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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 21

by L M Lacee

  Wolf whistled. ‘It is a big task.’

  ‘Yes, it is and specialized. You would have under your command Warriors, Mystics, Prowlers, Draygons and the normal non-combatants to care for, to watch over. Part of your duties will be to prepare and make sure they are all trained and able to cope with what they will see and find.’

  ‘The ones we rescue, what do we do with them?’

  ‘Treat them with care and dignity and take them to a world that I am funding who specializes in treatment and rehabilitation. Eventually, they will be returned to us or to their home worlds.’

  ‘No matter what race or species?’

  ‘No matter.’

  ‘I see.’ He looked out the window as his mind traveled through scenarios and difficulties and felt his needar stir. This he could do.

  Peyton said as if he had asked a question and maybe he had with his silence. ‘All Turqualls you find will be sent home to us if you take the mission on. Rage will fill you on why this must happen. Your rotation will be six luneras away, three at home for refit and new crew and home visits. This may be extended depending on your crew and the missions. In case you did not realize it, mates and children go as well, we do not split families up.’

  ‘I did notice that.’ He looked down at a sleepy-eyed Keylan.

  ‘Your first Warship for your first rotation will be the Maikonia III. You may go visit the new one under construction, it will be completed in six or seven luneras. You will be required to assemble your own crew and teams. Now I think about it, this may take longer than I first thought as it will be volunteer only. Anyway, there will be people ready to help with selecting personnel. I know it is a lot I am asking of you and all my people, but we have to stop them. The Coalition will not, so they have forced my hand to take action.’

  His expression as he looked at her was a cross between enquiry and amusement, she sighed. ‘Darby is a terrible crier and like Trina very angry about the pleasure planets.’

  ‘And you are not?’ He genuinely wanted to know how she felt about this.

  Peyton grimaced as she shifted in her chair. ‘I try not to be too much, otherwise the big guys just you know take out the planets. I try to avoid that as much as possible.’

  Wolf sorted through what she had said and nodded in understanding. ‘So what will be my missions?’

  ‘Find the planets in question, remove the victims, and do not leave the owners or operators alive to start another. Harsh, I know, but they have had fair warning. I am no longer willing to tolerate their behavior. I do not have any problems with legitimately run pleasure planets and will be setting up people to oversee them. So we can make sure they are following the guidelines and treating their people with care. Your concern if you take this assignment will only be the illegal planets. To that end, we believe the ideal course of action will be to hit the planets fast with no visible identification. We do not need them to go underground. From the intelligence Darby has gathered they do not communicate with each other but there are some syndicates operating.’

  He murmured in thought. ‘We need a plan to take out as many operations within a short amount of time as possible. This may cause the other operators to think it is just a rival company trying to take them over.’

  ‘Yes, exactly. Obviously it will not work forever but long enough for us to get more ships finished and hunt them down. And while you are doing that, we will be establishing what our presence in the Universe means. What we are prepared to do to ensure everyone can live without fear and in peace. Eventually worlds will realize they can come to us for help and receive fair and just treatment, regardless of their standing at the Capital. So are you in or out?’

  ‘I am in and I will wait for the new Warbird.’

  Peyton smiled with joy as she told him. ‘Her name is, Star Justice I.’

  He grinned. ‘I will wait for Star Justice I. This will give me time to get to know the people of Maikonia and assemble my units. Who will oversee this?’

  ‘Kardan wishes to do all off planet missions. Your missions will fall under his command.’

  He nodded knowing his brother would not have wanted to remain idle. This seemed like the ideal arrangement. ‘I am surprised he will not take over command from Hawk.’

  ‘He could but then he may face a rebellion, Hawk has the trust, respect and love of our people, all our people. They would not tolerate him being replaced. Kardan recognized this almost before I did.’

  She sounded surprised by his brother’s insight. Wolf smiled, thinking she would learn that his brother was very adept at observing a situation and taking appropriate action. After all, that was a gift of The Elite. He grinned at her annoyed tone as she said. ‘Apparently I have an office here. We will meet with Darby and Kardan, and work out the preliminary parameters of what the missions will entail.’

  ‘Thank you Peyton.’

  Wolf stood as she did. She scooped Keylan into her arms, and gave him a relieved smile. ‘Wolf, I am pleased to call you brother, also I have bound your Rie.’ He started in surprise as she told him. ‘Look and see what I did.’

  Wolf searched and found his Rie resting quietly for the first time in yentas, inside a golden cage

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Do you see how I made the cage?’

  With a frown, he studied the design. ‘You used the Rie to construct it.’

  ‘Yes, it is more or less what Kail’s do when they build a plane of existence within their minds. It is contained for now, and you are correct, it has grown but not in a bad way. It has been fighting with you because you are not using its full potential.’

  ‘Are you saying, it is frustrated?’

  Peyton thought about it, then nodded. ‘Yes, in away.’

  ‘You make it sound sentient.’

  Peyton smiled as she told him. ‘The Rie in its own way has the potential to be sentient and perhaps over time they will emerge, but until then they are all strength and ability. Allow it freedom and stop warring with it. Teach yourself again how to manage your Rie. To do that, start by asking for help. You know your brothers are here for you and there is Netta.’

