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Rules Are Meant to Be Broken

Page 19

by N. J. Nielsen

  Michael burst out laughing, “What?”

  “I thought exactly the same thing the first time I laid eyes

  on him. The funny thing is we were actual y watching Buffy

  at the time. Would you believe he even has a long black

  leather coat?” Michael smiled wistful y. “Actual y the

  watching Buffy part came later.”

  As he was chatting with his parents, Gypsy yel ed for

  Michael to hurry the hel up. Michael rol ed his eyes toward

  his mum because he knew the tone in his sister’s voice

  wel . He knew he had no one but himself to blame; he would

  have a lot of making up to do before his sister would

  completely forgive him for leaving, and then she would

  make him work hard for it. Gypsy had always thought she

  owned Michael… and for a while there she had.

  Realistical y, she probably stil did and always would. As

  much as he complained about it, deep down he knew that

  he would always need her.

  “Do you have to leave straight away, or can you stay for

  a while?” His dad asked. “I don’t think you are getting away

  from Gypsy quickly tonight. She real y has missed you a


  “We can stay for a while.” His father’s words made

  Michael feel guilty as al hel . Michael stood up from the

  table. “You want I should do the dishes, Mum?” He said as

  he kissed her cheek.

  “Dad and I wil do them,” his mum said, as Gypsy

  complained yet again from down the hal about how he was

  taking too long. “By the sounds coming from your sister, you

  better go and rescue your Chris.”

  Feeling wildly happy Michael walked to his old room.

  Christian and Gypsy were already lying on the bed,

  scrol ing through the song choices on the Make Me a

  Singing Star DVD. Michael just knew Gypsy was going to

  force them to play. Rol ing his eyes at his sister, he walked

  toward the bed.

  “Come here, Mikey.” Gypsy patted the bed beside her,

  and then snuggled in close to him as he lay down. “I’ve

  missed this. Snuggling this way. It kind of reminds me of

  being up at Grandad’s farm when we were little.” Gypsy

  pressed her nose into Michael’s neck and inhaled deeply.

  “You smel different. It’s kinda nice.”

  Turning to Christian, Michael mouthed “Sorry” over her


  Relaxing back against the pil ows Christian just smirked

  in response. He was curious to how Michael had smelt

  before and what made Gypsy notice. Or for that matter, how

  had she even picked up on it?

  The moment the first song fel from Michael’s lips

  Christian feel in love just that little bit more. He was torn

  between watching Michael’s lips or watching the words and

  film clip on the screen. In his opinion, Michael had the voice

  of an angel and Gypsy’s wasn’t far behind him. Together

  they just took his breath away. It was right then Christian

  realised these two siblings were special. More special then

  even they knew. As he watched them together they almost

  seemed to be the same person; two halves of a whole. It

  absolutely fascinated him.

  § § § §

  “Do you want to leave?” Michael asked later after Gypsy

  had final y, though reluctantly, gone to her own bed to sleep.

  Michael knew she didn’t want to let him out of her sight for

  fear he might disappear again. Michael didn’t know what

  he could say to reassure her how he would never be far

  from her again. He needed her just as much as he needed

  air? Okay, bad example. How could he explain he just

  needed her — ful stop, end of story?

  Taking the hand Michael offered to him he sighed in

  contentment. “This is nice,” he said, and brought the hand

  to his lips. Michael liked that — a lot. “But we might want to

  change to a movie. I don’t know how much more of this

  singing I can take for one night, though, I could listen to you

  both sing forever. You both have beautiful voices, but mine

  is just…bad,” he ended in a giggle.

  While Michael was up changing the DVD, Charlie came

  in to say goodnight. He seemed happy to find only Chris

  and him in the room.

  Giving his dad a hug Michael asked, “Dad, is it okay if

  we crash here tonight?”

  Charlie seemed surprised at the question. “Of course

  you can. Michael this is your home just as it has always

  been. Your mum wil be pleased,” Charlie said as he

  backed out of the room. “We’l see you in the morning.

  ’Night, son. ’Night, Chris. Oh, and Michael? It is good to

  have you home,” Charlie said and nudged the door closed

  behind him.

  “We’re staying the night?” Christian asked bemused, “I

  thought being here would be kil ing you. What was he

  looking for? I mean your dad seemed to purposely come in

  here to check up on us.”

  Sighing deeply, Michael spoke softly. “It does, but it’s

  more bearable with you here where I can bite you if I need

  to quel the urge to fang out on my family. We’l do whatever

  you want to do.” Michael took a deep breath. “And Dad was

  making sure Gypsy wasn’t stil in here.”

  “Why would he care whether Gypsy was stil in here or

  not? You are both adults.”

  Blushing Michael said, “Because he once caught us in

  bed together.” Christian’s eyes bulged in shock. So he

  quickly added, “It’s not what you are thinking. I used to

  suffer with bad nightmares. Real bad ones. Whenever I had

  one she would come in and talk to me until I calmed down.

