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Big Flirt: A Flirt Club collection

Page 8

by Angel Devlin

  I watched her face as she took in all the content. She looked up at me.

  “Do you not find it disturbing that this guy knows all your hopes and dreams and you are both talking to each other like you might actually get together, when there could be no sexual chemistry between you at all? What if he’s given your details and after you meet on the date, you can’t stand him, and then he becomes a complete psycho. Like Joe in YOU. Oh my god, what if he kills me? Or kills Finn. Actually, yeah, he’d be more likely to kill Finn, see him as a threat, and then hopefully he’d be caught before he worked his way around to me. Phew.”

  “Okay, yes, let’s address how crazy Gavin might be...” I made a cuckoo noise and pointed to Jodi.

  “You can call me crazy, but you might wanna address the security Grace employs in all this before you meet him. Perhaps you could have Finn wait somewhere as a bodyguard. He’s ripped enough.”

  “Yeah, actually, that’s not a bad idea. And he’ll totally go for it. Not because he’s concerned for my safety, but because he’s a nosy bastard who will be dying for it to be a Mr. Bean lookalike so he can fall about laughing and prove that I’m a romantic idiot.”

  “Romantic? Basically, the guy told you if he farts when you meet, he’ll warn you first and leave the room.”

  I burst out laughing. “Well, at least he’ll warn me, not like Finn!”

  “Now open the other letter. I’m not sure coffee was a good idea. We might get too hot. Shall I go back next door for two ice-teas?”

  “I’m reading it first. Then I will pass it to you.”

  “God, you’re cruel. Well, hurry up.”

  I tore open the letter.

  Dear, Mrs. X!

  Well played! There I was hoping for a letter full of your deepest, darkest fantasies, and instead you tease me with the information you are making the dress from those fantasies.

  So, all I’m going to say is I have my suit… and I made reservations.

  For Valentine’s Day.

  Our letters should be finished by then.

  Be my Valentine (and my potential future wife).


  Ps what’s happening when we skip dessert and get back home? If you tell me that, I’ll tell you what I have planned for the next morning…

  Otherwise my final letter will just say what time I’m picking you up (when I have your address of course).

  “What is it? I’m guessing it’s not good with the look of disappointment on your face.”

  I passed over the letter.

  “Oh, well played, Mr. X. This one is definitely a match for you.”

  “How can you say that? The only thing I know about this one really is how he’ll seduce me.”

  “It’s how he knows exactly the way to push your buttons. I love it. You thought your letter was so clever and now he’s put the ball right back in your court.”

  “And we kinda wasted a letter each.”

  “Not really. I think it’s flirty. Now you need to think of what you’re going to send back. Your deepest, darkest fantasies. That’s what he wants. Shall I get a pen?”

  “No!” I protested. “There’s no way I’m writing my sexual fantasies down in my place of work with my best friend present. Jeez. I shall drink an entire bottle of wine tonight and do it then.”

  The door dinged open and in walked Finn.

  “Oh, the very man. Ella needs you.” Jodi announced.

  “She does?” Finn said, eyes wide.

  “Yes, for Valentine’s Day. You doing anything?”

  Finn actually blushed! I didn’t think I’d ever seen him embarrassed before. “Well, does that mean—”

  “She needs you to be her bodyguard. She has a date with one of these suitors. There’ll probably be a date with the other one too. We need to know they aren’t psychopaths, so can you sit in a corner somewhere to make sure she stays alive?”

  “Jodi! The guy just came through the door, and you’ve ambushed him. I was going to ask him later.”

  She grimaced. “Oh, sorry. It’s not my fault my love life is crap and I’m excited over yours.”

  Finn looked entirely uncomfortable. Did he think when she said Valentine’s, I wanted him to take me out? I bet he did. He looked so unsure then. Not like the Finn I know.

  “Sure, I can do that no problem. I’d not sorted out my date for Valentine’s yet, and anyway I wouldn’t want my roommate being murdered. Getting a good replacement would be problematic.”

  “Well, you might have to do that anyway if she marries one of them.”

  “Jodi. Please shut up. Please.”

  I then realized that Finn only knew about Gavin and not the mistake and letters from X. Damn, there was no wonder he’d worn a strange expression on his face.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Finn. There was a mix up. I got replies from two men, not one. Crazy, eh?”

  “Hey, what if you ended up with both?” Jodi gasped. “How hot would that be?”

  Finn looked from Jodi to me and back again. “Could I just pick up my suit and then escape away from this very uncomfortable girly conversation? Would that be okay?”

