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Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 3

by K. L. Hiers

“I’m sure a prisoners’ advocate position could be created,” Cold continued. “If that’s something you would be interested in.”

  “Now that is an opportunity I will take you up on!” David exclaimed. “Medical would be my first target. It’s terrible. Yes, they’re prisoners, but they deserve better than that place’s brand of medieval torture.”

  “I agree completely,” Cold said. “Should our dear mayor win the election next month, he has promised to help fund several new projects for the city. A new infirmary at the prison could definitely be one of them.”

  “You’ve got the mayor, don’t you?” David asked without hesitation.

  Jimmy choked on nothing. He couldn’t believe his father was being so candid with Cold about his criminal dealings. Even more unbelievable was that Cold didn’t seem to mind.

  “I have a good sense for politics,” Cold smirked, taking a small sip of wine. “That’s all.”

  “Well, should the pieces fall into the right places, I would love to be involved,” David said, grimacing sharply. “I spent almost twenty years in that place, and trust me, it needs a lot of work.”

  “Dad, if anybody can turn that place around, it’s gonna be you,” Jimmy said proudly.

  “Could definitely use a lawyer’s help from time to time, too,” David said, winking at Jimmy.

  “You’ll have it,” Jimmy beamed. “I’m going back to school as soon as I can.”

  “And you’ll do great,” David said with a confident smile.

  “You could return in the spring if you wish,” Cold offered. “I would expect that your hours at the club will be reduced so you can focus on your studies.”

  “Club?” David questioned.

  “Oh! Right!” Jimmy blushed as he explained, “So, I might have taken a job singing at one of Rod’s clubs. La Belle et la Bête.”

  “That big swanky place downtown that used to be a theater?” David whistled. “That’s awesome, slugger! I remember how much you used to love singing with Mom.”

  “Thanks! It’s a lot of fun!” Jimmy beamed proudly. “You’ll have to come see me perform!”

  “That would be wonderful, son!”

  “Dinner is served, monsieurs,” Jerry announced, swinging back into the dining room with a tray of steaming food. “Steaks the size of Texas, as requested.”

  David stared hungrily down at the enormous T-bone steak set down in front of him. “Wow. Thank you, Jerry. This looks friggin’ incredible.”

  “Oh, it’s nothing, monsieur,” Jerry preened, looking very pleased as he served Jimmy and Cold.

  The next few moments were filled with the light clattering of silverware as they ate, and David made little pleasurable sounds as he chowed down. He was already almost done with his steak before Jimmy had eaten a quarter of his.

  “Why, Daddy Poe,” Rowena greeted from the doorway, smiling at him ravenously. “Don’t you look lovely all cleaned up!”

  To Jimmy’s delight, his father blushed.

  Rowena walked up beside him, lightly raking her nails over his shoulder. “Much improved.”

  “Thank you, Miss Legrand,” David said, smiling shyly up at her. “Nothing sweeter than the compliments of a beautiful woman.”

  “Why, Daddy Poe!” Rowena laughed, petting his cheek. “You are just adorable.”

  “Behave yourself, sister,” Cold scolded.

  Jimmy had never seen his father so flustered, grinning in between bites.

  “I am!” Rowena argued.

  “I certainly wouldn’t mind if you misbehaved,” David said innocently, and Jimmy nearly inhaled his steak.

  “Mmm, and here I thought you were a good boy!” Rowena giggled.

  “There might be snow on the rooftop, but there’s still fire in the furnace, Miss Legrand,” David told her sagely, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

  “You wicked old thing!” Rowena gasped as she pretended to be aghast. “My boyfriend better watch out. Apparently he has some competition.”

  “Enough,” Cold warned with a roll of his eyes. “We’re trying to eat.”

  “My apologies,” David said, still grinning. “I meant no offense.”

  “Oh, none taken,” Rowena assured him with a wink. “I love shamelessly flirting with handsome men.”

  “Flirt elsewhere.” Cold pointed his fork at his sister. “Doesn’t your little boyfriend need some tending to?”

  “Yes, dear brother,” Rowena replied, scrunching up her nose with a smirk. “I was just on my way over to see him. Wanted to stop in and see Daddy Poe!” She blew Jimmy a kiss, giggling, “And Baby Poe, of course!”

