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Saved Between the Sheets: An Anthology of Stories that Get to the Point

Page 60

by R. M. Walker

  My hand went to his head as I instructed my shadow to push deeper and enlarge slowly. No need for lubrication when a shadow glided easily. Sabin groaned, his hands tight on his knees as Catherine went to town on his balls while another man stoked himself behind him. I slowly absorbed the arousal from the three of them as I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying Éloi's hot, wet mouth.

  "Catherine spread your legs. Marcel, dip your cock into her cunt once and then wait for further instruction."

  I didn't even open my eyes to see if they did so, too busy fighting my need to grab Éloi's head and thrust into his mouth. His hand drifted to my balls and began to play with them as I let my moans join that of the others in the room. Éloi's own soon joined in as he took me faster. He tightened his lips as he flattened his tongue against the side of my cock and took me to the back of his throat several times. I grabbed a fistful of his hair as I jerked to meet his mouth with each thrust.

  As my balls started to tingle, I opened my eyes and pulled him off me. "Clothes off," I said to him, no seduction needed. "Now."

  Turning my gaze back to the others, I saw them all as instructed. Marcel's cock glistened with Catherine's juices, her legs were still opened wide as she continued to suck Sabin's balls.

  "Marcel," I called as I withdrew my shadow. "Stick your cock in Sabin's ass."

  Without flinching, Marcel took a step closer to Sabin and placed a hand on his back. With a tight hand on the base of his cock, he lined himself up and slowly pushed in. That wouldn't do.


  With a tight jaw, Marcel grabbed Sabin's hips and pushed into the hilt. Sabin screamed in pain even as Catherine continued to tongue his balls.

  "Fuck him, Marcel. Catherine, stop."

  Catherine stopped with a pout, her chest heaving as she watched Marcel pound into Sabin's ass. Sabin's groans of pain quickly turned into moans of pleasure as Marcel fucked him with a fierceness I'd rarely seen outside of supernaturals. The only question was what to do with Catherine. She lured her victims in with the promise of pleasure and left them wanting and destitute. Maybe that would be her punishment. To watch as these two men found their releases while she got none. Some would call it poetic justice.

  I turned my head away from them as I continued to subconsciously drain them through their arousal. I didn't need to focus on them to do it. I put all my focus on Éloi as he laid out on the chaise, naked as the day he was born, one leg bent outward, and the other propped on the cushion as he lazily stoked himself. My tongue darted out to wet my lips and his silver eyes flashed.

  Slowly, I unbuttoned my black shirt and tossed it aside. I toed off my shoes and stood slowly, keeping my eyes on him as I removed my pants. I gave myself a few slow strokes as he bit his lip, his cock pulsing in his grip.

  "Stop," I said in a soft voice.

  Defiantly, he continued to stroke himself as his eyes flared in his arousal. "Make me."

  Kneeling on the couch in front of him, I pushed his bent leg against the back cushion with my hip. My cock twitched against his as I lowered myself down to him, holding myself up with my forearms and taking his mouth in a passionate kiss. His hand left his cock in favor of holding onto my waist and pulling me down on top of him. He groaned under my weight and wrapped a leg around my thigh.

  As our tongues tangled in a seductive dance, I rolled my hips, letting him feel how much he affected every part of me. Éloi and I may not have been in a relationship, but he was the closest I'd gotten to one since I left home.

  He moaned into my mouth as his hands trailed up my body to cup my face, bucking his hips into mine and letting me know without words that he felt the same. Pushing one hand between his back and the couch to push him even further into me, I dragged my other down his body until I reached the curve of his tight ass. He lifted his hips slightly to let me palm a good handful, squeezing the firm cheek once before moving closer to his tight dark hole.

  I circled the rim before pushing in, grinding into him as he ripped his mouth away from mine to release a long moan of pleasure. I thrust my finger a few times before pushing a second one in, prepping him for my cock.

  "Do it," he groaned. "Fuck me, James. I want that pierced cock."

