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Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 2

by K. L. Hiers

  “What would your father say if he saw you like this?” Cold taunted.

  “God,” Jimmy moaned, his eyes gazing hungrily up at Cold. The thought of anyone watching them together made his cock twitch, but his own father? Oh, how that made him burn deep inside in the most shameful way. “He’d... he’d say I’m a good boy for you.”

  “Yes, you’re always such a good boy for me,” Cold agreed. “Go on and suck my cock, Mr. Poe.”

  Jimmy lunged forward, hungrily swallowing down all that he could. He let his throat relax, bottoming out and burying his nose against Cold’s stomach, sucking hard.

  Cold stroked his fingers through Jimmy’s hair, praising, “Good boy... I think your father would be so proud of you... such a very, very good boy...”

  Jimmy whimpered, closing his eyes tight as he continued to suck, squeezing Cold’s thighs. He was terribly embarrassed, and every pulse of shame that rocked through him made his cock throb.

  Cold’s fingers tightened in Jimmy’s hair as he rocked his hips forward. He began to fuck his mouth, demanding, “I bet you’re so hard right now... show me.”

  Jimmy let Cold thrust in his mouth relentlessly, swallowing down a gag as he hastily unbuttoned his jeans. He pulled out his cock for Cold’s inspection, desperate to stroke himself, but waiting.

  He wanted to be good.

  “Lovely, Mr. Poe,” Cold said, fucking deeper into his mouth, spurred on by the occasional gasp or moan he could elicit with a hard thrust.

  Jimmy opened his jaw as wide as he could, well aware that he was drooling from the corners of his mouth. He didn’t bother to wipe it away. He knew how much Cold liked it.

  Cold suddenly pulled back, wrapping his hand around his cock and jerking himself off quickly, ordering, “Stick out your tongue, Mr. Poe.”

  Jimmy eagerly stuck his tongue out as far as he could, listening to Cold’s feverish panting and groaning when he got his first taste of hot cum. He swallowed it all down, gasping when an errant shot streaked across his cheek.

  Cold grunted, satisfied, rubbing the slick tip of his cock back across Jimmy’s tongue for him to lap up every last drop.

  Jimmy was warm all over and smiled shyly up at Cold as he asked, “May I come now, sir?”

  Cold swiped the glob of cum from Jimmy’s cheek, offering it to him as he said, “Not yet.”

  Jimmy sucked on Cold’s thumb, grumbling with disappointment. He kept his hands at his side even though he ached to touch himself, panting, “Was I not good, sir?”

  “On the contrary, you were very good.” Cold gently pulled him up to his feet, kissing him as he murmured, “I need you to trust me.”

  “But I do!” Jimmy fussed, dragging his fingers down Cold’s chest.

  “Just as you trust me with your body, trust me with your father’s wellbeing,” Cold said, catching Jimmy’s wrists and squeezing. “I only want to help him. Do you understand?”

  Jimmy resisted the urge to argue, whispering, “I will trust you.”

  “Good,” Cold said, allowing another kiss before he pulled away to clean himself up. He offered Jimmy a towel, saying casually, “We still have some time before dinner.”

  “Oh? Did you have something in mind, sir?”

  “I’m thinking some more trust exercises are in order,” Cold replied with a sly smile, pulling his belt from his pants and cracking it across his palm.

  Jimmy shivered at the sound. “Do you want me to strip, sir?”

  “No,” Cold said, moving to sit down on the chaise at the foot of their bed. “Pull your pants down. I’m going to bend you right over my knee.”

  Jimmy approached before he wiggled his pants down, bunching them around his ankles with his underwear. He stretched himself over Cold’s thigh and arched his ass up for him.

  Cold rubbed the leather over Jimmy’s cheeks, saying quietly, “Always so eager for me.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jimmy panted, inhaling slowly to prepare himself for what was going to come.

  Cold caught him with a sharp smack of the belt as he exhaled, immediately rubbing over the red mark he’d left.

  Jimmy made a small sound, the sting lovely, and whined for more.

  “Do you understand why you’re being punished, Mr. Poe?” Cold asked calmly.

