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Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

Page 18

by N. J. Nielsen

  “I wasn’t going to come back. Michael made me,”

  Christian answered defensively.

  “Have you and Michael sorted out your differences?”

  Doyle knew Christian felt a little embarrassed discussing

  his private life in front of the whole family, but he didn’t care.


  Doyle asked, “And?”

  “And my relationship with Michael is none of your

  goddamn business.” Christian was getting a little angry.

  Yes he had screwed up. Yes he had broken the “golden

  rule” and created something he shouldn’t have. But

  sometimes rules were meant to be broken.

  “I’m sorry. That’s what you want to hear, isn’t it? I’m sorry

  I fucked up Michael’s life so completely. I’m sorry I let myself

  be brought back here when obviously I’m not welcome. I

  won’t stay to taint the house with my unwanted presence

  any longer. This is not the only home I have. I’l come back

  for my things later.” He didn’t want to tel them this real y

  was the only home he had now, since Michael had set fire

  to his other one. They didn’t have to know.

  “You can’t leave,” Charm threw herself at him. “We are

  your family now. You must stay here with us, with me. I won’t

  lose him again.”

  Feeling grateful he had at least one person on his side,

  Christian wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top

  of her head before extracting himself. “We’l always be

  family, no matter whether I am living here or not.”

  “Show him Kerr,” Charm pleaded, “If you show him he

  wil stay.”

  Kerr pushed the paper toward Christian without saying a

  word. He didn’t have to.

  His stomach dropped. “Oh. I…” he quickly read the

  passage over again. “It’s okay. I’l find somewhere to stay.

  Wil you take care of Drack for me? I’l come back for him

  when I can.”

  Not knowing what to do now Christian didn’t look at any

  of them as he walked out the door. As upset as Charm was

  at his leaving again, she had been a friend to him and it

  was hard for him to walk away while she screaming out for

  him to stay. But Christian knew he couldn’t stay where he

  wasn’t wanted. It had been a mistake for him to come back.

  Michael should have just left him.

  § § § §

  Michael watched as Christian passed by him. He had

  heard everything that was said as he stood just outside the

  door. It seemed this family wasn’t exactly forgiving. Michael

  stood in the dark as the other three came out.

  The moment they saw him Charm walked away from

  Kerr and Doyle and beat on Michael’s chest. She was

  pissed again. “You promised to bring him back. You

  promised to make him stay and now he’s gone again. My

  angel belongs here. Doyle hurt his bloody feelings and he

  took off.”

  “I did bring him back.” Michael stared over her head to

  the others who were standing there watching and listening.

  Michael wondered what they were thinking about this little

  outburst. But then again it was nothing new for Charm to be

  angry at one of them.

  Grabbing her by the arms Michael growled, “Hey, I’m not

  the one who told him to go, so stop fucking hitting me,

  damn it! He’l come home again. This is the only home

  Chris has left.” Michael had felt optimistic after his phone

  cal home; his family stil wanted him in their lives. He had

  just sorted out one part of his life only for the other part to

  fal apart. And seriously he was getting tired of al this crap.

  “He just needs time.” He glared at Doyle and Kerr. “And you

  two need to calm the fuck down.”

  Remembering what he had learned in his dream,

  Michael stiffened at Charm’s next words.

  “No, the creator wil find him. Christian needs to be here,

  to be with his family. He needs to be here with you. I don’t

  want him to die.”

  Whispering softly Michael said, “Don’t worry,” even

  though he knew the others could hear him perfectly. “Chris

  is mine. I won’t let him die.” Michael’s gaze locked with

  Kerr’s and he frowned at him. Then his gaze landed on

  Doyle, whose expression was strange. For the life of him,

  Michael could not fathom what it meant, so he shrugged it

  off. It seemed as if he had managed to piss Doyle off yet


  His arms wrapped around her as Charm pressed her

  forehead into his chest. “Promise me you wil find the idiot

  and bring him home.”

  Gently releasing Charm, he answered, “I promise.”

  Staring at Doyle and Kerr, Michael waited for them to

  say something about the exchange which had just taken


  “Wel ,” Doyle said, patting himself on the chest with both

  hands in what Michael thought might be nervousness.

  Again Michael wondered why Doyle was staring at him.

  The strange thing was he didn’t think Doyle even realised

  he was doing it at al . “Are you guys coming or what?”

  “Sure.” Charm gave Doyle a strange look but let him

  lead the way.

  “Start heading toward the rocks,” Kerr cal ed out as they


  As he stood next to Kerr, Michael watched them walk

  away before he spoke. “I’l go after him.” Michael knew he

  would be able to find Christian. His scent was now so

  familiar, so ingrained into him it was now a part of him. “Did

  you have to show him the paper? Wasn’t it enough that you

  treated him like shit? He fucked up — we al get it. But I’m

  the one who has to sort it out, to live with it.”