  “Have fun!” Jimmy laughed. “Say hi to Dario for me!”

  “You boys have a lovely evening!” Rowena called out before slinking away, waving farewell.

  David went right back to his steak, making small talk about the changes he’d like to make in the prison, with Cold voicing his support. Jimmy was glad to listen while watching two of the most important people in his life getting along fabulously.

  Dinner was cleared away, and Cold suggested they take their drinks into the living room. It was a massive space of plush furniture and state of the art electronics. Jimmy plopped down in his usual spot, stretched out across the couch positioned right in front of the massive television.

  Cold sat on the end so Jimmy could put his head in his lap, surprisingly at ease around David to show such affection.

  “So?” David took the armchair next to them. “What are we gonna watch?”

  “You’re the guest!” Jimmy laughed, his cheeks rosy from all the wine. “You get to pick.”

  “I’m a little behind on recent flicks, slugger,” David reminded him.

  “Well,” Jimmy said cheerfully, “we have all the time in the world now to get you all caught up!”

  “Yeah,” David agreed with a fond smile. “We sure damn do. I love you, kiddo.”

  “I love you, too.”

  David sipped at his beer, sinking down into the lush cushions with a contented sigh.

  “I take it your first day as a free man is going well, David?” Cold asked politely, his fingers absently gliding through Jimmy’s hair.

  “You know,” David chuckled, “yeah, it really is.”

  Cold raised his glass. “Here’s to you, David. May every day of freedom bring you such joy.”

  David lifted his beer in salute, agreeing, “And here’s to you and Jimmy for making that happen. Thank you both.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” Cold assured him.

  Finally settling on an old western that Jimmy knew was one of David’s favorites, the movie began to play. It had only been running for about ten minutes before David’s attention drifted elsewhere. His expression now somber, he reached over to pat Jimmy’s leg as he said, “Tomorrow, I’d like to go see Mom.”

  “Oh!” Jimmy sat up immediately. “We can go see her right now if you want! Jerry would totally drive us!”

  “It’s all right, slugger,” David said with a sad smile. “We can go tomorrow. It’s been nineteen years, I can wait one more night. Maybe after we see Maury. He may even want to come with us.”

  “Yeah!” Jimmy nodded earnestly. “Whatever you want to do!”

  “Mm, well, it’s been a pretty long day,” David sighed, “so I might have to give you guys a rain check on the movie if that’s all right.”

  Jimmy frowned, starting to protest, “But Dad—”

  Cold’s hand touched the back of his neck, a silent reminder of their previous conversation.

  “O-okay,” Jimmy stammered, smiling awkwardly as his father hugged him good night. “I love you, Dad.”

  “Love you too, slugger,” David sighed, hanging on tight for a few moments. He shook Cold’s hand, saying, “Thank you, Roderick.”

  “Have a good night, David,” Cold replied politely.

  Watching his father depart, Jimmy resisted the urge to call out after him. He had to trust Cold. He got settled back on the couch with his head in Cold’s lap and tr
ied to watch the movie.

  “Thank you for trusting me,” Cold said, his hand moving to pet Jimmy’s hair. “Things will get easier for your father, but it will take time. Just listen to what I tell you, and all will be well.”

  “Are we in a ‘master and slave’ relationship?” Jimmy asked suddenly.

  “Pardon?” Cold blinked.

  “You tell me what to do all the time.” Jimmy blushed. “So, what we have together... am I your slave?”

  Cold was thoughtful, finishing his drink before replying, “Are you my slave, Jimmy?”

  “Uhm, w-well,” Jimmy stammered shyly. “I mean, I really like doing what you say...”

  “Do you want to be?”

  “Yes? No... I don’t know. The more I think about it, I think I already am.”

  “Are you sure about that?” The television was forgotten now, Cold’s icy eyes only looking at Jimmy.

  “We have a freakin’ safe word,” Jimmy laughed with a little smile. “What we have isn’t exactly normal.”

  “Which part? The part where we’re both men? The part where I’m so much older than you?” Cold asked coyly, seemingly amused by the conversation. “Or is it the part where I tell you what to do and you ‘really like’ doing it?”

  “That part.”

