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America's Reluctant Prince

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by Steven M. Gillon

  Karan, Donna, 247

  Katzenbach, Nick, 264

  Kempton, Murray, 86, 203

  Kennedy, Caroline

  adding casual informality to White House, 37, 39

  arriving at White House, 19

  birth of, 11, 13

  birthday letters from Lyndon Johnson, 87–88

  brother Patrick’s birth, 38

  celebrating Christmas in Palm Beach, 66

  at Concord Academy, 102

  daily schedule of, 34–36

  free time with Sydney Lawford, 73

  inheriting George magazine, 402

  Jackie’s final illness, 210

  Jack’s death and, 53, 55

  on John and Anthony’s relationship, 315–316

  John’s birth and, 16–17

  John’s feud with, 373–378, 384

  at John’s memorial service, 399

  John’s personality and temperament vs., 185

  at John’s reception, 401

  learning to curtsy, 37–38

  learning to walk, 17–18

  Life magazine photographs, 25

  at Manassas battlefield, 57

  marriage of, 184–185

  meeting Carolyn Bessette (See Bessette, Carolyn Jean)

  mother’s estate sale and, 374–377

  moving from White House, 63–64

  near drowning of, 32

  promoting John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, 194–195

  reaction to Onassis marriage, 98

  Robert’s assassination and, 91

  Robert’s funeral mass and burial, 93–94

  on Scorpios Island, 98–100

  at White House school, 35, 44–45, 65

  Kennedy, Courtney, 93

  Kennedy, Edward, Jr., 45

  Kennedy, Edward (Ted)

  bar-hopping with William Kennedy Smith, 187

  delivering John’s eulogy, 399–400

  flying mishap, 359

  Harvard graduate, 130

  at Hyannis, 36

  at Jackie’s funeral mass, 212

  at John’s graduation from Brown University, 167–168

  at John’s eighteenth birthday celebration, 124

  John’s eulogy, delivering, 8

  as John’s father figure, 85

  learning of missing airplane, 396

  negotiating Jackie’s prenuptial agreement with Ari, 98

  offering John opportunity to run for office, 195–196

  Patrick’s death and, 38–39

  Reagan and, 183–184

  run for president, 140, 141

  running for reelection, 127

  Kennedy, Ethel, 51, 92, 186–187

  Kennedy, Jack (JFK)

  assassination of, 46–47

  Bill Clinton meeting, 216

  bringing casual informality to White House, 37

  Catholic faith of, 14

  as celebrity president, 10–11

  civil rights movement and, 3, 263

  conspiracy surrounding death of, 54–55

  debilitating ailments, 28

  foreign policy, 116

  funeral mass for, 56–57, 59–60

  funeral procession of, 58–59

  as Harvard graduate, 130

  hold on public imagination, 61–62

  ideological clashes, 228

  indiscretions of, 13, 24, 28

  Judith Exner’s love affair with, 116

  kiss-and-tell stories, 116

  leaving for Dallas, 43–44

  legacy of, 61–62

  lying in state, 58

  presidency announcement, 13–14

  private life leaks, 28

  public’s view of, 28–29

  son Patrick’s birth, 38–39

  staging children’s photos, 22

  televised debates, 14–15

  Tretick and, 24–25

  Kennedy, Jack (JFK), relationship with John Jr.

  Dallas anniversaries, 82, 208–209, 275

  impact on father’s legacy, 324, 343, 377

  John-John moniker, 35–36

  John’s birth and, 10–11, 15–16

  John’s childhood and, 26–27

  playtimes with, 26–27, 35

  promoting Profile in Courage Award (See John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award)

  reconciling new revelations of, 116–117

  saluting father’s casket, 5

  Kennedy, Jackie (Jacqueline)