  “Are you in love with him?” Kerr asked. Michael stared at

  Kerr. He was used to Charm asking, but coming from Kerr

  it just sounded wrong.

  Michael took a moment before answering. “Yes I am. I’l

  bring him home, so I want you al to back the hel off. The

  deed is done and I’m here. It’s for me to work it out. I don’t

  need you and the Doyle lording my change over him and

  treating him as a criminal. The sooner you al learn Chris is

  mine then the better it wil be for everyone,” he said before

  he turned and walked away, not wanting to give Kerr more

  time to argue with him.

  Slowly, Michael walked in the direction Christian had

  taken. It didn’t take him long to find him as Christian was

  sitting in a bus station, not even two blocks from home. The

  sad look on his face just about tore Michael’s heart out.

  When Christian looked up Michael knew he had been

  waiting for him. “Where do you think you’re going?” Michael

  asked as he sat beside him. “Running away?”

  Reaching across, Michael took the cigarette out of

  Christian’s mouth, put it in his own and inhaled deeply. “You

  know these things wil kil you,” Michael said as he offered it


  “So how did your phone cal go?” Christian leaned over

  until his head rested on Michael’s shoulder.

  Michael chuckled, “I’ve been inv
ited around for dinner

  tonight. I should say, we’ve been invited around. My family

  wants to meet you; they want to meet ‘my friend’ . They’re

  curious about who you are, and what it is about you which

  has kept me away from home. Okay, and Gypsy just wants

  to check you out.” Michael chuckled . “ My mum’s making my

  favourite: Chicken Kiev. It’l be good; she always makes it

  just right.”

  “Wouldn’t you rather be by yourself with your family?”

  Christian asked. Michael could see the thought of having to

  meet his family terrified Christian.

  “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want you to come. How

  can they meet my friend if you don’t come with me?”

  Michael batted his eyelashes seductively until Christian


  “Am I your friend?”

  Michael moved his arm to wrap it around Christian’s

  shoulders. “You’re more than my friend, Chris. You’re my

  boyfriend. You know that don’t you? You are the one I want

  to spend my forever with. Babe, face it, for better or worse

  you’re stuck with me.”

  When Christian didn’t respond, Michael decided to tel

  him what he found out in his dreams. “Chris, I can’t let you

  leave. I want to be honest with you. After you hear me out I

  won’t stop you if you want to walk away from me, but you

  can’t leave the family.”

  Christian straightened up and turned to face him.

  Michael swal owed hard, this wasn’t going to come out

  sounding good at al , and the expression on Christian’s

  face was enough to scare the bejesus out of him. He hated

  how Christian appeared as though he was about to break


  “I have been dreaming about you.” Michael held up his

  hand as Christian went to interrupt. “I keep dreaming about

  this creator. For some reason he loves to taunt me with

  suggestions of torturing you. He keeps asking me to die for

  you. And then last night, I’m not sure if he meant to or not,

  but he let something slip. He basical y said the only way we

  can defeat him is together; you and I need to give ourselves

  to each other…completely. Body, heart and soul.”

  Michael watched Christian’s face intently. “I’m not going

  to force you to be with me. I’m not even certain once this is

  al over and done with, we won’t just go back to the way we

  were. What you said to me up in the attic could be right. Our

  feelings could just be generated for this one particular

  reason. What I do know is this right now I want to be with

  you. I need to be with you. I need you to want to be with me


  “There, I’m done. What do you think?”

  Michael waited.

  After a moment, Christian flicked the cigarette away into

  the darkness. “Come on, love,” Christian said as he stood

  up and pul ed Michael to his feet. “We can’t keep your

  family waiting.”

  Christian pul ed Michael into a deep kiss, one which

  Michael didn’t want to end. Even though Christian was the

  one who had torn him away from them, he kept a firm hold

  on Christian’s hand as they walked to his parents’ home.


  Because I’m a dumbarse, that’s why.

  Michael knocked on the front door of his former home.

  Strangely, he was nervous, more nervous than the first time

  Christian and he had become more than just friends. He

  squeezed Christian’s hand in encouragement as they

  heard footsteps approaching.

  “Michael!” His father smiled. “And you must be Chris, or

  do you prefer to be cal ed Christian? My name’s Charlie.”

  Michael’s father reached out and shook Christian’s hand.

  Michael stil possessed his other.

  “Chris wil be fine, sir.”

  Michael relaxed slightly.

  Letting go, Michael threw his arms open wide as his

  sister came running across the room and rushed into them.

