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Future in the Stars

Page 27

by D Patrick Wagner

Keiko turned around to get involved in this turn of events. She watched as Krag sat back down in his command chair and looked at Igaklay. Igaklay, in his Genie form, innocently looked back.

  “Igaklay, did you know anything about this?”

  “Well, I may know a little.”

  After almost two years of practice, Igaklay displayed his sheepish look very convincingly.

  “You knew Wisdom Seeker would be coming to Dorogon.”

  “I knew that it was the plan.”

  “And you didn’t tell me. Just like you didn’t tell me about the assassination attempt. I don’t like this.”

  “Oh, but you will, Captain. You’ll really like this!”

  “Ahoy, Griffin,” Everyone heard over the speakers. “Captain Kakkarna speaking.”

  ”Ahoy, Wisdom Seeker. Marston here. What brings you to this neck of the woods?”

  “Neck of the woods?”

  “This edge of the ice flow, Captain.”

  “I understand, Ambassador. Sightseeing, Commander. Lord and Lady Kaporine have requested an audience with Emperor Kaneko.”


  “Yes, Commander. May I ask, have anyone from Griffin gone down to Nyu-Nippon, yet?”

  “Ambassador Suzume was just preparing to.”

  “Lord Kaporine requests that you and Ambassador Suzume accompany him in his royal barge.”

  “Royal Barge?”

  “Reprieve, actually. Clan Kaporine is leasing it while Captain Desinal serves out her term of imprisonment.”

  “Of course, Captain. We will be ready for pickup in thirty minutes.”

  A pause of silence ensued as Captain Kakkarna translated Human minutes into Elonian locts.

  “We will send a shuttle to pick you up in thirty minutes, Commander.”

  “Will there be room for the rest of Griffin’s crew?”

  “Preceptor Igaklay informs me that there are eleven Defensemen, You, Ambassador Suzume, Legate Buster, engineers Carter and Benton, and Gunner Gopai. Is that correct?”

  “And Preceptor Igaklay.”

  “That will not be a problem, Commander. We have an extra platform large enough to carry them.”

  Krag cocked an eyebrow and looked at Keiko. Keiko raised both of her own and shrugged her shoulders in ignorance.

  * * * * *

  Reprieve hovered above the Imperial Palace’s large landing port as fifty troop carriers landed in a rectangle. Fifty ramps dropped. Four-hundred Royal Guardsmen marched out and formed two rows, four Elonians wide and twenty-five long. Once they came to attention, Reprieve settled inside the Elonian boundary, its stern towards the palace.

  The cargo bay dropped. Johi, the lead Kaporine steward, raced to the front of the honor guard, taking up position directly between the leaders of the two columns. Then he pounded his crier scepter three times on the hard tarmac.

  A gravity platform with two thrones majestically floated out. Seating in full royal regalia, Lady Kaporine rested her paw on her Bond-Mate’s arm as the two sat and experienced their first views of Nyu-Nippon’s Royal palace.

  Next came another, larger, floating platform. This one held Griffin’s crew and honor guard. The crew sat, with Krag and Keiko in the lead. The Defensemen, half Elonian, half Human, stood on each side, mimicking the four hundred Kaporine Guardsmen.

  In unison, everyone and everything moved forward. Upon reaching the base of the massive stairs which led to the even more massive entrance court, everyone and everything stopped. Upon stopping, the procession looked up the massive stairs. On each one, an Imperial Guard stood at attention. Every other one held the banner of their Emperor. The alternate guardsmen held their katanas across their chests in respect and en garde.

  At the top of the stairs, directly in the front-center of the landing, sat the Emperor and his wife on their reception thrones.

  Surrounding, but at a respectful distance, a throng of wealthy, politically connected, and powerful people stood. All focused their first looks on the cat-people from another star system. As the Elonian procession came to a halt, background chatter began as the crowd murmured and pointed.

  Emperor Kaneko sat, leaning forward, staring at the floating platforms. Curiosity marking his face. His curiosity continued to flow as he saw the hundreds of cat-people warriors. Then he changed his focus to the two royals sitting on their own thrones, comfortably floating on their royal platform.

  Johi stepped forward and faced the massive steps leading up to Dorogon’s Emperor.

