Book Read Free

Face in the Mirror

Page 8

by Paula Mowery

  He shook his head. “I really don’t know what I’m getting into, do I?”

  She shrugged.


  Sydney fidgeted in the line and smoothed her graduation gown. Finally, the music started and she followed her classmates into the auditorium. She was so thankful everything had worked out for this day to happen. Making her way to her chair, the class was asked to sit.

  Sydney stole a glance behind her. A few rows back she spotted Nathan. When their gazes met, he smiled and winked. Something like a little spark prickled in her chest. He often evoked that kind of response in her these days.

  A small wave caught her attention. Charlie and Colton sat next to Nathan along with Jordan. She was glad they were all staying close even after returning from retrieving her from Maryland. She couldn’t really see her life without all of the people in that row. Her father and brother sat on the other side of Nathan.

  She flipped back around in her seat, enduring a couple of long speeches. Finally, the class rose and marched across the stage. Her name was called, and she shook hands with the dean of students and accepted her diploma. Exiting on the other side of the stage, applause and a couple of whistles echoed from Nathan’s area. She stifled a giggle. She would get him for that later.

  As the graduation dismissed, Sydney wove her way out and to Nathan’s car. He stood, leaning against the driver side door. “Congratulations.” He wrapped her in an embrace and kissed her forehead.

  “Who was whistling when I walked across the stage?”

  Nathan grinned and shrugged.

  They were all meeting at one of the local steak places to celebrate. She slipped out of her graduation gown and cap. Sliding into the passenger seat, she pulled the visor down to look in the mirror. She groaned and set about fluffing her hair from its cap-flattened shape.

  Nathan started the engine but didn’t move.

  Sydney turned, and he was staring at her. “What? I know. It’s a lost cause, isn’t it?”

  “No. You look beautiful. As always.” He leaned near and brushed her lips with a kiss. “Guess we better get to the restaurant. They’ll wonder where the new graduate is.”

  In minutes, they joined the rest of the crew in an area in the back of the restaurant with several tables pushed together. As they neared, everyone faced her and applauded. Heat rose from her neck into her cheeks. She scurried to her seat and plopped down.

  Nathan draped his arm around her chair back. “Really? You blushed? My strong, confident girl?”

  Sydney elbowed his side.

  “Sydney, congratulations on your graduation. I’m so glad things worked out,” Charlie said.

  “Thanks. Me, too. Especially because I start work in the school system on Monday.”

  “They’re bringing you in now at the end of the school year?” Colton said.

  “Yep. They’re always in dire need for interpreters. By getting in this year, I’ll be in line to go right back at the beginning of the school next year.”

  “Man, that’s not a bad deal to come out of college and right into a job.” Jordan leaned his elbow on the table.

  Sydney nodded. “I know, right?”

  “And am I to gather from your frequent fraternizing with this guy that you two are an item?” Charlie jabbed her thumb toward Nathan.

  Sydney glanced at Nathan. “I’m thinking so.”

  Nathan grinned. “I suppose you could say we’re doing some fraternizing.”

  “I knew it.” Charlie sat back in her seat and folded her arms. “From the moment you spoke of him when we picked you up at that Amish house, I knew something was going on.”

  Jordan leaned forward. “I do believe there are more people who have things to reveal and celebrate today. Am I right?”

  Sydney glanced from Jordan to Charlie. A wide smile spread across Charlie’s face.

  “What? Are you going to keep us in suspense?” Sydney gestured with her hand for Charlie to tell.

  “It seems the stomach bug I had while waiting at the airport in Maryland wasn’t a stomach bug after all.” Charlie glanced at Colton and then at the group. “I’m pregnant.”

  Sydney reached across the table and squeezed Charlie’s hand. “How exciting.” She couldn’t squelch a little squeal.

  Nathan held his hand out to Colton. “Congratulations are in order on the other side of the table.”

