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The Heart of a Wolf

Page 12

by Megan Smith

  “We could take turns travelling to the other packs for training sessions. Send some of our higher ranking warriors to help.”

  “We could offer Kalvara as a training ground for any Alpha who wants to send warriors here. Then they could go back and train their own packs.”

  Fingers pressed together under his chin as he listened, Kendrick nodded. “We’ll need to organize a rotation and send word to all the Alpha’s offering the training there or here. Declan, handle the plan and Cason contact the Alpha’s. Brogan and Nera, work out the best way to handle the training. Garin and Abbie, work through the warriors and decide who would be best to send to which pack.”

  Allandra watched as the nodded in acceptance of their assignments while waiting for what he wanted her to do. When he didn’t say anything, a frown marred her forehead and a quick glance at the Guardians let her know they’d caught the oversight.

  Meadow shifted before speaking carefully. “Strengthening defenses is always good, but you still have the problem of the Hunters. They’re not going to just suddenly stop when they encounter harder resistance.”

  “We want the packs to be secure. Our children to be safe,” Abbie commented quietly, one hand pressed to her belly, “but we can’t stop how they feel about us. They think we’re abominations that need to be eradicated. Nothing we do will make them change that view. Our only option is to make the packs as strong as we can and always be vigilant.”

  “What you need,” Allandra interjected slowly, “are allies.”

  Everyone looked at her in puzzlement. Glancing down, she saw Kendrick frowning thoughtfully. “Allies?”

  “Why do countries or races create treaties? To protect themselves against an enemy. Banded together, they’re more of a threat than they would be individually. Strengthening all packs as a whole is a good start, but to make our enemies pause we need to make them know that if they attack, they won’t just have us to contend with-but our allies as well.”

  “Who would we ally with? Either they have Hunters, like the Naethyrians, or they just turn a blind eye” Brogan argued with an irritated chop of his hand.

  “If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a Guardian, it’s that interactions between races-even between Dominas of the same race-are tricky. Not every Naethyrian Domina has Hunters or the same social structure or slaves. And the Anconians would go up in arms if the Maethyrians attempted to interfere on how things are run on Anconia. So what seems like a blind eye may just be...caution on the part of others.”

  “I can see that,” Nera answered slowly, “we’re such a new race and so far only humans and Naethyrians have been changed into werewolves. The others might see us as a problem only for those two.”


  “So who would we make an alliance with? And how? We’d need something to bargain with to make it worth their while and right now we’re just struggling to survive” Declan pointed out.

  “The main argument that the Hunters have is that werewolves are...unnatural. By-products of a disease from the Blaedin. But the Creators have given you Seraphins just like everyone else-even going to far as to marry you at first touch,” she reminded them, holding up her arm to display her mating mark, “you’ve created a working community of Packs with laws, expected behaviors and an organized societal structure. And now, with children being born as werewolves...they can’t deny that you are a legitimate race with the same blessings that the Creators have given the others.”

  Sweeping each of them with an earnest look in turn, she shrugged lightly. “I’d start with the Dragons. They are shifters very similar in nature-part animal. Their Circles are very similar to Packs in many ways. I think they’d be open to recognizing you as a legitimate race. What do you think Aiden?”

  The other Guardian nodded easily, his gaze thoughtful. “I agree. The Dragons would be powerful ally’s. If the Pendragon acknowledges you, then all the Circles would. I can speak to my brother. Take a wolf as an ambassador to the dragon court and be your intermediary” he offered.

  “You already know you have ally’s with the Blackstar Guardians,” Meadow pointed out, “and that means Cadrian. Who, I don’t have to tell you, holds a lot of weight with...everyone.”

  “And not all Naethyrians are out to destroy you,” Allandra added quietly, remembering her meeting before coming to Kalvara, “my brother Aaren and several others in the Domina have been in talks with Prince Rafael about changing things. He wanted me to broach the idea of opening up discussions with you. If the Prince openly acknowledges dealings with you...I know other Dominas would as well. There will always be those like my father who won’t accept you, but with enough groups acknowledging the could give the packs a chance to live freely, openly.”

  Silence descended and for a long while there was only the muted sounds of the evening meal being prepared in the kitchen as they pondered the possibilities.

  Finally, Kendrick raised his head and swept a gaze over his Sentinels. “What do we think? This is a decision we all need to make.”

  “Besides being kicked back down if this doesn’t work, I don’t see any downside” Cason said slowly.

  “We’ve been kicked all our lives. If our children can live without fear...I’ll try anything” Abbie stated firmly and the others nodded in agreement.

  “Then we’re in accord.” Kendrick looked at the Guardians. “you would take our offer of alliance to the Pendragon?”

  “I’ll leave right away. I’ll contact my brother and see how soon I can get an official audience. Do you have someone in mind as an ambassador?” Aiden asked.

  Aiden’s half-brother was the current Pendragon. Similar to the wolves’ Ascendant Alpha, the Pendragon was the head of all dragons and was followed with unquestioned loyalty. If he made the choice to come out in support of the wolves’ claim of legitimacy, then it would be so for all dragon Circles.