  “Because I didn’t trust you, sir,” Jimmy said, hanging his head down. He cried out when Cold spanked him again, harder this time. He grinded against Cold’s thigh, gasping, “And I should always trust you! Only you!”

  “That’s right,” Cold growled, snapping the belt across Jimmy’s cheeks several times in quick succession before stopping to pet the welts that were rising up.

  Eyes squeezing tight and fighting back tears, Jimmy moaned at the tender touch. Cold’s hands felt so cool against his hot skin, and he whimpered when he moved to spank him again. The pain made his head spin, and every nerve in his body was extra sensitive. His cock was absolutely throbbing now, and he was certain he was leaking all over Cold’s slacks.

  “Ten in all, Mr. Poe,” Cold said sternly, giving Jimmy a brief reprieve. “That should be enough to remind you, hmm?”

  “Yes, sir!” The last strike was the most forceful of all and made Jimmy yelp. He felt too hot, too sensitive, and he moaned as Cold’s fingers pressed between his cheeks. He was dry, but Cold didn’t try to press inside yet.

  Cold was merely pushing against his hole, tracing small circles around it and nothing more.

  “Please...” Jimmy croaked earnestly.

  “Please, what?” Cold’s voice carried a warning.

  “Please, sir!” Jimmy begged, trying to push against Cold’s hand and staring up at him desperately. “I was such a good boy, I took all my spankings! Please... please let me come?”

  Cold pulled his hand away, noisily licking over his fingers before returning to his torture. He pressed a single fingertip inside, his thumb sliding over one of the tender welts. “Do you trust me, Mr. Poe?”

  “Yes,” Jimmy sighed longingly. He relaxed, dropping his head back down. “I trust you, sir.”

  “Good boy.” Cold rewarded Jimmy with a deep thrust of his finger. “You may come now.”

  Jimmy eagerly reached down to grab his cock, bucking up against Cold’s finger. He whined when Cold grabbed his arm. “What is it, sir? You said—”

  “Don’t use your hands,” Cold ordered, fucking Jimmy with two fingers and snatching his hair. He pulled, forcing Jimmy’s back to curl as he buried himself down to the knuckle. “Come on, Mr. Poe... before I change my mind.”

  Panting quickly, Jimmy redirected his efforts. Caught between Cold’s tight grip in his hair and his fingers pounding into him, he began to grind against Cold’s thigh with renewed vigor. His ass still stung from the belt, each individual welt tingling when Cold’s hand brushed against them.

  He could feel the pressure in his loins rising to madness-inducing levels, sobbing as he struggled to rut himself to completion. Cold’s fingers burned as they pushed into him, and Jimmy moaned when they curled in the most delightful way. He was finally getting close, letting himself go and giving in to all the delicious attention.

  Jimmy’s cock was pressed between his stomach and Cold’s thigh, and he focused on the sensation of the smooth material rubbing against him. He grinded faster and faster, groaning when Cold moved his fingers to match the new pace. His balls were absolutely aching and there, finally, he felt his body tipping over the edge.

  All he could hear was his own ragged breathing and the soft smack of Cold’s hand against his skin, taking a deep breath as he started to cry, “Fuck! Yes! I’m coming! I’m fucking coming!”

  “Beautiful,” Cold praised, letting Jimmy twitch and grind against him through every withering tremor. He gently moved his hand, leaning down to kiss the top of Jimmy’s head. “Mmm, so very beautiful.”

  Jimmy sighed contentedly, groaning as Cold effortlessly picked him up from the awkward position in his lap and carried him to their bed. He stretched out on his stomach, smiling warml
y as Cold lay beside him and began to massage his sore cheeks.

  “Good?” Cold asked, reverently tracing over the welts.

  “Mmm, so very good,” Jimmy replied, snuggling against the plush pillows. “I really love it when you spank me with the belt.”

  “I must find a different method of punishing you,” Cold mused.

  “No, no,” Jimmy laughed. “The belt is fine. It’s perfect. It... it just clears my mind, and I always come really, really hard.”

  “I noticed,” Cold chuckled, glancing down at the sticky mess Jimmy had left on his pants.

  “Shit, I’m sorry! I can clean it up!”

  “It’s fine,” Cold soothed, playfully smacking Jimmy’s ass. “I’m sure I can think of a way for you to make it up to me later.”