  Charlie looked Sydney directly in the eyes. “But I want to tell you that I’m wrapping up this case with Raul. We want to make sure he’s safely locked away from you.”

  A warmth spread across Sydney’s chest. “Thank you.”

  Jordan stroked his chin. “Raul is scheduled to be returned here sometime this week. They’ll be some proceedings to go through, but he’s got lots of things against him on his record.”

  Sydney patted Nathan’s knee under the table. He turned to her. “And everything works out.” She spoke in a low whisper to him only. Surely, this would encourage him.

  He winked and caressed a lock of her hair behind her ear. She suppressed a shiver.


  Nathan heaved a heavy sigh and flung his keys onto the table. He glanced at his watch. Exactly enough time to shower off his shift and pick up Sydney for dinner. Maybe he’d offer a movie.

  He stepped out of the shower and toweled off. His phone buzzed. Was Sydney already home and ready to go? The screen indicated Officer Thomas. Why would she be calling?

  “Hello? Charlie?”

  “Nathan, I received an alert that Raul has escaped during transport to his initial sentencing.”

  His blood froze. “I was just about to pick up Sydney.”

  “Go on as planned, but I’ll text you an address. It’s a cabin. Take Sydney there, and we’ll be in touch. Jordan and I will meet you there later.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He cleared his throat to cover the slight tremor in his voice.

  “Nathan, it’ll be OK. We’ll keep her safe. And we’ll apprehend Raul.”

  “Yeah, I’m leaving in five.”

  He started to call Sydney, but what would he say? Better to hurry over and explain on the way to this safe house.

  How could this be happening? This nightmare was over. Now they were starting another one.

  Did Raul know where Sydney lived? He should have asked where they had lost Raul. Was he near here? His foot stomped the gas pedal. Again, he had to beat this guy to Sydney.

  Nathan slid into the Russell’s driveway, skidding to a stop. Sydney opened the front door. Leaving the truck running, he rushed up to the porch.

  Sydney grinned. “Goodness, are you that eager to eat?”

  “Honey, we need to get away from here. Grab your purse.”

  She sobered. “What are you talking about? You’re scaring me.”

  He rubbed her arm. “I’m sorry. But I was informed that Raul escaped during the transport back here. I need to get you to a safe place.”

  Sydney’s eyes bulged. “What?”

  He eased her keys from her hand and locked the front door. Clutching her elbow, he led her to the passenger side of his truck and practically lifted her onto the seat. A tear trickled down her cheek. She swiped it with the back of her hand.

  “Babe, it’s OK.”

  She turned toward him and a weak smile upturned her mouth. “I trust you.”

  His chest burned. He slammed the car door and ran to the driver’s side. As he backed out, he handed Sydney his phone. “Can you plug this address into the GPS?”

  Now to get her away from here and protect her again. Could he be as successful as he had been before? No, that wasn’t the question. He would protect her no matter what.


  Charlie dreaded the call to Colton, but he needed to be informed about what was going on. In ten minutes, she was leaving with Jordan for the cabin.

  She brought up his number and hit send. Would he be in range? He and Marshall were flying today.

  “Hey, Babe. What’s up?”

  “I was afraid
I might not get you.”

  “We’re sitting in the lobby, waiting for the doctor to finish up here so we can fly home.”

  “Honey, I’m on my way with Jordan to help protect Sydney. Our guy has escaped on transport.”

  “Please be safe.”

  “I will. I’ll try to text you updates. Hopefully, this won’t take long. I sent Nathan up with Sydney. We need to keep her safe, but Nathan could be in danger as well.”

  “Love you. I’ll text when I’m back at home.”

  “OK. Love you.”

  Charlie ended the call. She grabbed a small duffle with a change of clothes and her toothbrush. A vehicle pulled to the curb outside. Jordan. She shouldered her purse and locked the door, practically sprinting to the SUV.

  She slid in the passenger seat and flung her bag into the back. Her adrenaline was up because her insides teemed with electricity. Or so it seemed. “I can’t believe we’re dealing with this guy again.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Jordan’s jaw tightened. “When we get him this time, there will be no slip ups. I’m going to make sure of that.”

