The Greatest Battle

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by Andrew Nagorski

  “are being killed all over the place”: Ibid.

  issuing orders: Ibid., 165–166.

  “Let Molotov speak” and “That was certainly a mistake”: Anastas Mikoyan, 388–389.

  Stalin helped him: Montefiore, 368.

  “This unheard-of”: Werth, 167–168, Montefiore, 368.

  “Lenin left us”: Volkogonov, 410.

  “Comrade Stalin is”: Montefiore, 374.

  “What have you” and “He had the strangest”: Volkogonov, 411.

  Stalin assumed: Montefiore, 376.

  “With whom”: Ibid., 376–377.

  “Fine”: Volkogonov, 411.

  Council of Evacuation: Overy, The Dictators, 500.

  “a different Stalin” and “Well, they”: Schecter, 65.

  Khrushchev and Malenkov: Talbott, 168.

  “Tell me”: Ibid.

  On July 3, he finally addressed: Joseph Stalin, The War of National Liberation, 9–17. I have corrected a few words of the translation.

  Lenin was sent on a long journey: The story of Lenin’s voyage and the treatment of his body is based on interviews with Ilya Zbarsky. A few details are taken from Lenin’s Embalmers by Ilya Zbarsky and Samuel Hutchinson.

  “Since I struggled”: Dallin, 3.

  “It is thus” and “The sheer geographical”: Burdick, 446–447.

  “It is the Führer’s”: Ibid., 458.

  Over dinner: Bullock, 764–765.

  “Russians, surrender”: Pleshakov, 245.

  “The Russians are”: Fedor von Bock, The War Diary, 225.

  “Some people in”: Berezhkov, 184.

  Goebbels: Fred Taylor, ed., The Goebbels Diaries: 1939–1941, 426–433.

  home guard: Overy, Russia’s War, 80.

  On July 4, Goebbels: Taylor, 446.

  “The Führer has”: Bullock, 798.


  Ilya Vinitsky: This account is based on interviews with Vinitsky and on personal notes he wrote about his experiences during the war and made available for this book.

  censors’ internal report: Moskva Voennaia, 52.

  “The local population”: Herwarth, 201.

  “It was not”: Beria, 69.

  “traitors who”: Pleshakov, 255.

  Order 227: Bullock, 813.

  German report dated February 19, 1942: Ibid.

  Order 270: Volkogonov, 427.

  “I am Stalin’s son,” “The fool” and daughter-in-law Yulia: Montefiore, 379–380.

  to exchange Yakov: Ibid., 445–446.

  “There are no”: Steven Merritt Miner, Stalin’s Holy War, 56.

  Nikolai Pisarev: Based on my interview with Pisarev. I first wrote about him in Newsweek, January 16, 1995, “The POW.”

  “The officers who”: Volkogonov, 416.

  “What can one think”: Beria, 70.

  shooting of hundreds: Miner, 57.

  “a great number of”: David M. Glantz, Colossus Reborn, 567.

  prompt execution: Antony Beevor and Luba Vinogradova, eds., A Writer at War, 19.

  NKVD report: Robert Conquest, The Dragons of Expectations, 128.

  supplying the Gulag: Pleshakov, 270, reports that between July and December 1941, 1,339,702 people were put on trial, and 67.4 percent of them were sent to the Gulag.

  Pavlov and “No appeal”: Volkogonov, 421–422, Bullock, 795.

  “A great war was”: Stepan Mikoyan, 49.

  an estimated 158,000 Soviet soldiers: Overy, The Dictators, 535.

  German military tribunals: Ibid., 517.

  “Did you notice”: Pechenkin, 21.

  the Great Terror. During 1937 and 1938: Service, 356.

  44,000 names and “Stalin, a busy man”: Ibid., 352–353.

  “Give the dog”: Ibid., 353.

  “Without any noise”: Pechenkin, 15.

  “will make even”: Rayfield, 322.

  “What are you”: Overy, The Dictators, 475.

  bloodstains: Rayfield, 324.

  “as if he”: Pechenkin, 96.

  “Stalin, do you hear”: Ibid., 95.

  “There was” and “Spies, spies!”: Ibid., 47–48.

  Germans reportedly leaked: Rayfield, 323, Robert Conquest, The Great Terror, 198–199.

  “When I saw”: Pechenkin, 84.

  General Jonah Yakir: Rayfield, 324.

  “wives of enemies”: Conquest, The Dragons of Expectation, 115.

  “The purge was”: Pechenkin, 118–119.

  “This is worse”: Overy, Russia’s War, 30.

  The purges hit: Conquest, The Great Terror, 450.

  “So many were”: Schecter, 52.

  “I have repeatedly”: Stepan Mikoyan, 106.

  “disastrous”: Herwarth, 115.

