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The Heart of a Wolf

Page 11

by Megan Smith

  Do you trust them?

  Kendrick’s voice was rough in her head and she could feel the struggle to contain his wolf’s desire to attack those who had dared to come uninvited into their territory. To the wolf, this was a clear danger to the Pack and dangers needed to be eradicated.

  With my life. And more importantly, with yours. She answered back quietly and after a long, tense moment, he shifted to stand tall before them. With an unspoken signal only his werewolves understood, the tension in the area eased, though no one left.

  Never taking his eyes off the Guardians, Kendrick tilted his head toward the Healer’s cottage and Declan immediately slipped through the doorway.

  “Were there any others?”

  Aiden shook his head before answering. “Not that we saw, but we didn’t take the time to look around either.”

  Kendrick nodded, flicking a glance between the two and noting a significant difference. “You have dragon’s eyes,” he observed with a hard stare at Aiden’s gold rimmed eyes before turning to Meadow, “but you don’t.”

  “I’m an Aesir.”

  Allandra felt his surprise-and a reluctant finger of fascination. Aesir’s were changelings-able to shapeshift into anything and anyone while taking on its characteristics and Gifts. There were only twelve Aesirs in the world, all of them Blackstar Guardians, making them a rare and often speculated about race.

  As an animal shifter, Kendrick felt a tie with both of them but it didn’t ease his wariness when facing strangers in his territory. The dragon alone could wipe out a good portion of the pack in a terrifyingly short time and the Aesir...who knew what damage they could do.

  “You can shift into a werewolf?”

  Meadow nodded and in the next heartbeat, without any obvious indication, her forest colored eyes suddenly had familiar shards of glowing emerald green and every wolf surrounding them started in surprise-instinctively recognizing one of their own kind.

  She dipped her head slightly to Kendrick before shifting into wolf form. Letting them look their fill for a moment before moving cautiously toward the Ascendant, she paused before him. Slowly bending, he touched a hand to her soft fur, reaching for the connection he had to all werewolves.

  “I can feel your wolf,” he murmured, visibly perplexed, “It’s strong and real. But...I don’t have a connection to you like I do with all the others.”

  “That’s because her Alpha is Cadrian,” Allandra explained, “the Aesirs Ascendant is always Cadrian, no matter what form they’re in.”

  Shifting back, Meadow nodded her agreement with Allandra’s explanation. “My wolf recognizes you but it’s allegiance is to Cadrian.”

  “How can you be a werewolf?” Abbie asked in impulsive surprise from Kendrick’s side, “we didn’t even exist until a few centuries ago and you’re...millennia old.”

  “We’re not sure how it happens and why. But when Kendrick was first changed, we felt it and just...knew how to shapechange into a werewolf” she explained with a shrug.

  Several wolves shifted closer, intrigued by what she was saying and the puzzle it presented. How did she have the same wolf presence inside if she wasn’t a werewolf all the time?


  Declan’s voice was quiet, catching his Alpha’s attention immediately as he stepped out of the Healer’s cottage. Tugging Allandra behind him, he strode over to his Sentinel, already noting the worry darkening the other man’s eyes.

  “They’re from the Naelonia Pack,” he informed them, mentioning a small, newly formed pack about a hard days run from Kalvara, “they were attacked by human hunters without warning. These two were sent by Owen to get help but were pursued. They’re not sure if there are any survivors.”

  Kendrick nodded before closing his eyes and growing still. Allandra could feel a low hum of magic pulsing from him outward and knew he was moving along the connection he had to Naelonia’s alpha, Owen, trying to ascertain the status of the pack from him. Moments later his eyes snapped open, his body tense and angry.

  “He’s weak, but alive. We’ll need to set out immediately. Abbie and Brogan, make sure Kalvara’s defenses remain unbreachable. No one leaves or enters while we’re gone.”

  The Sentinels gave sharp nods and strode away, barking instructions to the warriors who fell into step around them.

  “We’d like to help.”

