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The Heart of a Wolf

Page 10

by Megan Smith

  “We talked about it on the way here,” Fredrick confessed, “once we knew what had happened to Edmond. We would rather be with our son than without and if that means changing who we are, then we’re willing.”

  “There is a cabin back behind that ridge where you can stay. I will come tomorrow and explain everything. Then, if it is still your decision to become werewolves, then we will welcome you. The Pack can always use strong, caring members” Kendrick told them and smiles wreathed their faces in gratitude.

  “Thank you.”

  “William will escort you.”

  Gesturing toward one of the warriors watching protectively from the treeline, the couple hugged their son one last time before climbing back onto the wagon and turning it back down the road.

  Kendrick turned to Allandra and took her hands, unconsciously checking them for silver burns before brushing a kiss against her forehead.

  “I need to go be with Edmond and Charity. They’ll both need me tonight.”

  “I know. Go. I’ll collect Teagan and Brylee and go back to the den.”

  Wrapped tightly in his arms, she felt a wave of thankfulness wash down their connection and smiled, grateful for the amazing man she called her own.

  He left after giving her one last squeeze and she watched them disappear before going to collect the children from where they were still perched in the tree.

  Teagan dropped with animal-like grace to the ground before peering up at her curiously. “What happened? Where’s father?”

  Linking hands with both children, they started back home. “We found two newly made werewolves on the road. Your father took them to the Healer’s cottage to help them” she explained and both children nodded matter-of-factly.

  “He’ll make them better” Teagan stated firmly and Allandra smiled, not at all surprised to find that her son had perfect confidence in his father.

  As did she. She had no doubts, especially after watching how he had helped Edmond, that Kendrick would give his all to make the werewolves strong and whole. Her husband had grown to become a man to be proud of. A true protector and one she was grateful to be able to spend eternity with.

  “Do you think Alaine made fresh rolls for dinner?”

  Smiling down at them with loving amusement, she answered “I hope so. Let’s go home and find out.”

  Swinging their hands jauntily between them, she led them home with a happy heart.

  Chapter 11

  TWILIGHT HAD JUST BEGUN to darken the sky the next evening when Allandra set out with a basket tucked on her arm. Lachlan had remarked that they were getting low in several healing herbs and she’d volunteered to collect some.

  She’d spent most of the day with Teagan and Brylee, tramping through the woods and hills, teaching them about the plants she was collecting. They’d quickly caught on, identifying the correct plants and harvesting them carefully. When they’d filled the basket, they’d just wandered, playing in the trees and wading into the edges of the lake.

  Both children were warming to her more and more each day, all of them becoming comfortable with each other. She’d already started to notice little elements of their personalities, their likes and dislikes, and it felt like a personal victory when she got something right.

  She had joined Kendrick’s habit of tucking them into the small room off of theirs each night and it made her smile inside when each of them turned their heads for her kiss goodnight. It was a little thing and one that could get difficult when Cadrian gave her assignments that would take her far from Kalvara, but for now, it was a sweet end to the day.

  As the air darkened around her, her enhanced eyesight sharpened, allowing her to find the night-blooming herbs she’d come looking for. As she worked, she automatically scanned the area, noting the werewolves moving silently through the woods on patrol, always vigilant in guarding their territory.

  With her basket half-full, she headed toward the lake, having spotted some of the herbs she needed earlier. A brush of another’s energy nearby caught her attention and she hesitated before turning toward it. Breaking through the edge of the trees by the lakeshore, she paused and looked at the woman standing with watchful stillness on a boulder high above the lake, before taking the path up.

  Nera’s head moved slightly in acknowledgement when Allandra joined her, ice blue eyes narrowing. Allandra smiled slightly in response, wondering if she’d ever be able to break through the other woman’s reserve.

  Her initial assessment that first day had proven correct. Abbie had been nothing but friendly, making an effort to cheerfully help her assimilate into the Pack. Nera, on the other hand, had been polite-and nothing more. Allandra couldn’t quite tell if she was just naturally reserved or if she really didn’t care for her and she’d decided to take the next opportunity to find out because as the Alpha’s mate, she needed to know if the Sentinel was just a self-contained woman-or an enemy.

  “Quiet tonight.”

  Nera nodded while scanning the area. “Yes.”

  “Do you normally get many trying to cross Kalvara’s borders?” she asked curiously, trying to find a topic to open her up. Nera hesitated before shrugging.

  “Enough for concern. Most of those trying to sneak across are those trying to eradicate us. Some are just lost in the mountains. There aren’t too many like the Castian’s who walk up, actually wanting to become werewolves” she shook her head at that, a hint of amusement softening her features before it disappeared.

  “Sounds like patrolling can be a challenge” Allandra commented, “the Guardians rotate guard duty at the portal entrances to the Night Realm we know about. You never know if it’s going to be uneventful or all hell’s going to break loose.”

  Nera slanted a sideways look her way, an understanding smile ghosting across her lips.

  “I don’t envy you that job. I know what waits around the portals-and who comes through” she said quietly and Allandra hesitated before gently probing.

  “Was it terrible for him-for all of you?”

