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Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 5

by K. L. Hiers

  “Her nose would get all scrunched up,” Jimmy said with a weak laugh. “Remember? That little nose wiggle she did whenever she got really mad?”

  David laughed, recalling fondly, “Oh, yes. I remember it very well. Used to see it a lot.”

  “I think I spied it once or twice myself,” Maury chuckled. “Couldn’t take her seriously for fuckin’ nothin’ when she’d get like that.”

  “Sure couldn’t,” David agreed, all smiles now.

  “Do you remember when she used to catch you sneaking cigarettes?” Jimmy suddenly recalled. “Back before you quit?”

  “Oh, God,” David groaned, cringing at the memory. “She’d find the damn pack and throw the whole thing away. Lighters, too.”

  “She always knew when you was fuckin’ smoking,” Maury chimed in. “She could fuckin’ smell it and she’d bitch to me all about it. ‘That fuckin’ dumbass! What kinda doctor is dumb enough to fuckin’ smoke?’ Ha!”

  “She always told me I needed to quit to make sure that I’d be around to be a good father,” David said with a bittersweet smile.

  “I remember her singing while she cooked,” Jimmy said quietly. “I would sing along with her, even if I didn’t know the words. I always loved the sound of her voice. I just... I loved her so much.”

  “Me too, slugger,” David whispered.

  “Me fuckin’ threes,” added Maury.

  They fell silent, no more words needed to express their love for this woman. When David was finally ready, he stood up and started walking back to the limo with Maury and Jimmy by his side.

  Jerry was waiting with tissues and to open the door for them, asking Jimmy, “Home, monsieur?”

  “Yes, Jerry,” Jimmy replied, gratefully grabbing a fistful of tissues to wipe off his face. “Thank you so much. Let’s go home.”

  They took Maury back to his pawn shop, sending him off with another round of emotional hugs and a few more tears. On the way back to the mansion, David and Jimmy sat beside each other, David’s arm wrapped tightly around his son’s shoulders. They didn’t say much, and when they got back, David wanted to lie down for a nap.

  Jimmy wanted to pry, but he remembered Cold’s advice and let his father go with one more big hug. He and Jerry had lunch, and then Jimmy went upstairs to listen to some music. Today had been a hell of an emotional roller coaster, and while his memories of his mother were wonderful, it still hurt so much that she was gone.

  Cold’s suite opened into a small foyer that led into a lounge with the master bedroom beyond that. The lounge was full of Cold’s personal things: old furniture, photographs, and his record player. Jimmy had added his records to Cold’s collection, and it made for one very eclectic variety of music.

  He turned on the record player and put on AC/DC’s Back in Black. It was his mother’s album and one of her favorites. He made sure not to turn up the music too loudly, crashing in the ratty chair nearby. He didn’t know how many times he got up to restart it before he felt Cold’s hand gently nudging him awake.

  “Mmmm, hey there.” Jimmy smiled sleepily. “Shit, what time is it?”

  “Time for dinner,” Cold replied, offering his hand to help Jimmy up. He nodded at the record player as he asked, “Did today go well?”

  “As good as it could have,” Jimmy replied honestly, standing up and curling his arms around Cold’s waist. He sighed deeply, mumbling, “Lots of tears, lots of laughs, then more tears. It was really hard, but I’m glad I got to be there.”

  “So am I,” Cold said, hugging Jimmy close and kissing his brow.

  “How did your gangster business go?” Jimmy asked, aiming to add some levity to the somber chat.

  Cold snorted and cracked a small smile. “My gangster business went just fine, thank you.” He tilted his head curiously down at Jimmy. “You do realize that I am not ever going to tell you the details of my work?”

  “I know that,” Jimmy huffed. “I was just... I don’t know. Trying to make a joke.”

  Cold cradled the back of Jimmy’s head, saying firmly, “I don’t want you to forget who and what I am, Jimmy.”

  “What are you talking about? Look, I get it! You do bad things!” Jimmy made a face. “What’s the big freakin’ deal?”

  “I don’t want to wake up one morning and find my bed empty because you’ve decided you can’t stand to be with a monster,” Cold said quietly.