  “Hear ye! Hear ye!”

  Silence swept over the crowd.

  “Introducing Lord and Lady Kaporine. King Father and Queen Mother of King Daruke, ruler of the planet Elonia. Mistress Father and Mistress Mother of Mistress Analyn, ruler of the planet Ballison.”

  Krag leaned over and whispered to Keiko. “That is quite an introduction.”

  “Shush. The big boys are getting acquainted.”

  Emperor Kaneko nodded to Chamberlain Demura. The spokesperson for the Imperial Crown stepped forward.

  “Emperor Kaneko, Emperor of all of the star system Dorogon and sole ruler of Nyu-Nippon, welcomes you!

  Emperor Kaneko stood. Every military person, including Taishou Suzume and Shuhan Sadao Oishi, slammed to formal attention.

  With a loving pat on his Bond-Mate’s paw, Lord Kaporine elegantly matched Emperor Kaneko’s action and stood. Then he carefully draped the palla over his left arm. Once prepared, the seven-foot cat-person bowed deeply and waited.

  The Emperor returned a quarter bow of his own and gave a small wave, summoning the Elonian Lord forward. Kaporine froze and unfroze. Igaklay, on the trailing platform, did the same. The royal platform softly settled to the ground.

  Lord Kaporine strode purposefully towards the steps and began the long ascension. Three steps short of the top, he stopped. Without making eye contact, he ensured that his head remained lower than Emperor Kaneko’s.

  The Emperor waited.

  Lord Kaporine brought both hand-paws forward. Then he extended his claws.

  Shuhan Oishi took a step forward then quickly retreated at the slight nod from his Emperor.

  Lord Kaporine withdrew his claws and cocked his head to the side, exposing his neck.

  Krag focused intently on the goings-on. “What are they doing?”

  “Lord Kaporine is showing that the Emperor has nothing to fear.”

  Emperor Kaneko reached to his throne and retrieved his still-sheathed katana. Then, holding it horizontally across his body, he withdrew a small portion of the blade and slammed it back. After this ritual, the Emperor rotated the weapon to vertical and held it out to his side.

  Taishou Suzume formally stepped forward and, with great respect, accepted the sword. Stepping back, the Commander of Nyu-Nippon’s military force held the royal sword with fealty and honor. As he did so, his eyes flicked to his daughter, who sat at the front of the second floating platform. He gave a slight nod. In return, Keiko gave one of her own.

  Emperor Kaneko slid his right foot forward and place his entire weight on that leg, creating a position of extreme vulnerability. Then he lowered his head and held out his empty right hand.

  “Now what are they doing?”

  “Something that the Emperor has never done in his lifetime. He has accepted another person, or in this case, an Elonian, as an equal and has demonstrated that he trusts this being.”

  “That’s a really good idea, as Lord Kaporine could have his daughter completely incinerate Nyu-Nippon.”

  “Now, shush. See how power really works.”

  Both leaders, as though previously choreographed, pulled back into their formal poses. The Emperor nodded to his Chamberlain, who quickly rushed forward. After short words from Emperor Kaneko, the chamberlain turned to Lord Kaporine.

  “His Majesty, Emperor Kaneko, invites Lord Kaporine and his entourage to enjoy a stay in the Palace. Further, the Emperor invites Lord Kaporine to a conference for the purpose of opening diplomatic relationships with the p
lanets Elonia and Ballison.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “I swear, Big Guy. Someone needs to teach you some manners.”

  “If you mean you, Half-Pint, bring it on.”

  “Can I watch?”

  “We’re just clowning around, Igaklay. There won’t be anything to see.”

  Keiko eyed Igaklay, in his Genie form.”

  “Someday I’ll meet someone with more maturity than a teenager. Now, shush, you two.”

  Lord Kaporine again bowed deeply.

  Rather than have his spokesperson speak on his behalf, he spoke. “I humbly accept your invitation and look forward to taking the first steps in establishing a long and profitable relationship between our two peoples.”

  Emperor Kaneko whispered something to his Chamberlain. Demura again faced Lord Kaporine and the group at the base of the stairs.

  “If you and your entourage are not too fatigued, the Emperor invites you to a reception to honor this first contact between two peace-loving species.”

