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Her Very Strict Captain

Page 15

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “So that’s why he was always so weird…” she remarked thoughtfully, recalling the many times she’d catch him staring at her, while other times he’d studiously ignore her.

  “I suspect that was the madness driving him during the raid. When he discovered he’d killed Manny and missed you, he must have decided to frame you for the murder. Where is he, by the way? He still presents a very real threat.”

  “Yeah, I get that, but the police picked him up. As far as I know he’s still in custody. Jim, thank you for telling me all that. It’s a big relief to know you didn’t completely betray me.”

  “I care about you, Elizabeth,” he muttered, his voice cracking. “You were always very special to me. You still are.”

  “Before I go, is there anything you know about Conchello’s operation that will help us nail him? If there is, please tell me. I’ll make sure the people in charge know you cooperated. It will benefit your cause.”

  “You probably already have all the info I do, maybe even more.”

  “Tell me anyway. What’s happened recently I might have missed?”

  “There is one thing. You probably know Conchello has moved his entire operation out of Southern California and is planning on settling in Puerto Rico, but are you aware his mansion is on the market? No advertising, no official listing, but the word is out.”

  “Wait!” she exclaimed urgently. “What do you mean, his entire operation is moving to Puerto Rico?”

  “His dealers will still be working in California and some other states, but he’s leaving Los Angeles for good. You seriously didn’t know?”

  “He sent me here to find an island for his drug trafficking months ago, but that’s it. I had no idea…” she muttered, her voice trailing off.

  “I’m shocked,” Jim exclaimed. “You were constantly at the mansion. Do you know about the party?”

  “What party?”

  “He’s throwing a huge bash this weekend to celebrate the move. He told me I was welcome to come, but of course, there was no way I could accept. When I got the call yesterday that he wanted to see me immediately I totally freaked out. I couldn’t imagine what was going on. It never occurred to me it would be a trap. Now my whole life is in ruins,” he said, his voice quivering.

  “Why didn’t he tell me?” she mumbled under her breath.

  “About his move to Puerto Rico or the party?”


  “I stopped trying to figure out Conchello a long time ago,” Jim replied. “He’s gregarious, but it’s an act. He keeps his cards close to his chest, but damn, if I’d known you were in the dark I would’ve told you. I just assumed you knew. That’s why the raid was ordered. My chief wanted to get the bastard while we still could.”

  She caught her breath, then looked back at him. “But you tipped him off.”

  “Well, yeah,” Jim admitted. “If I hadn’t I might not be sitting here right now.”

  “If you hadn’t, Conchello might be in a cell, Manny might still be alive, and you might be at home with your wife,” she growled, desperately trying to control a rush of rage. “I have to get back,” she briskly added, knowing if she didn’t leave she might lose it.

  “What’s going to happen to me?” he asked as she stood up and placed the chair back against the wall.

  “Honestly, Jim, I have no idea, but I’ll keep my promise and speak up for you.”

  “Thanks, Elizabeth. Hey, uh, I know it’s just a word and totally inadequate, but I really am sorry.”

  The image of Manny collapsing in her arms flashed through her head. Fighting back the tears and wordlessly hurrying through the door, she locked it behind her, leaned back and closed her eyes.

  * * *

  Standing at the stove stirring spaghetti sauce into the cooked ground beef, Scott stepped away, pulled out his EarPods and pushed them into his pocket.

  Elizabeth wasn’t the only tester.

  He’d already intended to ask her to interview Jim, but when she’d made the suggestion, he’d refused. The temptation to ignore his order and visit Jim would be strong, and the opportunity to find out if she could control her impulsive nature was too good to pass up. To his relief, she’d pleaded her case, and what she’d learned was invaluable, but as he watched her enter the kitchen, she looked far from victorious.

  “You were great,” he said, walking up to greet her. “Why the long face?”

