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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 20

by L M Lacee

  He watched Dinas hug his lovely patient mate Patty, while she gazed up at him with a startled loving look on her face. Then his eyes found his younger brother Hawk, who took sweet Karen’s hand in his. Kardan could see the difference in him, it shone from his needar. He wanted and needed to spend time with him and his brothers to find out how they survived, what their lives had been like. Mostly he wanted to know how Hawk had made his acquaintance with Peyton and the Terrans.

  Darby said from behind him. ‘They are both different now, Dinas and Hawk. They grew while you were separated. Hawk has changed the most and you wonder will he want his older brother now, does he still need him?’

  Kardan looked back and down at her as he softly said. ‘They have all changed, and yes, I wonder if they will need me as they once did. Hawk more so than the others. The potential was always there within him, but his rage held him back. I could not make him see that.’

  ‘Injustice does that to a person, but I am not telling you anything you do not already know.’ She grimaced as she said. ‘I am not good at this type of thing, and by that I mean emotions and explaining them. Reeve will tell you that. Shoot, everyone will tell you that, but even I can see they need you and will thrive with you and Wolf back in their lives.’

  ‘I think perhaps you are better at this than you think.’


  He sighed and said. ‘I cannot decide if they are this way because of the Star Daughter or because they are living in freedom.’

  Her expression softened as she looked at Hawk and Dinas then finally Reeve. ‘It is hard to say, maybe a combination of both or perhaps it is just Peyton. I know we could not have gotten as far as we have without Hawk.’

  Kardan nodded as he pulled on his bottom lip before saying. ‘He was thrust into the role of Commander. The love he earned himself.’

  ‘This is true, he is special and well loved by everyone.’

  ‘As is Dinas and Reeve.’

  ‘Which surprises you most?’

  He did not hesitate in his answer as his eyes sought his giant of a brother. ‘Reeve, many have mistaken his large stature for stupidity and his blunt manner for uncaring.’

  Darby snorted in disgust of people who thought of her mate like that. ‘They would be wrong on both counts. He loves deeply and is one of the most intelligent males I have ever met.’

  Kardan once again looked into her upturned face. ‘That is the truth.’

  She smiled, softening her expression further to show how beautiful she really was, as she replied. ‘It is. Only the truly wise know this, those that don’t will eventually find out.’

  ‘Usually at the cost of broken bones.’ Kardan warned and waited for her reaction, which he was surprised to find mattered very much to him.

  Darby shrugged as she stated. ‘He is who he is. Isn’t that why Dinas is his brother.’

  Her answer startled a laugh from him. ‘You know, I never thought of it like that. I am thankful he is treated with the respect they show Hawk and Dinas.’

  She nodded. ‘I and the females of your family would never tolerate him being disrespected.’

  ‘I am starting to realize that. I will be honest with you Darby. Wolf and I hunger for what our brothers have. The love and acceptance, it is something we all will need to survive what is to come.’

  Darby nodded and touched his arm lightly ‘And what is to come brother?’

  Kardan took her hand in his and kissed it. ‘I wish I could say with accuracy, but so much is unclear.’

  Darby drew in a deep breath and plastered a smile on her face. ‘I have discovered that I cannot change what I cannot see. So I must have faith in my mate and his brother’s to protect us from evil.’

  Kardan smiled and said softly. ‘And if all else fails, we have the Star Daughter.’

  Darby grinned with a twinkle in her eyes. ‘Yes, but let us leave her in reserve. She tends to go overboard when her family is threatened.’

  ‘Wise words to remember.’

  Without any more words they had moved to the table, and he held a chair for her as Reeve held one for Esther. Peyton smiled at him as he took his seat. ‘Were you being interrogated?’

  He grinned. ‘Of course, but truthfully, it was benign compared to the grilling I received from your males.’

  ‘Aww, that is so cute.’

  Marlo snarled at the word cute and stated. ‘It was not cute. It was hard, tough and deadly questioning. He was trembling by the time we had finished.’

  Netta eyed a non-trembling Kardan. ‘Yes, I can see how you totally destroyed him.’