  Meadow’s voice was soft, but caught Kendrick’s attention. He studied the two Guardians for a long moment before giving a hard nod. “I’m bringing one of our Healers. If needed, can you fly any wounded back here?”

  They nodded and Allandra smiled gratefully at them, knowing they could save lives by flying the distance quickly between territories as dragons. Gearing for battle was a familiar routine and settled with ease on all three Guardians, who focused on what needed to be done by force of habit.

  “Are we taking Lyssia or Lachlan? I can help gather the herbs we’ll need-“

  “I need you to stay here and take charge of things. Make sure everything’s ready should we come back with a lot of wounded” he interrupted, avoiding her incredulous gaze.

  “Stay here? Kendrick-“ catching sight of the sideways looks being tossed their way, she snapped her mouth shut on the argument she’d been about to give.

  She was a warrior, used to rushing toward battle-not staying back and letting someone else fight. She was trained, experienced and someone who would be a help, not a hindrance to the werewolves as they went after the hunters. Why Kendrick was telling her to stay here was bewildering but she didn’t want to get into an argument in front of the Pack.

  Kendrick. I would be of more use going with you than staying here.

  Falling into step beside him as he strode south toward the road that would wind down in the direction of Naelonia, she exchanged a quick, frowning glance with Aidan and Meadow.

  I need your help here. As part of the Alpha pair, the pack will look to you for leadership. I need you to prepare everything here.

  She shook her head in silent disagreement just as he abruptly grabbed her arm and pulled her over behind a tree. Looking into his anguished gaze, she saw a flicker of fear behind it that gave her pause.

  Please stay here.

  Letting out a breath, she nodded, one hand brushing against his face. They’d have to have a talk later, but for now she’d let this be.

  All right. Be safe.

  Pressing a quick, hard kiss on her lips, he shifted into wolf form and sent up a long, angry howl. It was immediately answered by hundreds of others as dozens of massive black wolves raced up to surround him. With another howl, he sprang forward and disappeared into the woods, wolves sprinting after him.

  Shadows crossed the moon overhead and Allandra tilted her head back to see Aidan and Meadow flying over the treeline. Reaching through the mental channel all Guardians shared, she sent a quiet plea.

  Take care of him.

  We will.

  Someone brushed against her arm and she glanced over to find Lachlan watching her with solemn eyes while sending her a tiny, understanding smile.

  “It’ll take time. He’s still afraid you’ll disappear.”

  Sighing, she nodded and rubbed her neck. “What do we need to do?”

  Chapter 12

  THE FIRST OF THE WOUNDED appeared early the next morning.

  Allandra had spent the night coordinating with Lachlan, Abbie and Brogan to make sure the Healer’s cottage was stocked and ready and Kalvara tightly secured. Knowing that the pack would take their cues from her as one of the Alpha pair and react accordingly, she kept herself calm and focused like she would on any Guardian assignment, not allowing herself to dwell on the danger Kendrick was racing into.

  Aidan and Meadow deposited four badly wounded werewolves at the Healers cottage before wheeling back through the sky toward Naelonia, letting her know through their mental channel that the pack had been scattered, with many wounded or dead. The human hunters who had attacked were now being hunted by the Naelonia

  Allandra sent her thanks for the update while she helped work on the wounded with Lachlan and several packmates who pitched in to help. She could feel Kendrick’s steady strength through their bond and refrained from contacting him through it, not wanting to distract him.

  She was soon lost in a rush of activity as more and more wounded were dropped off. Beds were found for them in nearby homes and she hurried out to Lachlan’s garden and the woods to replenish badly needed herbs several times. Alaine and the domestic wolves kept them all supplied with food and drinks while the children were kept busy as runners through-out the territory, carrying supplies and messages.

