Book Read Free

Stolen Warriors

Page 3

by S. Dalambakis

  I watch Finley as she places her now empty glass on the counter, walks back into the living room, and sits in the chair. The slit in her skirt parts around her thigh, showcasing her creamy skin, which gets more exposed as she crosses one leg over the other. The strap that holds her dagger is revealed. As if she couldn’t get sexier. I have to hold back a moan. My eyes travel up her body, taking in every curve. Her arms are crossed over her chest and she has a scowl on her face. If looks could kill, we would all be dead on the spot.

  “Are we doing this or what? I don’t have all night. I do have a trip to plan for,” Finley practically growls.

  All of us shuffle to the only remaining seating space available, a small couch. The three of us wiggle, uncomfortably, onto it. It groans under the weight of all of us.

  “What are you expecting out of all of this?” Verkor questions.

  “I expect the piece of the map. Why else would I be doing all of this?”

  “Why do you want to find the pieces of the map?”

  “You said it yourself, Obsidian, I live in a piece of shit. I’m an acquisition specialist, and not by choice, but by necessity.”

  I snort. “You mean a thief for hire.”

  Finley rolls her eyes. “Anyway, finding this map, this treasure, is everything. It could change everything.”

  “Surely, there are other ways for you to go about this, safer ways,” Verkor states.

  Finley shrugs her shoulders. “There could be, but I don’t know of them. This kind of just dropped in my lap. What would you do if you were told that collecting pieces of a map will lead you to a massive treasure? You would try. You wouldn’t care about the risk.”

  “You just said that you barely escaped with the first piece of the map. Do you really think getting the rest of the pieces is going to be easy?” Obsidian bellows.

  “Of course I don’t, but I’m still going to do it anyways,” Finley huffs. I clear my throat to break up the tension.

  “What do you mean, about how you learned of the map?” I ask.

  “Izzy, my witch friend, had a vision. When she came out of it, she recited the first part of the poem. We deciphered it and it lead me to the White House and the first part of the map. It wasn’t until I came home with the map and she had a vision for the second part of the poem. It was then that she vaguely remembered a story she was told when she was younger about parts of a map being scattered, but she couldn’t remember the details.”

  “Speaking of the first piece, you never did tell us how you obtained that piece of the map. From what I hear and know, the White House is heavily guarded.”

  “Oh, it is, and I didn’t escape that unscathed either.”

  All three of us growl. “Explain,” I say.

  “What is there to say? I went in, retrieved what I was after, and I’m lucky I got out. I got a neat scar on my side from being shot at.” She smiles, like it was nothing. Like getting shot at was no big deal.

  “WHAT?” Obsidian bellows.

  “No need to get your panties in a twist now. I’m fine and still breathing. Though, it did take me out of commission for a while.” She sighs. “Which means that I’m behind in completing orders for my customers. But this mission is for me, and if I succeed, then I don’t have to continue doing what I’m doing.”

  Finley pulls a small, thin knife from a slot in the side of her corset. She starts to pick under her nails with it. All of us shift slightly.

  “Um, how many weapons are you hiding?”

  “On my person, or everywhere?”

  My eyes widen and I start really looking at the room. How many weapons could she be hiding right here, right in the room? I focus my gaze back on her before I answer. “On your person.”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know? I could tell you, but I think I’ll keep you on your toes, and keep you guessing.”

  All I could do was nod my head in agreement. Mental note, do not piss your mate off... again. I’m pretty sure we’re all lucky that she didn’t throw that knife, or impale us with some other weapon.

  “Are you going to help me or not? I know this isn’t the safest mission, but I kinda feel like this was supposed to happen. Whether I do this alone or not, is on you, because I’m going to continue until I find the other pieces and nothing you say will change that.”

  “I’ll help you,” I say. I really should have thought this through, but I can’t... no, I won’t let my mate go. I just found her, no way am I going to lose her now. Every head in the room turns toward me. “What? Are you two seriously going to sit here and tell me you’re not coming, that you’re not going to go, simply to protect your mate?”

