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The New Optimum Nutrition Bible

Page 54

by Patrick Holford

  59. Seshadri, S., et al. 2002. Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. New England Journal of Medicine 346 (7): 476–83.

  60. Vollset, S. E., et al. 2001. Plasma total homocysteine and cardiovascular and noncardiovascular mortality: The Hordaland Homocysteine Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 74 (1): 130–36.

  61. Koyama, K., et al. 2002. Efficacy of methylcobalamin on lowering total homocysteine plasma concentrations in haemodialysis patients receiving high-dose folate supplementation. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 17: 916–22.

  62. McGregor, et al. 2002. Betaine supplementation decreases post-methionine hyperhomocysteinemia in chronic renal failure. Kidney International 61 (3): 1040–46.

  63. You, W. C, et al. 1989. Allium vegetables and reduced risk of stomach cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 81 (2): 162–64.

  64. Steinmetz, et al. 1994. Vegetables, fruit, and colon cancer in the Iowa Women’s Health Study. American Journal of Epidemiology 139 (1): 1–15.

  65. Carper, J. 1997. Stop Ageing Now. London: Thorsons, p. 162 and 325.

  66. Chung, M. J., S. H. Lee, and N. J. Sung. 2002. Inhibitory effect of whole strawberries, garlic juice or kale juice on endogenous formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine in humans. Cancer Letters 182 (1): 1–10.

  67. Xue, H., et al. 2001. Inhibition of cellular transformation by berry extracts. Carcinogenesis 22 (5): 831–33.

  68. Loarca-Pina, G., et al. 1996. Antimutagenicity of ellagic acid against aflatoxin B1 in the Salmonella microsuspension assay. Mutation Research 360 (1): 15–21.

  69. Narayanan, B. A., et al. 1999. p53/p21 (WAF1/CIP1) expression and its possible role in G1 arrest and apoptosis in ellagic acid treated cancer cells. Cancer Letters 136 (2): 215–21.

  70. Stoner, G. D., et al. 1999. Isothiocyanates and freeze-dried strawberries as inhibitors of esophageal cancer. Toxicological Sciences 52 (Suppl 2): 95–100.

  71. Casto, B. C, et al. 2002. Chemoprevention of oral cancer by black raspberries. Anticancer Research 22 (6C): 4005–15.

  72. Gerster, H. 1997. The potential role for lycopene in human health. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 16: 109–26.

  73. Goel, R. K., et al. 1986. Anti-ulcerogenic effect of banana powder (Musa sapientum var. paradisiaca) and its effect on mucosal resistance. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 18 (1): 33–44.

  74. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 65 (1997).

  75. Thomas, B., ed. 2001. Manual of Dietetic Practice. 3rd ed. Kent, UK: Blackwell.

  76. Kleiner, S. M. 1999. Water: An essential but overlooked nutrient. Journal of the American Dietary Association 99 (2): 200–206.

  77. Batmanghelidj, F. 1992. Your Body’s Many Cries for Water. Norwich, UK: Tagman Press.

  78. Grandjean, A. C, et al. 2000. The effect of caffeinated, non-caffeinated, caloric and non-caloric beverages on hydration. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 19 (5): 591–600.

  Part 3

  1. Niedzielkin, K, and H. Kordecki. 1998. The treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: Probiotics in the modification of bacteria in the colon. Gastroenterologia Polska 5 (Suppl 1): 26.

  2. King, T., et al. 1998. Abnormal colonic fermentation in irritable bowel syndrome. Lancet 352: 1187–89.

  3. Peltonen, R., et al. 1994. Changes of faecal flora in rheumatoid arthritis during fasting and one-year vegetarian diet. British Journal of Rheumatology 33: 638–43.

  4. Majamaa, H., and E. Isolaui. 1997. Probiotics: A novel approach in the management of food allergy. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 99: 179–85.

  5. Hunter, J. O. 1991. Food allergy—or enterometabolic disorder? Lancet 338: 495–96.

  6. Stephens, N., et al. 1996. Randomised controlled trial of vitamin E in patients with coronary disease: Cambridge Heart Antioxidant Study (CHAOS). Lancet 347 (9004): 781–86.

  7. Stampfer, M. J., et al. 1993. Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary disease in women. New England Journal of Medicine 328 (20): 1444–49.

  8. Rimm, E. B., et al. 1993. Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease in men. New England Journal of Medicine 328 (20): 1450–56.

  9. Heart Protection Study collaborative group. 2002. MRC/BHF Heart Protection Study. Lancet 360: 23–3.

  10. Din, N., et al. 2004. Omega 3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease. British Medical Journal 328: 30–35.