  One time we fel asleep and Dad walked in and found us.

  We we’re ful y clothed, but I had my arm around her waist

  and was curled up against her back, so he misinterpreted

  what he saw.”

  “How old were you?”

  Michael’s blush deepened. “We were eighteen, and

  even though it was innocent Dad kinda freaked. He never

  told Mum, but he has never trusted us alone. When we

  decided we wanted to move into a flat together Mum was

  al for it, but Dad…”

  “I wondered why you and Gypsy stil lived at home.

  Maybe now he knows you’re gay he wil calm down.”

  Christian came over and wrapped his arms around his

  waist. His breath was cool against the back of Michael’s

  neck. “I am so proud of you, Michael Marsden. I want to kiss

  you. Do you think kissing is al owed here? I mean this is

  your parents’ house after al .”

  Michael’s laugh was deep and low as he turned to face

  Christian. Leaning in, Michael kissed the corner of

  Christian’s mouth. “What sort of kisses do you want?

  Butterfly or ‘oh my God, I want your body’?”

  “How about we start off with butterfly, and end with ‘oh

  my God,’” Christian said as he ran his tongue up the side of

  Michael’s neck. He bit down gently onto his flesh as

  Michael shivered.

  Michael put on Die Hard: With a Vengeance, and

  locked his bedroom door before returning to the

  Stepping closer to Christian, Michael kissed his throat as

  he unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off Christian’s

  shoulders, al owing it to fal to the floor. Christian gasped as

  Michael’s mouth travel ed to his now bare shoulder, kissing

  and nibbling as he went. Christian’s own hands fumbled as

  they hastily removed Michael’s clothing. Christian was

  overcome by the desire to caress the perfection of

  Michael’s body.

  “If you’re trying to seduce me, I should let you know it’s


  His gaze locked with Christian’s as he pushed him back

  onto the bed and fol owed him. “Are you sure you want to

  do this? Is this what you truly want?” Michael knew Christian

  could see that his body was ready for him. Hard in al the

  right places, and Christian’s own body seemed more than

  ready, wil ing, and able.

  “Who goes first?” Christian asked shyly, even as he

  al owed Michael to manoeuvrer him into position. The

  closeness of Christian’s body and the anticipation of what

  was to come almost made Michael nearly explode before

  they had gotten anywhere near the good stuff. Reaching

  down he pul ed on his bal s to stop his impending orgasm.

  Christian closed his eyes, just waiting. It couldn’t

  possibly hurt too much; homosexuals did it al the time. His

  eyes shot open in surprise when Michael pul ed him

  backward off the bed until his knees hit the floor and

  relaxed when Michael knelt between them and grabbed a

  hold of his waist.

  “I’m ready for you,” Christian murmured as he felt the

  gentle pressure of Michael’s fingertips against his opening.

  Strangely his body understood what was about to happen

  and it welcomed Michael’s touch.

  Christian’s whole body shivered as Michael tried to

  penetrate his arse. Then he groaned as he felt Michael stop

  and his hole burned with the beginning of being stretched

  without lube.

  “Wait, I need— I need something slick to help with this. I

  don’t want to hurt you,” Michael muttered.

  Through hooded eyes, Christian watched as Michael

  almost tripped in his haste to get the dresser. Opening a

  drawer, Michael grabbed the bottle of hand lotion from in

  there. Christian watched as Michael opened it and put a

  good sized amount on his fingers as he knelt back down

  and rubbed it tenderly around Christian’s pucker. Christian

  gasped and tried to relax as a finger was slowly inserted,

  with a slight in and out movement to ease the way.

  Listening was beyond him as Michael babbled sil y love talk

  as he played; stretching Christian for readiness and

  Christian loved every minute of it.

  Biting his lip, Christian grabbed fistfuls of the bedspread

  at the first searing stab of pain as Michael pressed the

  finger deeper into him. His breathing became more ragged

  with every gentle thrust. “More,” Christian moaned as the

  pain soon turned into blinding pleasure. This felt so right

  Michael being inside him. He needed more.

  As Michael added a second finger, soon fol owed with a

  third, Christian couldn’t keep from groaning out loud.

  Suddenly, Christian felt a jolt as Michael’s fingers hit a spot

  inside which made him arch up off the bed. Holy Fuck!

  What the hel was that? Michael kept touching the same

  spot over and over again, and Christian began to leak large

  drops of pre-cum from his rock hard cock. This he could so

  get used to; it could soon become an addiction.

  “Oh God! Michael, more!” Christian shouted a little too

  loudly, especial y when they were trying to be quiet so the

  rest of the house didn’t hear and know what was happening

  in the room. His body spasmed and Christian felt his hole

  clench around Michael’s fingers, squeezing them tightly.