  In between helping with the newly arrived wounded, she took several turns patrolling the perimeter, attempting to cover areas left stretched thin by those who had gone with Kendrick. Given how vast Kalvara was, the wolves usually communicated with a system of howls passed along with a relay of messenger wolves, but given that many werewolves had once been Naethyrian, Allandra introduced the idea of sending messages through the trees. It worked surprisingly well and between the two, messages were carried swiftly from border to den.

  Abbie and Brogan checked in with her regularly to report on any issues that came up and Allandra was pleased by the comradery that sprang up between them, even in the midst of everything that was going on. It boded well for her place and future with the pack that they could work so easily together.

  It was early evening by the time things finally settled and as Allandra rolled her neck while sharing a tired smile with Lachlan, she silently remarked on how easily the pack worked together. Each wolf slipped into a needed role that blended seamlessly into what the pack needed as a whole.

  Warriors, domestics, Healers-even the children played a vital role, often lifting the spirits of those around them with spontaneous, needed hugs and bursts of affection. It was a birds eye view of how a healthy, thriving pack worked and, as she walked back to the den with various pack members stopping to talk or giving her a friendly call, for the first time, she truly felt a part of it.

  Stepping into the great hall, she headed over to the couches set before the fire and sank down with an exhausted sigh, closing her eyes as her head dropped back. Reaching through their mental path, her lips lifted when she met Kendrick halfway as he reached for her.

  How are you?

  Angry. This has to stop.

  They didn’t have any warning?

  No. They’re a small pack, just formed a few months ago. There were only thirty of them. There’s twenty now.

  Rubbing a hand over the heart that ached with the devastation in his tone, she sent a wave of comfort and love through their connection, knowing he needed it. She felt him sigh in response before he continued.

  Owen refuses to give up his territory, he told her with approval coloring his voice. I’m going to stay here for at least a couple of days, make sure the hunters have been dealt with and re-settle the pack. Owen is a strong Alpha and with some help, he’ll get the pack on a sure footing. I’m doing what I can to give them strength.

  Can I help? I know I don’t have the link that you do to all the packs, but is there a way I can send them strength, comfort?

  Kendrick paused and he could feel his pride, his happiness that she asked. Yes. You can send it through me with our connection.


  Can you see the ties I have to the others inside me?

  Moving closer to him mentally, she stepped through the doorway he opened for her and she stopped, gasping in surprise. Kendrick’s essence pulsed with a circle of light glowing with facets of emerald, pine and moss. Stretching out from the center were hundreds of thin dark gold strands, many of them twisting around a central strand.

  Alpha’s and their packs.

  It’s beautiful.

  Yes. I’ll filter what you send through to the packs.

  Hesitantly, she gathered what she’d felt from the Kalvara pack today-love, comfort, strength, determination-and pushed them across their mental channel. She felt him take it before letting it slide through into the thicker, golden Alpha strands. Her mouth opened in amazement when she watched the strands flare brightly before filtering through to the thinner strands as the alphas spread it to their packs.

  Even knowing that they were all connected-packs to their alphas and the alpha’s to Kendrick-it took her breath away to see how a simple wave of emotion could visually strengthen them. It struck her then as never before just how truly interconnected the werewolves were and they could be strengthened-or weakened-by those bonds.

  Tell me of Kalvara.

  Kendrick’s voice was soft in her head and she knew he needed to hear how his pack and children were. Quietly, she began telling him of everything that had happened through-out the day and an hour passed before they reluctantly said goodbye.

  Sighing softly, Allandra’s eyes slid open to stare sightlessly into the dying fire. She’d spent centuries alone, but after just a few weeks, it felt lonely not to have him by her side. Noticing a wooden tray set on the low table in front of the couch, a grateful smile lifted her lips as she realized Alaine must have put it there while she was talking to Kendrick.

  Reaching forward, she pulled the tray onto her lap and tore off a hunk of crusty bread, not realizing just hungry she was until that first bite melted in her mouth. She’d finished off half of the plate of bread, cheese and sliced apples when Teagan and Brylee slipped up beside her and cuddled close, reaching to snag apple slices and munch them with quick smiles shot sideways at her.

