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Dare Me, Part Two Dare Duet Sawyer and Billie: Unchained Attraction Series

Page 3

by Shandwick, K. L.

  “I wasn’t there, but from what you’ve said, yes, she should have managed her feelings better.”

  Colby nodded, but sat quietly.

  “It wasn’t okay for Poppy to ruin your vacation, but that’s not what I wanted to speak to you about.”

  “Okayyy,” he replied, stretching the word out, his anxiety instantly displaying itself when he bounced nervously on his toes making his knees shake.

  “I’m going to ask you a few questions man-to-man, and I’d really like if you could be honest with me.”

  Colby grew an inch from my man-to-man comment and stared at me intently, like he sensed what I had to say was important.

  “Are we friends?” I asked, glancing directly at Colby to gauge his true reaction to my question.

  “I hope so,” he replied, eagerly.

  “Good, I’m very glad you think so,” I praised, as I moved my head to the side still watching him carefully.

  “You know your mom and dad don’t live with one another anymore?”

  “Yes,” he replied, nodding.

  “How are you feeling about that?”

  “I used to have a knot in my stomach about it, like why couldn’t one like the other?”

  “You want your mom and dad to get back together?” I asked. My stomach felt heavy at the thought of them together.

  “No … no I don’t,” he replied, just as quickly as my question about us being friends.

  “May I ask why not?” I wasn’t sure why I had taken this line of inquiry, but I knew whatever was said between us had to be ‘Colby centered’ if I was to ascertain his true feelings.

  “My mom’s happier with you,” he offered. My heart swelled with his words and I nodded, feeling a little choked that at his young age he could read this into their situation.

  “You know I’m glad you said this, because I think your mom is happy too. Can you think why I make her happy?

  “You make me laugh,” he replied with a shrug. “I mean she is more fun than she was when my dad lived here.”

  “You think? What makes you say that?”

  “When my dad was here, we had to be quiet so he could work, and we didn’t do all the fun things that we do with you.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Some of it, there’s more, but I can’t think of everything right now,” he answered honestly, and I was impressed he hadn’t made a big deal out of it or fabricated his answer.

  “Okay, so let me recap. You like me, and your mom is much happier since she doesn’t live with your dad?”

  Colby nodded. “And she loves you,” he added further. I grinned.

  “She does,” I confirmed, and I saw him look a little uncertain. “What would you say if I said I loved your mom back?”

  “I’d say she deserves it,” he replied, with no hint of mockery in his tone.

  “Why do you think your mom loves me?”

  “Hm, she goes all googly-eyed when she hears your motorcycle coming up the street.” I smiled fondly, instantly imagining how Billie looked when she saw something she liked, and chuckled.

  “Why are you asking me lots of questions?” he asked, sitting straighter and pressing his feet flat on the floor.

  “I’m asking because I have an even bigger question to ask. It’s a very serious question, and because it’s a very important one, I want you to think hard before you answer.”

  “All right,” he replied, looking as if he were in the final of the regional spelling bee or something.

  “Okay, here goes. If you have any questions for me when I ask you, feel free to ask me. Like I said before, we didn’t expect this to happen, not this fast at any rate,” I explained. “You know I love your mom and she loves me?” He nodded. “Well, as man of the house and your mom’s protector, I would really love to ask you if I can marry your mom. Colby’s hands slid out from under his thighs, he grabbed a scatter cushion and hugged it to his chest. I continued but with care, mindful of his feelings. “What I’m saying, Colby, is I won’t ask your mom to marry me unless you think it’s a good idea.”

  “Where would you live if you married her?” he asked, his focus dropping to the cushion while he toyed with one corner.

  “I’d live with you and your mom, or you would live with me at my house by the beach. Whatever you felt comfortable with, because I wouldn’t only be marrying your mom, I’d be a stepdad to you too.”

  For a few minutes we sat in silence. Colby turned and stared out of the living room window at the dark night sky. “What do you think?” I prompted, as my confidence waivered, and I prayed I hadn’t gotten my prediction he would say yes, wrong.

