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Loving Munroe

Page 3

by Danelle Nelson

  “What a scary situation, dear,” Carol handed the small bowl of sweet potatoes to Tim’s father, “We are glad you’re okay.”

  The remainder of our night was rather quiet. We ate dessert and made small talk, but the feeling of the situation was off. I was ready to go, and turned to Tim, “Can we head back to the hotel?”

  “Of course,” he set the stack of cards he had in his hands down, “We’ve got to get going. Work tomorrow. Thank you for having us over, Mom.” Tim stood, grabbing my hand and helping me to my feet.

  “Yes, thank you so much. The dinner was wonderful.”

  “Do come back again. Timmy here never comes around anymore, maybe with you in his life he will.”

  I smiled at her, nodding my head, “We’ll try.”

  Chapter four

  We arrived at the hotel a short hour after leaving. The streets of New York City still teeming with passerby’s. It truly was a city that never slept.

  “Your parents are wonderful.”

  “They didn’t make you want to run for the hills?”

  “All the talk of love truthfully made me want to. But I’ll resist.”

  “I’m sorry about that, they were being overzealous.”

  “Don’t apologize for them, Tim. It was kinda sweet. Is it true you don’t visit often?” I sat my purse down on the small coffee table in the sitting room of our suite.

  “Yes,” Tim walked towards me, grabbing my waist and pulling me into his chest. “Perhaps you can change my mind, though,” he bit my ear, causing me to moan out.

  “Ah, I can try,” I placed my hands behind his back, pulling him in closer, “I’m sure you’d like that, though.”

  His hand rose to my chin, lifting my face before he took my lips in his own. Our mouths joining, our flesh wanting. He picked me up, carrying me into the bedroom and gently placing me onto the bed. He stepped backwards, biting his bottom lip as he slowly unbuttoned his blue silk shirt.

  “Slower.” I bit my own lip in response, unable to hold my emotions back. I wanted him. I wanted him now. I also wanted to tease him, make him work for it.

  “Like this?” He took his sweet, delicate time to undo the remaining buttons. Allowing the shirt to gently fall off of his shoulders onto the floor. His muscular abs flexing under the dim lighting of the hotel room. He was delicious, and he was mine.

  “Now your pants.”

  “As you command,” his hands slid down his stomach and hooked onto the lip of his jeans, pulling the hem outwards, stretching the material.

  “Ohh, I like.” His fingers fumbled with the button, slowly undoing it before sliding the pants down. His boxers stood half mast, the blue and white stripes standing tall. “Happy to see me?”

  “Always,” he placed his hands on his boxers, ready to remove them.

  “Wait,” I stood, pushing him back onto the bed where I was just sitting. It was my turn. Biting my lip, I slowly removed my blouse, throwing it in the corner. “My turn.”

  I pulled my pencil skirt slowly down, dropping it to the floor. Turning around, I wiggled my hips from side to side while slowly pulling my panties downwards. Just as they hit the floor Tim was behind me, his hands slowly moving up the outside of legs, his warmth transferring to me. It felt magical; the human touch provided wonderful sensation.

  I pushed backwards into him, my hips gyrating. His hands landed on my hips, gripping tightly. I waited in anticipation, but nothing happened.

  “Are you ready?” His voice rasped from behind me as his fingers made their way to my clit. Slowly circling my tenderness, allowing the wetness to overcome me.

  “Yes,” my voice came out hushed.

  With my words he entered, my body slowly parting for him to fully enter. It was ecstasy, it was purely joyous. It was everything I’d ever wanted, and more.

  I stood, my hands forward on the floor below me, helping keep me steady as his own body rammed into mine, over and over. I stood suddenly, pulling away from him and pointed to the bed. He obeyed, laying on the mattress, his pink mast standing fully erect. “I love what I see.”

  “Mhm, I must agree.”

  I took my time walking towards the bed, allowing him to savior every moment, take in every inch of my body before the delivery. I straddled him, lowering myself gently onto his manhood. “Yes!”