  “Oh, Rod,” Jimmy murmured, surprised by the vulnerability he could hear in Cold’s words. He shook his head and pressed a tender kiss to his lips. “I know that you think you’re a monster—”

  Cold scowled.

  “—but,” Jimmy quickly continued, “I love you. Just as you are. That’s enough for me. I’ll never ask about the things you do because I don’t want to know, and I wouldn’t want you to lie to me.”

  Cold seemed to accept that, kissing Jimmy’s cheek as he said, “Thank you. And I won’t. That I can promise you. Now. Mmm, are you hungry?”

  “Starving!” Jimmy exclaimed. “Is Dad awake yet? I think he was taking a nap, too.”

  “Already downstairs waiting.” Cold offered his arm to escort Jimmy to the dining table.

  Jerry had made filet mignon this time with heaping helpings of buttered potatoes and broccoli, bringing out the plates as soon as Jimmy and Cold were seated. David was smiling, eagerly leading the conversation with more happy memories about Eliza. He made sure to throw in some embarrassing childhood stories about Jimmy, including a few times he had decided to take Eliza’s high heels for a spin.

  Everything was going great, and Jimmy’s spirits were completely uplifted. When they were done eating, David suggested they all go finish watching the movie they had started yesterday. Jimmy, thrilled and tipsy from a bit too much wine at dinner, clumsily plopped back on the couch in the living room.

  Cold joined him in his usual spot with Jimmy’s head in his lap, while David elected to sit down in one of the recliners to stretch out his legs.

  It was an odd Polaroid of domestic mafia bliss; all of them enjoying the movie while armed guards patrolled the grounds outside. Jerry came in to check on them and bring them fresh drinks, and David raised his glass for another toast.

  “Here’s to a lifetime of happy memories,” David said, “and to a bright future making even more.”

  “Cheers to that,” Cold agreed, tipping his drink back with a little smile.

  “To the future,” Jimmy said, his chest overflowing with love and warmth that he was able to share this moment with his boyfriend and his father, something he never thought he would be able to have.

  “And you know, speaking of the future,” David said innocently, “I do expect some grandkids at some point, you know.”

  Jimmy squeaked without meaning to, glancing up at Cold and flushing all over. They hadn’t talked much about such things, and he was immediately concerned that Cold’s mood might sour. He was surprised to see his lover still smiling softly.

  “Only time will tell,” Cold teased, stroking Jimmy’s hair adoringly.

  Jimmy smiled at that, his eyes heavy from the wine. The idea of having a family with Cold made him happier than he could even say. He never saw the end of the movie, passing out long before the credits rolled. He distantly felt Cold lifting him up into his arms and starting to carry him upstairs.

  There was a pause, a warm kiss on his forehead, and his father’s voice murmuring, “Love you, slugger.”

  Jimmy smiled sleepily, vaguely aware of Cold tucking him into bed. For the first time, he allowed himself a real and honest sense of pride.

  He was no longer the failure he had always worried about becoming. He had finally done the impossible and gotten his father out of prison.

  His father was free, he was in love with a gorgeous gangster, and life was good.

  No, better than good; life was pretty damn fantastic.

  Jimmy let himself fantasize about the future ahead of him: finishing college, becoming a lawyer, and helping his father take on the cor
rupt prison system.

  Marriage with Cold and adopting some kids were also possibilities. It all sounded so wonderful, although he wasn’t really sure what Cold really thought about actually settling down someday and having a family.

  He didn’t dare to dream such wonderful things would all come true, but it was nice to think about.

  And besides, Cold had said it best:

  Only time would tell.

  Chapter One

  One year later...

  “What’s your safe word, Mr. Poe?”


  “Let’s begin... Strip for me.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jimmy Poe replied breathlessly. He pulled all of his clothes off, folding them neatly and setting them on the chaise at the foot of the bed.

  Boss Cold circled him slowly, gloved fingers lightly tracing the lines of his body: his spine, his collarbones, the groove of his hips.

  Jimmy shuddered when Cold trailed a single digit along the shaft of his cock. The cool leather felt dangerous and exquisitely sinful. He was already hard and twitching at the teasing touches.

  Cold took him in hand and squeezed softly. “Always so eager for me...”

  “Yes, sir,” Jimmy breathed, trying to resist thrusting against the smooth leather.