  “It’s just hard to see him like that. He’s not the man I knew, and thinking about Manny…”

  “Yeah, I know,” Scott said softly, bringing her into his arms. “We’re in a nasty business.”

  “We all know the risks, but for Manny to be killed because of Dan’s sick envy—it’s just so wrong. If a drug deal had gone bad and we were there, it would still be horrible, but it would make some kind of sense. Do you know what I mean?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “I know I’ll get past it, but hearing all that about Dan Miller wasn’t easy.”

  “Speaking of Dan,” Scott continued, moving her to the kitchen table, “there’s something we need to discuss. Sit down and I’ll get you some coffee.”

  “I’d love some, thanks,” she said gratefully. “Where’s Jack? Is he still in the basement with David Clark?”

  “Jack and David Clark are on their way to the island in a speedboat. They’re going to do some recon and possibly disable some of the booby traps.”

  “Isn’t that dangerous for Jack?”

  “Jack can take care of himself,” Scott replied, setting down two mugs of fresh coffee, followed quickly by a small jug of cream and a bowl of sugar.

  “I’m dying for this,” she mumbled, adding the condiments and taking a sip. “Okay, I’m ready. What about Dan?”

  “He’s been picked up from the police station. I can have him sent back to Los Angeles and put straight into a jail cell, or I can make sure Conchello finds him with the money from your bag.”

  “Oh, my gosh,” she stammered, almost choking on her coffee. “You have that kind of power?”

  “The people I work for do. They’ve given me the choice, and I’m offering it to you.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t expecting anything like this.”

  “Would you rather not decide his fate? You don’t have to.”

  “I want to, absolutely.”

  “So, what’s it to be? Jail or Sonny Conchello?”

  “Conchello will put him through a hell I can’t even imagine, and I want him to suffer,” she began solemnly, her voice suddenly hoarse. “I want him to regret what he’s done all the way down to the depths of his soul.”

  “Conchello then?”

  “I wish I could say yes, but I can’t do that to another human being, not even the man who murdered Manny.”

  “For what it’s worth,” Scott said softly, reaching across the table and taking her hand, “I think you’re doing the right thing.”

  “Thanks, Scott,” she whispered, swallowing back threatening tears.

  “Dan and Jim will be transported back together,” he continued. “I’ll make the call in a minute, and Jim will be picked up in an hour or so.”

  “Wow, that fast?”

  “There’s no reason for them to stay. When they get back, the justice system will take over. My job is done, at least as far as Jim Parker and Daniel Miller are concerned.”

  “Now you have your sights on Conchello?”

  “They’ve always been on him, but yeah, him and his band of dirt-bags, but tell me, Elizabeth, would you like a brain break?”

  “God, yes.”

  Taking her hand and pulling her to her feet, he abruptly swept her up and carried her from the kitchen to a bedroom at the back of the house. His cock already stirring as he kicked the door shut with his foot, he dropped her on the bed and turned on the bedside lamp.

  “But it’s still daylight,” she mumbled as he moved across to the windows.

  “Not anymore,” he muttered, closing the blackout cu

  With the low burning light casting its soft amber glow, he languidly peeled off her clothes, then devoured her mouth in a long, endless, leisurely kiss.

  “Spread your legs and play with yourself,” he murmured, breaking away and nuzzling her neck. “I have a call to make, then I’ll be right back.”

  Chapter 19

  As Elizabeth closed her eyes and moved her hand between her legs, she thought back to her raunchy dream starring the wicked Scottish captain, and the distressing conversation with Jim faded. When she heard the door creak and slowly opened her eyes, she caught her breath. Cloaked in the lamp’s dim light, Scott’s muscled silhouette glowed gold as he moved slowly toward her.

  “I’m very pleased with you, Miss McKay,” he murmured, lowering his lips to her ear. “You know what happens when you’re bad. Now you’re going to find out what happens when you’re good, though there is a small problem. You haven’t had your daily spanking. But you’ve been such a model citizen, you can decide if you want it now or later.”

