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Dare Me, Part Two Dare Duet Sawyer and Billie: Unchained Attraction Series

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by Shandwick, K. L.

  As soon as we both stopped coming, Billie dropped her legs and I slid out of her as she placed her feet on the floor. I’d barely broken a sweat and even though I’d come I was still hard, yet I had to accept that our hurried morning sex was over.

  Still filled with lust and desire, I had barely gotten started and I had been desperate for more time to worship her body when passion still raged within me. However, I knew those urges had to be ignored because Colby was waiting and selfishly this disheartened me. If this was how sex had been with Logan, I felt his frustration, and hers for that matter.

  Our chemistry was spectacular and the spontaneity of being intimate was part of the thrill of any sexual act, which I figured would be a challenge with Colby around. However, sex was a healthy part of any loving relationship between couples, and I had guessed from the two brief occasions we’d had sex since I’d brought her home, it was something we’d need to resolve.

  Billie’s happiness was important to me and I couldn’t look at her without wanting her intimately. The thought of a stilted love life bothered me, and I knew I needed to make the time that we did have alone as relaxed as possible to satisfy us both, without compromising our relationship around her son.

  My woman deserved an unhurried love life, not a rushed effort to get off which ended with me tucking my dick back in my pants and paying little mind to our feelings and the connection we had usually felt afterward. I wanted to take my time with her.

  Half of my pleasure came from lighting her up, absorbing her emotions, her passionate body cues and facial expressions, and the soft breathy sounds she made. It was about exploring and experimenting, being playful, fully sated and connected to her. There was no way this was achievable in a couple of ten-minute fucks.

  * * *

  While Billie was getting Colby ready for the trip back to my parents’, I sat making a list of ideas for us to try as a couple and felt excited to show it to Billie, the first time we were alone. I felt there was no time like the present to show her a little romance.

  Me: I can still feel your peachy sweet ass in my hands from this morning.

  I sent the text as Colby came downstairs carrying a little camouflaged duffle bag closely followed by his mom. A secret smile played on my lips when I saw her pull her cell from her back jeans pocket and check it out. Her suspicious eyes flew to mine when she’d seen the text was from me.

  A smile stretched her beautiful mouth as she read the content and glanced back up at me biting her lip. Her thumbs moved over her keys in reply.

  My cell buzzed as Colby was asking me again what my sister’s children’s names were, and I barely managed to rattle them off before hurriedly pulling out my phone to check out her return text.

  Billie: Did you know I can see the whole outline of your cock in those jeans? Change them, I don’t want women staring at what’s mine.

  I looked toward her, grinned widely and chuckled at the playful smile she wore.

  Me: What are you doing staring at my cock when you’re supposed to be getting ready to leave the house? Are you wet?

  Billie: Maybe you should feel if I am for yourself …

  My thickening cock immediately twitched in my pants and she raised her eyebrow in defiance. Before I could reply, Colby interrupted us.

  “Are we going or what? Will you two stop playing with your phones, we’ve got to go,” Colby demanded, sternly, like we were the kids and he was the adult. I swear the kid had a built-in cockblocking homing device. Instead of continuing with our naughty little game, I prepared my mind for the drive to visit my family again.

  A few hours later we were back in Long Island, parking Billie’s car at my parents’. Colby’s bright blue eyes darted this way and that as he took in the surroundings and looked toward the back door leading into the central hallway.

  “Are you nervous?” he asked me.

  Frowning, I looked at him and saw immediately that he was. “Why would I be nervous?”

  “What if you’ve said you’ll marry my mom, and they don’t like me?” Never in my wildest imagination had I figured he could think something as deep as this.

  “Trust me, Colby, my parents will love you, my sisters too. All the girls; adults and little ones are a hot mess. They’ve all been dying to meet you since I told them we were bringing you today.”

  He chuckled in relief. “Brock?” he asked, in relation to my sister Caitlin’s boy.