  Cold massaged his thumb over the head of Jimmy’s cock and rubbed the seam of his glove across the leaking slit.

  Jimmy took a deep breath, his fingers clenching into tight fists by his sides. He hadn’t been given permission to touch, and he wanted to be good.


  For Boss Cold, Roderick Legrand, the gangster king of Strassen Springs, Jimmy wanted to be perfect.

  “Mmm, it would appear you’ve soiled my gloves,” Cold purred, referring to the trail of pre-cum left behind on the smooth leather.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” Jimmy gasped. “I didn’t mean to!”

  “Clean them,” Cold commanded, presenting his hand to Jimmy’s lips.

  Leaning forward, Jimmy earnestly lapped over the leather to lick away his own filth. Yes, they were dirty; he had to clean them.

  He groaned when two gloved fingers suddenly plunged deep into his mouth. He ran his tongue over the leather and began to suck hard.

  Cold fucked his fingers into Jimmy’s mouth, grabbing the back of his head and watching him intently. “There,” he sighed. “Suck them clean, Mr. Poe. Such a good boy for me...”

  Jimmy nodded firmly, groaning as he licked and sucked eagerly, gagging softly when Cold’s fingers hit the back of his tongue.

  Cold waited until Jimmy’s eyes were watering before pulling away, and he softly kissed his brow. “Lovely, Mr. Poe.”

  Jimmy blushed. “Thank you, sir.”

  Cold sat down on the chaise, patting his thigh as he ordered, “Come sit. Facing away from me.”

  Jimmy scrambled to obey, settling in Cold’s lap and leaning against his chest. He pouted when he felt Cold push him forward, asking, “Sir?”

  “Keep your ass in my lap and put your hands down on the floor,” Cold instructed curtly.

  Jimmy teetered down, grateful for Cold’s strong grip to keep him steady while he got in position. His ass was arched up, his knees spread wide as he kept his legs straddled across Cold’s hips.

  It was awkward, feeling his abdominal muscles straining to hold himself up like this.

  His cheeks heated up when he realized he was spread out before Cold like a banquet. He groaned when he felt gloved hands squeezing his cheeks and firm thumbs massaging just outside of his hole.

  The pressure was intense, the leather ridiculously sexy, and Jimmy pushed himself up for more.

  He got a quick spank in response, whining loudly.

  “Stay,” Cold warned him, returning to stroking his gloved fingers over Jimmy’s asshole. He didn’t allow any penetration, only enough pressure to make Jimmy clench and ache, squeezing his balls gently.

  Jimmy’s arms were soon starting to shake, and he glanced down between his legs to see his cock was dripping. He grunted softly, struggling to keep himself up, pleading softly, “Sir... I can’t...”

  “Yes, you can,” Cold said firmly, bowing his head down.

  Jimmy moaned when he felt the first warm slide of Cold’s tongue, the thick muscle dragging up his balls right to his hole. He had to scoot backwards and drop to his elbows, crying out as Cold began to slowly lick around his rim in precise circles.

  Cold’s gloved fingers were pulling Jimmy’s cheeks apart, his lips kissing and sucking at his hole as his tongue began to press forward. The leather was warm now from being in such close contact with his skin, and Cold’s tongue was a hot iron as it darted inside of him.

  Jimmy moaned happily, rocking back against Cold’s mouth. He expected to get spanked, but only heard a grunt of encouragement. He kept moving, eagerly grinding his hips up. He could feel Cold’s hard cock rubbing against his own, alternating between pressing there or back onto Cold’s wicked tongue.

  He was trembling all over as the ache between his thighs began to throb. He balled his hands into fists, gasping, “Please...”

  “Trust me,” Cold sighed adoringly, his tongue swiping reverently over the puckered flesh. “I will always take care of you.”

  “You do, sir,” Jimmy agreed desperately. “You always do...”

  “Then trust me,” Cold repeated, resuming fucking his tongue deep inside of him.

  Jimmy gasped and whined, too hot, too eager, grinding his hips down hard. If he could get enough friction, he knew he could make himself come like this. He couldn’t do it without permission, but God, did he long for release.

  Cold gave him a harsh slap on his thigh, growling, “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, you naughty boy.”

  “I wasn’t going to,” Jimmy protested pitifully. “Never, never without your permission, sir!”