  “Will it be very hard?” she breathed as the butterflies in her stomach fluttered to life.

  “You know better than to ask a question like that,” he softly scolded. “Apparently the time is now.”

  Climbing on the bed and sitting with his back propped against the headboard, he stared down at her expectantly.

  “Such a great ass,” he muttered as she obediently crawled over his lap, “and already so wet,” he added, sliding his hand between her thighs and shoving his fingers into her pussy.

  Sinking into the moment, she let out a long, grateful moan, but yelped as he abruptly landed the first hard slap.


  “I don’t want to hear a peep,” he ordered, delivering a stinging smack on top of the first.

  Biting her lower lip and squeezing her eyes shut, she stayed mute as he slapped again, then repeated the three fiery swats on her opposite cheek. As he continued to rain his hard hand from cheek to cheek, it became more difficult to stay quiet, and when he whisked his flattened palm across her sit spots in a flurry of smarting slaps, she gyrated her hips from side to side and threw her hand behind her.

  “You did well,” he declared, pausing to rub her scalded, prickling skin.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she gasped. “It wasn’t easy.”

  “If it was easy I wouldn’t have given you the instruction,” he declared, shifting her onto the bed and rising to his feet.

  “Please, may I touch myself?” she begged, as he reached into his pocket and withdrew a condom. “I’m so turned on I can’t stand it.”

  “You may, and I’ll enjoy watching you.”

  Urgently massaging her sensitive nub as he stripped and sheathed his swollen member, she was soon breathing heavily, but grabbing her wrist, he moved her arm above her head and leaned over her.

  “No coming without permission.”

  “Yes, Sir, I remember.”

  Climbing on the bed, he kneeled between her legs and placed his hard rod at her entrance. “Do you want me?”

  “Yes, Sir, so much, please…”

  * * *

  Thrusting inside Elizabeth’s warm channel, Scott slowly rested his body on hers, then slid his hands beneath her and grasped her hot cheeks. With her loud squeal spurring him on, he gripped her flesh and pumped vigorously, his weight pinning her to the bed and preventing any movement.

  Though he longed to feel his naked cock inside her channel, he’d made himself a promise. Only when he found her—that special woman who captured his heart and mind, as well as his body—would he stop using the protective sleeve. The exquisite moment would be a unique gift to them both.

  “Please, Sir…?”

  He slowed.

  Rewarded with a long, low, disappointed groan, he pulled his hands out from under her, carefully withdrew, then grabbed her ankles and flipped her over. Staring at her red backside as he yanked up her hips, he couldn’t resist landing a few more smacks. She yelped, but bucked back at him as if asking for more. He slapped her again, then held himself against her slick entrance and slowly slid forward.

  But he was running out of time.

  The men picking up Jim Parker were on their way.

  Gripping her waist and plunging in and out with quick, strong strokes, he listened to her cries, increasing his pace as he sensed her nearing her apex.

  His climax loomed.

  He could yield to it in a heartbeat.

  “Please, Sir…?”

  “Please what?” he growled, thrusting with gusto. “Say it!”

  “Please, Sir, m-may I c-come?”

  Her breathless, stammered plea catapulted him into his release. “Now! Come for me now!”

  Closing his eyes and savoring the sparking spasms rippling through his limbs, his loud groans filled the room, drowning out her euphoric cries, until utterly drained, he slipped out and collapsed beside her.

  His heart pounding in his chest and trying to catch his breath, he felt her snuggle against him. He wanted to sink into the mattress and doze against her glorious body, but he couldn’t allow himself the luxury.

  “Where are you going?” she mumbled, grabbing his arm as he tried to leave the bed.

  “The van picking up Jim will be here soon, and I need to ask him a couple of questions.”

  “Can I—”

  “Join me?” he interrupted. “Not this time.”

  “I was going to say, can I watch on the camera feed? I have no desire to be in the same room with that bastard ever again.”