  “I most enthusiastically accept. And please inform the Emperor that I do so with the greatest humility and honor.”

  “I’ll say one thing. Lord Kaporine knows how to lay it on.”

  “Wait until this evening. That’s when the show truly starts.”

  “Lord Kaporine, if you would do me the honor, please follow me to your guest quarters. If your entourage would accompany us, their guest quarters are also available.”

  “After you, Chamberlain.”

  “Demura, Lord.”

  “Chamberlain Demura, please lead the way.”

  Taishou Suzume formally stepped forward, gave a quarter bow and held out the royal sword with both hands. Emperor Kaneko grabbed it one handed and slid it into his obi. Then, the Emperor’s top-most military leader spoke a quick question. The Emperor nodded his approval.

  Demura held his position as Emperor Kaneko, the Emperor’s wife and their entourage filed from the reception platform, into the palace. As the royal procession disappeared, the occupants of the grounded, Elonian platform filed up the steps, stopping short of their lordship.

  “Johi, please send down whatever we need for the reception tonight and a long day tomorrow.”

  “Immediately, My Lord.”

  As Johi spoke orders into his quant-com, Chamberlain Demura waited for the group to collect.

  Then, with a bow of respect to Lord Kaporine, the Emperor’s Chamberlain gestured towards a direction. Lord Kaporine, with his Bond-Mate on his arm, followed. Taishou Suzume remained behind.

  Once the two royal processions disappeared, the senior Suzume relaxed and smiled at his daughter. Then he happily strolled down the steps and towards the two gravity platforms, one still floating on nothing.

  Seeing this, Igaklay sent a command and the Griffin platform settled to Nyu-Nippon’s earth. Keiko jumped from her chair and rushed towards her father. Before he could take two steps, she slammed into his chest and wrapped her arms around his chest.

  Seeing what was to come, Taishou Suzume had opened his arms and then wrapped them around his daughter, keeping her close.

  “Welcome home, daughter.”

  “I missed you, Father. And Mother.”

  The senior Suzume released his daughter and, grabbing her shoulders, pushed her back. Then he looked her up and down. He saw the well-tailored power suit, the simple, yet elegant jewelry and the out-of-place band on her wrist.

  “You look good, Keiko.”

  “Thank you, Father. So do you. A little tired looking. But that is to be expected after fighting the Mortek on home ground.”

  “Come. Let’s get you home. Your mother is dying to see you, again.”

  “I can’t Father. I need to prepare for the reception. You and Mother will be there. Correct?”

  “Yes, we will be there.”

  The mood of Keiko’s father shifted.

  “What is there to do? Your gowns are waiting for you. Our chambermaid is there to assist you. You truly need to spend time at home.”

  “And I will, Father. But, as the Ballisonian Ambassador, I need to prepare myself for the coming political conversations which I will be a part of.”

  “From the videos we received, we learned of your title. But that is over now. It is time for you to come home and help rebuild Nyu-Nippon.”

  “Let’s talk about this later, Father. For now, let’s just enjoy the fact that our family is back together. OK?”

  “There is nothing to discuss. Your time in the stars is over. Nyu-Nippon needs you here. I need you here.”

  “I hear what you are saying, Father. We truly need to have this discussion.”

  Not knowing where to go with this conversation, Keiko stiffened.

  “Now, I must truly prepare for the reception. I will see you and Mother, there.”

  With that pronouncement, Keiko stood on her toes, placed a kiss on her father’s cheek and turned. Then she returned to Krag and the rest of her Griffin clan. He father first simply stared. Then he stiffened, did an about face and marched back up the stairs leading to the Royal Palace.

  Upon reaching her chair, Keiko plopped down and sighed a long sigh.

  “Not so good?”

  “No, Krag. Not so good. Father still wants me back in court, being his dutiful daughter and being a bargaining chip for power.”

  Igaklay, still in his Genie persona, came over and put a hand on Keiko’s shoulder.

  “To paraphrase Bugs Bunny, ‘He don’t know you very well, do he?’.”

  “Cartoons? What happened to you and Buster quoting poetry?”

  “There’s a lot of good, human philosophy in cartoons, Commander. And human insight. Besides, they make me laugh.”