  “We were going to try and talk her out of it?” Obsidian growls.

  “Look, I don’t like the thought of her doing this any more than you guys do, but how is this really any different than what she’s currently doing? How is it more dangerous? Her life is at risk regardless. At least this way, I can be there to help, to protect her. Besides, even though we don’t know her that well yet, and the fact that she said she is going to do this with or without our help, I believe she would. How will you feel if something did happen to her and you weren’t there to stop it?”

  Verkor’s and Obsidian’s shoulders slump in defeat. They know I’m right, and just to reiterate my point, Finley whoops.

  “Stolas, you are officially my favorite.” I turn, looking her in the eyes, and smile as wide as I can.


  I would really like to punch the smug look off of Stolas’ face. The only reason why he’s Finley’s favorite is because he agreed to help her. He would be just as screwed as the rest of us if he had said no and taken our side. I also hate the fact that he’s right. Am I really willing to let my mate go into territories and places she doesn’t know? I scowl. Of course I’m not.

  “‘I’ll go too,” Verkor states. “You can’t go where the map is without my help anyways.”

  “Yes, two down, one to go,” Finley says. I know they are all looking at me, waiting on my answer.

  “I’ll go, but I want it known that I’m vehemently against this whole idea.”

  “Hell yeah.” Finley jumps up from the chair, quickly placing a kiss on Stolas’ and Verkor’s cheeks. She stops in front of me. “I’m still mad at you, but thank you for coming.” She leans down, placing a kiss on my cheek. I place my hands on my thighs, squeezing tightly, so I don’t reach out and pull her down onto my lap and kiss the hell out of her. This is testing my control to its limit. Thankfully, she backs up and sits back down on her chair, putting her knife back in her corset.

  “Now that we’re all on board, let’s talk about the mission. What are we going to need and where are we going?” She looks to Verkor. “Also, is it rude to ask to see your wings?”

  “As a general rule of thumb, don’t go around asking fae to see their wings. Some will take offense, some won’t. Though the majority of the time, in the Winter Court, their wings will be out.”

  “Noted. But you didn’t answer if I could see yours.”

  Verkor sighs. “I will grant your wish. You’ll see them soon anyways.” Finley pauses for a moment.

  “Wait. Is that where we’re going? The Winter Court?”

  Verkor nods as he stands.

  “Awesome.” Her eyes shine with excitement.

  He pulls his shirt off, and in the next second a pair of black wings erupt from his back. He turns, presenting them to Finley. I hear her inhale a breath. She slowly rises from her chair and stands behind Verkor, a few inches separating them. Her hand reaches up to touch them but just before she does, she stops.

  “They are gorgeous. May I touch them?” she asks breathlessly.

  “Yes.” Verkor fists his hands. I don’t think he wants her touching his wings, but since she is his mate, he is willing to let her do it.

  I watch as she lightly runs her fingers across the top of his wings and down the curve. Her fingers trace an individual feather, causing Verkor to shiver.

“Are you okay?” Finley asks. All Verkor could do is nod, and she continues on her examination of his wings. Watching her touch him, even if it just his wings, makes me jealous. I want her hands on me, touching me, caressing me.

  “Finley.” Her name barely a whisper from his lips. His breathing has escalated and I realize it’s not that he doesn’t want her touching them, it’s the fact that it turns him on. I don’t think Finley notices what she’s doing to him. Her sole focus has been on his wings. Touching and tracing each feather.

  “They’re so soft,” she whispers, her breath making the feathers move. A shiver runs through Verkor’s body. “The color is beautiful. Chameleon, changing from deep purple to blue, and then to green.” Verkor closes his eyes. I watch as he clenches and unclenches his fists. He’s trying to keep control, but he’s losing. His breathing increases with every pass that her fingers make across his feathers. He’s not going to be able to hold on much longer. “But it’s when the light hits them a certain way, and they get this teal sheen to them... that’s when they really shine.”

  “Finley,” he says a little louder.


  “I need you to stop, please.” She pauses in her stroking, looking up even though his back is to her. The second that she stops, Verkor takes a slow and steady breath. He turns to face her.