  “forged the defeats”: Volkogonov, 324.

  “Let us imagine”: Deutscher, 377.

  “Among all the documents”: Ibid., 379.

  to deport and “At a time when”: Norman Davies, Heart of Europe, 66–67.

  “those who were”: Bullock, 718.

  March 1940, the Kremlin decreed: Andrew Nagorski, “At Last, a Victory for Truth,” Newsweek, October 26, 1992.

  the arrests began: Ronald J. Misiunas and Rein Taagepera, The Baltic States, 38–39.

  a list of no less than fourteen categories: Ibid., 40.

  the numbers involved: Ibid., 41.

  Ukrainian uprising: Anne Applebaum, Gulag, 416.

  “Those who can walk”: Ibid., 418.

  “our Himmler”: Rayfield, 392.

  such as Orel, where 154: Ibid., 401.

  Butyrka prison: Ibid., 400.

  42,776 prisoners: Aleksei Toptygin, Lavrentii Beriia, 250.

  “We used to”: Montefiore, 382.

  allowed him to sit: Rayfield, 401.

  “There’re too many” and surprise: Montefiore, 331.

  “Of course there were excesses”: Overy, The Dictators, 217.

  “If trouble started”: Albert Resis, ed., Molotov Remembers, 26.

  “My father explained”: Beria, 33.

  “Warfare reverted to”: Service, 423.


  “Let us kill”: Overy, The Dictators, 516.

  “All the Soviet”: Herwarth, 201.

  collective farms and “against whom”: Ibid., 202–203.

  Captain Karl Haupt: Ben Shepherd, War in the Wild East, 79–80.

  “All its members” to “their backs were turned”: Erich von Manstein, Lost Victories, 180–187.

  “one of the first”: Miner, 53.

  “If one did it”: Ibid., 54.

  “Clash of two”: Burdick, 346.

  “The attitude of the”: Miner, 54.

  “Political commissars” and “We must”: Dallin, 30–31.

  “The main reason”: Shepherd, 72.

  “We would insult”: Ibid., 74.

  400 million: Dallin, 66.

  “the entire German”: Ibid., 39.

  “Asiatic, Mongol”: Ibid., 69.

  “At this stage”: Manstein, 183.

  “who by their behavior”: Dallin, 31.

  “Because of the”: Seth, 38.

  to execute between fifty and a hundred: Overy, The Dictators, 520–521.

  “Feeding inhabitants”: Dallin, 71.

  “marching arm-in-arm”: Herwarth, 208.

  “The Russian must”: Overy, The Dictators, 537.

  “Where there’s a”: Shepherd, 89.

  Einsatzgruppen and Himmler: Christopher R. Browning, Ordinary Men, 10–11.

  Police Battalion 309 entered the city of Bialystok: Ibid., 11–12.

  Bialystok. On July 12: Ibid., 13–14.

  “August 25” and “August 31”: Ibid., 17.

  “The Jews were” and “All I had to”: Goldensohn, 389–390.

  Babi Yar: Browning, 18.

  “But we were” and “Apparently as time”: Goldensohn, 356–357.

  “utterly unsoldierly” and “would have threatened”: Manstein, 180.

  Guderian: Guderian, 152.

  “The order simply incited”: Manstein, 180.

  “inconspicuously”: Overy, The Dictators, 513.

  “traditional notions of”: Manstein, 77.

  “The army is”: Schlabrendorff, 80.

  felt bitterly disappointed: Ibid., 81.

  “the entire basis”: Shirer, 556. Full account of the Halder plot, 547–559.

  “We had watched”: Manstein, 23–24.

  “the everlasting”: Ibid., 77.

  scheduled stop: Ibid., 61.

  devalue the military’s: Ibid., 150.

  “Although this method” and Kluge: Schlabrendorff, 146.

  “When considering”: Manstein, 274–275.

  “excessive self-esteem”: Ibid., 74.

  “Hitler possessed”: Ibid., 274–275.

  “He had a genius”: Ibid., 74.

  “Before I became” and “The general staff”: Schlabrendorff, 127.

  “until after victory”: Dallin, 15.

  “Purpose is not”: Ibid., 16.

  “Hitler decided”: Goldensohn, 102.

  “The first was”: Manstein, 175.

  “Gentlemen, do you”: Schlabrendorff, 125.

  “I believed in Hitler”: Goldensohn, 160.

  “The enemy is”: Bock, 247.

  “Army Group Center”: Trevor-Roper, 146.

  “The main thing”: Bock, 265–266.

  “All the directives”: Ibid., 289.

  “to deprive the”: Trevor-Roper, 150.

  “Before the”: Ibid.

  “is not in” and “The most important”: Ibid., 151.

