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America's Reluctant Prince

Page 62

by Steven M. Gillon

  assassination of, 91–92

  campaigning for president, 88–91

  connection with the poor, 86–87

  as critic of Vietnam War, 86–87

  as family patriarch, 85

  funeral mass and burial, 92–94

  Harvard graduate, 130

  at Hyannis Port, 36

  Jackie and, 64, 89–90

  Jack’s death and, 54

  John Jr. and, 55, 64, 67

  Lyndon Johnson’s relationship with, 87

  move to New York, 382

  objection to Jackie and Ari’s relationship, 97

  resigns as US attorney general, 85

  as US Senate candidate, 85

  Kennedy, Robert F. (Bobby), Jr., 191

  Kennedy, Rory, 383

  Kennedy, Rose, 10, 12, 65–66, 93, 104

  Kennedy, Rosemary, 204

  Kennedy, Ted, Jr., 93

  Kennedy fellows, 205–206

  Kennedy Memorial, England, 79, 80

  Kennedy Palm Beach house, 15, 17, 18, 65–66, 187

  Kennerly, David, 306

  Kenya, trip to, 139

  Kerry, John, 399

  Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 143

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 19

  King, Charlie, 142, 199, 208–209, 212

  King, Don, 350

  King, Larry, 273

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 89

  King, Rodney, 196

  Kliger, Jack, 385–386, 401–402, 403

  Knievel, Evel, 257

  Koch, David, 237

  Kondracke, Morton, 337

  Kopechne, Mary Jo, 143

  La Palestra, 389

  Lagardère, Jean-Luc, 402

  LaLanne, Jack, 35

  Lalli, Frank, 403

  Landis, Paul, 29, 46

  Lapham, Lewis, 272

  Lauren, Ralph, 221

  Lawford, Christopher, 73

  Lawford, Pat, 36

  Lawford, Peter, 73

  Lawford, Sydney, 73

  Le Club, New York, 124

  Le Figaro (newspaper), 404–405

  Leibovitz, Annie, 192

  Leifer-Stieffel, 369

  Leigh, Wendy, 121

  Lewinsky, Monica, 348–349, 351–352

  Lewis, Michael, 338

  liberal democracy, 228

  Life (magazine), 22, 25

  Limbaugh, Rush, 231, 403

  Lincoln, Evelyn, 26, 36, 65

  Lindgren, Hugo, 251, 255, 256–257, 261, 312

  Link, Nina, 217

  List, John, 110

  Littell, Rob

  at Brown graduation, 168

  at Caroline’s wedding, 185

  on Carolyn Bessette, 325, 330

  celebrating John and Carolyn’s one-year anniversary, 329

  effect of Jackie’s illness on John, 209

  entertaining “Miss Crazy,” 151

  hitting the town with John, 176

  on John and Daryl’s relationship, 208

  on John carrying parents’ legacies, 213

  John sharing fear of George’s demise, 368

  as John’s college roommate, 148, 197

  on John’s desire to be president, 381

  on John’s failed bar exams, 202

  on John’s family obligations, 144

  on John’s interest in Christina, 179

  at John’s memorial service, 400

  at John’s wedding, 297

  off-campus living, 152

  as roommates after college, 175

  Lockhart, Joe, 407

  Lois, George, 232

  Look (magazine), 22, 25, 27–28

  Lord, Walter, 72

  Los Angeles Times, 21

  Lowey, Nita, 380

  Macdonald, David R., 112–113

  Macmillan, Harold, 64, 81–82

  Madonna, 177, 241, 257–258, 307

  Magazine Publishers of America (MPA), 217

  Magaziner, Ira, 132

  magazines, risks in creating, 216–217

  magic bullet, 55

  Magna International, 367

  Mailer, Norman, 338

  Malafronte, Victor, 300

  Manatt, Charles, 199

  Manatt Phelps & Phillips, 199

  Manchester, William, 61, 72

  Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, 200–201

  Mankiewicz, Frank, 92

  Manocchia, Pasquale “Pat,” 146, 150–151, 180–183, 201, 207, 389

  Marine One, 44

  Marshall, Leslie, 367–368

  Marshall, Thurgood, Jr., 407

  Martel, Ned, 255, 261, 262, 337, 344, 350

  Martha Stewart Living (magazine), 301

  McCarthy, Eugene, 17, 88

  McCarthy, Jenny, 340

  McCray, Wilson, 128

  McCurry, Michael, 306

  McKeon, Kathy

  child care responsibilities, 74–75

  on Jackie and Ari’s marriage, 98–99

  as Jackie’s personal assistant, 74, 326

  on John’s unruly behavior, 74–75

  on paparazzi, 326

  on Robert and John’s relationship, 85

  Robert’s assassination and, 91

  Robert’s funeral mass and burial, 93–94

  McKinley, William, 30

  McNamara, Robert, 85, 144–145, 224–225

  McSorley, Richard T., 64, 77–78

  Medellín Cartel, 254

  media. See also paparazzi; individual newspaper titles

  Caroline’s popularity with, 21

  on John’s baptism, 17

  on John’s birth, 16

  Melendez, “Stuttering John,” 353–354

  Menendez, Erik and Lyle, 316

  Meredith, Lynn, 29, 33

  Microsoft, 370

  Miscavige, David, 338–339

  Missionaries of Charity headquarters, 172

  Mitchell, Elizabeth “Biz,” 249–251, 262, 277–278, 303, 312, 326, 352, 359–360

  Mondale, Walter, 137, 173, 229

  Mondale, William, 137

  Moore, Demi, 253

  Moore, Roy, 324

  Morgenthau, Robert, 200, 201

  Morris, Edmund, 338

  Morris, Willie, 338

  Moseley Braun, Carol, 229

  Moss, Kate, 341

  Mother Teresa, 172

  Mount Rainier, Washington, 182

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 380

  Murdoch, James and Lachlan, 387

  Murdoch, Rupert, 367

  Murphy Brown (TV sitcom), 272

  Naked Angels, 203

  Nation of Islam, 309

  National Enquirer (magazine), 154, 286, 307

  National Institutes of Health (NIH), 315

  National Outdoor Leadership School, Kenya, 139

  National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), 392

  NBC, 301–302

  Nesting, K. E., 83

  Neu, Charles, 144–145

  New Left organizations, 131

  new world order, 228

  New York Athletic Club, 222, 260, 366, 379–380

  New York Daily News, 271, 286

  New York Herald Tribune, 21

  New York Hospital–Cornell Medical Center, 210

  New York Post, 117–118, 177, 203, 245–246, 288, 300, 342, 356

  New York State Bar Association, 202

  The New York Times, 11, 49, 95, 96, 224, 271, 272, 342, 401

  Newman, Paul, 371

  Newman’s Own–George Awards, 370–372

  Newsday, 271

Nixon, Pat, 103

  Nixon, Richard, 10–11, 14–15, 62, 103–104, 320

  Noonan, Billy

  Carolyn Bessette and, 325

  Carolyn’s generousness to, 332

  at Cumberland Island, 297

  at Jackie’s passing, 211

  John explaining exercise obsession to, 175

  at John F. Kennedy Presidential Library opening, 141

  John on state of marriage, 365

  at John’s birthday party, 124–125

  on John’s physical transformation, 120

  Nova Scotia, 296

  Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 85

  O’Donnell, Kenneth, 25, 224

  On Death and Dying (Kübler-Ross), 361

  Onassis, Alexander, 99, 102

  Onassis, Aristotle. See Kennedy, Jackie (Jacqueline), marriage to Ari

  Onassis, Christina, 99, 102–103

  Oswald, Lee Harvey, 46, 58, 59, 346

  The Other Man: A Love Story—John F. Kennedy Jr., Carolyn Bessette, & Me (Bergin), 333–334