  His hands moved to my hips, helping my body slowly grind on top of him. My clit rubbed against his pelvic bone, building my climax and bringing me close to falling into the abyss. I wanted to fall. I wanted nothing but to fall. “You’re mine, Vanessa.”

  “Always,” I agreed.

  “Forever,” my movements quickened as I neared the edge.

  “And ever,” I gasped, as my body shook. My orgasm came from my core, releasing over and over, allowing me to fall into complete and utter ecstasy.

  Chapter five

  Summer in New York City was absolute hell. The heat, amount of people, and humidity made me want to pull my hair out. I’d arrived in early August the year prior, the hottest part of the summer far behind. Had I arrived in June, I don’t think I’d have chosen to stay. I wiped the sweat from my brow as I made my way down the sidewalk, elbowing people out of my way and fighting against the flow of traffic. I was on my way home from the office after a long, tiring day. I’d ditched Terry in the crowd, I was sick of having a babysitter. Tim hadn’t allowed me out of sight after the ordeal with Matt, but he’d been in jail for the past six months. He wasn’t going to get out anytime soon, and I wasn’t in danger if he was locked up.

  The pungent scent of exhaust filled my nose, mingled with hot dogs and caramelized onions. It was enough to make someone barf. The scents of the city never left, but on days like this it was worse than usual. It reminded me of an over populated zoo, the animal cages hard to keep clean due to the excess mammals.

  People stacked garbage bags on the streets every Wednesday, where they sat until the trash men came to haul them away. Mountains of trash, mountains. It was disgusting, it was eye opening, it was the result of overpopulation. The result of so many people living on such a tiny piece of land. And when you added heat to that equation, it was nauseating.

  I turned the street corner to find my apartment building looming ahead. I was ready to be home. I needed a shower, and I needed time with Nate. We’d been distant lately. Him and Anastasia were finally a couple, and between me staying at Tim’s and him staying with Anastasia, a real hang out session just never seemed to happen. I realized I should have texted him before coming home, knowing he may not even be here. I hoped he was, though, I needed a break. I needed a laugh. I needed him.

  I walked through the lobby, deciding against the elevator. I climbed my way up to the third floor, taking the steps two at a time. I arrived out of breath and heart racing, opening the apartment door to silence.

  “Nate!” I screamed, hoping he’d answer.

  “Baby-cakes?” His voice came from the rear of the apartment. I kicked my shoes off at the door and made my way to his room, finding him sitting on the bed.

  “Hey,” I smiled, leaning in and embracing him in a hug.

  “What’s up?” He leaned backwards, raising an eyebrow.

  “Life,” I let out a large sigh.

  “Yeah, I feel you there. I was hoping you’d come home today, actually. I need to talk with you about something.”

  I paused momentarily, studying him. He was nervous, I realized, as he twiddled his thumbs. His hair was in dismay, he’d been running his hand through it. In the years I knew Nate, he only ran fingers through his hair when he didn’t want to confront someone about something. And I had a feeling that person was me today. “Shoot.”

  “I’ve asked Anastasia to marry me.”

  “What,” my eyes opened wide and I stood stalk still.

  “Don’t be upset.”

  “Upset? I’m not upset,” I attempted to hide my emotions, however fruitless. I’d never liked Anastasia. The woman was only with Nate for the fame, he’d blown up—landing
a job on MSNBC as a local news anchor. He was well known, well liked, and well sought after. She had barely wanted anything to do with him until then, and now she couldn’t get enough.

  “I need you to be there, Ness. I need you to support me.”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Nate. Are you sure this is what you want to do, though?”

  His hand twitched, “Yes. We’ve set the date for August 31st. We’ve put an offer in on a loft by central park, I need to know what you want to do with this place.”

  He’d caught me off guard, I stood motionless, thinking. “I don’t know. Give me some time, okay? I’m so happy for you. August though, huh? Bit soon?”

  “Don’t do this,” he stood, grabbing a handful of clothes and putting them into a box that was on the other side of his bed.

  “You’re already packing?”

  “I’ve been packing all month. You haven’t been here enough to see what was going on. Not your fault, but life goes on, right?”