  “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t help myself. Your wings are beautiful.”

  “Thank you, but that’s not why I asked you to stop.” She cocks her head to the side.

  “Then why?”

  “Wings are sensitive. When you touch and stroke them like that, it’s very...pleasurable.”

  “Oh.” I watched as a slow smile crept across her face. “So, what would you do if I did this?” she asks as she closes the space between them.

  The next thing I see is her grabbing a fist full of feathers on each wing. She releases them, but instantly threads her fingers in them again. Over and over I watch her repeat the motion, until Verkor finally snaps. His arms go around her waist, hauling her closer, until not an inch of space separates them. One of his hands goes to the back for her head, crushing his lips to hers. It takes everything I have not to get up and rip them apart. There is a change in the air, and suddenly some unknown female in standing in Finley’s living room. Stolas and I are up and in front of Finley and Verkor in a blink of an eye.

  “Who the hell are you?” I question. The female has mocha skin and dark green eyes, and dreadlocks reaching her waist. There is a hoop in the side of her nose and gauges in her ears. There are a multitude of bracelets on both of her wrists. The black skirt she’s wearing is ankle length and billowy. Her top is white and cuts off at the ribs, showcasing her flat stomach. A chunky, metal belt sitting on her waist.

  “I’m Finley’s best friend, Izadora. Who the hell are all of you?” She puts her hands on her hips, glaring at us. I glare back, crossing my arms across my chest.

  “We’re her mates.”

  Chapter 3


  I’m oblivious to what is going on around me. Verkor is masterfully kissing me. I only did what I did to see how far I could push him. I figured that he would have shoved my hands away from him, or even put his wings away. I didn’t see him grabbing me and kissing the hell out of me. I tug lightly at the feathers still in my grasp, which causes him to flex his hips. I feel his rock hard, and might I say impressive, length against my lower stomach. I moan, causing Verkor to tighten the grip of the hand that is tangled up in my hair. He licks the seam of my lips, before plunging his tongue into my mouth. Man, he tastes amazing.

  “Do you think you two could come up for air?” A voice says from somewhere behind me. I use one hand to wave them off.

  “Honestly, I’m impressed they haven’t already. They have been going at it for a little while now,” Stolas states.

  “I can tell. They’re practically dry humping each other.”

  “I wouldn’t mind.” I smile against Verkor’s mouth. He pulls back slightly.

  “I guess, they need our attention.”

  “It’s a shame really. I really would have liked to continue this, preferably with a soft surface beneath us.” He growls, holding me tighter, before placing another bruising kiss to my lips.

  “We’ll pick this up later.” He pulls completely away from me, putting his wings away at the same time, picking up his shirt and putting it back on. I sigh and he chuckles. “Later, I promise.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” I turn to see who interrupted my fun. Yea, I know I said I was going to make them work for it, but Verkor’s body is a work of art, and I just couldn’t help myself. Through the small gap between Stolas and Obsidian, I see Izzy standing there. I push my way through the wall of muscle standing in front of me, crossing my arms, and give my best friend the glare of death. “You better have a good reason for interrupting me.”

  “Well, I live here for one. Plus, you said we were going to come up with a plan to retrieve the next piece of the map once you got where it was at.” Izzy crosses her arms over her chest and stares right back at me. “It’s not my fault you decided to think with your vagina. I’ve been standing here a good five minutes talking to two guys who claim they’re your mates. Yet, here you are sucking face with a third guy. Care to tell me how you were probably minutes away from an orgy happening in our living room?” I couldn’t stop myself, I laughed, which made Izzy laugh. She’s probably right. I will save that thought for a later time.

  “I’m pretty sure our mate is insane,” Stolas exclaims. “I think I’m in love.”

  “You said that earlier after she pulled a dagger on that demon at the bar,” Obsidian states.

  “Oh, I haven’t forgotten. That was hot.”

  It takes me a minute but I get myself under control, as does Izzy. “You remember the first part of the poem.” Izzy nods her head. “Well.” I gesture my hand to each of the guys.

