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Love Me Again

Page 8

by Danyelle Scroggins

Their love for him was just as solid as it would have been for their very own child.

  By the time J.J. came along, Kane was five years old and anticipating the baby as much as they were. And, Jessica learned how to equally love the boys, showing no favoritism. She still took the boys everywhere together.

  When J.J turned four and Kane was nine, they found out the Lord had blessed them again. Everyone prayed it was a girl, and God granted them their prayer. The nine-pound six-ounce baby was a girl who Kane named Jasmine.

  Everything was awesome until Jasper Sr. was awakened by a call two years later that Kane’s parents had been killed.

  Instantly, Jessica’s eyes begin to water just thinking of losing her best friend.

  She and Keisha grew up in the same church, but it didn’t take anyone long to see she had the gift of ministry. Soul-winning was better for Keisha than getting her hair done. And all the girls love pretty hairdos.

  They both grew up in Lakeside to parents that didn’t have a lot of money. Jessica’s parents were advocates pushing the agenda of the NAACP, while Keisha’s parents were the assistant pastor and youth leader of their church.

  Marrying Jasper, a sailor, and Kane, an airman, was the best thing they could have ever done.

  Jessica smiled thinking how wonderful it was for them to have both married military. They both thought they were something, and each was so proud of their husbands. After seven years apart, Kane got stationed at Barksdale Air Force Base, and Jasper became an instructor at the US Navy Recruiting Station—both in Bossier City.

  Life was perfect.

  Then came Kane, and life was sweeter.

  Both Kane and Keisha’s families saw Kane as a dollar sign because as soon as they were killed, the families began to fight over Kane. If Kane came with no check, they had no use for him. It took three months for Jasper, who was the executor to open the will, and three days for the judge to order them to bring Kane back to his god-parents.

  Both she and Jasper tried to allow Kane to be a part of his grandparents’ lives. They started off good, making due on promises, coming regularly, but only to drift farther away. If Kane came with no check, they had no use for him. And both Kane Sr. and Keisha, had thoughtfully secured their son’s future.

  When Kane Jr. had finished college or turned twenty-one, he would receive a half of a million dollars. He did and he got all of his money. The Booths were given four-hundred-thousand for raising him, and fifty-thousand a piece went to Jasper Jr. and Jasmine.

  The Booths did what they felt best. They paid forty-thousand in tithe to their church missions’ program, put one hundred-thousand in their account, seventy-five-thousand a piece in a marriage account for each of the three children a wedding gift, and gave Keisha’s and Kane’s mom seventeen-thousand-and-five-hundred-dollars a piece.

  The extra money was a blessing, but Jasper Sr. had done quite well providing for his family. He’d put all three children in college from the sweat of his own brow and made sure he bought their first car. Now, they each were college-educated, self-sufficient, and they managed money just like Jasper Sr. had taught them. Always giving God the first fruit.


  When Jessica looked out the kitchen window and saw Kane driving up, she called for the family to come into the kitchen. The girls assisted her in pulling down plates and gathering glassware and utensils. And by the time Kane and Veronica made it into the house, the table was set.

  They were laughing and talking as usual when Kane entered the kitchen.

  “Hey, fam. This is Vee.”

  “He’s so impolite and country,” Jasmine said.

  “Girl, don’t…”

  “…talk about my boy,” Jasmine and Jade finished Jessica’s sentence and everyone laughed, including Veronica.

  “Baby, pay them no mind. My name is Jessica Booth and I’m this one’s mom,” she said, extending her hand to shake Veronica’s hand.

  “Hello, Mrs. Booth, my name is Veronica Kimbrel and as you’ve heard, Kane calls me Vee.”

  “Well, Vee, it’s a pleasure to meet you. This is my husband, Jasper Sr., and our girls, Jasmine and Jade.”

  “Hello, Mr. Booth,” Veronica walked over and extended her hand to him. She could see that Jasper Jr. was the spitting image of his father.