  11. Holmquist, C., S. Larsson, A. Wolk, and U. de Faire. 2003. Multivitamin supplements are inversely associated with risk of myocardial infarction in men and women-Stockholm Heart Epidemiology Program (SHEEP). Journal of Nutrition 133 (8): 2650–54.

  12. Mullins, K. 1990. The Blood Pressure Project. Copy held at ION library, London.

  13. As reported in The New Super-Nutrition by Richard Passwater, Pocket Books (1991).

  14. Kritchevsky, S., and D. Kritchevsky. 2000. Egg consumption and coronary heart disease. (549S–55S) Journal of the American College of Nutrition 19 (Suppl 5): 549S–55S.

  15. Optimum Nutrition, 8 (Autumn 1995): 8–9.

  16. Cheraskin, E. 1986. If high blood cholesterol is bad—is low good? Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 1 (3): 176–83.

  17. Colgan, M. 1983. Effects of nutrient supplements on athletic performance. Paper given to the U.S. Navy Research and Development Center, San Diego (April).

  18. Saynor, R., et al. 1984. The long-term effect of dietary supplementation with fish lipid concentrate on serum lipids, bleeding time, platelets and angina. Atherosclerosis 50: 3–101.

  19. Pauling, L., and M. Rath. 1992. A unified theory of human cardiovascular disease leading the way to the abolition of this disease as a cause for human mortality. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 7 (1): 5–12.

  20. Newsweek, August 11, 1997.

  21. Selhub, J., et al. 1995. Association between plasma homocysteine concentrations and extracranial carotid artery stenosis. New England Journal of Medicine 332 (5): 286–91.

  22. Graham, I., et al. 1997. Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for vascular disease. Journal of the American Medical Association 277 (22): 1775–81.

  23. Harakeh, S., R. Jariwalla, and L. Pauling. 1990. Suppression of human immunodeficiency virus replication by ascorbate in chronically and acutely infected cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87 (September): 7245–49.

  24. Cannon, G. 1995. Superbug. London: Virgin.

  25. Kiecolt-Glaser, J. K., et al. 1986. Modulation of cellular immunity in medical students. Journal of Behavioural Medicine 9: 5–21.

  26. Chandra, R. K. 1992. Study of multivitamin/mineral supplementation in elderly. Lancet 340 (8828): 1124–27.

  27. New Scientist, December 17, 1994.

  28. Hilton, E., et al. 1992. Ingestion of yoghurt containing Lactobacillus acidophilus as prophylaxis for candidal vaginitis. Annals of Medicine 116: 353–57.

  29. R. M. Sapolsky RM, 1996, Science, Vol. 273 (5276), 1996, pp. 749–50.

  30. Kremer, et al. 1985. Effects of manipulation of dietary fatty acids on clinical manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet 1 (Jan. 26): 184–87.

  31. Caterson, B., et al. 2004. Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Conference report (awaiting publication).

  32. Singh, G. B., et al. 1992. New phytotherapeutic agent for treatment of arthritis and allied disorders with novel mode of action. IV and Int. Congress on Phytotherapy, Abstract SL74, Munich, Germany; V. Gupta et al. 1986. Chemistry and pharmacology of gum resin of Boswellia serrata. Indian Drugs 24 (5): 221–31.

  33. Kulkarni, R., et al. 1991. Treatment of osteoarthritis with a herbal formulation: A double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study Journal of Ethnopharmacology 33:91–95. Also see same author. 1992. Efficacy of an ayurvedic formulation in rheumatoid arthritis. Indian Journal of Pharmacology 24: 98–101.

  34. Ibid.

  35. Towhead, T., et al. 2001. Glucosamine therapy for treating osteoarthritis. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 1: CD002946.

  36. Houpt, J.,
et al. 1999. Journal of Rheumatology 26: 2423–30.

  37. Schallreuter, K., and J. Wood. 1989. Free radical reduction in the human epidermis. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 6: 519–32.

  Part 4

  1. Benton, D., and G. Roberts. 1988. Effect of vitamin and mineral supplementation on intelligence of school children. Lancet 1 (8578): 140–43.

  2. Chandra, R. K. 2001. Effect of vitamin and trace-element supplementation on cognitive function in elderly subjects. Nutrition 17 (9): 709–12.

  3. Medical Research Council. Research on higher IQ and premature babies,

  4. Harrel, R. 1981. Can nutritional supplements help mentally retarded children? An exploratory study. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 78 (1): 574–78.

  5. Gesch, B. 2002. Influence of supplementary vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids on the antisocial behaviour of young adult prisoners. British Journal of Psychiatry 181: 22–28.