  “Nathan was on his way to pick up Sydney anyway. I think they had a date tonight.”

  Jordan nodded. “At least we know without a shadow of a doubt that he’ll protect her at all costs this time.”

  Charlie hooked a lock of hair behind her ear. “You’re right about that. It’s quite obvious when you see them together.” She breathed in and let it out slowly. “I just can’t believe this guy is causing trouble again. I thought this was a done deal, and I would have paperwork after paperwork, sitting at my desk.”

  Jordan glanced at her and returned his gaze to the road. “Listen, you need to take care of yourself, too. There’s more than one of you to be concerned about.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know what I thought it would be like. I think about everything I do and eat and how it affects this baby.”

  Jordan chuckled. “That motherly instinct already kicking in. I remember Alyssa with both of ours. Like a lioness ready to pounce on anything or anyone who might pose a threat to her babies. She’s still like that to a degree. But then again, I guess I would pounce on anyone who would mess with my kids, too. In a heartbeat.” He rubbed his hand down his mouth and chin. “I’ve already had to do more of that than I care to ever do again.” He became quiet.

  She knew exactly where his thoughts were. Remembering the awful kidnapping situation with his son and Rusty. She shivered. They had all protected loved ones in that fiasco. She still bore a scar on her shoulder as a reminder.


  The GPS voice announced they had arrived at their destination. Nathan pulled into the gravel driveway and stopped. He scanned the surroundings and turned to Sydney. “Wait here. I’ll come back for you.”

  She nodded.

  He slipped out of the truck and slid his gun from its holster. Once again, he studied his surroundings. Nothing looked amiss. In fact, the only stirrings were a couple of birds in a nearby tree. He jogged up to the front porch of the small cabin and peered inside the front windows. Dark and still no movement. Replacing his gun, he stooped to locate the rock that contained the key. He shielded his finding with his back and proceeded to unlock the door.

  Easing through the entrance, his hand rested on his gun. He made a quick run through the five rooms. Then he darted back out to the truck and rushed Sydney inside, securing the door.

  After an interlude to the bathroom, Sydney settled onto the couch, pulling her feet under her. She stared at him.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  She crossed her arms over her chest in that confident manner he was becoming used to. “Are you here because you love me or only to protect me?”

  “Yes.” He couldn’t lie to her. She saw right through him.

  She tilted her head. “Yes to what?”

  He eased onto the couch beside her. “Yes, I love you. And because I do, I have to protect you.”

  “Good answer.” She grinned.

  “Thank you.”

  “But you seem to always pull away.”

  There it was. He never felt he was a transparent type guy, but she never ceased to be able to interpret him. “You’re right. I don’t know how this will play out. Suppose Raul tells about me and my drug use? Then what? I don’t think I have another chance. I don’t think I’ll get another do over.”

  Sydney shook her head. “Again with the what ifs.” She cupped his cheek. “Nathan, it’s going to work out. God has a plan. You’ll see.”

  He pulled her close to him, and she leaned her head on his chest. He wanted to believe that and have the trust she had, but it still wasn’t there.

  Crackling gravel brought him to his feet. He moved to the front window and peeked around the frame. Jordan and Charlie. He released the breath he held. “It’s Jordan and Charlie.” He glided to the door and opened it.

  Charlie walked through first, raising a bag. “We brought sustenance. Well, sorta. Not healthy stuff but something to eat.”

  Nathan glanced at Sydney. “Thanks. We didn’t quite get to go to dinner like we planned.”

  Charlie winked. “I figured as much.”

  Jordan plunked into a chair at the small table. “And Sydney, I’m sorry this has happened. But I feel better starting out with having you with us where we’re familiar with the layout.”

  Nathan pulled out a chair for Sydney. “So, what’s the story? How did this guy escape?”