  “And you know Jasmine,” Kane added, and she waved at the young woman who’d rudely interrupted her and Jasper’s lunch.

  “I’m Jade,” Jade said, walking over and extending her hand.

  Veronica could see how Jasper could remain in love with her. She was gorgeous; simple, but absolutely stunning. Her eyes, hair, shape, and smile were all perfect.

  “Thank you all for inviting me,” Veronica said when she came from under the Jade spell.

  “Well, sit down so we can eat. I’m starving,” Jessica announced.

  “Did you call J.J., son?”

  “Dad, I did, but he decided he needed to stay in. He’s at the feet of Jesus, and by his conversation with me, I can tell God is doing a new thing in my brother.”

  “Hallelujah!” Jessica said. “I’ve been praying for that boy. You all, I want God to show you just how powerful He is.”

  Kane nodded. “Mom, I think your prayers are being answered.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Dinner was magnificent.

  Everyone was full, and while the men retreated to the man’s cave, the women stayed and cleaned the kitchen. Jessica had to admit Veronica fit in just like one of the girls. She was pretty, humble, and was raised just like Jessica prayed for her daughters-in-law to be raised.

  “Vee, I just want to know where on earth did you get that powder pink Nike dress?”

  “Jasmine, I think I got this one and the shoes from Nordstrom.”

  “It is so cute. I was looking at it too,” Jade added.

  “When Kane told me to be comfortable and to wear someone jogging pants, I was like ‘no way.’ So he told me he was wearing a Nike tracksuit, and I decided to do the same, but be girlie.”

  “You did that, lady,” Jasmine said, waving her pointer finger like a wand.

  “I’m glad you all like. I love all things clothes, but since I’ve been here, I haven’t been able to shop.”

  “Why, if you don’t mind me asking?” Jade said.

  “I really don’t have friends, and shopping is boring alone. Jasper was the only person who asked me to do anything besides work.”

  Jade’s ears instantly went up.

  Jasmine had already told her that she thought Veronica was hitting upon him, but she had stopped all of that action.

  “And please let me clarify. He was the first person I met, and he knew I was so homesick. He tried to take me to lunch to cheer me up, and after Jasmine approached the table, I stopped going with him.”

  “Jasmine,” Jade called her name.

  “I was looking out for you, boo. Don’t you see how pretty Vee is? I didn’t want her to move in on my hurting brother.”

  “Girl, Jasper can handle himself. I’m sorry, Vee. As you see, we are a family that has one another’s back,” Jade said.

  “Trust me, I would have done the same for my brother’s girlfriend if I loved her. And I can see this family loves you, Jade.”

  “We’ve been together since I was in elementary school, so we are family. But, I believe if Jasper gives his heart to anyone else, that’s who it belonged to.”

  “You sound like me, Jade. But to be honest, I have never been in a relationship before.”

  “You lie!” Jasmine said.

  “No lie,” Veronica answered back.

  “As pretty as you are? I would think men would be jumping at the opportunity to date you.”

  “I was chubby in school, and fat girls weren’t in style like they are now. I wish I had a Lizzo on the radio when I was coming up,” Veronica said and laughed.

  “I know, right. Girls have no need for low self-esteem these days. And sometimes I just wish their moms were more active in their clothing selection
s,” Jasmine chimed in.

  “My grandmother used to say, ‘Jade just because they made it, doesn’t mean they had you in mind. Trust they already found their niche buyers and you weren’t one of them.’” Jade and the other ladies laughed hard.

  “She was a hoot,” Jasmine said.

  “She was, and I miss her so much.”

  “I know you do. I could tell by how you talk about her. I miss my dad too,” Veronica added.

  “He passed?”

  “Yes, Jade, he was a police officer and was shot in a raid. I do miss him at times. Especially now. I’d love for him to meet Kane.”

  “He’s probably already met Kane’s father in heaven.”

  “You think, Jasmine?”

