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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

Page 59

by R. M. Walker

  Thankfully, he let me plead my case and decided to take me under his wing. Since then, we had become as thick as thieves, and if I ever needed to feed, all I needed to do was ask. However, on nights like tonight, I wouldn't need to ask. As my song wove its spell around the patrons, Éloi subtly pointed out those who'd be on the menu for tonight. By the end of my set, we had three unknowing sacrifices.

  As I went back to my seat to the crowd's applause, Éloi joined me, sliding in beside me.

  "What are their crimes?" I asked, picking up my refreshed glass of bourbon.

  "The man at the bar is a confirmed womanizer," he told me. "My bathroom attendant saw faded bruises on her waist and thighs."

  Ah yes. His female bathroom attendant with x-ray vision. Handy skill to have."The woman at the front table," he continued. "Drugs her clientele and steals from them."

  "Naughty, naughty," I commented.

  "The last man in the booth opposite the bar is a pimp. He keeps his girls strung out to keep them compliant."

  "Well, that just won't do." I took a sip of my glass. "How are we getting them to stay?"

  "You'll seduce the woman into seducing the men," he said flippantly. "I'll get one of my girls to get the beaten woman out safely."

  I rolled my eyes and leaned back in the bar. "Of course you get the easy job."

  He gave me a sly smile and slid out of the booth. "Tell you what." He leaned against the table, his silver eyes glowing in the dim light. "When I can make people do my bidding with only a few words and kill them with a kiss, we'll switch." He winked. "Until then, you're up."

  I loathe to admit that my eyes followed his ass across the room as he walked back to the bar, but they did. Luckily, I averted my gaze to our only woman target before he could catch me and lord it over me later. The woman in question was beautiful, as were most in the club. Her raven hair hung to her shoulders in short curls, brushing the exposed mocha skin of her collar bone. Her eyes were a light brown that managed to shine in the dim lighting of the club, the red dress she wore enhancing her slim frame and ample breasts. Yeah, she looked like the type who would drug men and steal everything they brought with them for a deviant encounter. A shame really, she seemed perfect for a causal physical encounter.

  I soon drained my glass and ambled over to her table. Her eyes lit up as they spotted me. The man sitting with her noticed and looked over his shoulder. He scowled as I pulled up a chair and sat in it backward, placing myself between them. He was abnormally average. Dark hair and a fair complexion. His dark blue eyes that were narrowed at me were the most interesting things about him. He really should have fixed his face. At the end of the day, I was doing him a favor.

  Picking up her hand which laid flat in the table, I placed an innocent kiss on the back and looked up with devilish eyes.

  "Hello," I purred in my thick Louisiana drawl. "Are you enjoying yourself this evening?"

  She giggled. Actually fucking giggled. This might be more fun than I thought it would be.

  "I am," she replied. "Thank you for asking. You were amazing tonight. I come here every week just to hear you sing. The emotion in your voice is absolutely awe-inspiring."

  She had a slight bayou accent, proving that she was local. She'd probably have people who would miss her after tonight. Too bad. They should have told her to get a new profession if they cared all that much.

  “Why thank you, Miss..." I trailed off, leaving her to fill in the blank. As if I cared about her name. I didn't even need to use my powers for this one. She seemed so enamored with me that she'd probably do as I asked without question.

  “Laveau," she supplied eagerly. "Catherine Laveau."

  "Like the voodoo queen?"

  "Guilty." She winced. "My mother had a fascination with our ancestry and wanted my name to be close to hers without the usual stigma."

  "Well, there's no stigma here, Cher."

  At this point, the man cleared his throat. Apparently, he didn't appreciate me monopolizing his time with his date. Catherine's eyes shot over to him as she finally pulled her hand from mine.

  "Oh, my apologies. Henry, this is Fabián Gaston. Fabián, may I call you Fabián?" At my nod, she continued the introduction. "Fabián, this is my friend, Henry."

  I turned my gaze to his with a raised brow and extended my hand. "Nice to meet you, Henry."