  6. Nemets, B., et al. 2002. Addition of omega-3 fatty acid to maintenance medication treatment for recurrent unipolar depressive disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry 159: 477–79.

  7. Puri, B., et al. 2002. Eicosapentaenoic acid in treatment-resistant depression. Archives of General Psychiatry 59 (1), Letters to the Editor.

  8. Pyapali, G., et al. 1998. Prenatal dietary choline supplementation. Journal of Neurophysiology 79 (4): 1790–96; W. H. Meck et al. 1997. Neuroreport 8: 2831–35.

  9. Crook, T., et al. 1991. Effects of phosphatidyl serine in age-associated memory impairment. Neurology 41 (5): 644–49.

  10. Pepeu, G., et al. Neurochemical actions of “Nootropic Drugs.” Advances in Neurology 51; Wurtman, R. (ed.) Alzheimer’s Disease. New York: Raven Press, 1990.

  11. Bartus, R. T., et al. 1981. Profound effects of combining choline and piracetam on memory enhancement and cholinergic function in aged rats. Neurobiology of Ageing 2: 105–11.

  12. Shauss, A.G. 1983. Nutrition and behavior. Journal of Applied Nutrition 35 (1): 30–35; MIT Conference Proceedings on Research Strategies for Assessing the Behavioural Effects of Foods and Nutrients. 1982.

  13. Benton, D., et al. 1982. Mild hypoglycaemia and questionnaire measures of aggression. Biological Psychology 14 (1–2): 129–35; A. Roy et al. 1988. Monoamines, glucose metabolism, aggression toward self and others. International Journal of Neuroscience 41 (3–4): 261–64; A. G. Schauss. 1980. Diet, Crime and Delinquency. Berkeley: Parker House; M. Virkkunen. 1984. Reactive hypoglycaemic tendency among arsonists. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 69 (5): 445–52; M. Virkkunen and S. Narvanen. 1987. Tryptophan and serotonin levels during the glucose tolerance test among habitually violent and impulsive offenders. Neuropsychobiology 17 (1–2): 19–23; J. Yaryura-Tobias and F. Neziroglu. 1975. Violent behaviour, brain dysrythmia and glucose dysfunction. A new syndrome. Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry 4: 182–85.

  14. Bruce, M., and M. Lader. 1989. Caffeine abstention and the management of anxiety disorders. Psychological Medicine 19: 211–14; W. Wendel and W. Beebe. 1973. Glycolytic activity in schizophrenia. In Orthomolecular Psychiatry: Treatment of schizophrenia, edited by D. Hawkins and L. Pauling. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.

  15. Prinz, R., and D. Riddle. 1986. Associations between nutrition and behaviour in 5 year old children. Nutrition Review 43 Suppl.

  16. Christensen, L. 1988. Psychological distress and diet—effects of sucrose and caffeine. Journal of Applied Nutrition 40 (1): 44–50.

  17. Fullerton D., et al. 1985. Sugar, opioids and binge eating. Brain Research Bulletin 14 (6): 273–80.

  18. Christensen, L. 1988. Psychological distress and diet. Journal of Applied Nutrition 40: 44–50.

  19. Colgan, M., and L. Colgan. 1984. Do nutrient supplements and dietary changes affect learning and emotional reactions of children with learning difficulties? A controlled series of 16 cases. Nutritional Health 3: 69–77; J. Goldman et al. 1986. Behavioural effects of sucrose on preschool children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 14 (4): 565–77; M. Lester et al. 1982. Refined carbohydrate intake, hair cadmium levels and cognitive functioning in children. Nutrition and Behaviour 1: 3–13; S. Schoenthaler et al. 1986. The impact of low food additive and sucrose diet on academic performance in 803 New York City public schools. International Journal of Biosocial Research 8 (2): 185–95.

  20. Ichazo, O. The Arican 2 (Spring 1990). Also see, on, the report entitled “How Drugs Deplete Vital Energy”—an interview with Oscar Ichazo.

  21. Colgan, M. 1983. Effects of nutrient supplements on athletic performance. Paper given to the U.S. Navy Research and Development Center, San Diego (April).

  22. Kotulak, R., and P. Gomer. 1992. Aging On Hold—Secrets of Living Younger Longer. Chapter 5 by R. Walford, 51–73. Orlando, Fla.: Tribune Publishing.

  23. Hagen, T. M., et al. 2002. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA), 99: 1870–75, 1876–81, and 2356–61.

  24. Losonczy, K. 1996. Vitaman E and vitamin C supplement use and risk of all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality in older persons. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 64: 190–96.