  Bendrix asked. ‘You doubt our ability to question with ingenuity and skill.’

  Melody nodded. ‘Yes, we really do.’

  Coraan said. ‘My little warrior, you have much to learn about males.’

  She lifted an eyebrow at him. ‘You know I am starting to think you are right. We should work on expanding my knowledge later.’

  Coraan grinned suggestively as he inclined his head. ‘I assure you I am willing.’

  Kardan and Wolf both grinned along with everyone else at their conversation.

  Within mins the food was served and plates were filled, Kardan looked across the table at Netta. ‘May I ask Commander Netta?’

  ‘Oh please, it is Netta, I am your mate’s sister. We are family.’

  ‘You are right, I apologize. It will take a little while to become as comfortable with the concept of family as my brothers are. I was going to ask how is your Rie, are you settled?’

  She smiled. ‘I have bumps still, but on the whole it is behaving.’

  He stilled as he went over her words and found the meaning to bumps. He chose his words carefully, as he said with a small frown. ‘If you would permit, I will train with you to smooth the rest of the bumps out, so there are no residual pitfalls. I think that is the term.’

  Again she smiled. ‘It is and is that alright with you Reeve?’

  ‘Kardan is, The Elite, you can do no better.’

  ‘In Reeve speak, that means, yes it is a good idea.’ Dinas translated as Reeve grunted in agreement.

  Netta grinned and bowed her head. ‘I thank you Kardan. I would be pleased to accept. Is it something we can do here or do we need to be at home?’

  Kardan looked into her amused eyes with their hint of worry. ‘Here or at home it makes no difference, shall we see what develops over the next few days.’


  ‘She is in no danger.’ Asked a concerned Bendrix.

  Kardan eyed the male that was to be Netta’s mate and shook his head. ‘No, she is not, she has extraordinary control for one new to the Rie.’

  ‘I had good trainers, your brothers helped to keep me stable.’

  Wolf asked. ‘We have heard of your knife work, may we have a demonstration?’

  A deathly silence descended over the table. Not one male including Bendrix offered to spar with Netta, so she could demonstrate her knife skills. She looked around the table and shook her head they were positive they heard her say.


  Not that many of them knew what that meant, although Melody and Marlo did and laughed.

  Kardan smiled. ‘Why don’t I volunteer to partner you?’

  Peyton worried at her bottom lip. ‘Well maybe…’

  ‘Hush you.’ Netta told her as she eyed Kardan with a speculative expression. Then she grinned as a devilish look entered her eyes. ‘Well now that would be great, how about on our way home?’


  Reeve laughed. ‘All of you are scared little males.’

  ‘No one saw you with your hand up, brother.’ Dinas growled at him.

  Reeve told them with a superior look. ‘I am her trainer it would not be right.’

  Hawk scoffed, as did all the others. ‘I have fought her and I know you lie.’

  Peyton cried. ‘But I just got him!’

  Kardan turned his eyes to her as bursts of laughter were heard from all ov
er the table. She grinned weakly as she stated. ‘That came out wrong, I am sure you will do well!’ Quickly she asked Jarrod. ‘Is the reason Avana and your parents are not here because of the Bellpone sisters?’

  Jarrod nodded. ‘It is, they have found they are cousins to Koana.’

  At her worried look, he said. ‘Avana is very happy, she now has more family for Koana and will have someone to answer her questions about her development.’

  Trina said. ‘They were chatting up a storm when we left. Bee-Bee seemed to be very surprised by the sisters.’

  Peyton explained for Kardan and Wolf. ‘Koana is Butariean, we call her Bee-Bee as we aren’t allowed to call her blue-berry anymore, because it upsets her Mama.’

  ‘Bee-Bee upsets her Mama, but you still call her that.’ Trina pointed out.

  ‘Seriously, it does not.’

  ‘It does. Why do you not believe me?’

  ‘Why do you ask why?’

  ‘Because it is what I do.’

  ‘Oh well done.’ Brenda clapped softly.

  ‘It so was not.’ Peyton pouted. ‘It was barely a thing at all.’