  I pulled my fingers out of him with a groan. My cock throbbed as I lined myself up with his dark hole, the silver balls of my piercing gleaming in the light of the room. A second before I entered, a startled gasp stole our attention. We both turned our heads to watch Sabin thrust the air, his cock twitching before he released a stream of cum on Catherine's face. Marcel groaned as he pushed into Sabin on a hard thrust, shouting his release as his head fell back on his shoulders.

  I actively drained the rest of their arousal with their completion, and with it, their life force sustained mine. As Catherine clutched at her throat, her oxygen cutting off, Sabin and Marcel dropped to their knees. Turning my gaze back to Éloi, I kissed him softly and plunged into him to the sounds of their last breaths.



  I'd been on my vacation for less than a forty-eight hours, and already there was a new case that needed my attention. That's the only logical explanation I could come up with for why my father and department director would be calling me at seven am on a Saturday. While I was in another state. He was the only person who had the number to the hotel I was staying at, so it could only be him on the other side of the annoying hotel phone next to me as it kept ringing.

  With a groan, I rolled over in my king-sized bed in the suite that I splurged on for this vacation. Traveling to Louisiana during Mardi Gras was not cheap, especially since I was staying in the central hub of New Orleans. I had to book this trip a year in advance!

  "Hello?" I answered.

  "Illaria," my father replied. "I'm sorry to do this to you but there's been a series of unusual deaths and you're the only operative close enough to investigate." I groaned loud enough for him to hear me that time. "I know, Illy," he sighed. "And you know that I wouldn't call you for something like this unless it was absolutely necessary."

  "Dad." I flopped onto my back and stared at the pristine ceiling above me. "This is my first vacation in forever. Can't you get some other operative to do it?"

  "During the time it would take us to pick another operative, brief him on the mission, and handle his travel itinerary—during Marti Gras no less—we could have a larger body count on our hands if this is a serial killer."

  Leave it to my father to point out that more people could die because of my choosing to enjoy a vacation and remain inactive.

  I released a large breath of air as I closed my eyes. "Way to guilt trip me, Dad. One would think you've done this before."

  "Years of practice with you, kiddo. So, will you do it?"

  "What's the brief?"

  "Ten bodies in Baton Rouge in the last month that we know of, all last seen at the same place. Same cause of death but no physical signs of foul play."

  "What's the rest time between body drops?"

  "There is none. They've all been found in their homes by friends or family members every Friday after either not showing up for work, or not following their normal schedule."

  "That's odd," I murmured, finally sitting up and placing my back against the headboard.

  "It gets worse. They've all had a weird smile on their mouths when they were found."

  I could almost see him running his hand through his short dark hair. "Sounds like a Succubus attack."

  "Still not done."

  I threw the covers off me and turned to place my feet on the heavily carpeted floor. "What else could there possibly be?"

  "After doing some background into each of the deceased, it turns out that they've all got a bit of a bad streak. And the victims aren't all the same gender, which is probably why the state police haven't picked up the case yet."

  "Well, Succubi don't exactly discriminate based on gender, but a Succubus with a conscience? Not unheard of, but definitely weird. The supernatural community in Louis
iana doesn't exactly like to draw attention to themselves."

  "Which is why I'm worried they'll only continue to escalate."

  I sighed heavily as I stood to stretch. "Alright, I'm in. Send me the profiles on the victims and the location of where they were each last seen. If this is a Succubus and they stick to their MO, I've still got a few days before the next attack. With returning the bodies, they'd need help. We're probably looking for a team."

  "And we both know how dangerous that can be," he said in a rough voice. "I've sent a courier with copies of all the files to your location. He should reach you by tomorrow. Keep me in the loop and stay sharp. I don't need anything happening to you out there."

  He just knew I'd say yes. Am I really that predictable?

  "I'll be careful. But we both know I'm immune to the seduction powers of Succubi and Incubi."

  "And we both know that seduction isn't their only power. I don't need you becoming a fairy statistic."