  “Oh.” Jimmy grinned. “I can think of several.”

  * * *

  Jimmy was almost asleep by the time Cold herded him into the shower to clean up. The sweet attention after their play was almost as wonderful as the play itself. They kissed for long and tender moments before Cold pulled away to carefully bathe all the welts he’d left across Jimmy’s bottom.

  Sighing softly, Jimmy leaned against the shower wall while Cold took care of him.

  They stayed in the shower much longer than necessary, and Cold massaged Jimmy until he thought he might be in danger of zonking out again. It was so easy to relax under his strong hands, and Jimmy gave himself over completely.

  He pouted when Cold urged him out to get dried off and ready for dinner. Cold gently patted him down with a fluffy towel and wrapped him in a plush robe. Jimmy took the chance to repay the favor, drying Cold off with equal love and attention.

  Cold allowed it, smirking as he watched Jimmy carefully.

  Jimmy knew not to ever take being able to touch Cold for granted. Touching him was a privilege, one that Jimmy had worked hard to earn. He treasured every opportunity, and he bowed his head to reverently kiss his lover’s scarred breast.

  Cold cradled his chin and pressed a kiss to his lips before leaving him to get dressed. Jimmy followed, always happy to watch Cold put on his suits.

  He lay across the bed as Cold selected socks and snug-fitting boxer briefs, enjoying the reverse strip tease. He was always reminded of a warrior preparing for battle when he watched Cold get dressed, and he admired the meticulous way he fixed every button and seam.

  Cold knew he was being watched, remarking, “You like this, do you?”

  “I do,” Jimmy replied, grinning sweetly. “I love how you dress. I think I might actually be developing a fetish for suits because of you.”

  Cold snorted and pulled out a three-piece suit to wear. It was a dark blue pinstripe, the shirt a pale gray, the tie blue, and Jimmy wished he could take a picture. His boyfriend always cut such a fine figure in his gorgeous ensembles.

  “And what would you do if I decided to wear a t-shirt and some ratty old sweatpants?” Cold teased, adjusting his cuffs with a wink.

  “First, I would call Dr. Queen to make sure you weren’t having some sort of early onset dementia,” Jimmy laughed, “and then I would probably die of freakin’ shock.”

  “Hmmph. Well, unless you’re planning on coming down to dinner naked, I suggest you get dressed, too,” Cold scolded, approaching to ruffle a hand through Jimmy’s hair.

  Jimmy stretched and groaned loudly. “Fine.” He finally dragged himself up and put clothes on, choosing a pair of slim-fitting jeans and a red dress shirt that he knew Cold liked.

  Definitely not as sharp as his gangster lover, but he thought it was more than enough for dinner at home with his father. He was excited and nervous, overcome by a fluttering blend of emotions that made his head light as he followed Cold downstairs.

  He knew Cold had told him to give his father some time, but they had so much to make up for. He was determined to trust Cold, and he did his best to resist rushing into his father’s arms the moment he saw him seated at the table.

  Jerry was busy fussing over David and offering him a frosted pint of beer that he graciously accepted.

  “Thank you,” David sighed, taking a long sip and smiling warmly. He was wearing his new clothes, and his hair was still damp from a shower. He seemed more relaxed now, although Jimmy noticed that his eyes seemed to wander often.

  “Hey, Dad,” Jimmy greeted cheerfully, grinning as his father rose to hug him and clap him on the back.

  “Hey, slugger,” David said with a smile, kissing his cheek and sitting back down to tend to his beer.

  “Everything to your satisfaction, David?” Cold asked politely, taking his seat at the head of the table, with David seated across from him at the other end.

  Jimmy sat to Cold’s right, beaming happily between the two men.

  “Everything is phenomenal,” David said with a firm nod. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

  “My pleasure,” Cold drawled, then turned to his right, speaking a brief snippet of French to Jerry.

  Jerry nodded, obediently bringing over two glasses and pouring a rich red wine for him and Jimmy.

  “Thank you, Jerry,” Jimmy said, raising the glass to take a sip.

  “So!” David said jovially. “You never did tell me. How did you two meet?”