  Jodi looked contrite. “Of course. My apologies, Finn. Come on through. I have some cookies from next door in my purse. Will you forgive me if I offer you one?”

  “You didn’t tell me you had cookies!” I protested.

  “I’ll bodyguard if I can eat yours as well.” Finn said.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Like I have a choice.”

  He grinned a triumphant grin before going through to the back.

  The clock showed it was only 9:45. The time from now to when I would be able to write my next letters was going to take forever to pass, and then the wait for my final replies was going to feel like purgatory.

  But soon, soon, I was going to get to meet my matches for real!

  I wondered if either really was my future husband?

  Chapter Nine



  When Jodi raised the subject of Valentine’s, I almost had heart failure. I thought they’d worked it out. But no, she just wants me to be her bodyguard.

  I’m really hoping this isn’t all going to backfire on me.

  It’s starting to feel like an amber alert weather warning.

  Please don’t turn red.

  Chapter Ten


  I started my first glass of wine along with my first letter. The final one to Gavin. I didn’t need Dutch courage for this one.

  Dear Future Husband

  Can you believe we’re on our third letter already? Next is our blind date. I’m both nervous and excited.

  Wow, you must write your own book. I’m sure you can do it. My roommate is a book editor. I’ll have to introduce you. I can’t wait to hear about your story idea.

  Maybe, given that we can’t know what the weather will do, we should make the candlelit meal with the classical music our first date?

  I do like champagne by the way. I just didn’t want you thinking I was a demanding diva hahaha.

  Maybe we should go all out on our date?

  Now, let me say this here. On dates I can pay my way.

  Romantic it may not be. Practical and fair it is. I insist, so now there should be no arguments over the bill when we meet!

  You should also know this, the thought of eating seafood makes me want to hurl, so if it’s okay please can you never eat it in front of me? I know it’s a big ask but once, not too long ago, I had a dodgy prawn curry. Oh my, just writing about it here has me dry heaving!

  I adore chocolate, so I hope there’s a chocolate dessert on the menu.

  Now I feel we’ve shared enough information for now.

  Let’s leave what happens on the date and after to fate shall we?

  Ella xo

  Looking over what I’d written to Gavin, I realized that actually I’d run out of steam with wanting to share any more information about myself. I’d be seeing him soon anyway. At least that’s what I t
old myself, and not the probable truth, which was I was just so damn eager to write the letter to my mystery man!

  I watched another episode of YOU while I drank a couple more glasses of wine. Then I opened up a fresh Word document and start the draft of my letter to Mr. X.

  Dear Mr. X (Potential future husband)

  Well, I have to say you surprised me too. But then again maybe I like to be kept on my toes, (especially if it’s because you’ve pushed me against a wall and I’m arching in ecstasy).

  During the course of our meal, I will slip my foot out of my shoe and will lift it between your legs. My toes and the pad of my foot will slip and slide over your crotch, feeling your hardness as we enjoy our food. You’ll watch me eat, being jealous of every morsel of food that goes into my mouth, wishing it was your cock, and for every sip of drink wishing it was your cum in my mouth.

  On the drive home, the cab driver will believe he has the most perfect well-behaved couple in the rear as I sit back and still against my seat, refusing to touch you, to kiss you, until we are back in my home.

  Every second of travel will bring you an exquisite agony of delayed gratification and by the time we exit the cab you’ll want to run to my front door, and I won’t be able to put the key in the lock quick enough (is that a euphemism?).

  Once through the door, my shiny gold dress will be slipped off my shoulders until it lands in a pool at my feet. You’ll see my ass as I still wear no panties. My strapless nude bra will follow the dress until I am left in just my red heels.

  This time it will be your turn and I will lead you to my bedroom where I will pull you down to sit on the edge of my bed, lowering your pants and revealing your erect cock.

  You’ll watch me lick around my lips before I take you deep. Right to the back of my throat. My tongue will swirl around your glans and I will suck, my fingers trailing over your balls. I will drive you to distraction until you cum down my throat and I swallow every last drop.

  Your shirt will come off next and I will sit on the bed and sit astride your mouth as I demand my own satisfaction and ride myself on your tongue until I come.

  By then you’ll be ready for more and I will move to sit astride you, lowering myself onto your cock, sinking you deep, then letting you slide, before sinking deep again. I will rotate my hips and work myself on your thick length, your hands kneading my breasts, our breaths harsh in the otherwise silent house.

  You’ll flip me over, having to show your alpha maleness. Pinning me to the bed, you will drive into me again, and again, and again, until I’m screaming your name and we both reach our crescendos. You’ll gather me within your arms, and we will fall asleep.