  “Are you kidding me? It’s true? I mean I knew the map piece was true. You came home with it, but I didn’t think too much pass that. When I had that vision, I didn’t think you would be one to fulfill it.” Izzy shakes her head. “I thought it was a fluke. You found and retrieved the piece without fulfilling everything in the first part of the poem. Then I had a vision for the second piece.” She shrugs her shoulders. “I didn’t know what to think.”

  “I didn’t either. I thought, if I can gather all the pieces, I can try to get the treasure myself. If that didn’t work, I could sell it at a hefty price.” I sigh. “I went to that bar again, and they finally showed up. I used my violin, played two songs, and it didn’t affect any of them. I thought it did until I sat at their table and started talking to them. It took me a minute, but I figured it out. I tried to leave, but Stolas stopped me, begging me to stay.”

  “I did not beg,” he huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Don’t lie, you did. Anyway, he told me that the reason the spell and magic didn’t work on them was because they’re my mates.”

  “That’s not the only reason we know.”

  I turn to look at Stolas. “Oh, and what is the other reason?”

  “Your scent.”

  “Excuse me? Are you saying that you know that I’m your mate because I smell?”

  He sighs. “You don’t smell bad, quite the opposite in fact. Shifters know by scent when they meet their mate. It’s a primal calling to our animal side.”

  “So, your animal, your hellhound, chose me to be his mate?” He nods. “Don’t you get a say?”

  “We’re essentially the same person. We have independent thoughts and feelings, but we generally agree on the same thing.”

  “You mean to tell me that your beast is intelligent?” His eyes flash red for a quick second. If I blinked, I would have missed it.

  “He takes offense to that, and of course he’s intelligent.”

  “I guess I’ll have to apologize when I see him.”

  “He likes that idea. He wants you to pet him.”

  I’m not touching that one, the hellhound, yes, that statement, no. Instead, I choose to ignore it. I turn to Obsidian, with his ever present scowl on his face. “How exactly does that work for a hamrammr? Does every animal you shift into have to agree?”

  “No, the essence of my shifting ability agrees. It’s that essence that helps me shift into those animals,” he shrugs his shoulders.

  “Soooo, you have a ghost in you.”

  “No,” Obsidian scowls.

  “A mist then.” He closes his eyes, rubbing the bridge of his brow.

  “Not exactly, it’s hard to explain. It doesn’t have a clear image in my mind because I have the ability to change it into any animal.”

  “Interesting. And this,” I wave my hand around trying to find the right word, “blurry image, liked my scent?” He nods. “Well, that’s not weird or anything,” I murmur. I know he heard me. Shifters have heightened senses, hearing being one of them. I glance at him and see that he’s rubbing the back of his neck. Oo, someone is uncomfortable.

  “Can we change the topic?”

  “Yeah, how about the fact the first part of the poem was true,” Izzy says.

  “What do we really know about the map? You don’t remember the story.” My irritation comes out in my voice.

  “The gist of the legend is the map was scattered to keep the treasure hidden,” Verkor responds. “When the right person came along, they would be able to collect all the pieces and it would lead them to the treasure.”

  “And I’m the right person?”

  “It would seem so. As Izzy stated, all parts of the first part of the poem came true. As much as I would like for you not to do this, I know you’re going to regardless,” Verkor sighs.

  “You know what this means, right?” Izzy say, bouncing slightly on her toes. Everyone looks at her. “It means that Finley is the right person. It means that you guys are going to find the map pieces, and you are going to find the treasure.”


  There’s no way that I can talk her out of going now. I’ve heard rumors about the Winter Court King, and how unhappy his subjects are. I don’t have any firsthand experience with his current dealings. I tend to stay away from the Winter Court because I don’t have fond memories of being there. If the rumors are true, there is no way I would let Finley go without me. She’ll be safer and her passage easier if I’m with her. I just don’t know if I’m ready to face the past I’ve been running from, but Finley isn’t going to give me that option. I can tell that she is dead set on going.


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