  At his surprised look she said. ‘Oh yes, she will help, how do you think she survived until Reeve arrived. Train with her and ask her how binding helped her to learn to become friends with her Rie.’

  He inclined his head. ‘I will do as you suggest.’

  ‘That is all I ask, also you are going to have to tell your brothers about the mission. I am so not doing that.’

  That startled another laugh from him, as she looked down at her sleeping daughter. ‘We need to go back to bed. Wolf, know I find you a most worthy Elite and Warrior, but mostly I value who you are and the ethics you live by. I have faith you will conquer the war you are fighting. But until you believe it yourself, allow me to believe for you. Goodnight brother.’

  ‘Goodnight sister, I thank you.’

  He watched her leave and the two Prowlers with her and smiled a true smile, for the first time in a long while.


  His smile grew when he saw Hawk. ‘You heard?’

  ‘I apologize for overhearing.’

  Wolf looked at his brother and felt the sadness rise in his chest. It was reflected in his voice as he said. ‘I am sorry, Hawk.’

  Hawk nodded. ‘Do not be, I am relieved and happy you are alive and in my life once more. I fulfilled the vow I made to myself to find you and secure our freedom. To know you are out in the Universe doing what you must, will make it all worthwhile. Never doubt we are stronger for you being in our lives.’

  Wolf sighed. ‘Thank you, I have missed your wisdom. For many yentas, I have longed for your counsel. Often I found myself asking what would Hawk advise? It helped, many times it helped.’

  ‘Wolf, I…’ Hawk sighed, then said. ‘Know we are always here for you, when you need us. You are never alone. Also, you will have nieces and nephews to visit.’

  He nodded. ‘Maybe in time, I can remain home.’r />
  Hawk said nothing for a min. ‘I would prefer not to lose you again. Maybe I should place someone with you who knows their way back to us.’

  Wolf grinned. ‘Very amusing brother.’

  Hawk shrugged. ‘I try. One must when mated to a Terran. Know this Wolf, we will always wait for you to return to us. It is what family does.’

  ‘Is that all?’

  ‘No, there are so many things, becoming friends with each other. Learning that we have a place in this Universe and that family is all about love and acceptance. So go out on your missions but know you have a home and family waiting for you.’

  Wolf massaged his temples. ‘There is so much for me to think about. I should spend some time with your friend Jarrod.’

  ‘He is a good male, he helps without invading. He heals problems we did not even know we had.’

  ‘He has helped you?’

  ‘Yes, often, I would be surprised if he has not talked to every one of us at some time.’

  ‘Even Peyton?’

  Hawk smiled. ‘I would wager her especially.’

  Wolf sighed as he looked at his brother. ‘I have a need of him. I fear for my family and myself if I do not get help. Why did you and Peyton not pressure me into seeing him?’

  ‘It is always better to discover your need on your own. You are an Elite, not a cadet.’

  Wolf looked surprised as he asked. ‘Would you have let me go on a mission without visiting him?’

  Hawk grinned, a sight Wolf had rarely seen in the past. It made something loosen in his chest.

  ‘Hayda no, we would not.’

  ‘You have changed.’

  Hawk thought about his answer, there were so many ways to answer that statement. Finally he shrugged and said simply. ‘Yes, being mated to an extraordinary female will do that, and having a home allows us to be more of who we are.’

  ‘Do you think she has something to do with it?’

  Hawk shrugged again. ‘Who can say what influence the Star Daughter has on any of us, time will tell.’

  ‘Peyton is nothing like we were told the Star Daughter would be.’

  ‘Yes, very unique. She told me once that rage drove her emotions. Her rage and the Star Daughters rage, and I have witnessed this several times.’

  ‘Why do you tell me this?’

  ‘Because brother, every day I watch her battle that rage, and every day I see her win that battle. Can you say the same?’

  ‘You think I have lost my war?’

  ‘No, I think you have done something she has yet to do.’

  ‘What is that?’


  ‘You are saying. I have accepted that I am damaged.’

  ‘If you like. You would know more than I!’

  Wolf thought about what Hawk had said, was he right, had he accepted this thing… this war within his needar. ‘Perhaps you are right. I think if you were to ask Peyton, she would tell you she wins her war because of having you in her life.’

  Hawk felt a tightness in his chest as he said. ‘I thank you.’

  Wolf looked out the window and murmured. ‘The ones in power, like these people here, they have no idea about someone like Peyton. If they had, we may never have been blessed with her.’

  Hawk agreed. ‘They have reason to fear her, my brother, she is called Beloved for a reason.’

  ‘Hawk, are you content?’

  ‘Yes, more than I ever believed I would be. My brother, you will find what completes you in time. Perhaps that will be a mate, bondmate a duty or a mission. Trust me on this, there is something waiting just for you to find.’

  They both turned from the vista outside as Jarrod cleared his throat. He and Midnight stood inside the doorway. He smiled and said. ‘Excuse me Hawk. Wolf, Madam wanted me to ask if you are ready to speak with me?’

  ‘She is amazing.’ Wolf stated as a glow of warmth entered his heart. He asked Hawk. ‘Do you know what she has proposed for my future?’

