Book Read Free

Love Me Again

Page 7

by Danyelle Scroggins


  “Aw, what?”

  “I sort of had plans to eat dinner with Veronica.”

  “The girl living in J.J’s loft apartment?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good. Bring her, too, so I can see who is occupying my son’s time.”

  “Now, that sounds like a plan, Mom. What are you cooking?”

  “I’ll cook your favorite if you want me to.”

  “Then I will be there for sure. Let me call Veronica and see if she’d like to come. Hey, Mom, did you call J.J.?”

  “No. We decided that since Jade was here, we’d let him stay home tonight. Maybe he needs time to cool off. You know how your brother can be.”

  “Yes, but you also know if he finds out we had family dinner without him, he’s going to act like Fred Sanford and swear he’s having a heart attack.”

  “You so crazy. ‘Well, Lorene, I guess he’ll be coming to join you.’”


  “I’m just kidding.”

  “Okay, you call him and if he’s still acting crazy, leave him at home. If he sounds like he’s doing better, then tell him I called and told you to call him.”

  “Mom, you know your son. If you don’t call, he’ll say, ‘Why didn’t Mom call me?’”

  “Tell him I called the office and he wasn’t there. At least that won’t be a lie.”

  “I promise, you think of everything.”

  “I have three of the craziest children in this world. I had better be sharp because you three would’ve run all types of game on me.”

  “Ha.Ha. I’m glad you know. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, son. See you tonight.”

  “Jasper, did you hear that?”

  “Yes, I heard you and your oldest plotting on my sweet baby boy.”

  “Oh, so I see what you’re doing. Trying to make sure if it backfires I’ll be the one to blame.”

  “You darn right. He never stays mad at his momma long, but me, he’ll hold it against me until the cows stop jumping over the fences.”

  “I swear I wish you and your sons leave the cows in the pasture and out of our conversations.”

  “Baby, you ought to be happy. You can take the boys off the ranch and put them in a high-powered office and in expensive suits, but you can’t take the country boy out of their hearts.”

  “I guess. Now, pull those potatoes out of the pantry and give me that package of fresh baby carrots out of the refrigerator.”

  “So, I guess Kane gets his favorite. Roast with vegetables.”

  “It’s not like I didn’t already have the roast on. We just won’t have leftovers to last us all week.”

  “Dinner is off.”

  “Stop playing, Jasper, and get me those potatoes.”

  “Give me a kiss and I’ll be your sous chef.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kane hung up the phone from his mother and called his last potential client. When he finished his last phone consultation, he leaned back in his chair and sighed. Today had started out as one of the best days of his life but quickly escalated into one he wanted to forget. He hated when he and Jasper were into it, but sometimes baby brother could be a spoiled brat.

  Kane looked at the paper he’d doodled Veronica’s name on. He needed to call her but wasn’t sure if she’d be ready to meet his parents. But like his mother always said, “Nothing fails if you never try.”

  Kane picked up his cell phone, hit the center button, and asked Siri to call Veronica Kimbrel.

  “Hello, Mr. Jackson.”

  “Hello, Ms. Kimbrel, were you cooking dinner tonight or me?”

  “Since you did such a wonderful job last night, I thought I’d put my hands to work tonight. Only, if that’s alright with you?”

  “Well, I sort of had a change of plans.”

  “Okay, I’ll take a rain check.”

  “No, no. Actually, my mother invited us both to dinner. Do you mind going with me?”

  “To dinner? At your parents’ house?”

  “Yes,” Kane spoke slowly, almost waiting for her to disappoint him.

  “Sure. If they don’t mind having me, I don’t mind coming. Should I meet you there or will we ride together?”

  “I would never ask you to go somewhere and then make you drive. If you don’t mind, I will pick you up at our place around about six o’clock.”

  “Aren’t you so lucky to ask a girl to pick her up and only have to walk across the hall.”

  “I’m not lucky, I’m blessed.”

  “Said the guy who asks me to dinner. I’m the one who’s blessed. But I must admit, I’m also scared.”


  “No one has ever taken me to meet their parents.”

  “That might feel like a problem to you, but it’s my dream come true.”

  “Aw, Kane, you are so sweet.”

  “Girl, you haven’t seen anything yet. And don’t go dressing all up and trying to impress my folks. Be you.”

  “I was thinking of a dress, maybe?”

  “Girl, throw on some old jogging pants and a t-shirt. I’m wearing a Nike tracksuit.”

  “Okay, talk to you later. I have a date at the parents.”

  “Bye, Veronica.”

  “It’s Vee. Talk to you later, Kane.”

  “I stand to be corrected. See you later, Vee.”

  “Music to my ears.”

  He was so glad that Veronica hadn’t turned him down. Now, all he had to do was make the call he dreaded. Jasper. He might as well get it done and over with.

  “Siri, call Jasper.”

  “Yes, Kane, calling Jasper.”

  “Kane, man I’m glad you called.”


  “Yes, really. Man, I wanted to apologize for everything that happened today. I was—as Jasmine says—in my feelings. I shouldn’t have taken things out on you or Jade. I just need to learn how to handle my feelings for her.”