  I sat on the bed, sighing, “Yeah, it sure does. We’re all grown up it seems,” I laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

  “It’s weird, isn’t it? A year ago I never thought I’d be making millions in my twenties. I never thought I’d be marrying Anastasia, either. I love her though, Ness, I love her so much.” His eyes were glistening, his heart full.

  “It’s something,” I wanted him to be happy, and if she made him happy, I could deal with that. “The moment she breaks your heart I get to beat her, though, okay?”

  “Hah! Deal, crazy-cakes. How are you? Why are you here and not with Tim?”

  “I escaped,” I winked.

  “Escaped? Do tell,” he sat beside me.

  “He’s trying to close on the Collin’s deal, but it’s made him a mess. He’s stressed, and I realized he doesn’t deal with it very well. We’ve been arguing over stupid shit, I needed a break.”

  “Understandable. I couldn’t imagine closing on a multi-million-dollar deal. Is Collin making it difficult?”

  “Yeah. He thought he wanted to sell, turns out he really doesn’t. Tim’s been in a fury trying to convince him. It’s just insane. You know me, my life doesn’t revolve around work or money.”

  “And that’s all Tim’s revolves around, huh?”

  “Unfortunately. Work, money, and then me. It’s a lot to handle.”

  “Have you talked to him about it, Ness?”

  “Not really, no. I know I need too, though. I just needed to get away today. Stay here for the night. I’m actually surprised they haven’t called and shown up.”

  “Doesn’t that get to you? Do you ever get time for yourself?”

  “It was fine at first. It was nice having someone care, but then it got obsessive. Matt’s not a threat to me, no one is right now. Dad called and told me it was unhealthy. And I know it is, but how do I stop it.”

  “You talk to him about it, that’s how.” Nate reached out and grabbed my hand, “You’ll figure it out. August though, Ness. And I expect you to be in the wedding.”

  My mouth fell open, “In the wedding as what?” He was tripping if he thought I’d be one of Anastasia’s bridesmaids.

  “I want you to officiate.”

  “What? Seriously? Can I think about it?”

  “No,” he started laughing, “I’d be worried if you didn’t ask that. Of course, you can think about it. I love you, baby-cakes. I’ve gotta get going, but talk to him, okay? Communication is key.”

  I leaned over and hugged him, “I love you, Nate.”

  “I love you too,” he kissed my cheek lightly before he placed the remaining pile of clothes into the box. He picked it up and left, leaving me sitting on his bed.

  I sat there until the sun went down, until I was alone in the apartment in the dark. I sat there with my feelings, with the realization that everything was changing. Everything had been changing, but it was happening abruptly now. I took my phone out of my purse and noticed that Tim had indeed called multiple times. I called him back, “Hey.”

  “What in the hell, Vanessa? I’ve been worried sick!” his voice came blaring over the phone.

  “Worried about what? I’m a fucking grown woman, Tim. I can go home if I want without saying anything.”

  “What? I know that. I’d just appreciate a heads up, is all.”

  “I’m staying here tonight. And no, I don’t need extra security or any, for that matter. Leave me be. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

  “Did I do something wrong?” His voice had lowered, a tinge of panic was evident.

  “No, I just need some space is all. I’ll see you in the morning, ok?”

  “Ok...I,” he paused, which sparked my heart rate. We’d been going steady for six-months now, yet we hadn’t said I love you. Was now the day? “Will see you in the morning.”

  My heart dropped slightly, “Alright, good-night, Tim.” I hung the phone up, disappointment sitting bright and steady on my horizon. At some point our relationship would have to move forward. We already stayed with one another twenty-four seven. I did love him, I loved him a lot. But I didn’t want to scare him away, either.

  I went into my room and laid on my own bed. It was nice being here. It was nice having room to breathe. I allowed my thoughts to roam while I got the much wanted sleep I’d been craving.

  Chapter six

  I walked into the office at five to nine. Much to my surprise Tim and Vicki were both MIA. I placed my things into my locker and turned on my computer-- I had five minutes to browse the web. My go to website after msn happened to be people lately. I got an insanely weird satisfaction out of seeing myself on headlines, and I was appearing at a weekly rate lately. Instead of satisfaction today, I was met with horror. The front page was a picture of Lacy leaving Tim’s apartment building.

