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Big Flirt: A Flirt Club collection

Page 9

by Angel Devlin

  Subject: Dates with my matches!

  Good morning Grace!

  I would truly like to meet both of the matches. Typical me, I’m afraid, but I can’t decide. What if I choose one, and the other was the love of my life?

  Thank you for everything.

  Kind regards.


  Later that day I received a reply.



  Date: January 11, 2019

  Subject: Dates

  Dear Ella

  As you know Valentine’s Day is approaching and both your dates have requested that they meet you on this date. Gavin would like to take you on a lunchtime picnic, and he says he will cover the eventuality of potential inclement weather, and X would like to take you out to dinner. He has evening reservations for you?

  Please let me know where they should meet you and at what time?


  I wrote back to Grace asking that both men gave me a place and time of where to meet them near to, or at where we would be eating. No one was getting my address until I knew I had chemistry with them.

  Then I phoned Finn.


  I let go the fact he was speaking like a teenager seeing as it was an emergency situation. “Finn, I have two dates for Valentine’s.”

  “Greedy bitch.”

  “Be serious. It’s the matchmaking thing. They both want to take me out on Valentine’s Day. One at lunch, the other for dinner. I’m waiting to hear back about where they want to meet to eat. But can you still be my bodyguard, or have you got your own date?” I kept my fingers crossed he didn’t have one.

  “Ella. I don’t have a Valentine’s because I don’t need a girl going all gaga goo-goo eyes at me and seeing all the proposals and telling me how lovely it is, and how they hope for that one day.”

  “What a prize for a woman you are.”

  “But, are you seriously asking me to sit on my own in a restaurant on Valentine’s day twice, like some sad loser?”

  The thought made me giggle. “That’s like hilarious. The icing on the top of the cake. You’ll look like you’ve been stood up.”

  “Ha ha ha. Although, maybe all the female wait staff will feel so sorry for me they’ll bring me free drinks and their phone numbers. It’s on. I’ll wear my new suit.”

  “The first date might be in a park.”

  “I’m wearing it anyway. For my bodyguard role. Don’t spoil this for me.”

  “Okay. I’ll let you know when. Where are you anyway?”

  “Just getting changed from a workout. I’m all sweaty and naked while I talk to you.”

  “Ewww, Finn. See you later, and thanks!”

  Actually, I wished we were on videocall, but I hung up. I might get chance to get naked and sweaty with my own hunk soon.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Wednesday February 13, 2019

  I was sitting in HappBEANness with Jodi, Casey, and Audrina. It was after closing and I had been ordered to come here so everyone could give me their opinions before my dates tomorrow.

  “Okay, so what are you going to do if you meet Gavin at the entrance to Central Park tomorrow and you don’t find him attractive?” Casey asked.

  “I shall go and have the picnic anyway because it’s the least I can do after he made so much effort, and anyway, I might still like him. Maybe his personality will shine through.”

  “And he could have a big dick.” The voice came from the corner where Finn was sitting, having decided to work from the café for the afternoon. He’d said he may as well walk back with me and that he’d keep quiet, but I should have known better.

  “Finn. Mind your own.”

  “He’s right though.” Audrina said. “He could.”

  “Plus, you can’t really ask Finn to keep out of it when you’ve asked him to actually go on the dates with you.”

  I turned to look at Finn’s triumphantly smug grin and gave him the middle finger.

  “No, babes, two dates, not one. That’s the kind of guy I am. I’m there for you, for two dates.”

  “You’re such a hero.” I turned back to my friends.

  “So what are you going to wear to the park? I’m guessing the gold dress is coming out for your fancy dinner. It’s freaking stunning.” Casey told the others. “She’ll look like Cinderella did at her ball.”

  “I thought maybe black classic trousers and a white shirt? He’s going to be reading poetry to me. I need to look learned.”

  “You need a massive warm coat because it’s fucking freezing is what you need. Anyway, a guy won’t care what you’re wearing unless it’s something showing a bit of leg, ass, or boob.”

  “Does anyone have duct tape?”

  “Jesus, what are you planning on doing to them?”

  “It’s for your mouth, dickwad.”

  The others laughed. “Finn, I hope you’re going to behave on Ella’s dates.” Jodi said. “They’ve been a long time coming and a lot of effort has gone in leading up to these.”

  “I’ll be on my best behavior. I know they’re special.” He said.

  We carried on drinking and chatting and then eventually, Finn and I walked the five minutes back to the apartment.

  We walked along the hall and Finn spoke. “I’m gonna go straight to my room, Ella. I can feel a headache coming on. Probably eye strain.”

  “Oh no. Feel better soon. Anyhow, thanks for coming with me tomorrow. I feel safer knowing you’re there.”

  “No problem.”

  I reached up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He turned to look at me and there was a moment’s hesitation. A split-second where his mouth was oh so very close to mine and if either one of us moved just a centimeter…

  He backed up. “See you tomorrow, Ella.”