  "Good. I love you, kid. Stay safe."

  "Love you too, Dad."

  I placed the phone back on the cradle. If I was going to spend a significant amount of my vacation doing work, I would enjoy the little time to myself I had left. After a steaming shower to work out the knots one phone call with my father managed to give me, I wrapped myself in a plush white robe and ordered room service. I changed into some lounge clothes and moved into the spacious living room, taking a seat on the deep blue couch to watch some television until my food arrived.

  After a quiet breakfast, I did some light reading before deciding a trip to the spa was in order. My masseuse, a large muscular man named Jeoffry, managed to work out all of the kinks in my back with his magic hands. I gave him a very generous tip before going back up to my suite and changing for the pool. I spent the rest of the afternoon switching between swimming lazy laps in the indoor pool and relaxing in the hot tub, making sure that Jeoffry's hard work didn't go to waste.

  I spent what would probably be my last evening of freedom on Bourbon Street, taking in the nightlife of the French Quarter. Several handsome men offered to buy me drinks, but only one stood out enough to really catch my attention. His dark blond hair, light blue eyes, and lazy smile told me that all he wanted for the evening was the company of a beautiful woman, and apparently, I fit the bill.

  He approached my table slowly, his dark green shirt tight on his muscular chest.

  "Is this seat taken?" he asked me.

  "Only by you." I smirked.

  His smile was dazzling as he pulled out the seat across from mine and sat down. He placed his drink in front of him before extending his hand. "I'm Renoldo."

  "Illaria," I replied, placing my hand in his. "You don't have the typical Louisiana accent. Are you not from around here?"

  "Can't say that I am," he replied with a wry grin. I smiled. "So what brings you down here? Business, or pleasure?"

  "A little of both." He laughed. "What about you?"

  "Pleasure," I told him. "And unfortunately, business called because they just can't make it a few days without me."

  "Unfortunate indeed. It's Mardi Gras. Can't you tell your boss to take a hike?"

  "I would." I tilted my head from side to side. "But since my boss is my father, he might feel slighted by that response."

  "Ah, family business?"

  "Something like that," I replied vaguely. "What is it you do, Renoldo?"

  "I'm a business consultant. I came out here to show one of my clients a good time, but apparently our food at dinner tonight didn't agree with him. He's back at our hotel resting."

  "Ah, and which hotel is this?"

  "The Hotel Dupree."

  My eyes widened. "What a coincidence. So am I."

  "Well then, neighbor, would you mind if I bought you a drink. I'd be more than happy to escort you back to your room whenever you wish to leave."

  "Such a gentleman." I smiled. " How could I possibly say no?"

  His smile was breathtaking. "Excellent. What are you having?"

  "Old Fashioned."

  "One Old Fashioned coming right up." He quickly signaled a waiter and ordered an Old Fashioned for me and a Gin and Tonic for himself.

  His blue eyes were fixed on mine as the waiter left. "Is there a problem?" I asked.

  "Not at all. Forgive me if I'm being too forward, but you have the most beautiful brown eyes I've ever seen."

  I laughed. "I think forward went out the window when you offered to walk me back to my room."

  "I guess you're right." He chuckled, the sound low and smooth. "But I was taught to never pass up an opportunity when I see one."

  I couldn't argue with that.

  The waiter came back shortly after and placed our drinks on the table. "A gin man," I commented after the waiter left.

  "Is that a problem?"

  "Not at all. My father drinks gin."

  "The father who's making you work on vacation."

  "The very same." I smiled as I folded my hands on the table. "So, Renoldo, where are you from?"

  "The greater Boston area. Lived there my whole life. You?"

  "Virginia, currently. I tend to move around a lot."

  "Free spirit?"

  I laughed. "Not exactly."

  If only he knew.

  We ended up talking between drinks for the better part of two hours before the bar started to close. I didn't even realize we'd been out so late. When our waiter brought us the check, I looked around the empty room in surprise.

  "Wow. I guess we closed the place out."