  It’ll be like our souls entwined as well as our bodies.

  Love, Ella xo

  As I re-read the letter on screen, for the first time I wondered if I was making a mistake. What if I had just described a filthy fantasy to someone who turned out to be a complete pervert? What if I had zero chemistry with them and yet I’d written this?

  Oh you’ve gone this far along with it. You may as well see it through to the bitter end. I tell myself. I handwrite both the letters and mail them before I change my mind.

  Finn comes in late. He was staying out more and more these days. I wondered if he had a girlfriend. The thought should have made me feel happy for him, but strangely it didn’t. I missed him being around. God, I was stupid.

  Chapter Eleven


  As this shit storm drew nearer to its conclusion I couldn’t sit still. I daren’t be around Ella because she wanted to talk about it all the goddamn time. Instead I was putting in stupid hours at the gym and running. I may have told myself it was to avoid the apartment, but partly it was in case I ever thought fuck it and took her to bed, so she could admire my eight-pack. Yes, I was shallow.

  Chapter Twelve


  Saturday, February 2, 2019

  Another Saturday, another mail drop. My hair was grey with stress, I was sure. This had felt like the longest wait ever.

  Inside was a letter from Grace herself, along with two more envelopes. The envelopes were both red this time.

  Grace’s letter read:

  Dear Ella

  I hope you’ve enjoyed the process of the What The Heart Wants matchmaking service so far. Please find enclosed your final letters. Should you wish to proceed with a date with either (or both) of your potential matches, please email me at the usual address and I will set up your dates.

  I have to say that usually I insist that letters to each other don’t go into such graphic detail (wow, X’s are scorching) but my gut feeling was that they needed to be passed to you as they were written, uncensored. Anyhow, I believe the heart knows what it wants (hence the name of my agency), and I hope your heart finds its perfect match.

  Love, Grace

  She sounded such an amazing woman. I hoped her own heart found its match soon.

  I opened the first envelope. This time it was X’s. Inside was a Valentine’s card. All it had on the front was a pink background and a large red heart and it said, ‘Be My Valentine’. Inside it was blank except for his words.


  I hope we are indeed a perfect match and we enact every single scenario we have described so far. If not, it was a pleasure writing to you.

  For your information…

  The following morning, very early, I wake you up having brought coffee to your bedside. You smile up at me and I caress your cheek with the tip of my fingers because although I am in lust with you, I am also in love with you.

  I climb into bed at the side of you and we snuggle while you drink your coffee, and then snuggles become caresses; and caresses became heavy breathing, shattering orgasm touches; and then finally exhausted, we fall back to sleep in each other’s arms until the alarm goes off.

  Reluctantly, we part to go to our places of work, but you spend the day with a delicious ache between your thighs and every time you think of us fucking a tingle happens and your panties become damp. You wear a tiny little smile that gives away the fact you spent the night in lust fueled endeavors. Throughout the day I text you about how horny I am, and I make witty comments like have you had a little prick (from your pins), and how you need to come home to me and my large cock. You’ll joke you’re coming home to a big prick.

  So we’ll meet back at the apartment and maybe we’ll send for pizza and I’ll let you choose which sort we have, but that way we can eat in your bedroom (the pizza won’t be the only thing I’ll be eating) and we’ll only have to leave the room to answer the door, and other than that we can stay in bed all night.

  Love, X.

  That was it. My final words from X, who decided in the final letter to show me his heart after all. Next, I opened the second red envelope.

  The card said: To my wife on Valentine’s.


  I stopped myself from being so judgy, and reminded myself that I started all this, addressing letters to my FUTURE HUSBAND.

  I opened the card and read the verse.

  True love comes to those who wait

  And I have waited for you

  Now it’s almost time

  Will you be my Valentine?

  It was one of those cards you designed yourself, so he had made up the verse.

  Inside he had written.

  Dearest Ella,

  Well, here goes. My final words. I have loved speaking to you in depth over the last few weeks, getting to know you inside, before the out. You are the most beautiful person and I really hope we are a match.

  Whoever you end up with in life Ella. They should count their lucky stars.

  Hoping you arrange a date with me.

  How wonderful would it be, to be able to tell our children that we met by writing love letters anonymously? How truly romantic.

  Gavin xo.

  Oh wow. Actual wow. I had tears glistening in my eyes at his words, and I knew from my heart that I needed to meet both of these men. Th
ey both spoke to me from different viewpoints, but I had to know if one of them could be my actual perfect match in life. From their letters I couldn’t choose between them.

  I sent an email.



  Date: February 2, 2019


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