  Darby told her. ‘Hush, newly mated girl, it so was.’

  Wolf quietly asked Kardan. ‘Do you understand this way of speaking?’

  ‘No, I am thinking it is Terran speech. We will get our brothers to explain it later.’

  Wolf nodded. ‘Perhaps there is a translation we are missing.’



  Sometime later, Peyton sat with Kardan, who had said very little throughout the rest of the meal. Taking the position as observer to watch and learn the interactions between the adults. Unlike Wolf, who was pulled into several conversations with different groups, usually with Dinas or one of his brothers by his side.

  Peyton turned toward Kardan as he told her. ‘They are making sure he wants to stay.’

  ‘Is it a possibility he will leave?’

  He nodded and sighed. ‘I am afraid it is so. When he was stripped of everything, something changed within him. He will not discuss it with me. I think it is partly in fear and partly because he does not understand himself what has changed. Or perhaps he does not want to acknowledge the change. What I know, and our brothers will learn, is he is not the brother we knew.’

  Peyton twirled a strand of hair as she watched Wolf. ‘I have a mission I am assembling, it means leaving home for luneras at a time.’

  ‘And you feel Wolf would be suitable for it?

  ‘Yes.’ She told him about the missions she was planning and how she thought Wolf would be ideal to lead one of them.

  When she finished, he said. ‘It has possibilities. He could leave and come back, and would not feel guilt at his inability to remain on world.’

  Peyton smiled as she nodded. The plan she was formulating took a giant step forward, especially if she could get Wolf on board. That was the only serious conversation for the rest of the night. Peyton and Kardan were not ignored for long and were drawn into several light-hearted conversations, where Peyton came into her fair share of teasing, much to everyone’s delight. Kardan was amused to see his mate held her own very well.

  It was a pleasant evening where everyone ate too much and drank a little more than normal. Eventually, Kardan carried a very merry Peyton to bed.


  Just after midnight, Peyton rose at the first murmurings from Keylan. She was teething once again, which caused her to have disturbed sleeps.

  She quickly picked her up to keep her from waking an exhausted Kardan, who was sleeping deeply, maybe for the first time in his life. She smoothed the hair from his forehead as she murmured. ‘Sleep my Amahka, sleep.’

  Keylan burbled at Kardan when she saw him and made grabbing motions with her little hands. It was easy to see she was smitten with her new father. Peyton quickly did what she had to for her and flashed them both to the viewing lounge.

  A few mins later Keylan lay on the floor watching the twinkling lights with a bottle while Peyton helped herself to hot chocolate.

  Wolf appeared at the door and she invited him in. ‘Come in, have you ever had hot chocolate?’

  ‘I can honestly say, I have not had the pleasure of tasting it.’

  ‘Well, you have missed one of the wonders of our Universe.’

  ‘Really, I thought that was coffee.’ He replied with a smile as he walked closer.

  She laughed as she passed him a tall cup of hot chocolate. His nose twitched at the scent. When he took a sip, he closed his eyes and murmured. ‘Ambrosia in a cup.’ He slowly opened his eyes and found her smiling.

  ‘Greetings Wolf, what brings you here?’

  ‘Greetings Peyton, I could not sleep. I do not often.’

  ‘Ahh, I see.’ They walked to where Keylan was staring out the window, bottle held securely in her hands. She turned her head and smiled at him. He crouched down and stroked her cheek. ‘Greetings, little one, no sleep for you.’

  Peyton told him as she snuggled into her chair. ‘She is getting teeth, they hurt her mouth.’

  ‘So sorry to hear that little one.’

  Keylan babbled at him. He smiled as he once more stroked a finger down her cheek. He straightened and leaned against the window, sipping his drink. Keylan went back to her bottle and staring at the moving lights.

  Finally he said without turning to Peyton.

  ‘This is her favorite place and yours.’

  Peyton asked softly. ‘How do you know?’

  ‘You and the little one have stamped yourselves on it.’

  ‘We probably have.’ Peyton grinned as she sipped her chocolate.