  There was a long moment of silence before the other woman answered in a voice so low she had to strain to hear. “Yes. Most of the time it was a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from,” she admitted, her eyes squinting, “but it also forged bonds between us we might never have had otherwise. And even in the midst of it all, we found moments to laugh, to connect.”

  “To take what joy there is in the moment.”


  Nera moved restlessly, her eyes darkening with remembrances of a time she’d rather forget. “Brogan and Cason are the only ones born in the Night Realm. Everyone else was forced there by slavers. Like my father” she finished painfully and Allandra studied her, reading in her face what caused part of her pain.

  “Your father sold you?” she whispered in horror and Nera stiffened, but nodded.

  “When I was fifteen. I’d never met him before he came into our village. It had always just been my mother and I. But when he found out I was his daughter, she handed me over without even hesitating. And then he sold me to one of the Hunt masters,” she paused before turning to face Allandra, her face fierce, “I’m only telling you this so you’ll understand. Kendrick saved me. I’d only had one battle when he chose me to be a part of his team. He protected me, helped me learn how to survive. He and the rest of the Pack are my family and I will do whatever it takes to protect them.”

  Allandra faced her squarely, understanding exactly what the other woman was telling her. Having wandered alone for many years after abandoning her Domina, she had found a home and family when Cadrian had invited her to join the Blackstar Guardians. The feeling of belonging, of being tied not only to a group of like-minded others but to a common cause was indescribable in its intensity.

  She would do anything to safeguard those she considered family. Now, she had another group to add in. The Kalvara Pack were rapidly coming to mean as much to her as the Guardians did.

  “We don’t know each other well,” she began slowly,
“so there isn’t any real trust between us. But I do know what others say about you-and what I’ve observed-and I think that your loyalty is absolute. Right now my own loyalties are...adapting. I am a Blackstar Guardian. Nothing will ever change that, but my first loyalty will always be to Kendrick. He is my Seraphin and the man I’ve loved my whole life. He is the Pack and because of that you have my loyalty too. Thankfully, I see being a Guardian and being a member of this Pack as two things that mesh well. I don’t see my loyalties as being divided but more as...extending. When I became a Guardian, I vowed to protect everyone on this earth and I give you my promise that I will do whatever is necessary to keep Kendrick-and the rest of the Packs-safe.”

  Silence descended between them, leaving nothing but the quiet noises of the night and the gentle lap of the water against the shore. Finally, a soft shudder moved Nera’s body and she nodded, her face softening almost imperceptibly before giving a short nod.

  “I believe you” she accepted quietly before glancing back into the woods, “I have to continue my patrol.”

  Allandra watched her move gracefully into the edge of the darkened tree line before stopping and looking back over her shoulder. “You made Kendrick laugh. Truly, joyfully laugh. Something I don’t think I’ve ever seen in all the years I’ve known him. It can be difficult, especially for him, to find the light in the middle of all this darkness and it pulls at him. But we heard what you did and for that, we’ll always be grateful.”

  With those soft words, she disappeared into the trees, leaving Allandra with tears stinging her eyes.

  Brushing at them with one hand, she felt Kendrick slip up behind her before his arms wrapped around her waist. She gave a half sob, half laugh as she twined her fingers with his.

  “Something caught in my eye.”

  “Uh-huh” he agreed while resting his chin on her head, “It may be difficult to tell, but Nera likes you.”

  “She hides it well.”

  “She does.”

  Resting her head back against his chest, she let the warm night air and the rhythmic lap of the water against the shore wash over and soothe her.

  “They all love you, you know” she mentioned quietly and felt his wide shoulders shrug in answer. Tilting her head to look back at him, she let one side of her mouth lift. “Almost as much as I do.”

  His hands tightened over hers as he leaned down to brush a kiss against her temple, a pleased growl rumbling low in his throat. A shiver of anticipation danced through her at the soft touch, triggering a sighing smile.

  She didn’t mind admitting that she melted with even the faintest whisper touch from the beautiful man she’d accepted as her husband. No one else had ever come close to affecting her like Kendrick did by just looking at her from a wickedly glinting emerald flecked gaze.

  “How are Charity and Edmond?”

  “Adjusting. Charity was justifiably bewildered when she woke and Edmond is wracked with guilt but their wolves will help ease the transition. I’ll continue to help keep them both be calm and in control until they learn how to balance their two halves. It’ll take time, but things will work out. Charity obviously loves him as well and isn’t as condemning of Edmond as she thought he’d be.”

  “Love heals all things.”

  Dipping his head to brush a kiss against her neck while slowly trailing a hand over her arm, he smiled against her skin. “Yes, it does.”

  Tilting her head further to give him better access, her smile grew sultry while looking out at the moon shimmering over the water.

  “You know what I feel like?” she murmured and he raised a questioning eyebrow while dragging his lips up across her cheek.


  “A nice, cold swim.”

  He paused, blinking in a distinctly puzzled, wolfish way as her smile morphed into a grin. Sliding out of his arms in a move she’d used many times with enemies attempting to hold her, she ran toward the waters edge, feeling light-hearted and seductive all at the same time.

  Stopping at the shoreline, she looked back at him over her shoulder and tossed him a come-hither look.