  “I’m thinking Marcus” Kendrick considered aloud, naming one of his most dominant but clear-headed senior warriors.

  Declan nodded in agreement. “He has an eye for details, doesn’t get riled easily but is strong enough to hold his own. He’s a good choice.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “Patrolling the southern border. I’ll get him switched with someone else so he can leave right away” Declan declared before standing. Moving over to Allandra, he reached down to pull her up into a hug. Startled by the spontaneous action, she returned the affectionate embrace. “I like how you talk of ‘we’ when discussing the Pack” he murmured with approval before stepping back and, giving a farewell nod, loped out of the room.

  Chapter 13

  THE MEETING BROKE UP with the Sentinels leaving to work on their appointed tasks and Meadow moved to slide a friendly arm around Allandra’s waist as they made their way with Aiden toward the tables. Tilting her head to briefly touch the side of Meadow’s, she sighed, grateful to have her friends there with her. She was coming to love the pack but the Guardians would always be family and it strengthened her knowing they would always be there to support her in any way she needed.

  Sending a glance back over her shoulder, she caught Kendrick’s eye and smiled gravely. Several wolves had materialized just as the meeting ended, needing his attention. Knowing he could be minutes or hours, they were following their noses to the glorious smells wafting over from the other side of the great hall while they waited.

  Don’t go far.

  I won’t.

  After helping themselves to the steaming platters of food Alaine and her staff had set out a few moments before, the three Guardians settled at the head table, unconsciously leaving the end spot open for Kendrick.

  “Sooo, it’s been quite an eventful few weeks for you” Meadow teased, tearing off a hunk of warm, fragrant bread and dipping it into her stew.

  “Just a little,” she agreed with a slight laugh, “I didn’t see any of this coming. I suspect Cadrian did, not that he gave any hint.”

  Raising his tankard and taking
a drink, one dark eyebrow arched up as Aiden commented, “did you expect him to? Cadrian excels at the vague and mysterious.”

  The other two laughed, knowing exactly what he meant. As much as they all loved him, their leader did tend to be frustratingly obscure about some things. More than one Guardian had taken exception to something he had failed to give early warning about.

  “I’m not sure if he does it because he knows we can handle anything or if he’s just being diabolical.”

  “Probably a little of both.”

  Glancing with studied casualness at the wolves trickling in to grab trenchers of food and seat themselves at the other tables, Meadow’s voice lowered to a level even the werewolves couldn’t hear. “How are you really doing?”

  Allandra opened her mouth to respond and then paused, really thinking through the question before finally answering. “I am filled with an unimaginable joy at having Kendrick again. Staggered and humbled at being a mother to two children I already love with everything I have. Worried about how I’m going to be the mate of the Ascendant Alpha and a Blackstar Guardian at the same time while doing justice to both. Uncertain of how to do everything that’s expected of me. And strangely content with all the changes that have happened. In a nutshell” she finished with a slight grimace.

  Reaching out to cover her hand with theirs, both Guardians gave her sympathetic looks.

  “And like always Allandra, you will be magnificent” Aiden complimented her quietly, blue eyes shining with sincerity.

  “You know we’ll always be here for you, if ever you need anything,” Meadow promised, “and, after watching how the packs operate these last few days, I’m positive that they will have your back as well. Always remember that you don’t have to do any of this alone.”

  Tears blurred her gaze as she nodded, biting her lip to keep them from falling. “Thank you. You two have supported me from my first moment as a Guardian and have been the family I always wanted.”

  Giving her hand a squeeze, Aiden sat back and picked up his spoon. “We feel the same. Now, enough of this womanly display, let’s finish our meal before it gets cold” he teased, flicking a glance toward Kendrick, who was staring at Allandra, “or your husband stalks over here demanding to know why we made you cry.”

  Laughing, the other two agreed and enjoyed a leisurely meal, talking and laughing over past stories and current developments in far-flung places. Teagan and Brylee joined them half-way through the meal and Allandra loved how easily the Guardians encouraged them to open up-telling amusing stories that had the two children laughing and relaxing more and more as the evening went on.

  Finally accepting that Kendrick wasn’t going to be able to join them, Allandra sent the Guardians to the guest rooms prepared for them in the den before tucking the children into bed. Alaine kept food warm in the great hall all night for the warriors coming off their patrols but she handed Allandra a tray to take up to their room for Kendrick, admonishing her to make sure he ate.

  Setting it down on the hearth to keep warm, she added another log to the fire and then wrapped herself in a blanket and then pushed open the shutters to stare out into the darkness. Moonlight cast its silvery glow over the trees, giving everything a mysterious, enchanted appearance. Leaning her head against the stone casing, she sighed, feeling the stress of the day slowly melt away.

  The door opened quietly behind her and a heartbeat later, Kendrick’s arms were wrapped around her, his broad chest warm and steady against her back. Sighing contentedly to have him with her again

  , she tilted her head back to rest against his chest and watched the moon slowly climb higher in the inky sky.

  “I’m glad you’re home” she murmured as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “Knowing you were here...” his voice trailed off with a hitch, unable to finish but Allandra smoothed a hand over his arm, knowing exactly what he meant.