  “Again! Yeah, right there! Touch it again. Oh fuck. I—

  Please, I need you to fuck me.” His body jerked violently,

  and almost caused Michael to lose his hold on him. His

  hips thrust forward as Michael wrapped his other arm

  around his body, and began to stroke him in time with the

  movement of his fingers. Lust shook him as Christian tried

  hard not to shoot his impending release al over the side of

  the bed. He didn’t want things to end before they real y got


  “More. Don’t stop!” Christian panted as Michael’s

  fingers slid free. “What? Michael, please.”

  He reached back with his right hand and he pul ed

  Michael’s face to his. “I love you, Michael Marsden, love

  you, love you, love you,” he kept repeating as their lips met,

  and tongues entwined.

  Michael reached again for the hand lotion, and used it to

  slick up his own hard and leaking cock, the slight contact

  nearly made him shoot his own load of cum. This had nearly

  been over before it had even begun. Cautiously, he placed

  the throbbing slicked up tip against Christian’s waiting and

  eager hole but he hesitated for a moment before slowly

  pushing in. Michael groaned. The feeling was incredible

  and intense. He wanted to push in completely, but didn’t

  want to hurt Christian. This is heaven, Michael thought as

  he swal owed hard the moment Christian’s heat surrounded

  him in slow and steady increments.

  Hesitating, he asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Yessss. Go, more. Al of it. Michael!”

  At the incoherent words he pushed in completely. In that

  second Michael wished he could see Christian’s face right

  now. Would it be creased in concentration or maxed out in


  As Christian groaned in pleasure Michael felt his rhythm

  become erratic. It was like his body couldn’t make up its

  mind what it wanted. First he went fast, then slow, then fast

  again. Hel , he didn’t even know what pace he should do,

  that’s how much of a novice he was. It was al wonderful.

  Michael had never felt anything like it before. In his whole

  life he hadn’t imagined just how great it would be, and how

  intimate it was, or how right Christian’s body would feel to

  him. With each thrust he aimed for and kept hitting the spot

  inside which he knew would send Christian’s body into an

  orgasmic spiral. Michael could tel from the sounds he was

  making just how much Christian was as lost in the

  sensation as he was.

  “I’m coming! Right now!” Michael pressed his forehead

  in between Christian’s shoulder blades as he poured

  himself into Christian’s clenching arse. As he kissed

  Christian’s back, he heard his lover gasp at the force in

  which he came. Col apsing against his body, his breath

  came hard and fast. It was enough to make him come a

  little bit more. Michael loved knowing he had satisfied


  “Don’t,” Christian pleaded as Michael went to pul away.

  “I’m not ready for it to end.” Christian sighed, so Michael

  rocked gently behind him. Lovingly Michael caressed

  cheek, and kissed him behind his ear as they both moaned

  again. He knew Christian had enjoyed what they had just

  done. Just as he knew Christian was getting off on the

  feeling of Michael stil being inside of him taking control,

  and loving on him a tiny bit more.

  Kissing Christian between the shoulder blades, Michael

  increased his rhythm. His hand slid around Christian’s hips

  and caressed his hardness. They both quickly reached

  another climax and Michael could feel the tight clench of

  Christian as he added to the wet spot on the side of the

  bed. When Michael had finished, Christian didn’t complain

  this time when he gently pul ed away. They both just knelt

  there breathing heavily and loving every minute of it.

  The explosion on the television startled them. The movie

  had been forgotten, the noise completely blocked out, so

  intense their focus had been on each other that nothing else

  in the room seemed to exist.

  Chuckling, Michael got up and switched off the movie.

  “We don’t need any more distractions, do we?” He was a

  little unsteady on his feet, but for al the right reasons.

  Making a detour to the dresser, Michael grabbed some

  tissues and cleaned himself up before walking back to the

  bed and doing the same for Christian.

  Michael sat nervously on the edge of the bed, his hand

  caressing Christian’s back.

  “Did I hurt you?” Michael asked. He was a little worried

  because Christian stil hadn’t managed to move. Michael

  was relieved when Christian final y turned, and bestowed a

  dazzling smile on him. It took his breath away, and the love

  he could see in Christian’s eyes was almost too much.

  “That was fricken incredible,” Christian pushed himself

  off the bed and knelt before Michael. His hands rested

  lightly on Michael’s thighs. Smiling brightly, Christian moved

  until he was kneeling between Michael’s legs. Wrapping his

  arms around Michael, he hugged him close, as his mouth

  sought out Michael’s lips. “You were perfect,” Christian

  answered as they parted. “I could have let you do that al

  night long. I want you to do that al night long.” He chuckled.

  “How soon before we can do that again?”

  Christian made each new kiss more erotic. Slowly, he let

  his hands slide down to grasp Michael firmly on his arse.

  “Can I do the same to you?” He pul ed Michael to the edge


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