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Her Very Strict Captain

Page 14

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “I can snap your neck, or you can pay attention,” Jack snarled.

  “Yeah, okay, fuck, I’m listening,” Ewen squeaked. “Who are you?”

  “They always ask that,” Scott mumbled with a grin.

  “The only person who can save your life… or end it,” Jack replied. “You were just videotaped. You’re looking at serious jail time.”


  “Or, I can have convincing evidence planted in your home, then make an anonymous call to Conchello and tell him you’re working for the feds. When he catches you, and he will because I’ll make sure of it, you’ll be tortured before you’re killed. From what I’ve heard, he likes to use old-fashioned methods, like hot pokers, and—”

  “What do you want?” Ewen asked urgently, cutting him off.

  “We won’t be talking about that here. You’ll drink a little whisky to calm your nerves, then you and I will walk calmly down to my car. We’ll take a drive and have a chat. If you do anything, and I mean anything, to create a problem, I’ll make a call, and it won’t be long before you’ll be trying to explain yourself to Conchello. Are we clear?”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “Good, don’t move.”

  “Scott, where’s he taking him?” Elizabeth asked, as Jack quickly gathered up the cash and dropped it into Ewen’s bag.

  “He’ll be coming here.”


  “Elizabeth, Jim Parker isn’t my only guest. David Clark is in another room, and when Ewen McDonald arrives, he’ll be joining him. If all goes well, Jim, Ewen, and David will all be playing a part to bring Conchello down.”

  “What about Dickhead Dan,” she asked, a scowl crossing her forehead, “shouldn’t you grab him too?”

  “He was a liability for Conchello, and he’d be a liability for us. He’ll be picked up by my people, and he may even have some information, but he’s a minor player.”

  “A minor player? He killed Manny, and tried to—”

  “I know,” Scott said quickly. “I mean, within Conchello’s organization. Ewen, Jim, and David are much bigger fish. Dan is an errand boy.”

  “I still want to get my hands on him.”

  “I’m sure you would, but this is how you deliver revenge, Elizabeth—cold, calculating, cunning. Raw emotion has no place. You turn your enemy’s lieutenants against him and let the battle commence.”

  Chapter 17

  Throughout the morning, Sonny’s mood had deteriorated.

  He was now barely controlling his fury.

  It had been several hours since he’d sent Ewen MacDonald to Dan Miller’s hotel room. In spite of leaving countless messages, Sonny still hadn’t heard from him.

  David Clark was also MIA, and he’d learned Dan Miller had been picked up from the police station on St. Thomas by two men, but his source didn’t know anything about them.

  The timing couldn’t be worse.

  A group of VIP guests would soon be arriving for an important lunch. A sumptuous meal had been prepared, and a table laid out on a terrace overlooking the bay. He couldn’t cancel, nor did he want to. His personal banker, a financial advisor, and a lawyer would be joining him, along with the owner of an international property development company.

  While anger walked hand in hand with Sonny, it was rare for him to feel unnerved, but those who worked for him answered when he called, and they sure as hell didn’t just suddenly stop communicating.

  Something was horribly wrong.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Conchello.”

  Rosemary, the woman who hired and fired the servants, dealt with caterers, and made sure the house ran smoothly, stepped into the lavish living room. Sonny heard the distress in her voice. Turning to face her, he saw her brow furrowed in deep worry.

  “Mr. MacDonald is downstairs in the servants’ quarters. He’s asking for you. I think you should—”

  But Sonny was already striding past her.

  Several full-time employees lived in the palatial home, and hurrying down the stairs, Rosemary running along behind him, he continued at a fast clip to the back of the house.

  “He’s in the first bedroom, Mr. Conchello,” Rosemary called, still racing to catch up.

  Bursting into the room, he found Ewen in the bathroom perched on the edge of the tub naked from the waist up. He was sporting a bloody nose and a black eye, and his grubby shirt and jacket were in a heap on the floor.