  “First, I accept your apology. Then, Mom called to ask us to come to dinner. But I think Jade is going to be there.”

  “I knew it wouldn’t belong. Mom loves that girl like a daughter, and she was furious with Jade because of me. But, I think I’m going to sit this one out. I think I want the focus to be on Jade and you guys instead of her and I.”

  “I feel you. You sound like you’ve been to the throne.”

  “Man, I have. God has given me the issue, and I deserve every bit of the chastisement. You know, brother, I’m learning that His will must be done whether I want it to or not. And, I also realize how many times I’ve tried to force my will unto Him. Sort of like I do in the courtroom. I appeal heavily to the jurors to get them to do what I want to be done. Today, I think I finally understand that He is not a juror, but the Supreme Judge. His mind will not be persuaded against His Word and in His Word is His will.”

  “Wow, you really have been to the throne. God is so awesome, and it seems like out of nowhere, He will change your heart and mind, but not without showing you how off the tracks you were.”

  “Tell me about it. Man, I was about to wreck my train or let that booger fall off a ledge. Just because I didn’t like how Jade left me. I never once asked God if it was His plan. I just took it upon myself that it was an injustice to me.”

  “Brother, I feel you. That’s sort of how I felt when my parents died. Like it was God setting out to do me harm or to hurt me. God is not that kind of God. And then, He could have taken her when I was in her womb and I’d never have the chance to learn how to live with or without them as parents. They both were here long enough to teach me some wonderful things and then they both loved me enough to give me the greatest god-parents to care for me.”

  “Man, you are a blessing to us. I hope you know that.”

  “Likewise. I can’t imagine being raised by either of my grandparents. I love them, but I see how my aunt’s children are on both sides. I realize that my parents were trying to make a better life for themselves an
d me. I also know we’ve represented five of my cousins and all I could think is, it could have been me on that side of the law.”

  “I feel you. I never thought of that.”

  “Wasn’t for you to think about. God told me so I wouldn’t keep dwelling on could’ve, should’ve, or would’ve. He wanted me to be thankful for all things including the death of my parents. Thankful that they lived as long as they did to teach me such awesome things. Then, how they put guardians in their will so no one would fight over me.”

  “I have to say, they were on it,” Jasper said, nodding his head as if Kane could see him.

  “Yeah, dude, sort of like they knew God was going to take them before I was grown enough to care for myself.”

  “They say, ‘God doesn’t allow anything to come upon us suddenly,’ and I’m beginning to believe that with everything in me.”

  “J.J., the more I look at people’s lives from the outside, the more I can see mine on the inside. We all have seasons, and although I might be laughing, you might be crying. But I can rest assured my crying season is eventually coming, and so is your laughing season.”

  “Amen to that. Well, don’t let me keep you. Go ahead to our parents and have enough fun for me.”

  “I will, and I’ll tell Mom that you wanted to stay out of the way. Hopefully, she’ll understand.”

  “She will.”

  “Have a good night, my brother.”

  “You too.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Veronica was more than surprised to get the call from Kane to go to his parent’s house for dinner. Sure, she totally enjoyed his company on last evening, but was she ready to meet his parents? She’d been around tons of successful men and she’d come to learn that these men normally don’t take women to meet their parents. Unless they were seriously thinking about making them a wife.

  She felt so bad leaving Kane’s this morning. Actually, she’d spent the night with a man for the first time—but on the couch. It wasn’t her intent, but the comfortable home-like feeling she felt at his place took over. Before she could even think twice, she was asleep with her head in his lap.

  When she finally opened her eyes, it was six in the morning and Kane was watching her. Veronica played the scene in her mind again.

  “Oh my goodness, have you been awake all night?”

  “No. I started watching you sleep around about five this morning.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me, Kane?”

  “Why should I? You seemed to be sleeping comfortably and I felt like I was watching Sleeping Beauty.”

  “The nerve of me. I make you sleep on the couch and then have the nerve to be talking to you with morning breath.” She jumped up and smoothed her hair with her hand.

  “Please. I have enjoyed your company to the fullest. Thanks for having dinner with me.”

  “No, I’m the one who should be thanking you. But I must admit I’ve never spent the night with a guy before.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Do I look like that type of woman?”

  “No, that’s not to imply that you just go around sleeping with men. I just meant you’ve never dated a guy that you ended up spending the night with?”

  “Actually, I’ve gone on a couple of dates, but I have never had a serious relationship. I work around so many powerful men and most of them are already married. And those who are dogs want to make you a side-piece and I absolutely refuse to be Bathsheba.”

  “Okay, I get that. But what about in high school?”

  “I was the chubby girl in school and no one ever wanted to take me out. But after my second year in college, I learned how to control my body type which ultimately caused me to lose some weight.”

  “I bet you were just as cute then as you are now.”

  “Only a sweet guy would say that. Thank you, Kane, for being such a gentleman. I will never forget this night.”

  “I won’t either.”

  Veronica smiled.

  Although, she still felt ashamed. She kept going over and over in her mind when she felt sleepy. They were watching a movie and it just came upon her suddenly, she guessed.

