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Hard Earned Cash: A Dark Mafia Romance

Page 6

by K. L. Hiers

  He could do this.

  “Mmmph,” Jimmy nodded, tearful but determined.

  “Good boy,” Cold growled low and suddenly thrust his cock as deeply as he could.

  Jimmy moaned, biting at the ball of his gag, his head snapping back as Cold started fucking him again. He could hear Cold panting, and he could feel the desperation in his thrusts and in the ferocious way he clutched at his sides.

  He focused on listening to his lover’s impending climax, and he smiled around the gag when he heard a stuttered groan leaving Cold’s throat as he finally came. Cold dragged his gloved fingers down Jimmy’s spine toward his neck, pressing his face into the mattress as he shuddered inside of him.

  Jimmy whimpered quietly as Cold gave him one last rough thrust, and then he gasped as he felt the warm leather of his glove curling around his aching cock.

  “You did so well,” Cold praised adoringly. “Now, Mr. Poe... come for me.”

  Whining gratefully, all of Jimmy’s attention zeroed in on the smooth leather stroking him. The ache inside him was burning red hot again, embers of ecstasy crackling up his spine down to the tip of his cock as he climaxed.

  The intense release made his head light, and he instantly fell limp against the sheets as Cold continued to stroke him. He moaned, too sensitive and hot, his nostrils flaring as he tried to catch his breath.

  “On your back,” Cold said gently, giving him one last squeeze before finally letting go.

  Jimmy groaned, clumsily rolling over and gazing lovingly up at Cold. He turned his head when Cold reached for the gag, his quick fingers unbuckling it and removing it carefully.

  “One last task, Mr. Poe,” Cold ordered, holding out his gloved hand. “Seems you’ve soiled my gloves again. Clean them.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jimmy replied, sitting up and grabbing Cold’s wrist. He eagerly stuck out his tongue to lap up his own cum from the leather. He worked in between each finger, sucking obediently at the seams.

  Cold was smiling, petting Jimmy’s damp hair as he watched him. “Now,” he said softly, “get that last bit there, yes, and hold it there in your mouth.”

  Jimmy obeyed and squeaked in delight when Cold bowed down to kiss him. Cold’s tongue slid right into Jimmy’s mouth, rubbing against his own and stealing away the taste of his cum. Jimmy moaned softly, left positively dumbstruck by the passionate kiss when Cold pulled away.

  Cold licked his lips. “Mmm. Absolutely perfect.”

  “Uh huh,” Jimmy breathlessly agreed.

  “Are you all right, Jimmy?” Cold asked, tugging off his gloves and using his bare hands to cup his face. He gingerly traced his thumbs along the pressure lines left behind from the gag.

  “I’m great,” Jimmy promised him. He smiled brightly, shyly adding, “I really like the gloves.”

  “I’m glad,” Cold replied, kissing his forehead and sitting down beside him on the bed.

  Jimmy quirked a brow. It was a little unusual for Cold to sit with him so soon. Normally, they’d be heading to the shower to get cleaned up first. He tilted his head, asking curiously, “Are you okay?”

  “Mmm, wonderful,” Cold assured him. “There’s just something I need to talk to you about.”

  “Can’t wait until after our shower?” Jimmy teased.

  “No,” Cold replied with a faint snort. “This is too important.” He pursed his lips in thought, musing, “Think of it as a new deal.”

  “Another one?” Jimmy groaned, laughing as he watched Cold reach into his pocket. Their relationship had started as a deal to pay off Jimmy’s debt to the gangster by using his body and had unexpectedly blossomed into something much more.

  Almost a year had passed since that fateful day, and Jimmy had never been happier. He was going back to law school to finish his degree, his father was free from prison and living on his own now, and the passionate love he’d found with Cold was more than he could have ever dreamed of.

  He didn’t see the need for another deal, and teased, “I thought we were done with all of that.”

  Cold was holding a very small box in his hand.

  A ring box.

  Jimmy’s heart leapt into his mouth and immediately blocked any ability to draw breath. “That’s... that’s... is that...?”

  “Jimmy,” Cold began slowly, “I need to propose a new deal for us.”

