was.”

  Nathan reached across the small space between them and grasped her hand. “You haven’t had time to grieve for her with all that’s gone on.” His eyes emanated compassion.

  Sydney breathed in and let the air out slowly. “Not really.”

  The plane rolled across the airport’s small taxiway. Sydney diverted her gaze out the window. They stopped just shy of the runway. She listened as the pilot went through revving each engine, knowing the all too familiar checklist before takeoff.

  Moments later, the craft went into motion again, lining up on the runway.

  Sydney glimpsed Nathan. “This was always my favorite part. The takeoff.” She turned back to the small window. The terminal and hangers whizzed by, the nose lifted, and the plane lifted from the ground. Her usual exhilaration wasn’t present. Things would never be the same, would they?

  She eased her head back onto the headrest and closed her eyes. A bump of turbulence jolted her, and her eyes flew open. She studied Nathan. His brow was wrinkled in a permanent wince, but he appeared to be dozing. Or at least trying to.

  One of the waves of his brown hair escaped onto his forehead. She squeezed her hands in her lap to resist pushing it back into place. Apart from his handsome features, this man had risked his life for her. But was that enough? She couldn’t compromise her faith if he didn’t share it. Yet it had been there. He couldn’t hide that fact. And I don’t believe in coincidence. I meant it when I told him that. We were supposed to meet. But do I want more than God intended?

  Nathan jerked and opened his eyes. For a moment, he seemed to look around in confusion. His gaze finally locked with hers. He smiled and his expression softened as if relieved to find her sitting there across from him.

  “Are you OK?”

  He nodded.

  Was he really? Did he just relive the nightmare of the past couple of days as he slept? She feared the haunting images that could creep into her slumber.

  Charlie leaned over the narrow aisle. “Do either of you need a drink? I’ve got water or soda?”

  Nathan straightened in his seat. “A bottled water would be nice.”

  “Looks like you could use a pain reliever with that,” Jordan said.

  Nathan shook his head. “No. I’m good.”

  Charlie handed Nathan the water. “You don’t have to be a hero. Take it from someone who knows. Sometimes a pain reliever is your friend. The only way to rest and heal faster.”

  Nathan gulped down a couple of swallows and twisted the lid back on the top. “I’ll be fine. Thanks.”

  He was purposely abstaining from any medication. That fact was blaringly evident to Sydney, and she admired him even more.


  Nathan held back when they arrived back in Tennessee and filed off the plane. Sydney’s father and brother rushed forward, and she fell into their awaiting arms. He busied himself retrieving his overnight bag.

  He turned back around and the three had moved near. “Sir.” Nathan nodded.

  Mr. Russell extended his hand. “Thank you. A thousand times, thank you for bringing her home safely.”

  “I appreciate that, but it was a team effort.”

  “Yes, we always work as a team, but…” Jordan’s words were cut off.

  “But Nathan is to be commended on his superior job at protecting your daughter,” Officer Thomas said.

  Nathan’s mouth threatened to drop open, but he held it in check. Had the very person who seemed skeptical of his abilities complimented him after all that happened? “Thanks, Officer Thomas. That means a lot coming from you.”

  “Call me Charlie.” She smiled.

  Colton slipped up beside his wife, laying his arm around her shoulders. “How about we catch some supper? I’m famished.”

  Charlie poked his stomach with her finger. “Oh, poor little pilot. You worked so hard flying the big airplane back.” She stuck her bottom lip out teasingly.

  Jordan chuckled. “OK, you two, let’s get some food in you before you say something you’ll regret.”

  Nathan pulled out his cellphone. “Guys, I better call my parents. Let them know I’m back.”

  “You better. Don’t make your mother worry any longer.” Charlie shook a finger at him.

  He walked at a slower pace behind the group for a little privacy.

  His dad picked up on the second ring. “Son, is that you?”

  “Yeah, Dad. I’m back. Just flew in.”

  “Nathan? Are you all right?” His mother’s voice broke in, obviously picking up the other line.

  “I’m OK, Mom. Only a little injury to my arm but it’s all stitched up and on the way to healing.”

  “Stitched up? Must not be that little.” His mother’s voice rose in pitch.

  “Really, Mom, I’m fine. I’ll see you in little while. We’re going to grab something to eat here near the airport. Then I’ll be on in.”

  “All right, son.” His father’s strong voice chimed in. “We’ll see you then. Glad you’re home safe.”

  Nathan ended the call and caught up to the group.

  Sydney’s eyes narrowed. “With that arm of yours, you better ride with us.”

  “I’ll be fine to drive. I’ll meet you over there.”