  Renoldo looked around the room as well as he pulled out his wallet. "It would seem so."

  He placed enough money on the table to cover the bill with a generous tip and stood, extending his hand to me. "I suppose it's time for me to walk you back."

  "It would seem so." I smiled, repeating his words back to him as I placed my hand in his and stood.

  He didn't let go of me as he led me out of the bar and into the night. The moon was full as he led me down a still bustling Bourbon Street, filled with people not yet ready to end their nights. We didn't speak as we walked back to the hotel, him on the outside near the curb like a true gentleman. It was a companionable silence. We enjoyed the night air and the rays of the moon shining down upon us as the alcohol we consumed warmed us from the inside out.

  Being a supernatural, the cold didn't affect me much, nor did the alcohol, but when a brisk wind swept past us, I accepted the jacket Renoldo offered me. To a human, the blue dress I wore that stopped just below my knees wouldn't have been enough coverage to ward off the chill. It was refreshing to see that there were still some decent men out there.

  When we arrived back at the hotel, Renoldo kept his word and walked me right to the door of my suite on the top floor. I wasn't completely sure of where he intended this night to go after the bar, but I know that I wasn't ready for the night to end.

  "Thank you for a lovely evening, Miss Illaria," he said as I slipped off his jacket and passed it back to him. "I do hope we can see each other again before our time here is over."

  "I don't see why a perfectly good night has to end so soon." While staring into his eyes, I pulled the key to my room out of my handbag. "I wouldn't normally do this, but I've enjoyed your company tonight and I'd like to invite you inside. If you’re interested, that is."

  His eyes flared with heat as he took a step closer.

  "I'd love to. As long as that's something you're comfortable with."

  "I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't."

  He nodded. "Then I'd be honored."

  "No need to be honored." I smiled. "Just be you."

  Without giving him a chance to back out, I turned and inserted the key to the room, turning the lock and opened the door. The clack of my heels disappeared with the lush carpet of the spacious living room. Renoldo closed the door behind himself as I turned on the lights and walked across the room to place my bag on the couch.

  Moving over to the small ba
r in the corner, with my back to him, I asked, "Would you care for a drink? Or a coffee, perhaps?"

  The heat of his body enveloped me from behind as his hands settled on my waist. He was about an inch or so taller than me in my heels, but he didn't let that stop him as he put his mouth next to my ear.

  "I don't think a drink is what you invited me in for. Besides, I think we had enough at the bar. Don't you?"

  I turned my head enough to look at him and offered him a small smile. "Well, I did offer coffee as well. Have to make sure you can stay awake."

  "Oh, I assure you, Illaria, I'm wide awake."

  He gave me no time to respond as his lips met mine. Plump and soft, they covered my mouth and transported me to a world rarely traveled. It was hard to find a human man who could kiss well, and boy could this man kiss. Humans just didn't have the same life experience as supernaturals, and with how busy my job kept me, I didn't even bother trying to find a supernatural who could fill my urges recently. If I really had to think about it, I'd say the last time I'd been kissed this well was a few months ago. Don't even get me started on the last time I had a decent partner in bed. But maybe, just maybe this human was up for the task.

  His tongue swept across my lower lip, asking to be let in. I quickly acquiesced, opening my mouth and letting his tongue tangle with mine. My eyes dropped closed as I turned in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck. His wrapped around my waist fully and pulled me in closer, crushing my breasts against his firm chest. He moaned as my fingers drifted into the short dark brown strands at the nape of his neck, my nails lightly scratching his scalp.

  I had to stop my frown as he pulled his lips away with an anguished groan.

  "As much as I'm enjoying this—" He pushed against my lower back to connect our lower halves, the evidence of his enjoyment pressing into my upper thigh. "—And I believe you can tell how much. I think we should get a bit more comfortable. I'd hate for our first time to be in front of the New Orleans locals."

  He looked to his left and I followed his gaze to where the wide glass windows were uncovered, showcasing the still active Mardi Gras night.


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