  “Oh, he’s the most excited, he’s been stuck with those females forever. He’ll be super excited to have another little man around.” My answer appeared to appease Colby, who cracked a genuine smile and slid his hand into Billie’s as soon as they got out the car.

  Entering the house, I barely took three steps before I heard the loud patter of several pairs of feet rushing toward us, seconds later Milly, Belle, and Brock stood breathless and stared open-mouthed at Colby like he was a rock star.

  “Wow, you must be Colby,” Milly, the eldest of Tammy’s daughters said, taking the lead. “You’re nine, right?” she asked, stepping forward and measuring her height against Colby’s.

  “Yes, how old are you?” he asked in reply.

  “It’s rude to ask a girl her age, you know? I’m taller than you, but I’m nine as well, ten next month,” she informed him, not quite reining in her sassy tone.

  “I’ll still be nine then,” Colby offered, a little disappointed.

  “Don’t worry, you’re still older than Belle and Brock,” she said. “He’s five or six, how old are you again?” she asked her little cousin.

  “Five, but I’m tall my mommy said.” I chuckled at his reply, like height was suddenly all important to the conversation.

  “I’m four, but much older than Bethany,” Belle offered.

  “Bethany?” Colby asked, mentally counting there were only three children present.

  “She’s our baby sister,” Milly informed him. “She can’t walk much, she’s still learning, but she’s not one year old yet.”

  “Not my baby sister,” Brock interjected. “I’m an only boy.”

  “Me too,” Colby said, “but when my mom marries your … what are you, uncle?” I nodded.

  “When my mom marries your uncle, I’ll be your big cousin,” he said, proudly.

  “We’ll all be cousins,” Milly stated, proudly. “Will you bring Colby to Arizona, Uncle Sawyer?”

  “Depends on how well you all behave for your mom,” I told Milly, knowing she’d always tried her best to behave when there was something she wanted. Billie glanced at me, raised an eyebrow, and smirked like she didn’t expect me to have the parenting skill with a kid like Milly, and looked away as if she might laugh at my response.

  “Where did everyone go?” My sister Tammy’s voice could be heard farther into the house, and I spread my arms wide and began ushering the children into the great room where her voice had come from.

  “We’re here, being mobbed by your unruly brood, as usual,” I stated, picking up Belle, who had attached herself to my right leg as soon as I’d stepped closer to her. Belle immediately wrapped her little arms around my neck, pecked me on the cheek, and glanced down at Colby. “This is my boyfriend,” she said, moving her hands to my face, this time kissing my nose.

  “Nuh-huh, you’re too little and he’s my mom’s … nearly husband,” he replied, struggling for the correct title.

  “That’s right, Colby I’m going to marry your mom, but Belle here is so beautiful she needs someone to be her boyfriend to keep all the little boys from wanting to marry her.”

  “Okay, well, you’ve got your hands full with my mom, so I’ll do that … if you want, Belle?” he said, holding his hands out down by his sides, His little suggestion tightened my chest and made me feel proud he’d put himself up for the job to prevent me becoming distracted from his mom.

  As I’d predicted, the kids loved Colby and it was interesting to see how socially confident he was with them. It was a side of her son Billie hadn’t seen much of. We chatted ab
out this and she supposed she hadn’t paid as much attention to this aspect of his development as she could have, due to working for most of the week and only having him at home every other weekend.

  “I feel I’ve been selfish wanting him to myself the weekends I’ve had him at home. This is what he needs. Look at his eyes, they’re sparkling with excitement at being around other children, and from the little I’ve seen, I can tell he’s a natural leader, not a follower as I’d always thought him to be.”

  “Is that what you think you are? A follower?” I probed.

  For a moment she considered my question. “Not a follower per se, but I was never one to prompt discussions or push my thoughts out there until everyone else had their say.”

  “So you’re a theorist and reflector, that doesn’t make you either. It tells me when you act it’s with deliberation.”

  “I wasn’t very deliberate when I agreed to marry you,” she replied, referring to how she’d dared me to ask her.