  She immediately dropped the papers in her hand and decided, she needed to go home. Her hair needed washing, she needed to get her lashes redone, she needed to go find a decent outfit, and she wanted to call her mother.

  Instantly, she began to become overwhelmed.

  “You have not given me the spirit of fear,” she repeated more than six times.

  Then she began to repeat another one of her spiritual mantras, “Be anxious for nothing, Vee, but with supplication, make your request known.”

  She picked up a notepad and wrote the secretary a note. Then she picked up her purse, grabbed her keys off the office key holder, placed the note on the front desk, and left the office. As she scurried through the hallway, her only thoughts were thoughts of Kane.

  She pushed the elevator down button.

  Pacing as she waited for the elevator to open, she prayed that God had finally brought her to a season for love.

  The door opened and Mr. Esplanade, the CEO of the company, stepped off.

  “Are you gone for the day?”

  “I am. Is there anything you needed?”

  “No, go. I can handle it. Have a good day.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Esplanade, I will.”

  Veronica pushed the ground floor button and waited patiently for the elevator to reach the ground floor. She got off and hustled to her car as quickly as she could. She hit the unlock button on her key fob, opened the car door, threw her purse in the passenger seat, and slid her body into the car.

  She was moving so fast, she had to take a moment to catch her breath.

  “Siri, llama mi la Madre.”

  “Calling your mother.”

  “Hola, cariño. ¿Qué tal tu día?”

  Veronica smiled because just to hear her mother call her sweetheart, softened her resolve. If anyone could make any sense of what was going on, her mother could.

  “Mi dia haber estar fenomenal.”

  ”Alabado sea el Señor Jesús,” her mother said.

  “Praise the Lord,” Veronica replied in English, which usually was a sign to her mother that she wanted to converse in English. Although she was fluent in both languages, English was sometimes seemingly quicker for her.

  “Okay, I sense something.”

  “How do you know me so well, Mother?”

  “You’re my only daughter…why wouldn’t I know your spirit?”

  “Mom, I spent the night with a man.”

  “¿Qué? ¡No puede ser verdad!” Her mother quickly slipped back into her own language.

  “Mom, it is true, but it wasn’t like you’re thinking. I fell asleep in his lap on the sofa and he slept sitting up all night.”

  “Oh, my. So who is this young man?”

  “He’s Kane Jackson, part-owner of Jackson & Booth’s Law Offices.”

  “Okay, so Booth is the guy whose loft you’re leasing?”


  Valerie instantly remembered Jasper’s call, and she was glad she also remembered that her coming would be a surprise. Now, she had an excellent memory and if memory served her right, Mr. Booth called Kane Jackson his brother.

  “So, mi querida hija, what is going on?”

  “Remember, I told you that Jasper was so much friendlier than Kane. Well, Jasper is in love with a woman named Jade. I realized a couple of weeks ago when his sister confronted us at lunch that he was off-limits. He never said it, but by the way she acted, I knew it.”

  “Good, so you read between the lines.”

  “I did. So last night, Kane was cooking and it smelled so good, I knocked on his door.”

  “Girl, he could have been on a date.”

  “I promise my nose was leading me, and my hands knocked before my brain could assess the situation. Lucky for me, he was home alone and cooking for himself.”

  “No, mi hija, you are bless

  “Kane invited me to dinner at his parents’ and I’m going. So, let me tell you all about him. Mom, he’s so nice and so thoughtful. He’s been raised by his god-parents after his parents died on the mission field. He loves the Lord and I told him about me not ever having a date, and he was happy.”

  “You did go on one date, with Rufus Burns to the movies.”

  “Mom, now you know that wasn’t a real date. Rufus made sure everyone knew I was just the fat neighbor he promised to take to see a movie.”

  “I know he feels different now.”

  “Who cares? If you didn’t like me when I was fat, you can’t like me now that I’m fine.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Dinner was ready and awaiting everyone’s arrival. Jasmine and Jade had taken naps like old times, and Jessica couldn’t help but smile to see both of them sprawled across the bed like teenage girls. One day, she’d be able to open the doors of their rooms and see little people.

  Her life had been the picture of perfection. Even with the additional child she had no clue she’d have to raise as her own. Kane brought such a uniqueness to the equation, and he certainly made things even out.

  She had been team Jasper Jr. while Jasper Sr. had been team Jasmine. With the addition of Kane, they both became acutely aware that all of their children needed their attention equally. Jessica even agreed that both J.J. and Jasmine would have been two selfish individuals without Kane. He definitely equalized their home and their love.

  Jessica’s mind drifted back to when her best friend Keisha announced her pregnancy. She and Jasper Sr. had been adamantly trying to get pregnant, but God wasn’t ready to give them what they desired. Keisha waited four months before she announced that she and Kane Sr. were pregnant because she didn’t want to hurt Jessica’s feelings.

  Keisha also promised to share her baby until God sent Jessica hers. The sharing of a baby idea had been a blessing in disguise. Kane Jr. had helped to ease Jessica’s heart and her god-baby meant everything to her. She and Jasper Sr. would keep Kane for weeks and even months whenever his parents went on mission trips.


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