  “You desire purpose,” Cold said with a shrug. “You always have. I could see that in you from the very moment we met. You want someone to take control.”

  “And you?”

  “I am the one to take that control. I leave nothing in my life to chance. When I am intimate with someone, I only allow it because I’m the one in charge. Nothing happens without my explicit permission.”

  “Permission,” Jimmy repeated, as if there was a secret within that word he could somehow unlock.

  “Yes,” Cold affirmed.

  “Are you sure I’m not your slave?”

  “The permission works both ways,” Cold replied. “You give me the control freely. You want to give it to me. And you can always refuse me if you so choose. So, no, you’re not my slave.”

  “But you do tell me what to wear,” Jimmy pointed out.

  “No, I purchase nice clothing for you so you don’t look like a transient,” Cold scoffed. “You could wear your own rags if you prefer.”

  “You tell me what to eat.”

  “I prevent you from eating fried garbage that’s loaded with high fructose corn syrup. It’s for the sake of your health. Again, you could always tell me no.”

  Wagging his brows, Jimmy coyly said, “You tell me when I can come...”

  A wave of lust rippled over Cold’s face, smirking darkly as he agreed. “Yes... because you do need my permission for that.”

  “And you tell me what to do with my body,” Jimmy went on. “What to do with your body... sort of sounds like a slave to me.”

  “If you are, it’s only because you want to be,” Cold said, his fingers tightening in Jimmy’s hair, “but I don’t want a slave. What I desire is a partner who wants me to rule over them... willingly.”

  “I do want you to,” Jimmy said eagerly. “You have my permission to always rule over me. I want you to teach me everything.”

  “And so I shall,” Cold said quietly, affectionately nudging Jimmy’s chin.

  “So,” Jimmy wondered out loud, “does this mean we’re more of a submissive and dominant kind of couple?”

  Cold snorted, sliding his hand down Jimmy’s stomach as he mused, “So eager for labels, are we?”

  “Maybe,” Jimmy said, his breath hitching as Cold’s fingers moved over his crotch.

  “All you need to know is that you’re mine,” Cold said softly. “For as long as you want to be. I will have no one else as I have you; you’re the only one who will share my bed, my home.”

  “And your heart?” Jimmy asked breathily, his eyes hot and stinging as he gazed over Cold’s beautiful face. He remembered when Cold had offered it to him, and asked again, “Your heart is still mine?”

  “Yes,” Cold replied, the ends of his mouth curling up in a tender smile.

  Jimmy was getting hard and rolled his hips up into Cold’s hand.

  “No one else in this whole wretched world can lay claim to any part of me except you, Jimmy Poe.”

  “I’ll fucking take it,” Jimmy said passionately, pushing himself up into Cold’s lap and wrapping his arms around his neck. He moaned when Cold kissed him hard, growling against his lips, their teeth clicking.

  “Take off your clothes for me,” Cold drawled seductively as he brought the kiss to an abrupt stop, smugly adding, “Mr. Poe.”

  Jimmy began to strip quickly, and his hard cock bounced as he wiggled out of his clothes. He tried to somewhat fold them and place them on the edge of the sofa, standing before Cold with an eager grin.

  Cold looked him over lustfully, but made no move to touch him. He offered out his empty glass, asking innocently, “Will you pour me another drink?”

  That was not what Jimmy had been expecting, and he pouted as he obediently accepted the glass and padded over to the bar. He could feel Cold’s eyes on him while he poured the whiskey, and he put an extra swing in his hips when he brought it back.

  He kneeled down before Cold and handed the glass back to him. “Anything else, sir?”

  “No, Mr. Poe,” Cold answered casually. “That’ll be all for right now.”

  Jimmy stuck out his lower lip, his shoulders sagging. He teetered back and forth for a few moments, looking up at Cold and nuzzling against his knee.

  “Did you want something, Mr. Poe?” Cold asked.

  “Yes,” Jimmy said grumpily, insistently pressing his hands over Cold’s thighs.

  “And what exactly is on your mind?”

  “You,” Jimmy replied anxiously, running his tongue over his top lip as his words became increasingly more passionate. “Ruling over me... using me... telling me what to do... I might not be your slave or your sub but whatever I am? I am fucking yours.”