  “Ah, you’re correct, that was very spontaneous … and hot. I think that was your gut forcing you to know what was right for you. I mean, I’ve said it before, look at me … you’d have been nuts to pass on all this hotness,” I replied playfully with a wink.

  Billie grinned, her eyes turning a deeper shade of blue when she made a show of looking. “Damn, I would have,” she agreed with a chuckle. “I do find you very attractive,” she added.

  “Attractive or fuckable?” I asked, glancing at the kids, knowing Tammy and Caitlin were well out of earshot with them. Leaning close to her ear I murmured in a low seductive tone, “You’re so fucking hot for me, I bet those panties you’re wearing are annoying the fuck out of your sweet drenched pussy. Admit it, you wish they were my fingers, or this,” I said, swirling my tongue around my lips.

  “Sawyer!” she admonished, her eyes immediately flashing her desire and staining her cheeks pink. Seeing her reaction made me chuckle and she smacked me playfully upside the head. I got a kick out of getting a rise out of her that way, and my cock grew thicker against my zipper.

  “Being inside you last night and this morning was like foreplay for the way I’m going to fuck you tonight,” I warned. “I love what that kid does for my heart,” I stated, nodding toward her son, “my dick on the other hand is a totally different story. He’s sleeping in the farthest room down the hall upstairs.”

  “Aw look,” Billie said, changing the subject as she nodded toward all the children. I turned to see Colby sitting on a couch, his legs barely reached the edge of my parents’ deep-cushioned seat with my baby niece, Bethany on his lap. His face looked a picture, with the delightful beaming smile he wore as he protected her little body against his chest.

  My heart lurched because I knew if Billie ever decided to add to the family, I suspected there would be little to no protest from her son. “I didn’t know he liked babies,” she mused, her watery gaze transfixed for a moment toward him before she glanced up at me. I thought she’d wanted to say something else but after a few seconds she took a deep breath, exhaled, and looked away.

  “So?” I asked, not allowing the subject to pass since I knew she had something on her mind.

  “What?” she replied, too quickly.

  “The thought you just shoved to the back of your mind, what was it?” I prompted. “Honesty and trust, remember?” I said, reminding her that if our relationship was going to work, we couldn’t afford to let our thoughts from the past or our age get in the way.

  “I never intended for Colby to be an only child. When I first got with Logan, I envisioned a brood of kids, ideally four, but Logan had other ideas. Having Colby … let’s just say fatherhood didn’t come easy for him. He isn’t a bad father, it’s only that … he struggles to relate to little people. His mom says he was born old.”

  “For the record, I’d give both my nuts to see you pregnant. I think we’d make beautiful babies together, but I won’t regret being with you if we don’t, and despite what you may think, I don’t think Logan’s a bad father either. What I see is a guy who’s unsure of himself, who needs to feel important to like himself, and frankly I don’t think he feels important … especially right now.” Billie looked stunned by my assessment of him.

  “Why would you say that?” she asked frowning.

  “Nice house in a nice neighbourhood, status job, beautiful wife who produces an heir, most guys would stop there. You’ve told me there were times when you felt invisible, you weren’t. He wanted others to see you, to envy him, and the life that he led. You said it yourself, Logan was all about himself, for himself… self-important.”

  “That’s not a very attractive proposition, it implies my marriage wasn’t real.”

  “Oh, it was real, Billie, but you were both in it for different reasons. For you it was love, for Logan, you were part of his ideal image.”

  “And where did Poppy fall into this then?”

  “My guess? As Colby grew, your attention became focused on his needs and in his immaturity; Logan thought he became less important to you. To a weak guy like him, being hit on by a younger woman is no challenge at all. And his appearance at your house for Christmas? That was likely the first opportunity he’d had for an excuse to test the water with you, since Poppy was safely tucked out of the way in Vermont.”

  “Can I go swimming with the others, Mom?” Colby asked, interrupting our conversation. “Tammy said she has some blue board shorts of Milly’s I can wear as swim shorts.”