  “And here I was going to let you come soon,” Cold said with a disappointed groan.

  “But sir—!”

  Cold cracked his hand across Jimmy’s ass so hard that he cried out in pain. “Now,” Cold said sternly, “collect yourself and get into bed. On your hands and knees.”

  Jimmy wanted to argue, but he knew it would not do him any good. He crawled out of Cold’s lap and onto the floor, shuffling around to the bed. He was stiff from the awkward position and smiled when Cold helped him up onto the mattress.

  The assistance came with another hard spank, Jimmy moaning and quickly getting on his knees. Cold was right behind him, pressing close as he snarled, “You’ve been awfully mouthy today, Mr. Poe... what’s to be done about that?”

  “I want to be good, sir,” Jimmy pleaded as he dropped his head down on the mattress. “More than anything.”

  “Keep your hands where I can see them,” Cold ordered. “I shouldn’t have to bind you for you to stay just as you are. Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good boy,” Cold drawled approvingly, reaching over into their bedside drawer. “This should help that mouth of yours.”

  Jimmy listened intently and tried to figure out exactly what it was Cold was getting for him. He heard a soft clinking, something with a buckle, and then he knew it was his ball gag before Cold even had to tell him to open his mouth.

  “Very good boy,” Cold praised, sliding the gag into place and buckling it. He checked the fit, asking softly, “Mmm, is that all right?”

  Jimmy nodded, giving a thumb’s up. He began to relax immediately. The leather straps against his cheeks were comforting, and he was even fond of the latex rubber taste on his tongue.

  The gag helped him be a good boy for Cold.

  Cold’s slick cock pressing against his hole prompted a muffled moan, and Jimmy whimpered when he felt his gloved hands squeezing his hips.

  Jimmy kept as still as he could, his fingers clawing at the sheets as Cold began to push inside. He pushed and pushed and was fully seated in one smooth thrust, and Jimmy panted heavily against the gag.

  “You always take
my cock so well,” Cold praised, growling softly as he began to move, pulling Jimmy’s hips back to meet him for each thrust.

  Jimmy moaned happily, his hole aching sweetly and wonderfully stuffed, and he shuddered at every brutal slam of Cold’s cock. He couldn’t remember the last time Cold had fucked him like this: hard, fast, and completely without mercy.

  He sobbed, almost hysterical, tears and drool running down his face as Cold ravaged him. His toes were curling up, and he was left trembling in ecstasy as Cold worked him right up to the edge of blinding pleasure. It was absolutely heaven, and he groaned shamelessly as he struggled to fight off his orgasm.

  His balls were so tight that they hurt, and he could feel his heart pounding down in his cock. Cold didn’t show any signs of slowing, leaving Jimmy to cry and writhe beneath him as he did everything he could to stop himself from coming.

  Cold moved a hand to squeeze Jimmy’s cock and Jimmy wanted to scream. The leather curling around his shaft was too much, and he tried to jerk away. He moaned against the gag when Cold refused to let go, and Jimmy slapped the mattress in frustration.

  He had to be good, he had to wait, but fuck!

  He was right there!

  “Not yet,” Cold ordered sharply, his voice breathless and stern. “You will not come yet.”

  “Mmmmph!” Jimmy shouted in protest, weeping as his entire body shook. The pressure made his head pound, and his vision briefly blurred. He could feel sweat pricking up along his spine, and he tried to focus on Cold’s voice.

  “You will not come,” Cold soothed, slowing down his brutal thrusting to a crawl that was somehow even more cruel. “You’re such a good boy for me... calm down... you can do this... you will not come until I say so...”

  Nodding his head, Jimmy sniffed miserably. He inhaled through his nose and tried to get himself under control. He was still shaking, and he moaned brokenly when Cold’s gloved hands stroked across his back and sides.

  “You’re so beautiful, Mr. Poe,” Cold sighed. “So perfect for me... you’ll wait for me, won’t you?”

  Jimmy shivered, leaning his hips back into Cold’s strong hands. His loins were on fire, so dangerously close to coming, and he took a deep breath. And another. Then another. The slide of Cold’s cock inside of him was torturous but gentle, and he forced the burning inside of him to wilt into a simmer.


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