  ‘Will the teething last long?’

  ‘Hopefully not.’


  ‘Apart from the not sleeping. How are you feeling?’

  ‘I am well.’ He eased down into a chair and felt his body relax.

  ‘So you say.’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘But are you, you don’t want to be here or should I say. You are finding it hard to be here and by here, I mean on a world.’

  Wolf looked at her. ‘It is not so bad. I have been in worse situations with less likeable company.’

  ‘Please.’ She held her hand up. ‘Stop, you will make me blush.’

  He grinned and sipped his drink as she said. ‘I will tell you what I told your brother so many luneras ago. We need to be honest with each other or this will never work. So I ask you again. Do you want to be here?’

  Wolf laughed softly. ‘I wager that was Hawk, no one has to tell Reeve, he is honest to the bone.’

  ‘That he is and appreciated with it. Yes, it was to Hawk.’

  ‘He always was diplomatic.’ His sigh was long and deep as he said. ‘It is not that I do not want to be here or anywhere. I cannot be here, I do not feel like I belong, it is nice… safe.’ He closed his eyes. ‘I am so very thankful to know we are free from our suppressors and have a home to call our own. But I need more, my Rie demands it of me.’ He looked out the window as he told her. ‘When I was stripped of all but my Rie, it grew and changed, became all I had to rely on, to keep me aware and alive. I am trying to keep it constrained, but I find now that this is a battle I fear I will eventually lose. I do not think I am prepared for the fallout from that happening.’

  She looked thoughtful when she said. ‘So when you said you were mostly in stasis that was not true.’

  ‘No, I was with Kardan and Reeve for many yentas as we searched for our brothers. Then we became separated, and it was then I had the misfortune of meeting up with the Chanderoh. My Rie kept me alive and functioning until I was captured and placed in stasis. In fact, it was through me Kardan and his Warriors were caught.’

  ‘Because they came to rescue you from yourself.’

  He grimaced. ‘Yes, he found out about the Chanderoh and finally tracked me down on an outlander planet, they were waiting. Apparently I was bait.’

  ‘I see, well I can help with
the Rie.’

  He looked over at her and a crease appeared between his eyes. ‘You can?’

  ‘Sure, in case you missed it. I am the Star Daughter but that is not the real problem.’

  ‘My out-of-control Rie is not the real problem.’

  ‘No, now tell me the rest.’

  Before he knew it, he was revealing his deepest fear. ‘I feel that I am a weapon without controls, daily it becomes a battle to fight the compulsion to lay waste to the people and world around me.’

  His tone lightened a little when she made no comment as he said. ‘And there is the problem of letting my brothers down. I do not want them to think or anyone to think I am not appreciative when I say I cannot remain at home.’

  ‘I can fix your Rie problem, and I would like to offer you a job.’

  He looked over at her curled up in her chair, realizing she had not said anything about his struggles with the violence he was suffering from. Perhaps she was uninterested, or he was not worth wasting her concern on.

  Sighing softly, he stated. ‘I would like to hear the offer.’

  ‘It will take a little while to get it all processed, if you decide to accept.’

  ‘How long are we talking?’

  ‘A lunera or three.’

  ‘I could do a lunera or three.’

  ‘Would you be willing to command a Warship and go fight a battle in my name for the people of this Universe?’

  Shocked, she was offering him a position of command, after what he had revealed. He slowly said while containing his racing heart. ‘I would like that very much Star Daughter. What battle am I going to fight?’

  ‘Many luneras ago Darby through Trina found out about illegal pleasure planets. They have taken or been sold females and males from Earth and of course other planets like Butariean. Darby has been collecting information ever since. We also have a problem… we think, we are not positive, but we think Raiders are taking and selling kits and adults if they can get them. I was hoping you would lead a full complement of Warriors and Prowlers and go crush the pleasure planets. I want the illegal practice to come to an end, and I want the suppliers and Raiders who are after the Turqualls extinguished before someone else takes matters into their paws, I mean hands.’ She grinned then said. ‘I intend to have several Warships equipped for this task. Yours would be one of the first.’


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