  Sydney jammed a fist on her hip. “Um, no. That wasn’t a question. You’re riding with us.”

  Sydney’s brother whirled around. “You may as well not argue with her. She’s stubborn, but I guess you probably figured that out after about ten minutes with her.”

  Sydney cocked one eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

  Bobby chuckled and shook his head. “Man, your couple of days with her must be a story to beat all stories.”

  Sydney’s father unlocked the car and pulled his door open. “You may as well get in, Nathan. Russell women are fiery.” His expression saddened. “She learned it from her mother.”

  Sydney flashed her father a smile and slid into the backseat. Nathan scooted in beside her. He studied her profile momentarily. Her chin quivered. He diverted his gaze out the side window.

  The short ride was quiet. They followed the others into the restaurant and settled around
three tables pulled together.

  Questions nagged Nathan. Should he ask or wait until he could speak with Charlie or Jordan privately?

  Sydney propped her elbows on the table. “So Charlie, what happens to that awful Raul guy?”

  Charlie filled her cheeks with air and let it out. “Lots of paper work, a court appearance in the jurisdiction where he committed his crime against Nathan, extradition back to here, more paper work, and going in front of a judge for the crimes committed here. Then, hopefully, he’ll be put away in jail for quite a long time.”

  This nightmare is still not over for me. Not until I see what Raul does when he’s brought back here.

  Nathan’s mind skipped from scenario to scenario as the others brought Sydney’s father and brother up to speed on Raul and his capture. Should he prepare for another career upset? More like life upset.

  “Nathan, did you hear me?” Sydney’s voice broke through his thoughts.

  “Sorry. My mind was off somewhere. What did you say?”

  “Daddy was just thanking you again after hearing more of the story.”

  Nathan looked at Mr. Russell. “I was just doing my job.”

  Sydney’s countenance fell. Had he hurt her? He did have feelings for her but wondered if it was best to distance himself. He was also assuming she held similar feelings, but that conversation hadn’t happened.

  “Now we need to check about school for you, honey,” Mr. Russell said.

  Nathan was relieved with the change of subject.

  “I plan on being in my advisor’s office first thing tomorrow morning.”

  “Let me know when you find out.” Nathan reached for her phone. “Here, let me put in my number.” He looked at her. “OK?”

  Her sweet smile returned. “Please.”


  Sydney practically skipped from her advisor’s office. She paused on a bench outside and brought up Nathan’s number.

  “Hello, Officer Greene.”

  “Hello, Officer Greene. This is Sydney. Your rescued damsel in distress.”

  He chuckled. “No way would I ever qualify you as a damsel in distress.”

  “So what do you have going on in a couple of weeks? Say on May Thirteen?”

  “I don’t know. Why?”

  “That’s when I’ll be graduating.” She squelched a full-out squeal.

  “Sydney, I’m so happy for you. I knew they’d have to let you graduate.”

  “I do have several things to catch up on, but I’ll definitely get to walk across the stage. And you’ll be there?”

  A silent pause hung between them.

  “Nathan, if you can’t, I’ll understand.” She was lying. There was no one she wanted more at her graduation than him.

  “Of course, I’ll be there.”

  “Good. Now I better run. But…”


  “Will you meet me for supper at the Mexican place over on Cedar Lane?” She bit her bottom lip.

  “Um, sure. Six?”

  “Yes. Six is perfect. See you then.” Sydney ended the call and let out a breath. She wasn’t about to let Officer Nathan Greene slip out of her life. Dropping her phone into her purse, she sauntered back into the interpreting lab. Time to shift my focus to completing these requirements. Although, Nathan has no idea how distracting he is to me.


  Charlie was glad to arrive home before Colton. She had a little task to perform. Slipping into the bathroom, she pulled the test from the box and followed the directions. The timer set on her phone, she stepped into the living room but couldn’t sit down. She paced until the alarm dinged.

  This is it. Was she ready for the answer?

  Charlie walked into the bathroom and stared down at the test strip. She compared it to the pictures on the instruction sheet. Pink lines equaled pregnant. The lines in the test window practically glowed pink.

  Emotion welled in her throat, and tears slid down her cheeks.

  “Charlie! Hey babe, are you here?” Colton called out from the living room.

  She swiped at the tears and turned around. He met her at the bathroom door.

  A look of concern covered his face, and he grasped her shoulders. “What’s wrong? You’ve been crying.”

  Charlie grabbed his hand and dragged him into the bathroom. She motioned toward the test stick still perched on the counter.

  “What?” He glanced down and his eyes widened. “Is that what I think it is?”

  She nodded. “Yep and it’s a positive one.”

  “You mean you’re definitely pregnant?”

  “Seems that way.”