  Jimmy sputtered, snapping his hand over his mouth to stop himself from spraying wine all over the table. He flushed, stammering, “W-well, it’s sort of a f-funny story...”

  David’s brow furrowed.

  “We met... through Maury,” Jimmy said carefully, glancing nervously at Cold. He would take the story of how their relationship began to the grave before ever telling his father he’d been selling his body to pay off his debt.

  Cold’s lips were curled in an amused smile around the rim of his glass, and Jimmy swore he was trying not to laugh.

  “Maurice Martine,” David sighed affectionately, shaking his head. “How is ol’ Maury the Mouth? I always enjoyed his phone calls. That man molds profanity like a master sculptor.”

  “He’s good! Cranky, you know, like always,” Jimmy chuckled, “but I know he’d love to see you. Uhm, you know, whenever you’re ready!”

  “Sure thing, kiddo. Maybe we can go see him tomorrow. Go out for lunch or something.”

  “That would be great!”

  “So.” David paused to finish his beer. “Maury just decided to introduce you to the most powerful criminal in all of Strassen Springs?”

  Cold smirked at the blunt question, and Jimmy thought he was going to die from embarrassment. His father had a twinkle in his eye that was downright mischievous, as if he somehow knew there was more to the story than what Jimmy had told him.

  “When I first met your son,” Cold said carefully, glancing down at his wineglass, “it was only business. The pleasure, the love... came later.”

  “And you love my son?” David asked, smiling appreciatively when Jerry brought him another beer. He looked back at Cold expectantly, his expression still gentle, but his jaw was tight.

  Jimmy’s heart jumped right up into his throat.

  Cold set down his glass, leaning across the table to meet David’s eye. He took a deep breath, his icy facade melting ever so slightly.

  Jimmy noticed the shift immediately and watched the cold armor drop away as his lover regarded David with an openness he’d rarely seen outside of their bedroom.

  “Yes,” Cold replied sincerely. “I do.”

  “Good.” David raised his beer to take a drink as he added nonchalantly, “I’d hate to go back to prison for actually killing someone.”

  “So would I,” Cold agreed, nodding sternly and taking the threat with a calm sip of wine.

  Jimmy chugged down his glass. His father had just threatened Boss Cold, and Cold might have possibly just threatened him back, and they were both smiling.

  Jesus Christ.

  Mumbling his thanks when Jerry brought the bottle to refill his glass, Jimmy almost drank half of it before Cold’s concerned gaze stopped him.

r will be served momentarily,” Jerry promised, swishing back to the kitchen with a polite bow.

  “Merci, Jerry.” Cold glanced back at David as he said, “You’re more than welcome to stay here as my guest for as long as you’d like.”

  “I appreciate that,” David replied, “but I do hope to get back on my own feet again soon. I’ve been away from the world too long.”

  “Any idea what you wanna do?” Jimmy asked.

  “I’ve been thinking about that for years,” David laughed helplessly, “and now that the moment is here... I’ll be honest, son. I have no friggin’ idea.”


  “Nope,” David chuckled. “Practicing medicine is probably out of the question.”

  “Not unless you want it to be,” Cold calmly interjected. “It would be easy enough to have your physician’s license reinstated.”

  “Easy, huh?” David shook his head, downing his beer with a wry smile. He chose his words carefully, clarifying, “Easy to bribe the medical board, you mean.”

  “Easy to provide a donation,” Cold corrected, “and I can be very generous.”

  “I appreciate that,” David said firmly, “but if I cannot do it on my own merits, then I would rather not do it at all.”

  “As you wish.”

  “I still want to do something to help people,” David went on. “I don’t have to be a doctor to do that. I actually have a mind to turn my attention to the prison system right here in Strassen Springs.”

  “Wait, you’d actually want to go back there?” Jimmy frowned in concern.

  “I would go back to help. The system is atrocious,” David replied with a sad shake of his head. “There are so many problems. Medical alone is a nightmare. There’s a reason so many prisoners like Mickey came to me instead of bothering with the infirmary.”

  “I have some connections with the prison board,” Cold offered, “and I’ve been considering having the warden replaced with someone more sympathetic.”

  Jimmy marveled at the way Cold talked about replacing someone with all the ease of changing a tire.


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