  “Mikey.” Tears streamed down her face. Gypsy crushed

  her brother to her. He knew she must be wondering where

  the hel he had been. She would have just about gone crazy

  when he disappeared. She probably wanted to scream at

  him about him knowing how they were supposed to be

  together forever. Grandpa had told them so enough times

  for it to have sunk in. A wave of sadness washed over him

  at the thought, because he had no right to want that

  closeness anymore. He and Gypsy had always been closer

  than normal twins. Sometimes it felt as though they were

  the same person. They were compel ed to be together. Not

  in a sexual way, but Grandad had said they were meant to

  have the unbreakable bond. And then Michael had broken it

  by walking away from her.

  He didn’t expect it, though he real y should have

  because, after al , this was Gypsy. He should have known

  she was going to take a step back and slap his face as

  hard as she could. Just like he should have also known

  Gypsy wasn’t going to let him off so easy. The crack of her

  hand hitting his cheek echoed through the house before

  she began crying and hugging him again. Christian inhaled

  sharply beside him.

  Michael laughed nervously in the shock of her greeting,

  but it did stop him from hugging her back just as tight. “Hey,

  Gypsy girl, I have missed you so damn much.”

  “Where have you been?” Gypsy demanded kissing him

  repeatedly on the cheek. Her arms wrapped around him

  fiercely. “Why didn’t you cal me?”

  A lump formed in his throat as Michael tried to hold back

  his own tears. Now that they were face to face he didn’t

  want to let her go; he wanted to keep her with him for

  always. Not caring that Christian and his dad were staring

  at them, he held her tight against his chest. “I didn’t cal

  because I’m a dumbarse,” he said, using one of her

  favourite sayings.

  “Gypsy, this is Chris, my boyfriend.”

  Gypsy stared at Christian. “Hel o.”

  By the look on her face Michael knew she was

  wondering why he had stayed away from the family, stayed

  away from her, for this guy. Michael smiled as he watched

  the answer final y dawn on her. Because he’s gorgeous.

  “Hel o,” Christian answered shyly, he blushed when her

  eyes went wide in appreciation. Michael nearly laughed as

  he watched Christian studying Gypsy, trying to take in al

  their similarities, as wel as al their differences.

  “You’re not going to slap me are you?” He final y asked

  taking a step closer to Michael.

  Gypsy grinned and shook her head and he relaxed.

  “Only Mum to go,” Michael said against his ear. They

  fol owed their dad back into the house. Gypsy never let go

  of his hand, and Michael never let go of Christian’s, he

  knew Christian needed the comfort and reassurance.

  “Peg, love, Michael and Chris are here,” Charlie said in

  excitement, and it made Michael feel good. Usual y his

  father acted a little odd toward him, he was
kinda glad he

  was seeing this new side to his father.

  “Hey Mum,” Michael hugged her, “This is my Chris,” he

  said as he stepped back and wrapped his arm around

  Christian’s waist.

  His mother smiled warmly, as she gave him a quick

  embrace, “Hel o Chris. Welcome to our home.” Michael

  almost laughed at the panicked look on Christian’s face as

  he greeted his mother. It was like he didn’t know what he

  was meant to do… hug her or shake her hand and in the

  end he opted for just nodding and pressed closer to


  His mother announced dinner was served. She tenderly

  touched the hand print on Michael’s face and frowned at

  Gypsy, while Gypsy pretended not to notice.

  Gypsy probably thought Michael deserved everything he

  got for running away and not taking her with him. Not that he

  had run away, but he couldn’t tel her the truth — not yet

  anyway. At first he was worried because he thought she

  might have assumed he had left because he was sick of

  her always bossing him around. As he sat there and

  watched he could see her brain ticking over with al these

  thoughts she would have also worried, because who was

  taking care of Michael now, protecting Michael was her job.

  It had always been her job and they both knew it. And lastly

  she wouldn’t be sure if she liked Christian or not, because

  Christian was the person who had taken Michael away from

  her. The person who would always keep him from her.

  Al through dinner Michael watched Christian closely and

  during the course the conversation which fol owed.

  Christian didn’t seem too weirded out; he had even grinned

  when Gypsy had asked him plainly what the hel his

  intentions were concerning her brother.

  When Gypsy had gotten an answer she was satisfied

  with, she nodded graciously. Gypsy even offered to give

  him a tour of the house, seeing as her brother was

  completely incompetent in that area. Michael poked his

  tongue out at her and she did one of her famous Marsden

  eye rol s.

  Leaning back in his chair, Michael chuckled at the way

  Gypsy grabbed Christian’s arm and dragged him out of the

  room, pointing out things as she went, while Christian

  nodded at everything she said.

  “Chris seems nice,” his mum said as they watched them

  leave. Michael found his eyes riveted to Christian’s arse.

  “ He’s very good looking; he kind of reminds me of Spike.”


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