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Midnight Milkshakes: Ice Cream And Suicide Vol. II

Page 2

by Jack Ray

  You confronted those feelings

  Now I’m nothing to you

  Like I always was or will be

  But tell me this

  How long do you expect to go

  Before telling him the truth.

  A Song To Show Me

  Every song I hear reminds me of you

  How you’d sing ever so beautifully

  This music we shared

  You loved what I loved

  And now the radio is full of your voice

  So on my knees I pray to God for silence.

  This Bouquet, You Never Received

  I hate that I know you

  All of you

  The superficial

  The intimate

  Damn near everything

  I hate that you threw it all away

  For no reason at all…

  Untitled V

  The miles chewed you up

  And spat you out.

  Missing Persons

  A picture of us from the past

  Caused me so much hurt

  Not because I miss you

  Not because I love you

  Not because we seemed so happy


  Because the girl in the picture

  She was almost unrecognized

  She passed away what seems like

  A lifetime ago.

  Drowning Demons

  The rain calls out your name

  With every single drop

  The sky is crying for you, you know

  The Earth knows what She lost.

  I’ve Waited Here For You

  This world without you

  It seems so meaningless

  Eyes frosted with bloodied tears

  Blinds me from moving on

  Seeing only this moment

  Forever living this life without you.

  It’s called Everlong…

  Untitled VI

  And how quickly

  It withers


  Cookie Dough

  And how you play it off

  Like you never even met me

  How we never happened

  As if I was never a part of your life

  When it was me in the spotlight

  That pains me the most

  That you’re lying to yourself

  To your friends

  To your family

  And you’re lying to me

  The one you used to call your best friend

  Your closeted lover

  The one who’d do anything for you

  And you might try to erase me

  Forget me

  Or whatever the hell you do

  To get past the thought of me

  But I’ll never forget you

  Especially how you treated me

  In the end.

  Chocolate And Strawberry Please

  You mean a lot to me

  You mean a lot to me too

  I care about you

  I care about you too

  I miss you so much

  I miss you so much too

  I love you.

  You mean a lot to me

  I know

  I care about you too

  I know

  I miss you so much


  I love you

  I know.

  You mean the world to me

  I care about you so much

  I can’t wait to see you

  You know I love you

  You know I never did.

  And Ryo Finally Reveals Himself

  I want you back so bad

  So bad, you can’t even imagine that

  And you don’t even think about us

  What I’d do for you

  How much I loved you

  You’ve thrown away our past

  Full of happiness

  And there’s nothing you want to do to fix this

  I can’t understand

  Begin to imagine why

  With you everything seemed so perfect

  So tell me why you lied

  This heartache stings

  I T’ S K I L L E D M E

  I loved you forever

  But you just let me die

  And die

  And die

  So I no longer sleep

  I stay up, tears flooding my floor

  Tears of a better life

  Memories so beautiful in shape

  You poisoned me with loss

  Left untreated and alone

  I can’t quite see it

  How you got so cold.

  Still Watching?

  He will never love you as much as I have

  And I would rather die

  Knowing that as fact

  Than continue living in this lie.

  Untitled VII

  You became the one thing

  You swore to never become

  A manipulator

  A liar

  A fake

  A cheat

  But more importantly

  My traitor.

  The Tragedy Of Secret Lovers

  I guess it’s poetic

  Because I know how he must have felt

  When you went from him to me

  In a matter of seconds

  I know…

  You did the same thing to me

  You broke my heart and moved on to a new victim

  So yeah I know how he must have felt

  In fact

  I know how he feels to this day

  Because I still think of you every now and then

  I’m sure he does too

  But you


  You don’t remember at all do you?

  You wipe your memory clean

  Just to do it all over again

  So if you’re anything

  Like I know you are,

  I pray for your new host

  And certainly the one that follows.

  In Your Room // Braces

  Waking up to your girl

  Who is no longer interested in you

  Prompted by nothing

  No trouble

  No fights

  Has its own suspicions attached

  And even in my darkest hours

  I told you we could work it out,

  I don’t want to try again right now…

  Or anytime soon.

  The Skylift, That’s My Favorite

  Like air you are free

  Leaving my body behind

  Slipped away; breathless.

  Christmas Lights In The Park

  And I guess you were just as bad

  As those ex’s you talked about

  I learned that the hard way when I realized

  I couldn’t trust you in the slightest.

  Obsession // Self-harm

  Rain falls over head

  Reminding me not to leave my bed

  And everyday I wake to pain

  Forever aching since you came.

  Half Shell

  I can’t stand to see myself

  Back at me, a failure

  I failed to keep you happy

  I failed to keep you here

  And when you stare at yourself long enough

  You know you’re different

  You’re changed


  And there’s nothing you can do to fill that

  That hole in your heart

  It’s as if I’m half the man I used to be

  And my other half has just walked away

  So I continue to stare at this mirror

  Begging to be released from this

  Begging to be dead.

  I Never Felt It Back

  You made me believe it was so real

  When really,

  I was never anything more

  Than convenience to you.

  They Hurt You The Most // Pretty Good Lot

  I left you before

  Back then

  And y
ou called out my name again

  You were broken

  And my heart still beat for you

  So I came back

  I healed your aching heart

  I sewed up your wounds

  But you payed me back with abuse

  You tore my heart out

  You shattered me to dust

  You were merciless

  And I know that you have no intentions

  Of resurrecting me

  The way I did to you.

  Good Morning Beautiful

  How hard it is

  Waking up in a bed without you

  While you spend your nights with him.