  “I believe that nothing just happens. And I also believe that people in heaven still petition God when they get there. That’s why I believe lovers find themselves together, even when it seems they live miles away. And why those who truly love stay together, even though they are miles apart. Case in point: Jade and Jasper, and apparently Kane and Veronica. This is going to be a good Christmas in Booth-land.” And all three ladies laughed again.

  “You girls seem to be getting along very well,” Jessica said, entering the place where she’d abandoned them.

  “Mom, Vee is definitely one of us.”

  “So you say, Jasmine. Does she like to shop?”

  “Yes,” both Jasmine and Jade answered.

  “Does she love hard?” Jessica asked.

  “We have to see, given Kane is the first guy she’s ever dated,” Jasmine answered.

  “You lie,” Jessica said, causing Veronica to fall out laughing.

  “So now you know exactly where I got that from,” Jasmine said, now patting Veronica on the shoulder.

  “No, ma’am, it’s not a lie. I was a chubby girl in school and no one wanted to take me out. My neighbor took me to the movies, and he got talked about so badly he never took me again. In college, I started to tone down, but all the guys in the engineering field were already dating. So, I put all my time into becoming the best designer I could be. I actually went to school with Dwight Esplanade, and he hired me for his firm. And all the guys there are married. I was just beginning to feel like love wasn’t meant for me, especially when Jasmine told me off about J.J.”

  “Jasmine did what?”

  “Jasper Jr. took me out for lunch, and Jasmine made sure to come over to the table and tell me he was taken. I thought he was cute, but I hadn’t started to think he likes me. Then I told him I definitely was not going to be in a web, so we can be friends.”

  “Of course he agreed,” Jessica said.

  “Then I was on my way back to the loft. Jasper rented me the downtown loft across from Kane. Kane wasn’t so friendly like Jasper was. He almost seemed arrogant. But this particular day, it was smelling so good in his place I knocked on the door.”

  “You did what?” Jasmine asked.

  “I knocked. I just wanted to see what he was cooking.”

  “Girl, what if he had company?” Jessica asked.

  “You know my mom asked me the same thing. I guess I would have been so embarrassed and explained that I was an ex fat girl who loved food.” They laughed, but Jessica didn’t find that amusing.

  “You are not an ex fat girl, and I don’t want you to ever say that again. You are a beautiful young lady who used to be a plus-sized beautiful young lady. Period.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Now continue on. We are listening,” Jessica said, pointing at the two beside her.

  “He invited me to come in and eat with him. We ate and had so much fun together, and I ended up falling asleep on his sofa with my head in his lap.”

  “And y’all slept like that all night?” Jade asked.

  “Yes, and I was so ashamed. I’ve never spent the night with a man, and I really didn’t think it to go like that.”

  “Girl, my brothers are gentlemen. Even if you were loose, he would have escorted you out. I think Kane knows you’re a keeper.”

  “Thanks, Jasmine.”

  “No, thank you, for being a lady,” Jessica said.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The ride home was quiet, and although Kane wanted to drill her on what she, his mother, and sisters were talking about, he decided to allow her to tell him. Prying wasn’t cool. He turned onto I-20 going east and turned down the music.

  “Did you enjoy the dinner?”

  “Man, your mother can cook. That food was so good, it took everything in me not to ask for more.”

  “You could have.”

  “No, I couldn’t. I already exercise thirty minutes longer than the average woman and every day except Sunday. I can’t afford to allow myself to get f… No, to become a plus-size lady again.”

  “So Mom checked you about that fat stuff, huh?”

  “How did you know?”

  “My mom was chubby, too, and she didn’t change her weight until she hit forty. It was her gift to herself. She will never allow us to downplay or hurt anyone who is plus-sized.”

  “She’s a special lady.”

  “That she is.”

  “So, how about Jasmine and Jade?”

  “I love both of them. Jade is so stunning, and Jasmine is just as cute as your mom. They look so much alike.”