  “Thank you, Rosemary,” Sonny said briskly as she was about to enter. “I’ll call you if we need you.”

  “Yes, Mr. Conchello, I’ll be in the kitchen.”

  “Hello, boss,” Ewen muttered.

  Sonny didn’t respond, but moved closer to study Ewen’s face, then lowered his eyes to his body. A bruise was forming over his left shoulder and across his ribcage.

  “What the fuck happened?”

  “I was in Dan’s room searching. I’d found some cash, then—”

  “How much?”

  “Half a dozen rolls hidden in socks, and a kilo of coke in the back of the television set.”

  “That’s the only money? There were no wads of bills with bands around them?”

  “No, Mr. Conchello, and I looked everywhere. I was—”

  “Stop!” Conchello barked, then took a breath and thought back to the night Dan was taken in.

  His police informer had told him the cops didn’t search the room.

  So where was the cash?

  David Clark!

  He’d been there.

  He could have found the money after Dan had been apprehended. The former DEA agent was sharp, the type who would look for a tracker, and he was missing. Sonny’s blood boiled hotter.

  “Go on, Ewen,” he growled, focusing back on him and hoping he might have more answers. “What happened next?”

  “One minute I was alone, then some bloke had me on the floor in a fucking headlock threatening to break my bloody neck. I’ve never met a fella so damn strong and fast. He tied my hands behind my back, then put the money and the coke in my bag and hustled me out of there into an SUV. He held a flask of whisky to my mouth, I took a drink, and it knocked me out. When I woke up I was on the floor in a hell hole room.”

  “What did he want?”

  “Information about you, boss, but he’d just started questioning me when he got a call and left.”

  “So how the fuck did you get away?”

  “I started yelling that I needed to take a piss, but it was another guy who took me to the loo. I asked him to unzip me and pull me out. The idiot got mad, but it worked and he took off my handcuffs. I jumped him and we had a helluva fight, but he finally went down and I bolted. But, boss, the bloke who took me said he knew I worked for you. He wanted to know which island you’re operating from. I told him I didn’t know what he was talking about. That’s when he got the call and left.”

  “How did you get here?”

  “The house was up a hill and I just kept running downwards. Thank God I ended up at Red Hook where I’d docked. I managed to get back here to St. John, but when I got in my car I had to wait a while before I could drive. I thought I was going to pass out.”

  “What happened to your phone?”

  “I don’t know. I guess they must have taken it.”

  “It’s encrypted, but I’ll give you a burner. Call it and delete everything anyway. What else?”

  “That’s the whole story, boss.”

  “You need to stay in this house for a while. Rosemary will take care of you.”

  “Thanks, boss.”

  “We’ll speak later.”

  * * *

  Watching Conchello march from the bathroom and slam the door behind him, the rough, tough Aussie dropped his head into his hands. Every second of the conversation had been petrifying.

  He had agreed to cooperate with his interrogators, but they’d told him the only way to make his escape convincing was to arrive back at Conchello’s battered and bloody. Ewen had reluctantly agreed, though he knew
he’d still have to put on an act worthy of an Oscar.

  After one of his abductors had delivered the beating, he’d handed Ewen a burner phone and a transmitter disguised as a pen, telling him to check in often, and promising to come to his aid if things went south.

  The items were bundled up in the dirty clothes lying next to him on the floor. Rosemary had wanted to take them straight to the laundry, but Ewen had told her to fetch the boss immediately. There was nowhere to hide them in the small bathroom, and if Sonny had picked up the clothes he would have found them.

  Indescribable torture would have followed.

  The whole episode had been excruciating.

  But living as a traitor under Conchello’s roof, Ewen feared the terrifying moment would only be the first of many.

  * * *

  Back at the small house on St. Thomas, Scott was pleased with how things were developing.

  With Jack at his side, David Clark had studied the encampment images provided by the drones. Using the overhead pictures in conjunction with maps, he was able to pinpoint the location of the surveillance cameras, and where the booby traps had been set.