  campaign appearances for Robert, 89–90

  clashing with Secret Service, 11, 30–33, 105–109

  controlling children’s public images, 21–22

  death of, 211

  early years of, 12–13

  as editor at Viking Press, 125

  engagement to John Husted, 13

  estate auction of, 374–377

  extensive travel of, 78

  fear of Bobby becoming president, 89

  funeral mass for, 211–212

  Harold Macmillan and, 81–82

  health, 11, 18, 64, 209–210

  as Inquiring Camera Girl, 12–13

  James Rowley and, 107–109

  Lee’s joint approach in raising children, 100

  loyalty to Lyndon Johnson, 88

  Maurice Tempelsman and, 126, 207

  miscarriages of, 13

  on a mother’s responsibilities, 33–34

  moving from White House, 63–64

  paparazzi’s relationship with, 118–119

  as photogenic, 10–11

  Princess Diana and, 325–326

  protecting children from public expectations, 7

  restraining order on Galella, 119–120

  Robert’s assassination and, 91

  Robert’s funeral mass and burial, 93–94

  romantic relationships after Jack, 126

  Kennedy, Jackie (Jacqueline), as first lady

  on Camp David, 20

  counsel with Hillary Clinton, 281–282

  letter from Eleanor Roosevelt, 19

  making White House child-friendly, 18–19

  ongoing conflict with Jack about photographing the children, 23–24

  releasing press updates on John’s development, 20–21

  on role to play as, 19–20

  strategies to protect children, 20

  televised tour of White House, 23

  Kennedy, Jackie (Jacqueline), marriage to Aristotle Onassis

  Ari’s death, 103

  Bobby’s objection to, 97

  diamond given to Jackie by Ari, 376

  John Jr. reaction to, 98

  known as “Jackie O,” 96

  meeting Ari, 97

  pornographic images of, 102

  prenuptial agreement, 98

  on Scorpios Island, 98–100

  as shock to nation, 96

  Kennedy, Jackie (Jacqueline), marriage to Jack

  Camelot myth, 62–63

  contributing to husband’s campaign, 14

  grief after Jack’s death, 66–67

  at Hammersmith Farm, 13

  inaugural activities, 18

  Jack’s assassination, 46–47, 51–53

  Jack’s funeral, 53–54

  Jack’s indiscretions, 13, 24, 28

  leaving for Dallas, 43–44

  lobbying monuments named after husband, 72–73

  manufacturing Camelot myth, 7

  shaping public’s view of JFK’s presidency, 71–72

  son Patrick’s birth, 38

  unveiling of official portrait at White House, 103–104

  Kennedy, Jackie (Jacquelin
e), relationship with Caroline

  birth of, 13

  insisting Caroline be perfect in every way, 185

  Kennedy, Jackie (Jacqueline), relationship with John Jr.

  Ari as stepfather, 98–102

  concern about John with Kennedy cousins, 186

  concern for children’s memory of Jack, 85

  dealing with Jackie’s passing, 212–213

  fraternity house visit, 149

  giving John Piper Cub observation airplane, 83

  Jackie’s estate sale and, 374–377

  Jackie’s final illness and death, 209–212

  John’s acting and, 156

  John’s birth, 10–11, 15–16

  John’s career options, 218–219

  John’s concern for Jackie, 155

  male influences, 64, 67, 77–78, 99, 121

  meeting Pat Manocchia, 181–182

  opinion about John’s romances, 207–208

  opinion of George, 227

  protection procedures, 30–33, 105–109, 111–113

  sharing special bond, 207

  worries about John’s grades, 145–146

  Kennedy, Jean. See Smith, Jean Kennedy

  Kennedy, John F. See Kennedy, Jack (JFK)

  Kennedy, John (John Jr.). See also main entries immediately following

  acting experience, 127–128, 153–157, 179, 274

  admiration for politicians, 216

  Apollo Missions speech, 319–320

  Armstrong discussing career options with, 218–219

  Billy Noonan and (See Noonan, Billy)

  birthday celebrations, 21, 23, 25, 43–45, 59–61, 63–64, 124–125

  burdened by Camelot myth, 62

  business ventures, 214–215

  at Caroline’s wedding, 185

  CBS News interview, 273–274

  celebrity imitations, 176, 261

  Central Park bike robbery, 111, 113–114

  Central Park touch football games, 201

  Christina Haag and (See Haag, Christina)

  the Clintons and, 320, 349

  on CNN, 273

  commencement speech at Washington College, 206–207

  death threats, 274

  delivering McNamara speech, 225

  Democratic National Convention speech, 189–191

  at Drake’s Island Adventure Centre, 121–122

  on exercising every day, 260

  failed bar exams, 201–203, 221

  fateful flight of, 389–394

  feuding with Caroline, 373–378, 384

  flying lessons, 358–359, 367, 390

  at George (See George magazine)

  gossip, interest in, 178

  Grammy nomination, 192

  health of, 260, 363

  History Channel interview, 323–324

  interest in politics, 152, 158–159, 191, 195–196, 221–222, 380–382, 387

  internship at Center for Democratic Policy, 152

  Jack and (See Kennedy, Jack [JFK], relationship with John Jr)

  Jackie and (See Kennedy, Jackie [Jacqueline], relationship with John Jr.)

  kidnapping plots, 110, 253–255

  lending name to charitable causes, 203–204

  love of flying, 40–41, 221, 358

  marriage of (See Bessette, Carolyn Jean)

  meeting Muhammad Ali, 120

  meeting Valentino, 248

  Michael Berman and (See Berman, Michael)

  Mike Tyson and, 350–351

  on Murphy Brown (TV sitcom), 272

  at Office of Business Development for New York City, 187

  Oprah Winfrey interview, 308–309

  paparazzi’s relationship with, 119

  Pat Manocchia and (See Manocchia, Pasquale “Pat”)

  as People’s “The Sexiest Man Alive,” 192

  physical appearance of, 126, 140–141, 161–162, 175, 189–190

  political views, 165–166

  on President’s Committee on Mental Retardation, 307

  public’s view of, 29, 166–167, 176–177

  racial color blindness of, 155–156

  Random Ventures corporation, 214–215

  Rob Littell and (See Littell, Rob)

  romances and dating, 128, 170, 177–179, 183, 207–208, 233, 235–236, 384

  on Ronald Reagan, 143–144, 165

  RoseMarie Terenzio and (See Terenzio, RoseMarie)