  “I know. And Jade is pretty. She’s been in every beauty pageant in Shreveport and has won them all. She was even about to run for Ms. Louisiana in college and decided she didn’t want to be away from J.J. How ironic, she ended up leaving anyway?”

  “You know God is in control, and He sometimes makes moves that we don’t understand until much later. Like me coming all the way to Louisiana when I had four jobs to contact me in Florida.”

  Kane pulled up into his parking space, looked at Veronica and said, “He was looking out for me. Thank you, Big Guy,” Kane pointed up towards heaven and winked his eye.

  “You are silly.”

  “No, I’m satisfied and happy.”

  “Me too.” And they both went quiet again.

  “Did Mom tell you about the Christmas In The Field Benefit?”

  “I heard her and the girls discussing it, but I didn’t feel right questioning them about something I wasn’t invited to.”

  “Well, I would love for you to be my date. Would you?”

  “Kane, are you sure?”

  “I wouldn’t have asked you if I wasn’t. As a matter of fact, can we make it official and declare tonight that we are now dating?”

  “Kane. Are you sure you want to date me?”

  “Girl, if you ask me if I’m sure one more time, I’m going to kiss you until you see just how sure I am.”

  “Are you—“

  And before she could say another word, Kane pulled her close and began kissing her. He could tell that she hadn’t done much kissing, but after a few minutes, she settled into his groove and it felt natural.


  “Wow what, Veronica?”

  “You kissed me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like I’ve dreamt of being kissed my entire life.”

  “If it’s alright with you, I think I’d like to kiss you for the rest of your life. Is that alright?”

  “Only if you marry me, can you kiss me like that ever again.”

  “Girl, I am going to marry you and kiss you all the days of our lives.”



  “How do you know you want to be with me?”

  “Girl, when you first walked into our office, I knew you. You just didn’t see me for looking at my brother.”

  “I did see you, but I also saw how mean and seemingly arrogant you were.”

  “I told you, that was just me looking past the beauty to see if I could see your heart.”

  “Well, did that work?”

  “It did. And the day J.J. took you to lunch, I was sitting four tables over by the wall. I looked at how you watched him, and I
could tell something was brewing but your eyes didn’t reach his heart. I knew then I had a chance.”

  “I could tell that Jasper was trying too hard to be with another woman, and I had already been told about Jade. That day, I told him that I think he should continue to wait on her and I’m glad I did. Jade loves him just as much as he loves her.”

  “You saw all of that tonight?”

  “I most certainly did. And I also saw how much your parents loved you. No one could have ever told me that they weren’t your biological parents.”

  “I know, right?”

  “Yes, and they love one another too.”

  “My parents are a mess. You’d think they were still teenagers in love sometimes, and we can appreciate their example of what marriage is supposed to be. We’ve seen them struggle, love hard, fuss hard, then love hard again. And we have never ever heard either of them mention the word divorce.”

  “Not even playing?”

  “Never. Dad said that word could not even come into his home and we never said it either.”

  “Now that’s wonderful. It’s how all Christian marriages should be. Married couples ought to look at the word divorce as the devil's favorite word and keep it out of their homes and lives.”

  “Amen, and I plan on doing the same thing in my household.”

  “So, do you want children?”

  “I want as many as you agree to give me. The question is, how many children are you going to give me, Vee?”

  “I’ve always wanted more than two because I and my brother seem to be on separate planes. He’s so much younger than I am, and he just wasn’t interested in anything except video games and skateboards.”

  “I think I brought a balance in for J.J. and Jasmine. The fact that there was always a big brother around gave each of them the opportunity to have someone other than each other. Then by the time we were old enough to know about friends, Jade was always around.”

  “You can tell she’s more like a daughter.”

  “She is. My parents vowed to have daughters-in-love instead of daughters-in-law. They said our mates would be an extension of our family and we would act like such with one another.”

  “I can tell it’s working because they treated me just like they did Jasmine and Jade. I’m so happy to be a part of your family.”


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