  “Will I have to change schools?” he mumbled, quietly. Although I wanted to be with Billie and him more than anything, I still silently cussed his father for putting his small son in such a vulnerable position in the first place.

  “No, I’ll make sure everything stays as close to your routine as I can. Even if we choose to live at my place. During the school year we could stay here or nearby to make sure you don’t miss out. I get how your life has changed since your dad left home. All I want is the chance to make you and your mom happy and give you the life you both deserve.”

  “Will you cheat on my mom like my dad did?” For a second I fought to keep my jaw from hanging. My breath caught in my throat.

  “No, Colby I won’t. I give you my word, man-to-man,” I stated.

  “Yes, I think I’d like you to marry my mom, but I’ll be watching. You’d better not let her down like my dad did.” Nothing could have prepared me for the lump that grew in my throat at his brave attempt to protect his mom from any more hurt. He may have only been eight years old, but I knew he already had far more emotional empathy for his mom than his father ever had.

  Rising to my feet, I tugged at his elbow and he rose to stand in front of me. “I’ll be honoured to have you as a stepson, Colby. I know we’re already friends, but as you grow, I promise I’ll be there alongside your dad to make sure you have the best time in your childhood, with sound advice and guidance. I don’t want to replace your father, and I hope you view it in the future as being blessed you have two.”

  Without prompting, Colby stepped forward and flung his arms around my waist. I hugged him back then pushed him away by his upper arms to look at him. “Do you want to call her and I’ll ask her now?” I asked, kicking myself for telling a white lie.

  “Mom, can you come here for a minute, please?” Colby asked, and I kicked myself for asking him to do this because I had no idea what I was going to say to her. Billie came walking from the laundry room looking a little tearful, and I knew she’d been sneakily eavesdropping. I smirked and shook my head in disbelief she’d been so nosy.

  “What’s up?” she said, like she’d had no idea what was going on and the look of confusion she wore was an Academy Award worthy performance.

  “Sawyer wants to ask you something,” he said, gesturing at me by giving me a sideward nod in her direction for me to get on with the job. I hadn’t planned to actually propose to her again in front of him, and she had the ring in her purse, but I figured it meant a lot to Colby when he was desperate for me to ask her.

  “Oh, right,” I said, like he was in charge of the situation and strode over to his mom, took her hands and guided her toward the couch. Easing her down gently, I dropped to my knee and continued holding her hands in mine.

  “Billie Collier, since the day I met you, I knew in here, you were meant to be more than a stranger,” I tapped my chest with my closed fist. “When I saw you again all those months later, I thought fate had decided our future. When you thought we were moving too fast, I was simply sweeping you off your feet. Now that I have, I never want to set you down—”

  “Can you ask her now, Sawyer? I only have ten minutes left on my game before I need to get ready for bed.” Both Billie and I chuckled. Colby folded his arms and signaled with his eyes for me to get on with it and I bit back a grin. He sucked in a deep breath like the build up to
me asking his mom was everything, he held it in. Playing along with his anticipation, I did the same. When he nodded, I exhaled and looked longingly into Billie’s eyes.

  “Billie, Colby and I have been talking and you are raising an awesome son. Just now I asked him some questions and one in particular. It’s tradition when someone wants to marry, they ask the man closest to the girl he wants to marry for their permission beforehand. I asked Colby for your hand in marriage, and he’s given his blessing. Billie Collier, would you do me the honor of being my wife? Will you marry me?”

  This time, Billie blubbered like a baby, tears streaming down her sweet cheeks. Colby looked satisfied with her response, clapped for all of three seconds, and ran back upstairs to finish the game he’d been playing. I hugged Billie like I never wanted to let her go and felt this was the proposal that had meant the most to her. It was my second do-over in a few days, and thankfully being engaged to Billie, it had the same outcome.