  ‘Is Ms. Fox out, and Ms. Church back?’ the headline stared me in the face. She looked like she was doing a walk of shame. Her shoes where in her hands, instead of being on her feet. Her hair was tussled, her dress out of sorts. It had been months since she’d popped into our lives, the last time being at the auction. My heart skipped a beat as the elevator dinged, and I looked up to find Vicki stepping out.

  “Good morning,” she rushed over to the desk and clicked her computer on before heading back to the break room. I sat patiently, staring at the screen before me. “Jesus, is that Lacy?”

  “Mmhm,” I replied with a slight nod of my head. “You don’t think,” I stopped. I had to talk to Tim about this, no one else.

  “She looks rough,” she sat down in her own seat.

  “Yeah, I noticed that,” I let out a sigh while I blew my bangs out of my face. “Have you heard from Tim? He isn’t in yet this morning.”

  “Thank God! No, I haven’t, but I didn’t want to be late! I have a perfect attendance to hold up.”

  “Why were you almost late?”

  “Long night.”

  “No! Who!” I wiggled in my seat, Vicki never dated. This was juicy, juicy enough to get my mind off thoughts of Lacy and Tim.

  “You can’t tell anyone,” she peered around the office, “It’s Marcus.”

  “Munroe? Tim’s brother?” I squealed, “When!?”

  “We’ve been quietly dating for a month now,” she blushed, “Mr. Munroe doesn’t know, you see. I’d rather he didn’t-- not yet.”

  I nodded in understanding, “We could end up sisters,” I laughed. “I can’t believe you’re seeing Marcus! How did that even happen?”

  “I met him at a bar. I hadn’t even realized who he was until we were already involved. No going back after that. We both agreed it would be better to keep it under wraps.”

  I bit my bottom lip, “I’m so happy for you, Vicki. You deserve someone amazing.”

  “He is amazing, actually. It’s early, but I think I might love him. Is that possible?”

  “Sure, anything is!”

  “You and Tim say it, right? Is it too soon for me to say it?”

  “Well, not
technically. Tim and I don’t say it, but we just aren’t there yet. That doesn’t mean that you’re not, though! If you’re feeling it, say it, Vicki.”

  Vicki opened her mouth to respond when the elevator dinged and Tim walked out a moment later. He looked frazzled, more so than usual. Instead of looking at either of us he kept his head low, walking straight into his office and frosting the glass. “That was weird.”

  “Mhmm, who are you telling,” something wasn’t right.

  I kept my head low the entire morning, which wasn’t hard to do. Tim stayed in his office, holed away behind frosted glass. What a dick. I was sure by now he’d seen the pictures of Lacy, I was sure he knew that I knew. Yet he had completely ignored me, not making one effort to come out or call me in. Lunch rolled around unexpectedly, and Tim came strolling out of the office, “Ms. Fox, will you join me for lunch?”

  “Sure,” I stood. He never called me Ms. Fox anymore.

  He nodded his head while holding the door open for me. I walked through, sitting on the large leather chair in front of his desk. “I’m sure you’ve seen the photos,” he started right off the bat, as soon as the door closed. He sat in the seat next to me which allowed me to look him over.

  I took him in, all of him. He’d still had the clothes on from the day before, but a new hint of pink stuck out behind his suit, and I leaned forward and grabbed his collar. “There’s lipstick on your shirt,” I whispered. My voice was almost inaudible, it sounded foreign and distant in my head. The beat of my heart drowned out what Tim was saying in front of me, but his mouth was moving. He had lipstick—on his shirt!

  “It isn’t what you think, Vanessa,” he leaned in, causing me to lean away.

  “Why is there lipstick on your fucking shirt,” I asked, in more of a yell than I had intended.

  “Calm down,” he stood, “Lacy came over this morning, it wasn’t how the pictures look. She came over and threw herself on me, I had her escorted out of the building.”


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