  Squeezing both of them, she pressed gentle kisses on the tops of their heads before slicing off three pieces of cheese and handing two of them to the children.

  “I heard the two of you were very helpful working with Alaine to keep everyone fed today” she complimented them and they both glowed under the praise while nibbling the cheese.

  “She needed food baskets taken out across Kalvara. We’re fast runners so we said we’d go” Teagan explained and she nodded, smiling down at him.

  “You were both a big help to the pack today.”

  “Have you heard from Papa?” Brylee asked, worry darkening her eyes.

  “I have. He’s fine and the Naelonia pack will be too. Your Papa’s going to help them get settled and then he’ll be back in a few days,” she informed them, “so until he returns it’s up to us to make sure the pack has everything it needs. Will you help me?”

  The children nodded enthusiastically and her heart ached with happiness at their earnest innocence. Setting the now empty tray back on the table, she sank back, curling her arms around them.

  “So what do we need to do first?”


  Allandra’s head jerked up from where she was bent over one of the wounded Naelonia werewolves changing his bandage when she heard Brylee’s excited cry. Kendrick was paused in the doorway of the Healer’s cottage, looking weary but unharmed. She swept a hungry gaze over him before her gaze caught on his, an echoing craving in his aqua gaze.

  Never taking his eyes off of hers, he caught Brylee as she jumped into his arms. When he finally tore his gaze away to smile at their daughter, she quickly finished securing the bandage before hurrying to her husband.

  One arm snaked out as soon as she drew close and pulled her tightly against his side. Brylee beamed happily at them as Kendrick nuzzled against Allandra’s temple, breathing deep.

  “You’re home” she murmured, reaching up to gently brush an errand lock of dark hair off his forehead.

  You need to rest, she added and he gave a small shake of his head.

  No time, he answered before bouncing Brylee, making her giggle, “what do you say we see how everyone’s doing here and then head back to the den to see if Alaine has baked us any treats?”

  Tangling her fingers with Kendrick’s, they moved slowly through the cottage, stopping to visit and talk quietly with each patient. She couldn’t help but notice how just being around him affected every werewolf they came i
n contact with.

  It wasn’t just the deep respect they felt for his place in the dominance hierarchy. They were visibly calmed and soothed when he touched them-squeezing an arm, touching a shoulder or evening hugging those who needed the extra touch. She was still coming to terms with what it meant to be the Ascendant Alpha, but watching her mate as he moved through the cottage and into the surrounding homes housing patients with a confident, easy stride, it was obvious that he not only cared, but felt a deep connection to these wolves not of his immediate pack-and they felt the same bond.

  The Ascendant was Alpha to all and every wolf knew that he would fight to the death to protect them.

  When they finally made their way back to the den, Alaine handed Brylee a basket of warm baked treats and sent her off to share them with the other children. After giving both her parents each a hard, heartfelt hug, the young girl ran happily out, munching on a sweet bun.

  Allandra murmured a thank you as Alaine set several baskets and a large earthenware pitcher of juice on the low table by the empty fireplace and whisked herself back to the kitchen to prepare for the evening meal.

  Already sprawled on the couches, chairs and rugs were all the Sentinels, plus the two Guardians, waiting for their Alpha to arrive. Those who had gone to Naelonia looked tired and disheartened, their expressions heavy with all they had seen and done.

  Giving Kendrick’s hand a reassuring squeeze, she sent a grateful smile toward Aiden and Meadow, glad to have her friends nearby before seating herself on the arm of the chair her mate sank into. Aiden nodded back while Meadow smiled in the sweet way she had, spreading calm wherever she went.

  “This can’t go on,” Kendrick announced abruptly, his voice hard, “suggestions?”

  There was a moment of silence as the others exchanged looks while thinking.

  “Short term, we need to make sure the smaller packs like Naelonia have the training and protective measures in place to make sure they’ve as safe as can be against attacks” Garin suggested and the other’s nodded in agreement.


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