  Chapter Three

  The following day, out of respect for the sensitive situation with Colby and his father, we spoke to Colby at length to make sure he understood how important it was Billie, and not Colby, tell his father about our plans.

  Colby understood this and, although we didn’t want him to learn to keep secrets, we had felt it necessary this one time to prevent Logan from getting angry and exploding in front of their son.

  Most people would have given no consideration to Logan after what he did, but Billie was the kind of woman who considered the feelings of others no matter what they’d done. This was borne out by her view of my brother James as well.

  Naturally, once Colby had time to consider the implications of Billie and I being together, he had many questions about my parents, my sisters and brother, nieces and nephews, and he was very excited to know he was going to have cousins near his age.

  As my sisters were all still at my parents, I had organized to have Billie’s car brought back and arranged to take Billie and Colby back to Southampton. I had wanted Colby to meet everyone while we still had the chance. If I hadn’t done this for him, he wouldn’t have had an opportunity to get to know them until the wedding, which we hadn’t even set a date for. The night before we were due to go, it had been a toss up of who had been the most excited for the trip, him or his mother.

  One night in Billie’s bed, with her son in the room opposite, was all I needed to know we were moving to live at mine. Trying to get it on with Billie shushing me with every small creak of the bed had been fucking frustrating.

  It had been years since I’d snuck around in the dark to get laid, and this single experience was enough to tell me neither of us would enjoy the sex life we deserved if Billie couldn’t relax. The uptight, hyperaware version of my girl hadn’t responded well to seduction by her frustrated fiancé with her kid asleep across the hall.

  However, I told myself it was only one time and I felt confident with a little persuasion, Billie could be convinced to move her and Colby’s place of residence to mine. Thanks to Uncle Alex’s attention to detail, every room at my house had been soundproofed.

  Meanwhile it hadn’t been all bad when I’d learned Billie had an IUD in place and we had no further use for condoms. On the home front, I had figured the time we’d have on our own was going to be limited between family ties and me touring.

  With these factors in mind, I knew we’d need to inject some excitement into our relationship while I was gone. Either that or we were in danger of drifting apart, and I wanted to keep the romance element of our life together alive. Eventually I exhausted myself thinking of ways to keep the chemistry going between us.

  * * *

  “What time are we leaving?” Waking to a small boy’s voice while lying in a strange bed felt very disorienting. Opening my eyes, I was met with a pair of huge blue eyes similar to his mom’s peering innocently at us. “Morning to you too, Colby,” I muttered staring past his mom’s bare shoulder to see him standing by her head.

  Sliding my arm tighter around Billie’s waist, I snuggled my morning wood in closer, sliding it along the crack of her ass. Stirring from sleep, she groaned then stiffened as she woke and realized Colby was watching her.

  “Huh?” she muttered, her head nuzzling into her pillow, still being dragged from her slumber.

  “What time am I going to meet my cousins?” Colby repeated again. This time, Billie woke up completely and fully conscious of being naked in bed beside me; she slipped her arm under the comforter and pulled it tight to her chin. I couldn’t hold back the soft chuckle that slipped from my lips, and I pulled her tighter against me.

  “What time is it?” she mumbled, her ass shifting a little like she wanted me but couldn’t have me at the same time.

  “7:26 a.m.” he told her. Billie groaned in protest and wriggled restlessly again. Her ass felt deliciously tempting.

  “Can we say, 9: 00 a.m? Now, go lie back in bed for half an hour and let me wake up properly. I’ll get up and make us some breakfast then.” Colby rolled his eyes and swung his arms as he moved away from the bed, in a huffy dramatic fashion, before leaving the room and banging the door behind him. It was a teenage move long before his time and it made me chuckle again.

  “Glad you think it’s funny being woken up after five hours sleep, and you can take that hard thing away from my ass. It’s not getting any attention this morning.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I love your kid but he’s becoming a real cockblocker,” I muttered, ignoring her protest and nibbling at her shoulder. Readjusting my position, I slid my aching cock between her legs and nudged it at her entrance.