  25. Vollset, S. E., et al. 2001. Plasma total homocysteine and cardiovascular and noncardiovascular mortality: The Hordaland Homocsyteine Study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 74 (1): 130–66.

  26. Waller, R. 1970. The diseases of civilization. The Ecologist 1 (2).

  27. World Cancer Research Fund. 1997. Food, Nutrition and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective.

  28. Epstein, S. 1998. Winning the war against cancer—are we even fighting it? The Ecologist 28 (2): 69–80.

  29. Huang, L. A., et al. 1993. Treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia with all trans retinoic acid: A five-year experience. Chinese Medical Journal 106 (10): 743–48.

  30. Lippman, S. M., et al. 1997. Molecular epidemiology and retinoid chemoprevention of head and neck cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 89 (February 5): 199–21; S. M. Lippman and W. K. Hong. 1994. 13-cis-retinoic acid plus interferon-alpha in solid tumors: Keeping the cart behind the horse. Annals of Oncology (Netherlands) 5 (May): 391–93.

  31. Hirayama, T. 1985. A large scale cohort study on cancer risks by diet—with special reference to the risk reducing effects of green-yellow vegetable consumption. Princess Takamatsu Symposium (USA) 16: 41–53.

  32. Omenn, G., et al. 1996. The beta-carotene and retinol efficacy trial (CARET). New England Journal of Medicine 334: 1150–55.

  33. Albanes, D., et al. 1996. Alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene supplements and lung cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 88: 1560–70; Beta Carotene Cancer Prevention Study Group. 1994. The effect of vitamin E and beta carotene on the incidence of lung cancer. New England Journal of Medicine 330 (15): 1029–35.

  34. Baron, J., et al. 2003. Neoplastic and antineoplastic effects of beta-carotene on colorectal adenoma. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 95 (10): 717–22.

  35. Mannisto S., et al. 2004. Dietary carotenoids and risk of lung cancer in a pooled analysis of seven cohort studies. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention 13 (1): 40–48.

  36. Cameron, E., and L. Pauling. 1976. Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: Prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 73: 3685–89; E. Cameron and L. Pauling. 1978. Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer: A re-evaluation of prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer. Ibid. 75: 4538–42.

  37. Block, G. 1991. Epidemiologic evidence regarding vitamin C and cancer. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 54 (Suppl 6): 1310–14.

  38. Losonczy, K. 1996. Vitaman E and vitamin C supplement use and risk of all-cause and coronary heart disease mortality in older persons. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 64: 190–96.

  39. Salonen, J. T. 1985. Risk of cancer in relation to serum concentrations of selenium and vitamin A and E. British Medical Journal 209: 417–20.

  40. Yu
, S. Y, et al. 1989. Chemoprevention trial of human hepatitis with selenium supplementation in China. Biological Trace Element Research 1–2: 15–22.

  41. See

  42. Chang, K-J., et al. 1995. Influences of percutaneous administration of estradiol and progesterone on human breast epithelial cell cycle in vivo. Fertility and Sterility 63 (April): 785.

  43. Emory University School of Public Health.

  44. Beral, V, and Million Women Study collaborators. 2003. Breast cancer and hormone-replacement therapy in the Million Women Study. Lancet 362: 414–15.

  45. Lee, J., D. Zava, and V. Hopkins. 2002. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer. Thorsons.

  46. Wu, L. L., and J. T. Wu. 2002. Hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor for cancer and a new potential tumor marker. Clinica Chimica ACTA 322: 21–28.

  47. Prinz-Langenohl, R., I. Fohr, and K. Pietrzik. 2001. Beneficial role for folate in the prevention of colorectal and breast cancer. European Journal of Nutrition 40: 98–105.

  48. Hirayama, T. 1985. A large scale cohort study on cancer risks by diet—with special reference to the risk reducing effects of green-yellow vegetable consumption. Princess Takamatsu Symposium (USA) 16: 41–53.

  49. You, W. C, et al. 1989. Allium vegetables and reduced risk of stomach cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 81 (2): 162–64; T. H. Abdullah et al. 1988. Garlic revisited: Therapeutic for the major diseases of our times? Journal of the National Medical Association 80 (4): 439–45.

  50. Peters, R. K., et al. 1992. Cancer Causes and Control 3: 457–73.; B. R. Gollein and S. L. Gorbach. 1980. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 64: 255–61.

  51. Douglas, R. M., E. B. Chalker, and B. Treacy. 2000. Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2: CD000980.

  52. Zakay-Rones, Z., et al. 1995. Inhibition of several strains of influenza virus in vitro and reduction of symptoms by an elderberry extract (Sambucus nigra L.) during an outbreak of influenza B Panama. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 1 (4): 361–69.


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