  “in the most tactless”: Manstein, 261–262.

  “What he lacked”: Ibid., 275.

  “destroying the”: Trevor-Roper, 153.

  September 16: Geoffrey Jukes, The Defense of Moscow, 77.

  Heinz Guderian: All quotations and information in the account of Guderian’s career and dealings with Hitler are from Heinz Guderian, Panzer Leader (his memoirs), except where otherwise noted.

  “Guderian is champing”: Bock, 285.

  “Why didn’t you” and “Because there”: Beevor, A Writer at War, 56.


  “How could you”: Service, 421.

  Boris Oreshkin: Boris Oreshkin, “Viaz’ma,” anthology Podvig, issue 38, Moscow, Molodaia Gvardiia, 1991, 102–114.

  report by A. L. Ugryumov: Moskva Prifrontovaia 1941–1942, 180, 185.

  “an absolute government” and “fear replaces”: Phyllis Penn Kohler, ed., Journey for Our Time, 128, 146.

  Strelkovka: Georgi K. Zhukov, Marshal Zhukov’s Greatest Battles, 5 (Harrison Salisbury’s introduction).

  “You are not”: Pleshakov, 165.

  “If we come”: Zhukov, Marshal Zhukov’s Greatest Battles, 8 (Harrison Salisbury’s introduction).

  he decreed: Axell, 5.

  “Zhukov was always”: Zhukov, Marshal Zhukov’s Greatest Battles, 12 (Harrison Salisbury’s introduction).

  “I look as if”: Pleshakov, 164–165.

  “Grin and bear it”: Axell, 15.

  Conscripted: Ibid., 21–36.

  relationships: interviews with his daughter Ella, Axell, 213–222, interview with his driver Aleksandr Buchin.

  In a letter: letter courtesy of Ella Zhukova.

  “the only person”: Overy, Russia’s War, 69.

  the purges: G. K. Zhukov, Vospominaniia i razmyshleniia, Vol. I, 228–246.

  “Of course, I regard” and “Tukhachevsky was”: Andrei Gromyko, Memoirs, 168.

  the purged officers: Zhukov, Vospominaniia i razmyshleniia, 221–249.

  Japanese forces: Axell, 55–56.

  face-to-face conversation and “If he is always”: Zhukov, Vospominaniia i razmyshleniia, 287.

  “Stalin wasn’t a coward”: Ibid., 368.

  “I wasn’t informed” and “You will be informed”: Ibid., 378, 380.

  “The situation is”: Montefiore, 387.

  Soviet figures: Overy, Russia’s War, 112.

  redeploying: Zhukov, Marshal Zhukov’s Greatest Battles (Harrison Salisbury’s introduction), 22–23.

  “I thought I’d”: Beevor, A Writer at War, 48.

  A Soviet pilot reported: Stepan Mikoyan, 68.

  Beria was furious: Montefiore, 391.

  “The grave possibility”: Zhukov, Marshal Zhukov’s Greatest Battles, 30.

  “Look, we’re in”: Ibid., 30–31.

  Otto Günsche: Eberle, The Hitler Book, 77.

  dinner on October 17: David Irving, Hitler’s War, 424–425.

  “Guderian has reached”: Burdick, 546.

  Guderian: Guderian, 232–240.

  “The enemy thought”: Zhukov, Marshal Zhukov’s Greatest Battles, 26–27.

  “there was no”: Ibid., 32.

  “The principal danger”: Ibid., 33.

  “We see Germans”: Brochure on Podolsk Cadets provided by the Museum of the Defense of Moscow.

  “If Moscow falls”: Montefiore, 393.

  “These forces were”: Zhukov, Marshal Zhukov’s Greatest Battles, 42–43.

  “If the Germans,” “heavy fighting” and “the very existence”: Werth, 231.

  “the gravity of”: Zhukov, Marshal Zhukov’s Greatest Battles, 44.

  “Let us not”: Werth, 232.

  “During the night”: Ibid., 233.

  “iron discipline”: Ibid., 232–233.

  October 13, Stalin had issued orders: David M. Glantz and Jonathan M. House, When Titans Clashed, 81.


  “Blueprint for Victory”: Life, August 4, 1941.

  Sir Stafford Cripps: Anthony Eden, The Reckoning, 312.

  John Dill: Ibid.

  “go through Russia”: Ivan Maisky, Memoirs of a Soviet Ambassador, 161.

  “The Prime Minister’s” and “We savored”: Eden, 312.

  William Bullitt: Dennis J. Dunn, Caught Between Roosevelt & Stalin, 13–34.

  “a very striking man”: Dunn, 34.

  “charming, brilliant” and “He came to”: George F. Kennan, Memoirs, 79.

  “perhaps fifty toasts” and “I held out”: Dunn, 23, 28.