  PTC Paper

  You’re not wide awake at night

  Thinking of reaching out to me

  With tears rolling down your cheeks


  And that’s the reason I’m wide awake at night

  Reaching for the blade

  Allowing these drops of red to slide down my bed


  Because I know you

  I know you would never try for me

  You don’t even try for yourself.

  Big Hearts // Slave Away

  Seeing nothing but the good in someone

  Who never saw a damn thing in you

  Is the worst.

  They Already Think We Are

  You were my number one

  My partner

  And we spent every second

  Of every goddamn day together

  So how the fuck am I supposed to go on

  Without you.

  The Bill

  How used

  How manipulated

  Letting me in to strike at the heart of another

  Sacrificing my life

  For the sake of your own

  And I believed it too

  Thought we were real

  And I loved you so so much

  I was sure of that,

  But under that thick smile

  Under those thick lies

  You never felt anything like you said you did

  You never wanted me like you said you did

  What you wanted was company

  To help you get through the days

  To not feel that feeling, loneliness

  You were alone, so you found me

  To make you happy when he couldn’t

  To help you when he couldn’t

  To listen to you when he wouldn’t

  I was there

  I was always there

  And dammit I fell so hard for you

  It worked, all the lies of wanting me

  And now what

  You found your way back into his arms

  After all we did behind his back

  E R A S E D

  After all we shared

  E R A S E D

  After how we loved

  E R A S E D

  And to go from love to hate so quickly

  In an instant

  Without any warning

  Must be the work of him.

  Win Me A Prize // Cranes

  I wish you’d escape my mind

  As fast as I escaped your heart.

  FaceTimed Out

  She looks so sweet when you find her

  But she’s a bad, bad girl

  You wanna believe she’s pure

  But she’s the furthest thing from it

  So please, don’t make the mistake of thinking

  She would change her ways for you.

  And You Don’t Even Look Anymore

  I first saw you

  And I never thought you’d be a part of my life,

  Was I lucky to have been so wrong

  Or was having you nothing but a curse.

  Can I Have A Hug?

  I let myself trust you

  That was my biggest mistake

  I thought we were lock and key

  But you tore us to shreds

  Making confetti out of my love

  And as I hit the floor my mind went numb

  You never gave me a chance

  To imagine a life without you.


  The sky cries

  And I can’t help but miss you in the storm

  Hoping the tears will wash away

  All my memories of you.

  The New Cancer

  I was unpacking my belongings when it hit

  The gradual slowdown of movements

  As I stared at the chipped white wall ahead

  I held back that urge to cry

  But it stung like a motherfucker

  Knowing I’d lost you for good

  Knowing I have found myself

  Crawling back into bed with Loneliness

  The only one who accepts me for me

  The only one I’m burdened to live with

  Although I choose to love you instead…

  Python II

  A perfect machine is not put out of working order

  Without the interference

  Of another variable.

  Throat Of The World

  Molten ember lust blanketed the cobalt sky

  Surrounded by our celestial bodies shining bright

  In desire

  It was like making love

  Being in each other’s presence as we danced

  To the moonlight symphony

  But earth continued it’s rotation on us

  And rotations lead to spins

  And spins to distance

  And your flare began to fade with time

  In a fiery explosion you erupted

  Dissolving into stardust

  Leaving the sky empty

  Leaving my heart voided

  Tears stained the starlight dance floor

  Who would share this moonlight with me?

  So I too froze myself, dying out in a vacant light

  And all along the suns

  And the cosmos

  Constantly sought your return

  And all along the suns

  And the cosmos

  Constantly seek your return.

  And You Love This Kind Of Shit

  I’ve been entombed in a coffin of loss

  I count my breaths in hopes

  Of your saving grace once more

  Though I know you’ll have me buried in it.

  Green Jacket

  Seal my eyes

  Lock my heart

  For I never want to feel this love again

  It was the strongest I’d ever felt

  So real

  Yet to you so fake

  The heartbreak after was enough to kill me…

  So I let it.

  Ants From Up Here

  How long can I go

  Distracting my mind from you

  Before groveling to the gods

  For your return.

  April Showers

  It’s 2:39 in the morning

  When I record the time of death

  I should be asleep

  But She is keeping me up in my head

  Our room, so cold and close

  We watch together

  The last petal fade from Her

  And all the while the final grain

  Falls from the hourglass making a seemingly

  Earth shattering clunk as it hits the bottom

  She just wanted to be called Lily

  But everyone knew She’d be better off

  As Bloodroot.

  -I think if I had a back up I’d own like a greenhouse, you know with flowers and stuff.

  -Do you remember myyyy favorite flower??

  -Of course I do…

  Untitled VIII

  I was building you a monument

  While you were digging me a grave.


  The fire in our love, born from the dark

  Behind the back of an unsuspecting one

  Birthed from under the covers

  But when the last love left you

  I moved
up to take his place

  The fire in our love grew dim to your taste

  What seemed like love to one

  Was only company to the other

  We died from under the covers

  When you strangled your former lover.

  Floral Sundress // Pink Skies

  And evermore the sun and the moon

  Will still make love to your beautiful skin

  Not realizing how lucky they truly are.

  Sweethearts <3

  And somewhere out there I know

  You’re making drunken love to a man

  Who only cares about you when he’s not sober.


  Every morning I’m sick

  Feeling ill and insanely tired

  My first thoughts are of you

  Probably from that nightmare

  I just so happened to wake up from

  And it kills my mood and will to live

  So I lie here in bed for an hour or two

  Thinking of all the ways I used to love you

  It only hurts me more

  Confuses me more

  I can’t understand it

  Why you left me so damaged

  The way you just disappeared

  What did I do to see this side of you?

  And when I finally get up to sob in the shower

  I dream of all the ways to get you back


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