  “Sure,” Billie said, smiling instantly at her son, like the conversation we had been having hadn’t had any impact. “Make sure you stay near the adults and do as your asked without hesitation,” she added, like sending her son to swim with two strangers was the most natural thing in the world.

  “You trust them?” I asked, knowing how protective she was of Colby.

  “I do, they’re family now. Colby’s an excellent swimmer, but I know they’ll take good care of him.”

  Chapter Four

  The trip back up to The Hamptons had gone better than I had anticipated. My heart was full watching my sisters get closer to Billie and Colby. We stayed the whole week and were fortunate the kids had clicked with Colby the way they did, too. I was confident everyone would love them, but even I was in awe at how my family had taken to them.

  What was unexpected was how quickly my father had taken to Colby, he even took him for a ride to see the grounds on his golf cart. He’d never shown that much interest in any of the other grandchildren, not even Brock. Then again, Colby was at the age where he questioned everything. I guessed this had presented my father with a challenge, whereas Brock was still a little younger.

  Once we came back home, the week dragged on with Billie doing her job and Colby at school. I’d gone home to my own place with the intention of writing some songs and catching up with my friends, but two days without Billie had left me feeling restless and lost, like there was something missing from my life.

  The moment it dawned on me nothing would fix the dull ache in my chest until I saw her again, I packed up some shit and headed back to Billie’s house, feeling determined to discuss and resolve our living situation. It heartened me to know she and Colby had missed me and were glad when I returned.

  After another frustrated night in Billie’s bed, I was all but tapped out with Billie’s frigid behavior because Colby might hear what we did. The only thing that kept me going was knowing it was Logan’s turn to have Colby for the weekend.

  In my view, no sex for three days was better than frustrating sex, so I’d decided a self-imposed celibacy was in order, but by Friday morning, I felt as if my poor loaded balls had been about to explode when Billie had bent over and rummaged through a bottom drawer without any panties on.

  With my frustration maxed out, I headed into the shower that morning while Billie made breakfast, with the intention of relieving my situation by rubbing a quick one out.

  I’d barely gotten started, with my girl’s naked image in my mind, wh
en I became distracted by the sound of rustling outside the shower cubicle over by the vanity sinks. Turning my head, I wiped steam from the glass and saw Colby crouched down by the cupboard underneath. God, I hope he didn’t see what I was doing.

  I hid myself with my hand, turning my body away from his direction as he stood and caught my gaze. He flashed me a bright happy smile. “Morning, Sawyer, mom sent me to get some toothpaste. I’m all out in my bathroom,” he stated, innocently. I forced a smile back.

  As quietly as he’d arrived, he slipped back out into the bedroom again, closing the bathroom door behind him. Grabbing the natural sponge from the soap holder in the shower, I bit into it roughly and let a frustrated groan tear from my throat.

  “Excuse me?” Colby asked, briefly opening the door again when I’d thought he had gone.

  “Nothing buddy, I was only clearing my throat.”

  “Okay, oh, I forgot, my mom said you have less than ten minutes before we have to leave, she has an early appointment at work today.”

  Giving up, I quickly hosed myself down with the shower, got dried and dressed, and made it downstairs as Billie pulled on her coat. “Don’t forget Colby is being picked up by Logan today,” she reminded me. Although I loved the little guy, her prompt brought a wicked smile to my lips.

  “Still finishing at 5 p.m.?” I asked, sounding very upbeat, despite my raging hormones.

  “Yeah, I’ll be home around 5:45p.m.”

  “No, don’t come home. I’ll pick you up on the bike,” I said, quickly. “I’ll bring you some slacks and another jacket. You can leave your things in the trunk of your car and we’ll pick it up over the weekend.

  “You’re taking me somewhere?” she asked, eyes widening with interest.

  “Aw, that’s not fair I’m going to Dad’s and I’ll miss out,” Colby chipped in.

  “Sorry, dude, this is an adult outing. Besides, we would never dream of doing something you’d like without you.” Colby appeared satisfied with my answer, hugged my waist, and headed on out to the car.


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