  He pulled her into an embrace but eased off. “I don’t want to hurt you or…”

  Charlie laughed and rolled her eyes. “Get back here. That baby is safely tucked inside.” She sobered and cupped her abdomen with her hand. “Oh my, there’s a baby in there.”

  Colton laid his hand atop hers. “Yeah, a little Colton.”

  “Or a little Charlie.”

  “Are you OK with this?” He gazed into her eyes.

  “Yes, but it’s still sinking in.”

  Colton grasped her hand and led her to the couch in the living room. They sat with knees touching. He brushed his fingertips down her cheek. “I never thought I would be having this conversation about having a baby. But you truly knocked me for a loop, as Marshall would put it. Or maybe it was rocked my world.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “No, really. I’m truly excited about this.”

  “Me, too.” She sighed. “I don’t know a single thing about babies other than playing with Marshall and Jordan’s kids.” She shook her head.

  “Me either. But we’re about to learn.” He kissed her forehead.

  Lots more had to be arranged and considered, especially with her job. But right now, she would just bask in the news with Colton, letting it continue to sink in that they were going to be parents.


  Nathan secured a table at the Mexican restaurant with a view of the front door. He ordered Sydney a diet soda since he was pretty sure that was what she would want since it was the kind she’d ordered when they were together. He dipped a chip in the salsa and crunched it into his mouth.

  The front door opened and his gaze locked on her immediately. Her blonde hair. Those irresistible dimples as she smiled at the hostess. He waved his hand, and her eyes focused his way. She sprinted over and planted a kiss on his cheek and plunked into the chair across from him. His pulse sped up. Like it seemed to do whenever she was near.

  “Hey, you.” Her eyes darted to her glass and back to him. “Thanks for ordering the drink.” She shoved the straw in and drew in a couple of swallows. “You know me.”

  He shrugged. “I figured you would order a diet.” He sipped his drink and then put it back down on the table. “So, this whole school and graduation thing is all worked out?”

  Sydney propped her elbows on the table in her animated way. “Yep. I’m so glad I don’t have to repeat the semester or anything. That would be hard since I’ve already gotten a job with the school system.”

  “I really am glad it worked out.”

  “And you promised me you would come to graduation. I’m holding you to that.”

  “I’ll be there.” This felt right, being here with her. But should he continue this, whatever it was, not knowing how things were going to turn out?

  She covered his hands with her. “Hey. Where are you?”

  He shook his head. “I’m not sure.”

  “Look, Nathan, you know I’m a person who speaks my mind.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I did learn that about you.”

  “Please tell me you have feelings for me.” Her hazel eyes pleaded.

  Nathan’s chest clenched. He diverted his gaze to the salsa bowl. If he said no, she would see right through him. He looked back at her and laughed, though it was evidently fake and forced. “You don’t beat around the bush.”

  “Don’t see any
reason to.” She squeezed his hand. “I can practically read your thoughts.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yes.” She leaned closer across the table. “You’re lack of faith in God’s plan is causing you doubt. Fear is etched in your brow.”

  Nathan swallowed. He patted the hand atop his on the table. “I just don’t have any idea what will happen when Raul is back here and everything comes out.”

  Sydney clutched both of his hands in hers. “That has nothing to do with us.”

  “It has everything to do with us.” His tone was a bit harsher than he wanted. But she had to understand how his life could likely be wrecked all over again. “You just aren’t thinking about what could happen. I could lose my job, my career, again, and then what? That will probably be the last black mark that will disqualify me from who knows how many of jobs.”

  “Nathan, listen to yourself. You’re worried about all of these what ifs that may never pan out.” Sydney hopped up and slid into the seat beside of him, keeping her gaze right into his eyes. A tear slipped down her cheek. She brushed her hand down the side of his face and paused. “I love you too much to let you push me and God away.”

  He didn’t think he could even if he wanted to. Sydney or God. He encircled her waist with his arm and pulled her close. She laid her head on his chest. After a moment, he eased back and held her face in between his hands. “Your father and brother were so right about you. You are a stubborn one.” He smiled.

  Her face softened into a smile and those long dimples jumped out.

  He moved nearer and glimpsed her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed and she leaned in. He pressed his lips to hers and felt her body relax, pressing closer. He eased back and kissed her cheek and then her forehead. He lingered with his chin against her forehead.

  “Thought I was going to have to kiss you first,” she said.

  Nathan pushed her away a few inches and looked her in the eyes. Her face held a mischievous smirk. He laughed. “Let’s eat.”

  Sydney pecked a quick kiss on his lips and shimmied around to her seat. “I already know what I want. Well, besides that appetizer.” She giggled.


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