  Ewen MacDonald had buckled quickly. Admitting he loathed working for Conchello and was eager to escape the drug lord’s rule, he’d offered to collaborate. But Jim Parker sobbed uncontrollably every time Scott tried to question him. Pacing back and forth in the kitchen as Elizabeth sat at the table drinking coffee, Scott was voicing his frustration.

  “I don’t know if it’s an act, or he really is suffering from a nervous breakdown,” Scott said angrily. “I’ve interviewed hundreds of suspects, and I’ve seen plenty of tears, but nothing like this.”

  “Scott, why won’t you let me talk to him? I’m sure I can get him to open up.”

  “It’s a bad idea.”

  “Why? Where’s the downside?” she argued. “He’s handcuffed and scared to death. He can’t hurt me, and he wouldn’t even if he could.”

  “I’ve seen men do a whole lot of damage handcuffed and scared to death,” Scott said solemnly. “Like I said, it’s a bad idea.”

  “But he cares about me.”

  “Yeah, sure he does, that’s why he let you work undercover with a murderous bastard,” Scott retorted sarcastically, “and I bet that slap you landed really touched his heart! If I’d known you were going to land a wallop like that I wouldn’t have let you do it.”

  “Okay, I admit I got a bit carried away, but can you blame me?”

  “No, and that illustrates my point. If you weren’t able to hold back then, what will happen if he won’t talk? And what about him? He’s already a basket case. You could make him worse.”

  “Forgive me for saying this, but you’re not getting a word out of him, and he’s falling apart,” she exclaimed, standing up from the table. “How much worse could it be?”

  “I don’t want to find out!”

  Taking a breath and walking slowly over to him, she slid her arms around his neck.

  “Scott,” she began softly. “I’m a trained DEA agent. I know how to interview people. My style is completely different, and I might get through to him. Please let me try?”

  He grinned. “You think this seductive femme fatale act will work?”

  “I hope so.”

  “I admit I’m enjoying it,” he murmured, grabbing her around the waist and jerking her into his body, “and I’m tempted to take you into the bedroom for a quick, naked roll between the sheets.”

  “Or on top of them.”

  “Or on top of them,” he repeated, lowering his lips to her neck and devouring her skin.

  “Ooh, I love that.”

  “I know,” he purred, grasping her backside, “but I need to see how Jack’s doing with David Clark. The fun stuff will have to wait.”

  “Jack doesn’t need your help.”

  “No, he doesn’t, but I want to see what David’s given him so far,” Scott replied, landing an unexpected hard slap before pulling back.

  “Ouch, what was that for?”

  “A reminder to behave.”

  “I don’t believe you. I think you just like whacking my ass.”

  “Well, there is that,” he said with a chuckle. “Get busy and fix us some lunch.”

  “So now I’m a domestic diva?”

  “You’ve always been a diva, there’s nothing new about that. Feeding the troops so they can keep their strength up is essential, and besides, it’s an order.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain,” she replied briskly, stepping back and saluting. “One good meal coming up. Permission to bang on the door when it’s ready, Sir.”

  “You’re such a brat,” he said sternly, but grinned as he shook his head and marched away.

  Pulling a fry pan from the pot cupboard and setting it on a burner, she retrieved a package of ground beef from the refrigerator. Dropping the meat in the pan, she began breaking it up with a wooden spoon, but suddenly stopped, turned around, and stared at the hall. In a room just a short distance away, Jim was sitting in a chair handcuffed and totally bereft.

  The temptation to talk to him was almost overwhelming.

  You can only be part of this operation if you follow my orders. The first time you don’t, you’re out. No second chances. Am I clear?

  Scott’s sternly delivered warning blasted through her head.

  Curling her fists, frustrated and furious, she marched to the basement door and pounded loudly. Long seconds ticked by before it finally creaked open.

  “What?” Scott asked, quickly stepping out and closing it behind him.

  “You’re not wearing your balaclava,” she declared, shocked to see him barefaced. “I thought you had to remain anonymous.”