  Otis Air Force Base Hospital, 38

  Our Lady of Victory Church, 184

  Outward Bound schools, 122

  Overbeck, Chris, 152

  Owen, Holly, 128

  Paar, Jack, 110

  Page Six of New York Post, 117–118, 177

  Palm Beach. See Kennedy Palm Beach house

  Panama, trip to, 122, 136

  paparazzi, 118, 177–178, 202, 298–300

  Paredes, Ariel, 265

  Paredes, Gustavo, 100, 124–125

  Parker, Sarah Jessica, 177, 183

  Parkland Hospital, 47

  Pataki, George, 387

  Patterson, James T., 1

  Paul, Michael, 66

  Peace Corps, 135

  Pecker, David, 238–239, 245, 248, 273, 289, 336, 339, 357, 385

  Pentagon Papers, 116

  People (magazine), 117, 159–160, 192

  Perot, Ross, 223, 229

  The Philadelphia Inquirer, 272

  The Philippine Star, 405

  Phillips Academy Andover, Massachusetts, 125–129

  Piper Cub observation airplane, 83

  Piper Saratoga airplane, 367, 392

  The Playboy of the Western World (Synge), 154

  Plimpton, George, 83

  The Port Huron Statement, 131

  Poster, Randall, 146, 397–398

  Powers, Dave, 16, 42, 45–46, 64–67, 144–145, 224

  Pozen, Agatha, 47

  Pregler, Al, 391–392

  Price, Charles, 324

  Prime Time Live, 194

  PRNY, 231

  Profile in Courage Award. See John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award

  prosperity, ideological differences and, 228–230

  Providence, Rhode Island, 130

  Putnam, Robert, 226

  Rabin, Yitzhak, 310

  racial violence, 89–90

  Radziwill, Anthony

  cancer diagnosis and treatment, 315–321

  on Carolyn meeting John’s family, 265

  at Drake’s Island Adventure Centre, 121

  graduating from Boston University, 186

  Jackie’s illness and, 210

  John checking in on each night, 367

  John realizing Anthony’s death was near, 360–361

  as John’s best friend, 7

  as John’s best man, 297–298

  at John’s Brown University graduation, 168–169

  at John’s memorial service, 399

  at John’s reception, 401

  lifelong friendship with John, 100, 120–122

  in London, 79–80

  moving to Martha’s Vineyard, 364

  moving to New York, 186

  rapidly deteriorating health, 360

  on Scorpios Island, 100

  vacationing in Caribbean, 128

  Radziwill, Carole

  on Anthony’s illness, 316–321

  Carolyn and, 317–319, 325–328, 331–332, 364

  on Carolyn meeting John’s family, 265–266

  on Carolyn’s fear of paparazzi, 299

  on John and Carolyn’s relationship, 366

  John pushing to prepare Anthony for the end, 361

  on John’s interest in Carolyn, 233–235

  moving to Martha’s Vineyard, 364

  on night of fateful flight, 393–394

  Radziwill, Lee, 36, 79, 99, 208, 315

  Radziwill, Stanislas “Stash,” Prince of Poland, 79, 91, 315

  Radziwill, Tina, 79, 80, 100–101

  Ralph Lauren (company), 313

  Random Ventures, 214–215

  Rather, Dan, 273–274

  Rayburn, Sam, 230

  Reaching Up, 203–207, 408

  Reagan, Ronald, 143, 173, 223

  Reagan Justice Department, Civil Rights Division, 199

  Redford, Robert, 224, 276

  Reichley, Robert, 136–137

  respiratory distress syndrome, 10

  Rice, Donna, 353

  Richard, Cordelia “Dee,” 152

  Richards, Ann, 230

  Richardson, Ann, 247

  Ritts, Herb, 262–263, 292

  Rivera, Dennis, 205, 206, 380

  Robin Hood Foundation, 203

  Rodney King riots, 196

  Rodriguez, Getulio, 206

  Rogers, James, 134, 137, 139

  Roll Call, 337

  Rolling Stones, the, 128

  Romer, Karen, 145–146

  Romero, Juan, 92

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 19

  Ross, Herb, 208

  Rowley, James J., 107–109

  Rubin, Jamie, 366–367

  Rusk, Dean, 79

  Sachs, Jeffrey, 190, 204–205, 369, 380–381

  Sadler, Barry, 77

  Saex, Robin, 179

  Salinger, Pierre, 10, 20, 72

  Samson, Dan “Pinky,” 370, 393–394

  Sarabeth’s (restaurant), 399

  Schadler, Jay, 195

  Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 4, 53–54, 71–72, 116, 229, 400