  Jordan sat up straighter. “I don’t have the full details.” He stroked his chin. “Wish I had gone back for him myself.” He shoved a fry in his mouth.

  Charlie looked directly at Nathan. “Now we know everyone is on the same page.”

  Nathan held her gaze. “Yes, you do.” The time had come to tell them his story. No matter how painful to recount. He wanted their trust.


  Nathan settled onto the couch with Sydney tucked under his arm. Charlie and Jordan sat in the two chairs across from him.

  Jordan held up a hand. “Listen, Nathan, you don’t have to share anything you don’t want to. You’ve more than proven yourself reliable in your job.”

  Nathan swallowed and cleared his throat. “But as my friends, I need you to know. I don’t want you to have any doubt about me. In my job or personally.” He glimpsed Sydney. “Should these things come out later, I’d hate for you to be disappointed in me, but…”

  Charlie leaned forward. “We all have a past. Some of it we’re not too proud of.”

  Nathan breathed in deep and let it out. “My dad is retired military. Now he’s a police chief in West Tennessee. I lived some of that military life, moving from place to place, but I liked it. There was never a question about what I was going to do.” He sipped his soda. “I went right in after high school graduation. Everything was going fine until two years in. Working with faulty equipment on duty left me with serious injuries to my hips and legs. In fact, the doctor told me I probably wouldn’t walk again.”

  Jordan propped his elbows on his knees. “Man, I had no idea. But obviously that doctor was wrong.”

  Nathan stood and paced over to the window. “When I saw the disappointment in my father’s eyes, there was no way I was settling for that diagnosis. I begged the doctor to prescribe rehab. He did, along with pain pills. I worked and popped pills. By the time I was actually walking again, I was hooked on the pills. And when you want to buy them, it seems these dealers appear out of nowhere. That’s when I met Raul.” He shook his head. “Then I was determined to make a go as a police officer. I dumped every pill down the toilet before I ever started training.”

  Jordan smiled. “It seems this is where God wanted you.”

  Nathan shrugged.

  Sydney crossed her arms over her chest dramatically. “That’s exactly what I’ve been telling him.”

  All eyes riveted on him. What was he supposed to say? The three people in front of him trusted God wholeheartedly. It worked for them.<
br />
  “There are times we just don’t understand why things happen. But God can use the worst situations to bring good and guidance.” Charlie nodded. “Trust me. I know.”

  Jordan’s phone buzzed. “Wynn. OK. Yes, sir.” He jumped to his feet. “Someone matching Raul’s description has been spotted about five miles from here.”

  Charlie stood. Sydney gasped.

  “Nathan, Charlie and I are heading to that location. You lock the door and close all the curtains. Should anyone try to come inside, you know what to do. We’ll contact you as we are aware of the situation. Should we return to the cabin, we’ll inform you beforehand.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Jordan and Charlie dashed out the front door. Nathan locked it behind them and pulled the small curtain closed then proceeded to secure all of the windows. When he returned to the small living room area, Sydney sat on the couch, hugging her legs with her arms.

  He eased down beside her. “Are you OK?”

  She turned to face him then lunged into his open arms. He held her tight against his chest. Please let this be over with for her sake. Was he resorting to prayer? If that would keep Sydney safe, he’d do it.


  Charlie jumped into the passenger side and secured her seatbelt. She paused, staring and stroking her abdomen.

  Jordan gunned the engine when they reached pavement. “We’re headed to a small diner. I’m not going to use lights or siren. If this is Raul, I don’t want to alert him.”

  Charlie nodded.

  “Captain said there’s only one car and officer. He’s awaiting our backup.”

  “Jordan, I hope this is it.”

  Jordan glanced at her. “Me, too.”

  Moments later Jordan eased into the diner’s parking area. The waiting officer jogged over to Jordan’s window.

  “Officer Weeks, is it?”

  “Yes, sir. The suspect and two others are seated at a booth in the back of the diner.”

  “Are there other patrons?”


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