  The supply of blood in Jimmy’s body had all made its way up into his face, leaving him flushed and completely exhilarated. He couldn’t stop smiling and clasped his hands over his mouth to stop himself from squealing.

  Cold was about to propose to him!

  “There may be some trouble soon,” Cold went on, his eyes serious and unblinking, “and I need to extend to you every possible protection so that the police are no longer tempted to try and involve you in my business.”

  Jimmy flinched. Not quite the heartfelt proposal a young boy might dream about, but Cold wasn’t done talking yet. He tried to remain hopeful.

  “As you know, my aspiring young attorney,” Cold continued, handing him the ring box, “spousal privilege will shield you from being forced to testify against me from the moment we’re legally married.”

  “Wait,” Jimmy snapped, staring down at the little box with a scowl. “Are you... are you only marrying me so I won’t have to testify against you?”

  “This is a very important deal, Jimmy,” Cold said, a touch impatient and refusing to directly answer the question. “I need to know that you’ll be safe. You wouldn’t want to lie to the authorities, and this way you won’t have to. Your conscience will be clear if you happen to become privy to any of my work.”

  “Right,” Jimmy snorted disgustedly. “Like how my conscience is so clear knowing what really happened to Dickie White?”

  Cold’s eyes narrowed, and his expression drained of any warmth, warning, “Careful, Jimmy.”

  Dickie White was Rowena’s ex-boyfriend who had been killed last year. His murder remained unsolved, and although Cold was still the main suspect, there wasn’t enough evidence to arrest him. Thanks to some well-constructed blackmail, there never would be.

  The truth was that Rowena had murdered him herself in retaliation for his abuse.

  “Careful or else what?” Jimmy spat defiantly, his heart aching and glaring furiously. “Gonna have one of the Gentleman whack me?”

  “No!” Cold growled, obviously frustrated. He took a deep cleansing breath and said carefully, “I don’t want to make this complicated. It’s a very simple arrangement. I’ve already had a prenuptial agreement drawn up—”

  “Wait, what?” Jimmy stood up, gawking at Cold in disbelief. “A pre-nup? How long have you been planning this?”

  “A few weeks,” Cold replied without even bothering to look ashamed.

  “A few weeks?” Jimmy echoed. “Is this why you freakin’ told me to take this semester off from school? I thought you wanted me to take a break so we could spend more time together!”

  Cold’s silent grimace was all the answer Jimmy needed.

  Jimmy wanted to laugh, perhaps cry. Maybe both. He shook his head and set the box down on the bed, asking bitterly, “And when exactly were you thinking about telling me?”

  “When everything was ready,” Cold replied, his face muted and eyes watching Jimmy intently as if he was dealing with a wild animal. “Now it’s ready, so I’m telling you.”

  “Wow! A marriage proposal with a pre-nup already included! How sweet! Except you didn’t even actually propose! It’s just another stupid fucking deal!” Jimmy snapped, fumbling around to find his clothes. He managed to get his boxers on, scoffing, “Why’d you even bother getting a ring?”

  “Because I wanted this to be romantic,” Cold answered through his teeth.

  “Right! Because nothing screams romantic like hey, I got us a pre-nup, baby!” Jimmy snarled sarcastically.

  “Jimmy,” Cold said shortly, “this is the most practical arrangement. We will both benefit from this, and you’ll be protected.”

/>   “Do you love me?” Jimmy challenged, crossing his arms over his chest and jutting out his chin defiantly.

  “What?” Cold looked alarmed by such a direct question.

  “You heard me,” Jimmy said haughtily. “Do you love me? Really and truly love me? Convince me that you’re proposing because you love me and not just to cover your own ass.”

  “You are well aware of the depth of my affection for you,” Cold replied sharply.

  “Tell me,” Jimmy demanded, “and I’ll think about it.”

  “Think about what?”

  “Saying yes!” Jimmy growled.

  “It’s already done,” Cold said icily. “Asking was a formality that I thought you would enjoy. I did not expect this much... resistance.”

  “Okay, you haven’t actually freakin’ asked me and, wait...” Jimmy’s stomach churned violently. “What’s already done?”

  “We’re already married,” Cold replied as if it was obvious. “I had the papers drawn up and notarized already.”