  “Well, let’s get back to Griffin and prepare for this shindig.”

  “After you, Oh Captain, My Captain.”

  That got Keiko ‘the look’.

  Bachman Dome – Planet Bachama

  Pilot Briar brought Gypsy into a soft touchdown on the flat surface just beyond the silvery dome protecting the previous home of the Liberated Ballisonians. Once down, the ever-effusive Oliver turned to Captain Long and raised both eyebrows.

  “Well done, Mr. Briar. In another ten years you might become quite a pilot.”

  Everyone on the bridge heard the humor in Captain Long’s voice.

  “Sub-Captain, put your team together. Eton, it is time for you to grow a personality.”

  Eton, with no reason to respond, didn’t.

  “Follow me, Eton. Vidhee and Engineer Cansina will be waiting for us.”

  The bridge crew watched Eton and Kimberly leave the bridge.

  “What matrix did you decide on, Captain?”

  “Vidhee, Buster and Igaklay came up with the configuration. When Mz. Baker passed the requirements to Bachman, that A.I. recommended a combined chief operations officer matrix with a home steward matrix. He has those already in his data banks.”

  “Like an executive officer onboard a ship.”

  “Only, in a counseling role. No authority.”

  “But his ship responsibilities are still in place?”

  “Yes, Mr. Kassis. In those areas, he is still in command. Those are unremovable.”

  “Then, if Preceptor Igaklay comes onboard, Eton still blows up the ship.”

  “There’s no getting around that, Mr. Pillani. Mr. Cortez, how are you doing?”

  “So far, very well, Captain. It is not bad, being in space. Especially since Gypsy has real gravity.”

  “That does help. Now, everyone, settle in. This is going to take some time.”

  * * * * *

  Gypsy’s engineering team, plus Vidhee, approached the shimmering, silvery energy shield protecting the Liberated Ballisonian’s enclave. Having crossed over multiple times, none of the four hesitated to step through. As all times before, everyone stopped and waited as the protective artificial intelligence, now named Bachman, scanned each with its blue light.

  “You are all void o
f Igaklay technology. You are all free to enter.”

  Sub-Captain Baker led the conversation.

  “Thank you, Bachman.”

  “Secondary Controller Kimberly Baker, I have reviewed SA8190’s mechanical and electronic designs and have reached the conclusion that there is no possibility that an emotional matrix may be installed in SA8190’s logic and data configuration.”

  “We understand that, Bachman. We plan on installing the hardware in Eton’s chest cavity and connecting it to his core through his input ports.”

  “Although that is physically possible, SA8190’s primary and secondary directives will negate full functionality of the emotional matrix.”

  “As we understand it, only insofar as effecting Eton’s primary and secondary directives. That has been taken into account.”

  “Since SA8190 is a single-purpose android, its task being the ensuring the protection and function of the exploration ship designated, the installation of an emotional matrix is superfluous.”

  “Yes, Bachman. You are correct in that statement. However, it is the desire of Eton’s Controllers that he assumes added functionality. He is to become an active member of the biological crew. To do that, Eton must become self-aware. He must also emotionally interact with the crew.”

  “That is why you have requested the interfacing of the chief operations officer and home steward matrices. You wish to have a self-aware android which focuses on the well- being of the biological crew as well as being able to organize and direct the biological crew for better efficiency and performance. I understand.”

  “That’s it, exactly. Can we do it?”

  “This has never been done to a ship android before. however, it is possible.”

  “Perfect. What do we do next?”

  “The android repair dome is situated four human miles from here. I will deliver a transport to take you there.”

  Bachman’s ground transport arrived. Everyone boarded. The short trip delivered everyone to a moderate dome at the northern edge of Bachman’s enclave.

  “Please exit the transport and enter the dome. As you enter, you will be asked to remove your clothing and undergo a sanitation process.”

  All four entered the decontamination chamber. Kimberly looked at her three companions-two synthetics and an Elonian. She decided that modesty wouldn’t be a problem. She, Vidhee and Cansina stripped out of their non-technical garments. Since Eton didn’t wear anything, he just stood and waited. A gas filled the room. Once it had been withdrawn, an ultra-violet light scanned each of the occupants.


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