  “Wow, no work needed here. Your pussy feels deliciously warm and wet. Were you having a wet dream about me? Is that why you didn’t want to wake up just now when your son was talking to you?”

  Shifting slightly, her ass wriggled closer toward me, like her body defied her words, and she positioned the angle of my cock more perfectly at her opening than before. An arc of pleasure shot through my body and made my cock pulse with interest. My hips tilted toward her in response until my crown became coated in her nectar and I breached her entrance.

  “Is this what you’re looking for?” I whispered close to her ear. Goosebumps scattered the length of her body.

  “Oh,” she moaned as my length slid deep, stretching her open as she took me in.

  “God, I want my mouth here, but I’m guessing we don’t have the time,” I murmured in a ragged voice, as my eyes darted past her to look at the door. Pulling slowly back, I drove my dick back into her deep and without restraint. By the time I bottomed out every thick inch had been coated in her slick heat. She felt wet, tight—a perfect fit for me.

  Billie’s breath stuttered but before she could protest, I rolled onto my back, taking her with me. I lifted and widened my knees, placing my feet flat on the mattress and angled her in a way that made her take me even deeper. One hand dug into the flesh of her hip to anchor her in place, while the pads of the fingertips of my free hand circled her clit.

  “Oh, Sawyer, don’t you ever listen?” she breathed in a sexy submissive tone that told me she was thankful I hadn’t. Dropping my ass toward the bed I slid back and arched forcefully up into her again. My balls slapped against her pussy and a sudden whoosh of air left her lungs.

  “Ah. Oh, Sawyer. Oh,” she moaned again, and the erotic sound resonated through me. The animal in me threatened to unleash when I felt her body relax as her head rolled to the side and rested on my shoulder.

  “Fuck,” I cussed, temporarily overawed at how tightly her slick pussy gripped me and her warm, soft body laid like a blanket over mine. “You feel so fucking good,” I muttered into her hair. Burying my face in her neck, I began to find a steady rhythm. My hand slid from her hip and hooked under one knee as I spread her legs wider for better access.

  “Shh,” she admonished. I groaned, annoyed for the disruption as my rhythm faltered and my pace immediately slowed.

  Gritting my teeth, I tried to be qui
et and fought for control as my hips ground and gyrated under her ass. I communicated my discontentment at the change in flow when I stole small bites of her neck and shoulder.

  As if Billie suddenly remembered where she was she stiffened in my arms, and I imagined from that point her mind had been half on what we were doing and an anxious eye on the door, much like the passing thought I’d had at the beginning.

  After a few minutes of working her clit harder, I managed to gain back control, her need to climax greater than that of being caught and felt the walls of her pussy tighten as I took her close to the edge. The sick tormentor in me wanted to keep her there, tease her and taunt her with my mouth, my cock, my tongue, but when the bed creaked, she became distracted again.

  Her body froze on the spot as if she’d been shot, which made me so fucking irritated that I quickly pulled out of her, climbed off the bed and dragged her up onto her feet. “Up here,” I ordered, slapping my lower abdomen. Put your legs around my waist,” I demanded, the growl in my tone matching my dark gaze of intent as I lifted her up, positioned my cock at her entrance and sank her down my shaft again.

  “Oh, God, Sawyer,” she whispered, her small voice shaky, as her head flopped forward until her face rested against my neck. Sharp fingernails dug into my back as she clung on for dear life while I fucked her harder, faster and took all of my pent up frustration from the previous few minutes out on her tight wet cunt. She clawed desperately at my flesh, the pain enhancing the raw carnal desire I felt while she muttered incoherent half-words next to my throat.

  When her whole body locked up tight, she convulsed in my arms, her pussy spasming around my cock as I fought to hang on for a few moments longer. Holding her tight to my chest, my body absorbed her muffled screams. As her orgasm began to ebb my body stiffened and I lost control, my release washing over me. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, I lifted her head until her face met mine and fucked her mouth with my tongue in my effort to wring the last drops of euphoria from our bodies.


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