  And with that, he was gone.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I could barely work. I was a total mess all day. Luckily, it was quiet in the shop because most people had picked up their orders by yesterday. Jodi kept me in coffee.

  For date one, I went for my classic look, but then I took Finn’s advice too and brought a thick coat with me… and gloves.

  Finn went completely overboard and hired a car so he could properly be a ‘bodyguard’, and so at twelve-thirty a suited Finn walked through the door.

  My heart skipped a beat. I’d never seen him while he was trying on his outfit and he looked sensational. Like some kind of movie star.

  “I think unless your date looks like Henry Cavill, he’s going to get an inferiority complex when he sees your bodyguard.” Jodi whispered.

  “Gavin won’t see Finn. Finn will be sitting behind a tree or something.”

  “How do you live with that and not climb him like a tree?” She shook her head.

  “Sshh. You’re whispering really loudly.” I told her as I noticed the smirk on Finn’s lips.

  “Your carriage awaits, Miss Cassidy.” Finn lowered his head and opened the door for me. “Wish me luck.” I told Jodi as I walked out of the door.

  We waited at the entrance to Central Park for thirty minutes. “Perhaps he’s at a different entrance?”

  “No, you double-checked with Grace, it’s this one.” Finn assured me. “Look, send her a message telling her that you’re in Grayson’s across the street from Central Park. Come on, I’ll buy you lunch.”

  I felt so disappointed. Part of me wanted to go home and cry, the other held out hope Gavin was just running late or was in hospital and hadn’t stood me up.

  “Come on. Grayson’s does fantastic food.”

  “We’ll not get in; it’s Valentine’s Day.”

  “Let’s just see, shall we?”

  Finn whispered to a waitress and she must have wanted in his pants because not only were we taken to a table, it was a great table with a view of Central Park.

  “Okay.” Finn said picking up a menu. “Now, I kn
ow you have to leave if Gavin comes, but you’re dressed up in your lovely classic outfit and I’m in a suit, so I think we should go for it, and do what the lovers do for Valentine’s, okay? So, we’re having champagne and that’s final.”

  I giggled. “Okay, James Bond.”

  Finn ordered a bottle of champagne and then told me he could only have a small sip because he was driving.

  “Well, I’m only having one glass because I have my other date tonight—if they actually show up. Well, we’ll take the rest back with us.” He said.

  Finn had steak and I had a burger. We chatted and laughed, and I realized that my disappointment at Gavin’s no show had lifted because I was enjoying myself anyway.

  He insisted we had strawberries afterward and fed mine to me. He was such a dork. And then, he went into his pocket and took out a piece of paper. He knew everything Gavin had written to me as I had shown him. I wouldn’t show him what X had written, but he knew and had made puking noises about what Gavin had wrote.

  Unfolding the paper, he started to read out Keats’ ‘Sleep and Poetry’.

  It was beautiful and I realized as I sat there that the reason I didn’t care that Gavin was a no-show was because I’d fallen in love with my roommate.




  “What’s the matter?” Finn said, looking at my wide eyes. I felt like I was about to have a coronary alongside my realization.

  “I just, I just—” I couldn’t do it. What could I say?

  “I just… realized I don’t know if you have a middle name?” I blurted.

  What the actual hell are you babbling on about woman? A middle name?

  Finn looked at me strangely. He put the paper back in his pocket.

  He cleared his throat. “I do.” He says. “It’s Gavin. Finn Gavin Edwards.”

  “Oh my god, what a coincidence.” I told him. “Can we get the bill now please?”

  Finn sighed but asked for the bill. I called Jodi. “My date was a no-show. Is it okay if I go home? I want to watch Bridget Jones or something before I try again tonight.”

  “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry. Sure, you go on home. Get yourself a pizza or something.”

  “Oh I’ve eaten. Finn took me to Grayson’s.”

  There was a pause. “But that place books three months out when it isn’t Valentine’s. How’d he get you in?”

  “He’s gorgeous and in a suit. He just smiled at a waitress and BOOM, best seats in the place.”

  “Right.” Jodi replied.

  As we got up to leave, I turned to Finn. “How much do I owe you?”

  He shook his head. “You called me gorgeous. This is on me. My treat, okay?”

  “Okay, thank you.” My face heated. I had. I’d told Jodi he looked gorgeous. It was better I didn’t speak unless necessary. I’d throw money on his bed later.

  As I opened our apartment door, I heard a noise.

  “Finn.” I stood stock still. “There’s someone in the apartment.”

  Rather than be scared, Finn just yelled out, “That little shit” and stormed in.

  I followed him, taking my boots off on the way through and holding one in each hand in case I needed to throw them at the intruder’s head. Instead, I found a guilty-faced guy who looked remarkably familiar, given that although he had a different hair color, his being dark blond, he had very similar features to the man I shared an apartment with. The blond-haired man had two shirts in his hand and two hangers lay abandoned on the floor.