  He placed his palm in mine and tried to do the whole macho handshake thing, which he failed at. Miserably.

  "Same." He nodded, quickly pulling his hand away. "I don't mean to sound rude, but we're trying to enjoy our date. Is there a reason you came over here, Mr. Gaston?"

  "Of course there is." I grinned. "I saw a beautiful woman who I wanted to meet. Wouldn't you say she's beautiful, Henry?"

  "Clearly, she is," he sputtered.

  "And yet I clearly remember you looking a bit too closely at the serving girl while I was on stage and your ‘date’s’ attention was elsewhere."

  Catherine gasped.

  "What?" Henry shook his head adamantly. "I most certainly was not."

  And he probably wasn't. But that wasn't my problem. I needed him to be gone, and the quickest way to do that was for her to get rid of him.

  "Are you calling him a liar, Henry?" Catherine asked.

  "He is a liar!" Henry exclaimed.

  "What reason do I have to lie?" I shrugged as I folded my arms over the rounded back of the chair. "There's nothing in it for me to gain other than the company of a ravishing woman."

  "That's reason enough to lie," Henry pushed.

  "Oh, Henry, be serious." Catherine rolled her eyes, a tight scowl set on her plump lips. "He's Fabián Gaston. He could have any woman in this club tonight and he wouldn't have to lie to do it. Honestly, your jealousy is a bit troublesome."

  "My jealousy?" Henry sat back astounded as I tried my best not to smile. "You can't be serious. You actually think I'm jealous of this guy? Why? Because he can hold a tune? Guys like him are a dime a dozen around here."

  "Wow, Henry. I can't believe you just said that. You know, I can't believe I thought you were different. Instead, you're just like all the other money-obsessed men in this town. Chasing the next big buck instead of following your passion. I applaud people like Fabián and Marcie for doing something that they love even if it isn't the most lucrative. At least they know who they are and what they stand for. People like you make me sick."

  Catherine's righteous tirade almost made me burst with laughter. To anyone who didn't know that she intended to take this man for all he had on him at the end of the night, it would seem like a legitimate reason for her to be appalled. For those of us who knew the truth however, it was downright laughable.

  To keep with my character, I just sat there and shook my head sagely, while internally busting a gut from laughter.

  "Un-fucking-believable." Henry pushed back from the table. "You sit here and eyefuck this guy all night, and somehow I'm the bad guy for something I didn't even do? Well, I hope you have a good time with him. Maybe he can put your daughter through college with the tips he makes from singing in this busted joint. I'm out of here.”

  While Henry stormed out of the club, I thought about the obvious lie she told him and decided to use it to my advantage.

  "You have a daughter?" I asked her softly.

  Her eyes widened while she mentally tried to decide whether or not she wanted to continue with the lie. With it already being out there, she apparently decided to go for it.

  Catherine meekly pulled her hands into her lap and looked down at the table, her hair falling down to shield her eyes. Clever move.

  "I do," she said. "She's ten. My mother's watching her for me tonight. I'm not exactly sure why I caught your attention when you honestly could have anyone in here tonight, but I do hope it doesn't turn you away."

  She looked up coyly and I fought the grin wanting to spread. This woman didn't have a coy bone in her body. Instead, I gave her a small smile. "I honestly just came over here to tell
you that you looked beautiful. But the fact that you have a child doesn't turn me off. In fact, it tells me more about you than I probably would have learned had I just invited you to my table for a drink."

  "You want to have a drink with me?" she asked with wide eyes. "Even after all that?"

  I waved a hand flippantly. "What he said has no bearing on my opinion of you. Would you like to join me at my booth?" I stood and offered her my hand.

  "I'd love to." The smile she gave me would've been dazzling had it been coming from any other beautiful woman.

  She placed her hand in mine, letting me help her up and lead her across the room to my booth. Éloi came over shortly after we sat to take our drink orders, giving me a nod as he noticed how enamored the woman was. Yes, this wouldn't be difficult at all.