  “I don’t blame you,” he muttered, walking into the bathroom. “Sure, you can watch, as long as you promise to stay put. I’m sure he’ll tell me what I need to know without much fuss.”

  “Jim’s a broken man,” she said softly, climbing from the bed and pulling on her clothes. “By the time he realized he’d made a deal with the devil, it was too late.”

  “I’m sorry to say his situation is not uncommon,” Scott remarked as he returned to the room and began to dress. “Drugs are the scourge of the earth. I may not be able to wipe out all the Conchellos of this world, but I sure as hell am going to get as many of them as I can.”

  “That’s how I feel.”

  “I know. Come on, I’ll set you up in the office.”


  “It’s just a small room with a desk, a computer, and a supply closet,” he replied as they walked into the hall. “I haven’t had a chance to show you around this place yet, but there’s not much to see.”

  Walking through the kitchen, Elizabeth’s comment echoed through his head.

  Jim’s a broken man.

  Scott wasn’t sure, but he’d soon find out.

  Entering the room next to the one where Jim waited, Scott sat at the desk and opened a laptop.

  “You’ll be able to see and hear everything,” he declared, logging into the camera network, “but be prepared.”

  “For what?” she asked as he stood up and she slipped into the chair.

  “I think Jim is a very good actor,” he replied, opening a cupboard and retrieving a balaclava.

  “You don’t believe what he told me?”

  “Very little.”

  * * *

  Pulling the mask over his head and leaving the room, Scott was determined to provoke Jim into revealing his true nature. Though he’d presented a remorseful, tragic figure to Elizabeth, Scott wasn’t convinced. Standing outside the door, he steeled himself for what he believed was about to happen, then strode in with his shoulders squared.

  Body language mattered.

  Jim jerked up his head, a pained expression on his face.

  “How long will I be here?” he asked woefully. “What’s going to happen to me?”

  “Hello, Jim. I’m going to take your cuffs off for a minute,” Scott replied, walking behind him.

  As Scott released him, Jim let out a heavy sigh and stretched his arms.

  “Please tell me how long you’ll be keeping me here,�
� he asked meekly. “My wife will be worried. I’m sure she’s been trying to reach me.”

  “You’re going back to Los Angeles,” Scott replied, fetching the folding chair and sitting down opposite him. “A van will be here shortly to pick you up. Obviously you’ll need a good lawyer, but I doubt you’ll get bail. Jim, where’s the money?”

  “Money?” Jim repeated. “What money?”

  “Don’t insult me,” Scott barked, his friendly demeanor suddenly changing.

  Jim flinched.

  It was the reaction Scott had hoped for.

  “You don’t understand, it’s all gone,” Jim said earnestly. “The only money left is in an envelope in my desk. There’s about ten grand in there, that’s it.”

  “You’re lying!” Scott snapped, jumping to his feet. “Put your hands behind your back.”


  “You had your chance and you blew it. Now put your fucking hands behind your back or I’ll put them there for you, and it won’t be pleasant!”

  “Okay, okay.”

  Looming over Jim until he’d followed the command, Scott stepped quickly around him and slapped on the cuffs.

  “You’re good, I’ll give you that,” he said brusquely. “You had Elizabeth eating out of the palm of your hand, but I didn’t buy it for a second. A search warrant is being issued. Your house will be literally torn apart. If you’re worried about your wife and kids, save them the hell of going through it and just tell me. You know how these things go. We will find it.”

  Jim paused. “There’s nothing left.”

  “You’re a terrible liar,” Scott declared, folding his chair and leaning it against the wall. “You have a tell. Your right eyebrow lifts. That story you told Elizabeth about Conchello moving to Puerto Rico was total bullshit.”

  A deep frown crawled across Jim’s forehead.

  Scott suppressed a grin.

  It was time for the kill.

  “I don’t know why I’m wasting my time here,” he grunted. “You’re nothing but one of Conchello’s overpaid errand boys.”


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