  Schlossberg, Edwin A., 184–185, 210, 265, 374–378

  Schneider, William, 191

  Schwartzwald, Lawrence, 299

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 176, 261, 376

  Scientology, 338–339

  Scorpios Island, Greece, 98, 315

  Secret Service protection. See also Hill, Clint

  agents assigned to children, 29

  Caroline’s near drowning, 32

  congressional legislation on, 104–105

  creation of, 30

  crowd control of, 32–33

  at Far Hills, 109

  frustration within agency, 114–115

  in Greece, 108–109

  hijacking fears, 110

  Jackie’s ground rules for, 30–33

  Jackie’s resentment of, 105

  John’s Central Park bike robbery, 111, 113–114

  on John’s rugged adventures, 121–122

  at Kennedy Palm Beach house, 66

  kidnapping plots against John, 110

  legal obligations vs. Jackie’s rules, 33

  parental rights vs., 30

  on potential threats to John and Caroline, 109–110

  Seiler, Ira, 9

  SEIU (Service Employees International Union), 205

  Sgubin, Marta, 180–181

  Shahid, Sam, 247

  Shair, Bertram, 200

  Shaw, Mark, 22, 25

  Shaw, Maud

  on Caroline’s anonymity, 17–18

  entertaining chi
ldren while parents in Dallas, 44–45

  grooming John’s hair, 24

  John’s birth and, 16

  on John’s energy, 39–40

  journey to England, 80–81

  Kathy McKeon assuming responsibilities of, 74–75

  learning of president’s assassination, 47–48

  leaving the Kennedys’ employment, 81

  in New York, 71

  raising children as highest priority, 34–35

  teaching children to bow/curtsy, 37–38

  telling children of father’s death, 52–53

  Sheehan, Michael, 189–190, 194–195, 268, 273

  Shelby, Richard, 230

  Shipman, Claire, 338

  Short Eyes (Piñero), 154–155

  Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 36, 120, 204

  Shriver, Maria, 100

  Shriver, Sargent, 120, 122

  Shriver, Timothy, 100, 120, 122, 135, 141

  Shrum, Robert, 399–400

  Simon, Carly, 209, 210

  Sirhan Sirhan, 92

  Slocum, Claudia, 234

  Smith, Al, 14

  Smith, Amanda, 73

  Smith, Jean Kennedy, 36, 73, 193

  Smith, Kym, 73

  Smith, Merriman, 16

  Smith, Stephen, 73

  Smith, Stephen, Jr., 73

  Smith, William Kennedy, 73, 74, 93, 114, 120, 187

  Sokol, Susan, 235

  Solis Doyle, Patti, 380

  Sorensen, Theodore, 400

  South, Hamilton, 400

  South African Group for Education, 146

  Spalding, Chuck, 83

  spatial disorientation, 391–392

  Special Prosecutions Bureau, 201

  Spielberg, Steven, 137

  Spinks, Leon, 165

  Spoehr, Luther, 132

  St. Clements (Catholic grade school), 49

  St. David’s School, 73–74

  St. Ignatius Loyola Roman Catholic Church, 211

  St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, 84

  St. Matthew’s Cathedral, 59

  St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 92

  St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 168

  St. Thomas More Church, 398–399

  Stanhope Hotel, 383

  Starr, Kenneth, 352

  Steel, Brian, 200–201

  Steere, Will, 231

  Stein, Keith, 367–368

  Steinbrenner, George, 261

  Stern, Howard, 354

  Stevelman, Faith, 198

  Stevenson, Adlai, 14

  Stone, Oliver, 274–275

  Stone, Sharon, 224, 241

  Stoughton, Cecil, 22–23

  strain trauma, 69

  Streisand, Barbra, 224

  Stronach, Belinda, 367

  Stronach, Frank, 367

  Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 131

  Styron, William, 338

  The Sun, 404

  Swearer, Howard, 133–134

  The Sydney Morning Herald, 405

  tabloid press, 117–118, 177–178


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