  “a very big man” and With Lenin: Ibid., 18–19.

  returned to Moscow: Ibid., 40–41.

  “You Westerners”: Charles E. Bohlen, Witness to History, 26.

  “We regarded”: Kennan, 81–82.

  plainclothesmen: Bohlen, 32.

  Marines: Ibid., 21.

  “the honeymoon” and “perhaps it”: Dunn, 41.

  “let them know”: Ibid., 42.

  “were without question”: Ibid., 47.

  “in order the better”: Ibid., 49.

  “individual instances”: Ibid., 58.

  “definite pro-Russian”: Bohlen, 47.

  “most friendly attitude”: Dunn, 58.

  “Davies understands”: Ibid., 70.

  “Had the President”: Kennan, 83.

  transfer and “too long for”: Dunn, 71.

  “Stalin is a”: Joseph E. Davies, Mission to Moscow, 112.

  “He [Stalin] has”: Ibid., 357.

  “It is my opinion”: Ibid., 272.

  “that the accused”: Ibid., 201.

  “The Stalin regime”: Ibid., 202–203.

  “indignation and bewilderment”: Herwarth, 110.

  “He ardently desired”: Bohlen, 55.

  “I could not”: Ibid., 57.

  “I shall always”: Davies, 352.

  “In my opinion”: Ibid., 511.

  “It is my judgment”: Ibid., 432.

  “There were no”: Ibid., 280.

  Ivan Yeaton: Memoirs of Ivan D. Yeaton, USA (Ret.): 14–45.

  “a wealthy bourgeoisie Jew”: Dunn, 107.

  “I think we”: Ibid., 103.

  dinner at his country retreat, Chequers and “Not at all”: Winston S. Churchill, The Grand Alliance, 370.

  “We shall fight him”: Ibid.,

  “Thus the ravings”: Ibid., 367–368.

  silence “oppressive” and Stalin wrote: Ibid., 380–383.

  “You must remember”: Ibid., 385.

  “I received many”: Ibid., 388.

  “all the aid”: Dunn, 126.

  “we find ourselves” and “If we see”: Ibid., 127.

  “we should do”: Kennan, 133.

  “obvious sympathy”: Maisky, 179, 183.

  “The resistance of”: Davies, 493.

  Faymonville and Lend-Lease: Robert Huhn Jones, The Roads to Russia, 41–42.

  classified documents: Dunn, 129.

  Hopkins: Robert E. Sherwood, Roosevelt and Hopkins, 325–327.

  “Stalin said”: Ibid., 334.

  “Give us”: Ibid., 328.

  blacked out: Ibid., 330.

  “I told him”: Ibid., 343.

  “He talked as” and “an austere, rugged”: Ibid., 343–344.

  Hopkins and Major Yeaton: Yeaton, 37–38.

  Japan’s military attachés and Japanese newspaper correspondent: FSB archives courtesy of V. P. Yeroshin and V. Iampol’skii, Organy gosudarstvennoi bezopasnosti SSSR v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine.

  Sorge was reporting: Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, Racing the Enemy, 17.

  “the impending collapse”: Ulam, 323.

  Hopkins and Molotov: Sherwood, 332.

  Roosevelt wrote a no-nonsense note to Wayne Coy: Susan Butler, ed., My Dear Mr. Stalin, 39.

  “that do not” and “to choose”: Ibid., 41.

  “We are at” and British-American delegation: Ibid., 41–42.

  “Your function” and “might have a”: Ibid., 43.

  August 29, he wrote: Churchill, 454.

  On September 4, Maisky showed up to deliver Stalin’s reply: Churchill, 456.

  “Remember that” and “More calm”: Churchill, 457–458.

  “I began to”: Maisky, 191.

  “It seems to” and “It is almost”: Churchill, 462–463.

  War and Peace: Maisky, 208–209.

  bomb that exploded: Dunn, 151–152.

  “He was one”: Quentin Reynolds, By Quentin Reynolds, 233.

  first meeting: Sherwood, 387–388.

  the next evening: Ibid., 388–389.

  Goebbels gloated: Jones, 61.

  “It is up to”: Ibid.

  Beaverbrook responded and “Now we shall”: Sherwood, 389.

  “The meeting broke up” and Beaverbrook observed: Ibid., 389–391.

  “moved stealthily like”: Dunn, 134.

  “huge, forbidding”: Reynolds, 238–239.

  farewell banquet: Ibid., 239.

  arranged for Faymonville: Dunn, 132–133.

  “was irrefutably”: Yeaton, 40–44.

  Steinhardt: Reynolds, 244.

  Charles Thayer, “now had completely” and Molotov told Steinhardt and Cripps: W. Averell Harriman and Elie Abel, Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 106–107.


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