  “I took it off on my way up the stairs. What’s so urgent?”

  “I have to speak to Jim. I have questions of my own, but besides that, I’m sure he’ll open up and tell me what he knows. Please, Scott. If I screw it up I’ll never ask for anything again.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Well, you might be right,” she admitted sheepishly, “but it doesn’t mean I’m wrong about speaking to him.”

  “Okay, Elizabeth, but I’ll be monitoring the interview. If I hear or see anything I don’t like, I’ll pull you out.”

  “There are cameras in the rooms? Sorry, silly question.”

  “Go, before I change my mind.”

  “You won’t regret it.”

  “I hope not,” he said solemnly. “Remember, stay calm.”

  “I will, and thank you.”

  Moving quickly back to the stove and making sure the burner was turned all the way down, she hastily added salt and pepper, covered the pan with a lid, then hurried down the hall. Stopping at the door and gathering her thoughts, she unlocked it and walked inside.

  Chapter 18

  Elizabeth had expected to find Jim upset and agitated, but when she entered the dimly lit, small barren room, she found him slumped forward and motionless.

  “Jim?” she said softly, touching his shoulder, worried he’d passed out. “Hey, Jim, are you okay?”

  “Elizabeth?” he breathed, slowly raising his head.

  His red-rimmed eyes stared up at her.

  He looked a hundred years old.

  “Are you okay?” she repeated.

  “Yeah, just wiped out. Where’s your friend?”

  “Busy, and I had to fight to be with you by myself.”

  “That doesn’t surprise me. You always did debate orders you didn’t like.”

  “Yeah, well, if you recall, I was proven right more times than not,” she quipped, lifting a folding chair from against the wall and sitting opposite him. “Don’t make me sorry I pushed my luck to talk to you.”

  “I’ll do my best. What do you want to know?”

  “What do you think? Why were you working for that bastard Conchello? What possessed you to screw up your life like that?”

  “I can’t talk about it,” he grunted, dropping his eyes to the floor.
br />   “Because you’re embarrassed.”

  “Something like that.”

  “Too bad, you have to tell me. How could such a good guy make such a horrible decision?”

  “I guess it doesn’t matter now, the cat’s out of the bag, and it’s not complicated,” he said with a heavy sigh. “I wanted to give Susan and the kids everything. Working for Conchello I was able to do that. A nice house, cool cars, a great education, and I was hoping to take Susan on a world cruise when I retire, first class all the way.”

  Watching him as she listened to his short, sorry story, she barely recognized the man she once admired. Jim Parker, the ultimate, straight-laced crime fighter, had been a facade. Fresh fury bubbled up inside her.

  This is how you deliver revenge. Cold, calculating cleverness. Raw emotion has no place.

  As Scott’s words rang in her ears, she stood up and paced, trying to swallow back her anger.

  “I’m so sorry about Manny,” Jim suddenly burst out, copious tears spilling from his eyes. “I didn’t tell Conchello about you two, I didn’t, I swear. He called and asked me if you and Manny worked for the DEA. I told him I’d never heard of either of you.”

  Disbelieving, she paused her step and stared at him.

  “If it wasn’t you, who was it?” she demanded. “How did he find out?”

  “As far as I know, he didn’t. He probably still doesn’t know. Dan Miller was the one spreading the rumor. He had it in for both of you. Manny because he was supposedly your boyfriend, and you because you rejected him.”

  “That’s crazy, Dan’s a creep, women must reject him all the time.”

  “You don’t understand, you’re not just any woman,” Jim remarked, lowering his voice.

  “You’re right, I don’t understand.”

  “No, you couldn’t,” he continued with the hint of a smile, “and that’s one of the things that makes you so special. Dan came from nothing, and a woman like you would be the ultimate prize. I honestly believe he was determined to win you over. When he realized that wasn’t going to happen, it made him crazy. Being around you probably drove him nuts. If he couldn’t have you, no one else would either.”


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