  “Want to join me?”

  She watched the challenge spark in his eyes before she laughed and raced into the water. Diving under, the chill drove away any linger heaviness and she couldn’t stop the laugh of delight she felt sliding through their mental connection.

  She arrowed through the water with the speed she’d been Gifted after becoming a Blackstar Guardian, zig-zagging to avoid any pursuit Kendrick would have mounted. Normal clothing might have dragged at her as she swam, but the fabric she wore had been specially designed for use in the water.

  Cadrian had decided early that his Guardians needed every advantage they could get so he had combined several magic infused fabrics into one that repelled a variety of things, such as water.

  The Caethyrians, who spent half their time living under the water, shared the fabric they used in all their clothing-one designed to have water run through it easily without soaking the fibers. Liquid flowed through the weave in the water, allowing the swimmer to move unhindered and when they stepped out of the water, their clothing dried almost instantly.

  The Guardians had found it immensely useful when hunting an enemy whose main terrain was found within the water.

  Pausing finally, she surfaced carefully and scanned the darkened lake for any sign of her mate, the skirt of her dress settling gently against her legs.

  Pursing her lips when she didn’t see him above the water, she let out a breath to relax and slowly let herself sink under the surface. Lazily sending out with her senses, she descended deeper, thinking she’d trick him into swimming over her.


  Kendrick’s panicked voice broke through the silence, as a sudden thrashing churned the calm water.

  Allandra! ALLANDRA!

  Frowning, she pushed up toward the surface. I’m fine Kendrick. What’s wrong?

  As soon as her head popped up, Kendrick twisted toward her, his expression frantic in the moonlight. Lunging toward her, he dragged her close, cupping her face with his hands as he visually searched her.

  “I just suddenly sank down like you’d lost consciousness. I couldn’t tell if you were hurt or-“

  He broke off, his voice rough with emotion.

  “I’m sorry. I was just trying to get under to surprise you. I didn’t think...I can go fairly deep under the water for a long time without having to surface. Not like a Caethyrian, but...” she paused in her explanation, remorse filling her expression, “I’m sorry” she finished softly.

  Letting out a shuddering breath, he leaned his forehead down to rest against hers. “No, you did nothing wrong. I’m just...still getting used to having you back. I think in the back of my mind, I’m afraid I’m going to wake up and it’ll all have been a dream. That you’re not here with me after all” he confessed.

  Wrapping one arm around his shoulder while the other threaded his wet hair, she put all her understanding, comfort and love into her kiss. Kendrick responded with a desperate plunder, as though trying to banish any lingering thought of her being gone.

  Finally coming up for air, they stayed wrapped in each other’s arms, bobbing gently on the current. She was just about to suggest they head back to the den when she felt the brush of a familiar essence. Tilting her head to search the sky, she looked back at Kendrick when he suddenly when stiff against her, his wolf’s glowing emerald eyes looking out.

  “Someone’s in our territory. Again” he growled before swimming rapidly toward the shore.

  Taking off after him, she had barely reached the shore before Kendrick shifted into wolf form and raced toward the direction of the Healer’s cottage.

  Kendrick! Wait! I know who it is.

  Who? He demanded, protective anger edging his voice.

  They’re Blackstar Guardians. They wouldn’t have entered the heart of Kalvara without permission unless something was wrong.

  A low, threat
ening growl was her answer and worriedly, she shifted into her cougar form and raced after him, hoping to keep her husband from attacking her friends.

  She entered the clearing by the Healers cottage just moments behind him, shifting back to human form and striding past the werewolves crouching with tense wariness as they eyed the two dragons about to land-one navy blue, the other dark emerald so dark it appeared black.

  Clenched gently in their talons were two wounded men.

  Warning growls shook the air as more werewolves in both human and wolf form appeared to circle the clearing. Kendrick paced toward the newcomers, his massive form bristling with violence.

  With a faint shimmer in the air, the dragons shifted into human form, the men now held in their arms. She started to hurry toward them only to pull to an abrupt stop when Kendrick twisted his head to look back at her with a low, sharp growl.

  “I told you they’re Blackstar Guardians,” she reminded him quietly, “this is Aidan and Meadow. And this is Kendrick. Ascendant Alpha...and my husband” she informed them. Surprise lifted their eyes before Meadow looked at the massive wolf bristling before her.

  “You’re her Kendrick,” she blurted in surprise, “’re dead.”

  “Thankfully, no” Allandra countered before nodding at the two held in their arms, “what’s happened?”

  “We were on our way to Elysta when we came upon them crawling through the forest in this direction. One of them just said ‘Kalvara’ before losing consciousness so we brought them here" Aidan explained, flicking a glance toward Lachlan and Lyssia who waited with trembling eagerness to get their hands on them. “They’re still alive...but barely.”

  The two Healers looked to Kendrick, who gave a slight nod. Springing forward, they motioned for two other werewolves to help as they took the two men and hurried them into the cottage.

  “We apologize for entering Kalvara without permission first, but we thought it better to get them help as quickly as possible” Meadow explained quietly, her now empty hands held deliberately loose at her sides.


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