  “What have I told you about helping yourself to my clothes?”

  “I’d have asked if you’d have been here. I have a hot date tonight, man. Help a guy out.”

  I looked from one to the other.

  “Ella, meet my brother, Kit.”

  “And Kit has a key to our apartment?” I raised an eyebrow.

  Finn looked guilty. “Yes, but only for emergency situations.” He glared at his brother.

  “It is an emergency. I have a hot date and no clean shirts.”

  Glaring at them both, I snarled. “Sort this out, and don’t come in uninvited again, Kit.” Then I softened my gaze. “Nice to meet you. But you call ahead in future. Okay?”

  “Ooh, I can see why you stay here.” I heard Kit say followed by the words, “Oof, what was that for?” and a growl of, “Shut up, already.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  No sooner had I let Kit have a shirt and kicked him out did my phone ring.


  “Hey, Finn, it’s Jodi.”

  “Oh, can you not get hold of Ella? She’s here, let me get her for—”

  “NO.” She shouted to the point I had to hold my phone away from my ears. “It’s you I need to talk to. Gavin.”


  “How do you know?” I asked her.

  “You just told me.” She said with a triumphant tone.

  “Fuck.” This time I actually said it out loud.

  “I had my suspicions when you miraculously got a lunch reservation and her date was a no-show. Then I thought about the suit and the car and I decided to pursue my hunch. How did you do it?”

  “I emailed Grace and told her I thought I was Ella’s perfect match. She agreed.”

  “And then what? It went wrong and she ended up with two matches. So how are you going to deal with the other one?”

  “Erm, well, I’m going to pick her up from her apartment and well…”

  “What? Drive her in the opposite direction of the restaurant?”

  “Erm, no. I’m going to kiss her. That’s the plan.”

  There’s a stupefied silence from the other end and then the words, “Oh shit.”

  I wait for her next words.

  “You’re both of them, aren’t you?”

  I cleared my throat. “Yes.”

  “But why? Why two?”

  “Because I wrote completely different things. She wanted romance, but I’m also a dirty bastard. So I gave her both. Then tonight my plan was to confess they’re both me.”

  “She’ll kill you.”

  “I have to take the risk. Being this near her all the time and not having her is killing me anyway. If it backfires, I’ll just have to look for someplace else to live. I can’t just be her roommate anymore.”

  “For what it’s worth, Finn. I wish you all the best tonight.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll make sure you have a good send off after your death.”

  She hung up and a feeling of dread pooled in my stomach. I decided it was better to confess now and actually ask Ella on the date, than end up with her dream becoming a nightmare when her second date didn’t turn out as she’d hoped.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I sat back against my headboard disappointed at the no show. And I had no address so it wasn’t like I could even write back and ask why. I could possibly ask Grace, but I couldn’t bring myself to find the motivation. I had this other date tonight, and anyway, I’d realized I was in love with my roommate. God, I didn’t even want this date anymore. I just wanted to do all those dirty things with Finn. It was his face in my fantasies while I got myself off anyway. It was time I totally admitted to myself that my roommate situation was ruined. I couldn’t stay around him while I wanted to do exactly what Jodi said and climb him like a tree. If he brought a girlfriend home, I might even punch them. It was no good. I was going to have to move.

  Feeling maudlin, I decided to get the three letters out from Gavin and give them one last read before I ceremoniously burned them.

  I picked up the first for the last time.

  Dearest Future Wife

  Thank you for your recent letter. I decided to wholeheartedly embrace your idea of conversing with you as a potential future partner! Why not?

  I’m Gavin, I’m twenty-eight, and I work in a library. I adore literature. Poetry, fiction, biography. You name it, I’m a fan. I do als
o enjoy movies, but I’d rather read the book if it’s an adaptation.

  Exercise wise, a stroll in the park sounds good. I do like to visit the gym a few times a week to keep myself in peak condition but also love fresh air.

  I also have both my parents and I have an annoying younger brother who is the same size as me in clothes and calls around to my apartment when I’m not there and ‘borrows’ them.

  My ideal date would be a meal somewhere very romantic, maybe with a scenic backdrop, soft music and candlelight.

  Is it too forward to say that I hope one day to be a father? At least one child but as many as makes my future wife happy. I hope I’ve not scared you away with that comment, but we seem to be saying we’ll give these letters our all!

  Music wise I like classical. If you play Taylor Swift, I shall forgive you (and wear noise cancelling headphones).

  Hope to hear back from you soon.


  I was smiling at finding out Finn’s middle name was coincidentally the same when I re-read the bit about the younger brother and I froze. I started again at the beginning of the letter.

  I work in a library. Finley Gavin fucking conning bastard Edwards did work in a library on occasion when he took his laptop there. He also visited the gym a few times a week…

  Never. How could this be? Was FINN Gavin???

  I hurtled out of my room and smacked right into a very hard chest.


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