  “You, you what?” Jimmy shouted, gasping in horror. “How could you do this? What did you do, forge my signature?”

  “Yes,” Cold answered simply.

  “This is bullshit!” Jimmy raged, his chest getting tight as he struggled not to cry. “How, how the hell could you possibly think I’d be okay with this?”

  “I thought you’d be pleased.”

  “You’re insane!” Jimmy shouted, stepping into his pants. “You do know all that shit with Dickie and Rowena wouldn’t be protected by spousal privilege because I found out about it before we were married.”

  “I know,” Cold retorted dryly. “That’s why I had the marriage certificate backdated.”

  “You what?”

  “Everyone will think that we eloped when we first met, and we’re going to have an official ceremony next month,” Cold growled. “All the other families that I have alliances with are coming, and so are my political associates and all the Gentlemen.”

  “You already set a date?” Jimmy gasped, blinking rapidly.

  “Yes,” Cold sighed, bringing the ring box back to Jimmy and pressing it into his hands. “Trust me. This is the best thing for us, Jimmy.”

  Jimmy stared down at the box, but he still didn’t dare open it. He loved Cold with all of his heart, and there was no doubt in his mind that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. He would have happily married him.

  But not like this.

  He began to slowly shake his head, saying quietly, “No.”

  “What?” Cold spat.

  “No,” Jimmy repeated stubbornly, and his voice rose louder and louder as he raged. “I’m not marrying you or pretend marrying you or what the fuck ever! This isn’t some stupid deal! This is marriage! I want you to propose because you love me, because you want to spend the rest of your freakin’ life with me! Not because of your stupid gangster bullshit!”

  “We’re having a wedding, Jimmy,” Cold growled, a rare sliver of anger working its way through his icy demeanor. “It’s already done.”

  “Ohhh, the fuck it is!” Jimmy seethed furiously. He jerked his head toward the door when he heard it open without warning, groaning when he saw Jules Price lumbering in.

  Jules was Cold’s right-hand man and most likely had Sasquatches somewhere in his family tree. He looked concerned, munching on a sandwich as he grumbled worriedly, “Everything okay in here? Heard buncha shouting.”

  “Everything is fine, Jules,” Cold replied quickly.

  “No! Nothing is fine!” Jimmy growled angrily and grabbed his robe. “And learn how to freakin’ knock! Geez!”

  “Oh, so you finally told him,” Jules mumbled through a bite of his sandwich.

  Jimmy was almost hyperventilating now, glaring at Cold as he fiercely snapped, “Jules knew before I did?”

  “Yeah, of course I knew.” Jules shrugged his shoulders and snorted dismissively, “Damn, calm down, fuckin’ bridezilla.”

  “No!” Jimmy yelled frantically. “I will not calm down! And I am not a fucking ‘bridezilla’ because I am not a damn bride because I am not fucking getting married!”

  “But you’re already married—” Jules began, confused.

  “No, the fuck I’m not!” Jimmy wanted to scream, cutting his eyes at Cold as he snapped, “There is no ring on my finger, and I didn’t say yes! You didn’t even ask my father for permission, did you?”

  “I don’t need anyone’s permission,” Cold retorted with a faint growl.

  “Right,” Jimmy laughed bitterly, “because this is just a business deal. Not like it’s a real marriage built on trust and love or any of that crap!”

  “You’re being dramatic,” Cold drawled.

  “Ohhh!” Jimmy hissed, hurling the ring box at him as hard as he could. “You haven’t seen fucking dramatic!”

  “After everything I’ve done for you!” Cold suddenly roared, swatting the box aside and letting it clatter to the floor. “You’re actually refusing me?”

  Jimmy had never seen Cold this angry, but he was too hurt to care.

  “Please!” Jimmy shouted back. “Like you do anything just for me! You always make sure that everything you do helps you most of all!”

  “You ungrateful little brat!” Cold seethed, positively beyond enraged.

  “Selfish fucking arrogant asshole!” Jimmy screamed. He snatched up his shirt and yanked it on over his head. “I don’t want to marry you! I can’t even stand looking at you right now!”

  “Where are you going?” Cold barked, his eyes narrowing as he watched Jimmy start marching to the door.