  Knowing that someone you loved was there for you at the end of a long, difficult assignment made all the difference in how your days went. She hoped that he would always feel that way for the times when he had to leave-or when she did.

  Reminded of the discussion they needed to have, a frown wrinkled her forehead and behind her Kendrick shifted, feeling the change in her mood.

  “You’re upset.”

  She hesitated, considering just how to present what needed to be said in a way that wouldn’t put the back up of a man who lived with his protective instincts at the forefront-and a wolf that didn’t have the capability to see things in anything but black and white.

  “Not...upset. But, there is something we need to talk about” she confessed, twisting in his arms until they were face to face. “Earlier, instead of having me go with you to Naelonia, you asked that I stay here.”


  Resisting the urge to sigh when she saw the frowning incomprehension in his beautiful eyes, she wet her lips before continuing.

  “I know that it is part of your nature to want to protect. To have me safe here at Kalvara while you’re out dealing with whatever problem has arisen, but with the two of us being who we are...that’s not always going to happen,” she broached slowly and he tensed underneath the hands she had resting on his chest. “I’m a Blackstar Guardian. I took vows that are meant to last an eternity and I have to honor them. Cadrian will come and give me an assignment soon and I will need to go. That sense of protection, of guardianship you feel toward the packs, I have as well. That is part of why I was chosen to be a Guardian. It’s a part of who I am and I can’t just...set it aside.”

  Sweeping her face with an unhappy expression, the glowing green eyes of his wolf looking down at her, he stepped back and began pacing across the room.

  “You want to continue being a Guardian” he stated, his voice gravelly with the edge of a growl.

  “That’s...not even a question. I have to continue” she answered simply and he shot her a sideways look before turning to pace the other direction. She watched him move, his actions eerily wolf-like before sighing softly and sitting back on the edge of the windowseat. “It’s been so long. We’re so different now.”

  Halting abruptly, his head jerked toward hers. “What do you mean by that?”

  Shrugging, a rueful smile touched her lips. “When we were young...we were different people. After centuries apart, we’ve developed in ways that are going to make this marriage a challenge at times.”

  “You’re not talking about ending this” he stated flatly and she looked at him in surprise.

  “Of course not. We’re meant to be Kendrick. I was just trying to say that our very natures are going to provide some stumbling blocks we’re going to have to figure out how to navigate. This is one of them,” she explained with a shrug, “you’re used to being in charge, to having others defer to you. Your word is literally law to the packs. I’m used to being independent. If there is a conflict, I’m not going to hesitate to stride toward it and wield my sword with every skill I have. You wouldn’t expect Abbie or Nera to stay behind when you know they will be an asset to you.”

  Kendrick opened his mouth before shutting it abruptly, a frown darkening his eyes.

  “I will be an asset, Kendrick. I’m very good at what I do. And I can’t help but believe that part of why the Creators made us Seraphins was because they knew that as individuals we are formidable but as a team, we’re unstoppable,” she paused, her hands lifting in a pleading motion as she stood and moved closer, “But I need you to see me-accept me-as the other half of this Alpha pair. I need to know that you’ll always be here by my side. That you value me.”

  In one quick stride, he was in front of her again, hands cradling her face while looking down at her fiercely.

  “I will always be here for you,” he vowed, “never doubt that.”

  Sighing, he dragged a hand through his hair. “It’s just that it still feels....fragile having you here with me and my first instinct is to protect you at all costs. I know what you are capable
of and what it takes to be a Guardian. But I have to admit that I’m struggling. The thought of you being hurt or killed drives the wolf and I both crazy. I know that the healthiest thing for the pack is to have a strong Alpha pair, but I’m just having a difficult time with the idea of you being anywhere near danger.”

  “And I understand that. When you went off to Naelonia it nearly killed me to know I wasn’t there to watch your back. To stand beside you as we fought our enemies.”

  Reaching forward, he rested his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry,” he apologized quietly, “I didn’t think about it from your point of view. All I could think about was that I needed you safe. And I’m fairly certain that instinct is never going to change...but I will do my best to rein in the impulse the best I can.”

  Smiling understandingly up at him, she reached over to brush her fingers lightly over his neck. “That’s all I ask.”

  Pushing up onto her toes, she pressed a kiss to his lips, the fingers of one hand sliding through the silk of his hair. “I love you Kendrick” she murmured and he answered by deepening the kiss while wrapping one arm around her waist and lifting her tightly against him.

  You are my everything.

  Carrying her to the massive bed, he laid her on the soft blankets and followed her down, their lips never parting as they met in a homecoming as old as time.

  Chapter 14

  THICK WHITE CANDLES flickering in metal lanterns were hung by the dozens in the trees while torches thrust into the earth illuminated the space with a warm glow. Colorful ribbons had been tied in branches, the wind sending them twisting gaily overhead. Trestle tables had been set up in the large clearing by the river, some groaning with food Alaine and the domestic wolves had spent days cooking and baking while the others held members of all werewolf packs, laughing and talking in the warm night air.


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