  Getting Catherine to go convince our other two targets of the evening to come and join us was easier than I expected it to be. I only had to use a bit of my seduction to accomplish the task and then she went easily. The men, however, took a bit more finesse. Oh, sure they happily enjoyed the free drinks and table service from the owner himself. The womanizer didn't even seem too bothered when his girl disappeared after a trip to the bathroom, never to be seen again. But when it came time for the club to close, they began to get a bit antsy.

  While one of the club’s employees were locking up, Éloi brought over a bottle of bourbon and some glasses. The pimp eyed the offerings with wide eyes as Éloi sat down at the edge of the booth.

  "Oh no," Marcel—I'd, unfortunately, learned that was the pimp’s name—shook his head adamantly. "I couldn't possibly have another glass."

  "Nonsense," Éloi replied, twisting off the cap to pour the first glass. "There's always room for another glass. Besides, the night is still young. And there's much we have in store for the three of you."

  "What's that supposed to mean?" The womanizer—Sabin—asked.

  I cut my eyes to Éloi before I turned to our guests with a charming smile. "Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, but..."

  "But?" Catherine asked eagerly.

  I lowered my voice. "In the back room, there's a party that we host every Thursday night after the club closes. Very exclusive, you see. And we thought to extend the invitation to you three. But...if you're not interested."

  "I'm interested," Catherine said immediately. She angled herself to push her breasts up against my arm. "I was so enjoying our conversation, Fabián. Does it have to end?"

  "It doesn’t, Cher," I told her, playing into the role she wanted of me. "But it seems our friends here aren't enjoying our company as much as you are. Perhaps you could do something about that?"

  I may have pushed a bit of seductive suggestion into my words, not that she could tell. As her eyes glazed over, a peaceful smile came over her face and she turned to face the womanizer. Éloi and I watched as she placed one hand on his arm and another on his thigh. He'd been flirting with her all night, and since she never shut him down completely, he must have taken that as his opening. Sabin placed a hand on the small of her waist as she leaned into him.

  "Come on, Sabin." Her hand moved up his thigh. "Do you really want the night to end?" Catherine transferred her lustful gaze over to Marcel as he watched them avidly. His breathing sped up the closer Catherine got to Sabin's cock. For a pimp, he sure seemed to be a bit too affected by this blatant display of sexuality. He must get off on watching. Useful information.

  "Marcel," Catherine purred as her hand lightly moved over Sabin's now erect cock. "Do you really want to leave?"

  Marcel gulped. "I suppose I could stay for one drink."

  "Excellent." Catherine's answering smile was wide and toothy as if this were really her plan all along and we were just following after her. It made me wonder if she managed to put something into our drinks when we weren't looking. It wouldn't affect me as a supernatural, but depending on what it was, it might make the humans beside her a bit more docile. Something to ponder at another time.

  "Perfect." Éloi stood, glass in hand. "Well if you'll all follow me."

  Catherine removed her hands and shadowed me out the booth as I gestured for her and Sabin to follow behind Éloi and Marcel, which left me to bring up the rear. He lead them past the stage and down the hall which held the bathrooms and the one large room we used at the back for this very occasion.

  Éloi opened the door and let our guests walk in ahead of us. After I crossed the threshold, he shut the door behind me, turning the lock with a small snick. Our guests turned to us with confusion on their faces.

  "Fabián?" Catherine asked with a quiver in her voice. "Where's the party?"

  "We are the party, Cher."

  As slow recognition lit their faces, my shadows wrapped around them, keeping them bound and unable to move. The beauty of Incubi evolution over the years was the advancement of shadow manipulation. To be able to use one's own shadow against them, as well as those surrounding them was truly a masterful evolutionary trait.

  "What is this?" Sabin demanded, his rage coming out to play.

  "This," Éloi spoke up. "Is your day of reckoning." He walked over to the plush chaise lounge and took a seat. "Each of you are here because you're foul human beings, right down to your very core."

  "What are you talking about?" Catherine cried. "Fabián, please. My daughter. Just let me go."