  ‘I do, and I agree there is no one better to command these missions.’

  Wolf looked toward Jarrod, who nodded. ‘As do I.’

  He grinned and asked Hawk. ‘Brother did you champion me for this endeavor?’

  Hawk shook his head. ‘No, actually it was Darby. When we first met, she researched Elites, us in particular. When Trina wanted to do something about these planets, she talked to Darby, who did some more research about the planets and us, the Roeah Elites. To cut a long tale short, she discussed it with Peyton. So when you and Kardan arrived, she talked to him about their idea, and he agreed it would suit you.’ Hawk stood opened mouthed for a full min, then groaned. ‘She has furin well infected me with her long explanations.’ He frowned in disgust as he told his brother. ‘Jarrod will explain further, for now I am for my bed. I hope to see you both at the meeting.’

  With that he hurried from the room, leaving an amused Jarrod and a confused Wolf behind. ‘Well Kail, let us see what you can help me with.’

  They took the lift down to the suite Jarrod and his brothers were using for consultations. Once inside the room that seemed to hold tranquility in the air. Wolf thought his coming here was not such a good idea, maybe he really had made a mistake.

  Unexpectedly, Jarrod said. ‘I would like to broach the idea of you taking my uncle with you on your new endeavors. I feel he would be an asset.’

  Wolf relaxed back in his chair, calmer now they were speaking about the mission and not his feelings. ‘I see. You were ordained by the Star Child and are our Star Daughter’s Mystic Commander.’

  Jarrod inclined his head in acceptance of him knowing who he was. ‘You are correct on both counts, although I have been called her heart- brother. Please call me Jarrod.’

  ‘Why do you wear Adee?’

  ‘The same reason I was elevated to Kail.’

  ‘You are unique among your kind.’

  ‘Not really, my brothers, in fact all my family are as I am. Is this an ability of yours to know who and what people are?’

  ‘It is hard to say, all I know is I have had it since my Rie evolved. You have not answered my question.’

  ‘Have I not?’


  ‘Then my answer is Peyton.’

  ‘I see.’ At Jarrod’s raised eyebrows, he restated. ‘I understand. I have spoken with her. She has silenced my Rie for the first time in a considerable time.’

  Jarrod acknowledged this with a nod of his head, then returned to his original topic. ‘You have not met my father yet. But I will tell you he is a very astute individual and is seldom wrong when he senses people will benefit each other.’

  It was Wolf’s turn to think about what Jarrod had disclosed. ‘He is the one to advise you on your uncle?’

  ‘Yes, and as I studied the idea, I concluded he is correct. Jarrmeru has traveled our Universe and beyond extensively. He has a vast network he has developed over the yentas, which may benefit you. You will need a Mystic who has no qualms about taking a life and as hard as it is to acknowledge it. There is no getting around the fact my uncle is a killer. He is made of tempered steel. If he had pandered to the High Elder, he would have been elevated to Elder yentas ago. It would be hard to find one to compare with him.’

  ‘Apart from you and your brothers.’ At Jarrod’s smile, he inclined his head. ‘I do my research, Jarrod.’

  ‘There is no forgetting what and who I was before Peyton came into my life. Obviously I will still kill, but like you and your brothers I am no killer. My life is with Trina now, and I am to be a father soon. Mostly though, it is because I am sworn to our Star Daughter.’

  ‘Does she know?’

  ‘I am sure she is aware of it.’

  ‘You will die in her service.’

  ‘Do we all not die in someone’s service, will you not also?’


  ‘What you call service, we call family. That is something you will come to know and understand, the difference between service and family.’ />
  Wolf shook his head in amazement. ‘She generates amazing loyalty for one not of this Universe.’

  ‘She does, do you know how she accomplishes this?’

  ‘I have no idea.’ And he sounded totally baffled by the fact.

  ‘Would you like to know?’

  ‘Very much so, as I find myself falling into the same position.’

  Jarrod smiled at the admission. ‘I will tell you how it was for me. You should ask Hawk how and why he and his Warriors are loyal to her. I fell, as you put it, when she told my brothers and myself that she wished us not to use our abilities. And she had not invited us to live on her worlds to make use of us. We were to do what we wanted, heal, teach, live, love, laugh and enjoy our lives. After a time, she suggested we retrieve our parents to make sure they were safe. There is not a Mystic on or off our worlds that is there because they can be used for a weapon. I remember how the first time I worked for her she was nervous.’

  ‘Obviously, you are a mind killer, Jarrod. No getting around that.’ Wolf said without expression or judgment. As far as he was concerned it was just a fact.

  Jarrod grinned. ‘Not for those reasons, my friend. It was because I demanded to be allowed to go on the mission and she desperately wanted to say no. When she could not, she worried over the decision. She thinks I do not know that she spoke to my parents about it and how she blamed herself for allowing me to do so. She made them promise to make sure I was taken care of and apologized to my mate for getting me involved as she put it.’ He smiled, remembering how Trina had also been concerned.

  Wolf looked hard at Jarrod. ‘I find it almost impossible to believe she cared enough to do so.’


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