  “And?” Cold asked, his voice strained as he struggled to remain unmoved.

  Jimmy pushed himself between Cold’s legs, fingers digging down into his thighs as he demanded haughtily, “So fucking take me!”

  “Gladly,” Cold growled, surging forward to connect their lips, his drink forgotten. He pulled Jimmy up into his lap, hands squeezing his ass and under his thighs until he moaned, his nails dragging hard over his smooth flesh.

  Jimmy slipped his tongue possessively into Cold’s mouth, kissing him hungrily and falling into the heat that was burning between them. There was nothing else in the world that mattered except being in Cold’s arms, tasting his lips, and feeling his cock grinding against him. The temperature was soaring until Jimmy’s head felt light, and the head of his cock left a wet streak of pre-cum on Cold’s vest.

  Cold already had his pants opened, pulling himself out and licking a generous stripe across his palm before taking both his cock and Jimmy’s in hand. He began to rub their lengths together, focusing on the heads, twisting up against one another in a mix of spit and Jimmy’s ample leaking.

  Jimmy sucked and kissed Cold’s lips, murmuring pleasurably as the rhythm began to pick up. The warmth of Cold’s cock felt so good against his own, and he whimpered and panted, “God... uh huh... please... fuck, just like that, sir... please...”

  “Mmm, getting close, aren’t you?” Cold challenged wickedly, giving them both a hard squeeze.

  Whining loudly, Jimmy thrust his hips as he replied, “Yes, sir! So fucking close... but I won’t come yet. Not until you tell me I can. Not until then.”

  “Good boy.” Cold nipped at Jimmy’s jaw. He kept them grinding together, perfect and sweet, stroking their cocks in long, rough pulls. He started to speed up, growling, “I’m going to come... but you won’t. Not yet.”

  Jimmy whined but nodded, chomping down on his own bottom lip to keep himself grounded. He watched Cold’s hot cum splattering all over his bare chest and oozing down his stomach. “Fuck,” he gasped, his toes c
urling from the awesome effort of keeping himself from falling over the edge.

  Cold relaxed, leaning back and appraising Jimmy’s swollen cock as he said, “Clean yourself up. Every drop. Then I’ll let you come.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jimmy breathed, swiping his hand down over his body to start collecting all of Cold’s cum. He sucked it greedily off of his fingers, groaning, “Fuck, it’s still warm... mmmm...”

  “Keep going,” Cold urged, watching Jimmy intently.

  Jimmy licked up every splash on his body, even the bits that had dripped onto his own cock. He reached for Cold’s soiled hand, his tongue like a sponge as he cleaned all the mess away. He nuzzled into Cold’s palm and peered hopefully up at him.

  “What is it, Mr. Poe?”

  “Good, sir?”

  “Very good,” Cold assured him, his thumb lightly patting Jimmy’s cheek. “Now, come for me, my gorgeous boy. Come for me now...”

  Jimmy eagerly took himself in hand and sank down into the icy depths of Cold’s eyes. Cold was looking at him as if he was something magnificent to behold, and it turned the fire in his loins into a burning inferno.

  He moaned as his release captured him, stealing away his senses and burning beautifully as his cock pulsed all over him. He knew to clean up, smiling at Cold’s approving grunts as he watched him lick up his own cum.

  Clean and sated, he happily flopped against Cold’s chest. He listened to Cold’s heartbeat slowing down to its normal steady thumping, smiling brightly. Cheeky as always, he took a big breath and teased, “How was that... Master?”

  Cold snorted, his hands winding around Jimmy’s waist. “Hmmm,” he mused. “You know... ‘Master Cold’ does have a nice ring to it.”

  “I’m not calling you master!” Francis Von Valdemar’s voice yelled out suddenly, but he was quickly shushed by someone. Judging by the sound of the cursing, it was presumably his grandson, Francis Von Valdemar III, whom they called Thirdsies.

  They were the youngest and oldest members of Cold’s inner circle and Jimmy had serious doubts about their sanity. Although he couldn’t see them, he knew they had to be just outside judging by the sound of their voices.

  Jimmy groaned miserably and ducked his head down, Cold’s deep chuckle rumbling in his ear. “God,” he mumbled, grabbing for his clothes. “How long have they been there?”


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