  Sasha Chermayeff and (See Chermayeff, Sasha)

  sexual attractiveness, 182–183, 192, 245

  speaking at Adcraft Club of Detroit, 244–245

  Steven Gillon and (See Gillon, Steven)

  trauma shaping, 68–70, 92

  varied interests in books and music, 344

  working at Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, 200–201

  writing Charlie King about loss, 212–213

  Kennedy, John (John Jr.), behavior and personality of

  absentmindedness, 75, 123, 149–150, 181–182, 252, 261–262

  accident-prone, 83–84

  acts of empathy, 150–151

  attraction to danger, 179–180

  Caroline’s personality and temperament vs., 185

  empathy and generosity of, 378–380

  as exhibitionist, 161–162

  experimenting with acid, 124

  fashion style and influence, 76, 127

  fatalistic view of, 255

  identity crisis of, 127

  immaturity of, 123, 129

  inattentiveness of, 123, 129

  interest in sports (See Frisbee; touch football)

  marijuana use, 128, 139, 171, 189, 298, 328

  scuba diving enthusiast, 169–170

  self-exploration of, 173–174

  Kennedy, John (John Jr.), childhood

  acknowledging father’s death, 68

  arriving at White House, 19

  avoiding rough-and-tumble sports, 77

  baptism of, 17

  birth of, 9–11, 15–16

  birthday letters from Lyndon Johnson, 87–88

  brother Patrick’s birth, 38

  call to Mrs. Lincoln, 65

  casual informality brought to White House by, 39

  celebrating Christmas in Palm Beach, 66

  daily schedule, 36

  delivery room drama, 10

  fascination with military, 40–42, 76–77

  hairstyle, 24

  hyaline membrane disease, 10

  Jack’s death and, 55, 57–59

  Jack’s funeral mass, 59–60

  “John-John” moniker, 35–36

  learning to bow, 37–38

  at Manassas battlefield, 57

  media updates on, 20–21

  meeting Queen Elizabeth II, 79

  moving from White House, 63–64

  playtime with cousins, 73

  poor health of, 11

  pranking Secret Service, 95–96

  protection procedures, 30–33, 105–109, 111–115

  reaction to Onassis marriage, 98

  respiratory distress syndrome, 10

  Robert and, 85, 87

  Robert’s assassination and, 91–92

  Robert’s funeral mass and burial, 93–94

  on Scorpios Island, 98–100

  struggle with final salute, 41–42, 59–60, 77

  Teddy as father figure for, 85

  temper tantrums, 38

  on tourists, 68

  unruly behavior of, 74–75, 84

  William and, 75

  Kennedy, John (John Jr.), death of

  burial at sea, 398

  coast guar
d finding body, 398

  fateful flight, 389–394

  media response to, 404–405

  memorial service, 398–399

  public response to, 403–404, 407–408

  reception at Convent of the Sacred Heart, 400–401

  Kennedy, John (John Jr.), education

  at Brown University (See Brown University)

  Capital Punishment flag football team, 199

  City Policy Group organization, 199

  at Collegiate School, 95–96

  internship at Civil Rights Division of Reagan Justice Department, 199

  internship at Manatt Phelps & Phillips, 199

  law school rejections, 197

  LSAT review course, 197

  NYU Law School, 198–199

  Phillips Academy Andover, Massachusetts, 125–129

  at St. David’s School, 73–74, 82

  Kennedy, John (John Jr.), extended family relationships

  during Anthony’s illness, 317, 319, 320–321

  battling with cousins, 341–343

  clashing with Ethel, 186–187

  close friendship with cousins, 120, 185–187

  cousin Michael and, 341–343

  dislike of Ed Schlossberg, 374–378

  family obligations, 140, 142–143, 183–184, 189–190

  lifelong friendship with Anthony, 100, 120–121, 186

  on the way to Rory’s wedding, 389–394

  Kennedy, John (John Jr.), relationship with Jack

  Dallas anniversaries, 82, 208–209, 275

  impact on father’s legacy, 324, 343, 377

  playtimes, 26–27, 35

  promoting Profile in Courage Award (See John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award)

  reconciling new revelations about, 116–117

  saluting father’s casket, 5

  Kennedy, John (John Jr.), travels

  to Cuba, 344–347

  to England, 78–81

  to Guatemala, 122, 135–136

  Hurricane Island Outward Bound School, 122

  to India, 170–172, 329, 339–340

  to Ireland, 84

  in Jamaica, 179–180

  kayaking in Vietnam, 347–348

  meeting Mother Teresa, 172

  to Mount Rainier, 182

  National Outdoor Leadership School, Kenya, 139

  to Panama, 122, 136

  to South Africa, 146

  treasure hunting expedition, 169–170

  Wyoming ranch, 122–124

  Kennedy, Joseph P., 12, 65–66, 130, 204, 341–342

  Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr., 12, 130, 358–359

  Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, II (RFK’s son), 186

  Kennedy, Kara, 45

  Kennedy, Kathleen “Kick,” 359

  Kennedy, Kerry, 67

  Kennedy, Michael, 67, 341–343

  Kennedy, Patrick (Ted’s son), 186

  Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier, 38, 53

  Kennedy, Robert F. (Bobby)


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