  "Oh shut up," Marcel spat. "You and I both know you don't have a daughter. Looks like they know it too. So what are you guys? Voodoo worshipers? Freaks of nature? How the hell are you keeping us trapped like this?"

  "Simple shadow manipulation." I shrugged.

  "Should you really be telling us your secrets?" Sabin sneered.

  "I don't see why I shouldn't. You aren't going to live past the next few hours." I smiled evilly. "Or until I'm done with you."

  "Why are you doing this to us?" Catherine cried, still keeping up the helpless act. She was very good at it. Must have been the years of practice.

  "Maybe it has something to do with the way you seduce men into letting you into their beds," I said to her dryly. "Then drug them and take them for everything they're worth. Without even the pleasure of getting them off first."

  Her eyes widened. "I don't—I don't know what you're talking about."

  "You can cut the helpless act, Catherine." Éloi rolled his eyes. "If that's even your real name."

  She scowled in his direction. "You don't know a damn thing about me, so why don't you just shut your face."

  "Was that really the best you could come up with?"

  She turned a pleading gaze back in my direction. "Fabián, please."

  "Unlike you, I will willingly admit that my name isn't Fabián. But enough talk." I walked over to sit on the end of the chaise lazily. "Well, enough useless talk." Pushing enough seduction and command into my tone to make a nun helpless, I said, "Undress."

  I pulled off my shadows, now having them in my full control. Each of their eyes glazed over as they robotically removed their clothing. Once they were bare to us, I pushed more seduction than command into my tone. I didn't want robots. I wanted them to know what they were doing. To want to do it, whether it was something they'd be open to or not. I needed their arousal.

  "Catherine," I said, my voice smooth as silk. "Kiss Sabin. Marcel, you get to watch."

  Marcel stood motionlessly, his eyes glazed over as Catherine swayed over to Sabin. His once limp cock began to lengthen as Catherine kissed Sabin passionately. Their hands roved over each other's bodies like there was no one else in the room. Their moans of pleasure were a testament to how powerful the seduction I placed on them really was. The fact that Sabin wasn't even trying to beat Catherine into getting what he wanted was a bonus.

  "Stroke yourself," I whispered the seductive cue to Marcel as he watched them, his hands in fists at his sides. He fought the urge for only a moment before he took himself in hand and leisurely stroked his throbbing cock.

  At the same time, Éloi's han
d drifted up my thigh. I turned to face him with a small smile before turning back to our guests.

  "Catherine." She stopped their kiss at the sound of her name and looked over at me with eager eyes. "Get on your knees and suck his cock."

  Her eyes widened as she looked from me to Sabin, and then slowly down to his below average erection. Leisurely, she got to her knees as she trailed her hands down his chest as if she were actually doing it of her own free will instead of mine. Next to me, Éloi undid the clasp on my slacks and pulled down the zipper. Each click of the tines a background to the suction of Catherine on Sabin and his low moans. Marcel started to stroke himself faster as he cupped his balls, enjoying the deviant act before him.

  Well, that just wouldn't do.

  "Marcel, place yourself behind Sabin."

  Éloi masterfully pulled my throbbing cock from my pants and stroked me slowly, paying special attention to my magic cross piercing at the tip. A low moan escaped me as I lifted my hips to pull my pants below my ass, giving him enough room to reach my balls, should he feel so inclined.

  When Marcel was in position, I spoke again. "Catherine, stop what you're doing and sit down." She pulled off of him with a loud pop and turned to me with a pout before doing as she was told.

  Sabin looked at me with narrowed eyes still slightly glazed and scowled. "Bend over," I told him.

  The glaze increased as he did as he was told, naturally putting his hands on his bent knees to make the position more comfortable. Marcel continued to stroke himself behind him as the arousal in the air grew.

  "Catherine. Place yourself under Sabin and suck his balls." She eagerly did so as I conjured a shadow to probe Sabin's anus. He winced as I moaned, Éloi now putting his mouth to the tip of my cock, his tongue wrapping around each of the ball bearings poking out before he sucked me in.


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