  “I don’t know!” Jimmy snarled, throwing up his arms in frustration as he began to storm out of the bedroom. “Away from you!”

  “Told ya’ he’d be pissed,” Jules remarked gleefully, chuckling through a big bite of his sandwich.

  “Shut up, Jules,” Cold growled disgustedly.

  Jimmy heard Cold’s footsteps coming up behind him, and he had the most ridiculous urge to run. He held up his head high, refusing to look back at him, and stomped toward the stairs. He really didn’t know where he was going. He was hurt, his heart was aching, and he was desperate to put any sort of distance between them.

  Cold grabbed Jimmy around his waist, picking him up and carrying him back to their bedroom, growling, “We’re not done talking about this yet, Jimmy!”

  “Fuck you! I’m done!” Jimmy kicked as hard as he could. “Put me down!”

  “No!” Cold stalked right back to their bed with Jimmy held firmly in his grasp, snapping, “Not until you hear what I have to say!”

  “I’ve heard enough! I don’t wanna talk to you! I’m freakin’ pissed the fuck off!” Jimmy snarled, still kicking and shouting desperately, “Hey, Jules! Little help, please!”

  “You’re on your own, Twig,” Jules laughed as he took another bite of his sandwich, clearly entertained by their fighting.

  “Now! Damn you! Listen to me!” Cold growled impatiently, pinning Jimmy down in their bed. “I’m sorry that you feel betrayed by my clandestine efforts, but I’m not sorry for doing what I believe is best for you. For us.

  “It is the next logical step in our relationship and although sooner than I would have anticipated, the benefits are immense. And yes, even though I do not need it, I did ask your father for permission to take your hand in marriage!

  “That ring you threw back at me? If you’d actually looked at it, you would have seen that I had your mother’s diamond from her wedding ring placed in a new band for you. I also asked your father’s permission for that.”

  Gaping dumbly, Jimmy was stunned completely speechless. He really thought Cold had planned all of this as a soulless business transaction, and he didn’t know what to say.

  “Now,” Cold drawled triumphantly, smirking smugly as if he had won, “tell me again that this is just a deal for me. Tell me again that you doubt how I feel about you.”

  Jimmy was honestly touched by how much effort Cold had clearly pu
t into this, but he still felt betrayed that all of it had been done behind his back.

  He had to hear it.

  At least one time, Jimmy needed to hear those three words.

  “Say it,” Jimmy demanded quietly.

  Cold’s eyes widened. He knew exactly what Jimmy wanted him to say, and he bared his teeth defiantly.

  “Say it,” Jimmy asked again, pleading gently.

  Cold made an awful face, torn between anger and something horribly broken.

  Jules did his best to appear completely invisible, holding a giant mouthful of food in his cheek and watching them both with wide eyes.

  Jimmy waited, his breath miserably trapped in his throat. He didn’t dare ask a third time, but he wouldn’t give in. He needed this.

  “I love you,” Cold finally said, his voice husky in his vulnerability and nearly trembling, his eyes wild with a deep need and intense passion.

  He said it. Cold had actually said it.

  It was in English and plainly spoken, and Jimmy could hardly believe it. His eyes were stinging with tears as he croaked, “Say it again.”

  “I love you, James David Poe,” Cold said, more firmly and sure. “You’re equally the most stubborn and the most beautiful man I’ve ever met. I envy your compassion and your tender heart, how fearlessly you give your affection. You’re intelligent, clever, utterly insatiable, and—”

  Jimmy kissed him, his tongue snatching away all those sweet praises. Not a single one could compare to the joy of having heard Cold finally say that he loved him.

  Sighing softly, Cold shifted between Jimmy’s legs as they kissed. It was so natural for Jimmy to wrap his lean body around Cold’s, strung out on the adrenaline of their nasty blowout and the new passion they’d found in this moment.

  “Glad to see you guys worked it out,” Jules said cheerfully, noisily licking some mustard off his fingers. “The key to a happy marriage is good communication.”

  “I still haven’t said yes!” Jimmy protested, moaning softly when Cold kissed him again. He ran his fingers up in Cold’s short hair and mumbled, “Mmm, still haven’t... mmmmph.”


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