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Future in the Stars

Page 28

by D Patrick Wagner

  “You and your associates are cleared for entry, as is your clothing, Secondary Controller Kimberly Baker.”

  As Bachman said this, a door slid into its cavity, revealing a room much resembling a surgery theater. The three who originally wore clothes, dressed. With Kimberly leading, the four entered.

  “Second Controller Kimberly Baker, please order SA8190 to assume a position on the repair table. Have it lie on its back, with its arms at its sides and legs pressed together.”

  “Eton, did you understand Bachman’s request?”

  “Yes, Sub-Captain Baker.”

  “Eton, I order you to follow that request.”

  Everyone watched as Eton climbed onto the table and positioned himself according to Bachman’s requirements.

  “Now what, Bachman?”

  “Since the schematics of your requirements have been delivered to me, I will perform the required upgrades to install and link the new matrices.”

  “To ensure that we understand the process and the results, we wish to observe the operation. Also, Vidhee is to be allowed to record the procedure.”

  “That is acceptable.”

  “Also, would you please transfer all before and after schematics for Eton to Vidhee upon completion of the operation.”

  “That task will be performed.”

  “One last request. Eton currently has communication equipment which is capable of communicating with you and the ship in an electronic manner. Is that correct?”

  “That is correct.”

  “If I supply you with the technical specifications to communicate with Captain Long’s and my cranial nets, is it possible to modify Eton’s electronic communications to interface with that hardware?”

  “SA8190 has that capability now. You just need to request that he open those communication bands.”

  “Oh. We didn’t know that. Well, let’s get going and see what we’ve got. Bachman, please proceed with Eton’s upgrades.”

  A robotic medical device floated towards Eton. Everyone let it pass. Eton’s new personality began to take shape.

  Nyu-Nippon Imperial Palace

  Lord Kaporine and his bond-mate, Naliana, majestically padded into the large waiting room behind the double doors leading to the formal reception room. Johi, always the observant servant, pointed out Commander Marston and his group, standing to one side.

  As everyone waited for their introductions, Clan Kaporine’s leader led his bond-mate over to the group.

  “You look very elegant, Ambassador Suzume,” Naliana commented.

  “Thank you, My Lady. As do you. I’ve never mentioned this before, but in the history of Old Earth, Humanity’s planet of origin, thousands of years ago, a nation of people called themselves ‘Greeks’. Their leaders and politicians wore robes much like yours. They called them togas.”

  “While researching human history, I discovered that. I think that Kokali brought those designs back to Elonia from his travels to your planet. So, I do not think that this is a coincidence. Thank you for reminding me. It will be useful as a talking point as I discuss inane things with the women.”

  “I see you have been studying Japanese traditions.”

  “Your look. I believe you are wearing a cocktail dress.”


  “No high collar? Will not your parents disapprove?”

  “Yes, they will. But, I need to establish my position, if I am to be Ballison’s Ambassador, not Taishou’s daughter.”

  “Excellent thinking, Ambassador Suzume.”

  As Naliana spoke, the others inspected Keiko’s dress.

  Keiko had terrorized Igaklay until he succeeded in programming her clothing nanites into what she wanted for the evening. As a result, Keiko now wore a slim evening dress, the deep red of the H.E.B. Alliance, rather than the blue of Clan Griffin. The vee-shaped neckline stopped short of her cleavage, but still displayed some skin. The sweetheart straps left her arms bare. Ruby earrings dangled from her ears, the same ones which remotely connected to her translator.

  A triangle-shaped brooch, the translator, sparkled against the dark background of dress and hair. At each point of the triangle, a gemstone sparkled, representing one of the three species which formed the Human-Elonian-Ballisonian Alliance. In the center, the silvery letters, HEBA, stood out against the ruby-red background.

  After more bullying, Igaklay had transformed Keiko’s wrist-com into a matching ruby bracelet which fit snuggly on her wrist.

  Krag wore his formal dress uniform of the H.E.B. Alliance. Instead of the black used by the Federacy, or the blue of Clan Griffin, his uniform matched Keiko’s deep red dress. He also wore his wrist-com.

  Buster, in his Mr. Morris form, led the rest of Clan Griffin, all dressed in H.E.B. Alliance tunics or uniforms. None carried weapons. None were needed. Buster was their weapon.

  “Quit fidgeting, Ambassador. You look fine.”

  “That’s easy for you to say, Commander. You’re not defying your father. The most powerful military man in Dorogon, I might add.”

  “True. But, you need to do this. For yourself and for Ballison.”

  Keiko continued to smooth her dress and shift the straps. As she did, Johi approached.

  “Ambassador Suzume, I will announce you first. Then Commander Marston. Then Lord and Lady Kaporine. Clan Griffin will follow, unannounced.”

  Keiko took a slow in-and-out breath. OK. I’m ready.”

  Johi turned and approached the large double doors. Keiko and Krag followed. With more force than necessary, Johi placed his paws on the two doors and pushed them open. They swung wide and banged into the wall. Two more Kaporine servants rushed forward and stopped the doors from swinging back.

  “Was that necessary?”

  “I thought it would be a nice effect, Commander.”

  “Well, it worked.”

  The murmuring which everyone had heard in the waiting room came to an abrupt stop. As Johi marched forward, he tapped his Cryer’s scepter with each step of his right foot-paw. All eyes swung towards the seven-foot cat-person dressed in royal livery and standing with his ears sharp, his tail raised.

  “Hear ye, hear ye! Presenting Ambassador Suzume! Spokesperson for the Human-Elonian-Ballisonian Alliance! Confidant to the Mistress of Ballison! One of only two overseers to the most intelligent artificial intelligence in the galaxy, Preceptor Igaklay! And pilot of the starship Griffin, the most powerful ship in the galaxy!”

  With that, Johi stepped to the side and quarter turned. Then he held a paw, palm up, towards Keiko.

  “Oh boy.”

  “Go get um, Half-Pint.”

  Keiko glanced at Lady Naliana. The Elonian Queen-Mother returned a laughing ripple of her lips and a flicking of her ears.

  With all the regalness she could muster, Keiko strode to the top of the wide stairway and looked over the crowd. She saw hundreds of curious, Nyu-Nippon faces staring up at her. She saw the empty throne at the far side of the room. She saw another ornate chair to its right. And she saw her father and mother standing on the dais, both wearing frowns of criticism.

  After stiffening her spine a little more, she slowly stepped down the staircase and took a position to her right.

  Johi retook his position at the center-top of the stairway.

  “Presenting Commander Krag Marston! Retired flight commander and fighter pilot in the Federacy! Joiner of the Elonian and Human Races! Finder of Ballison! The second Overseer of Preceptor Igaklay! Captain of the starship Griffin! Leader of the forces which saved all of Mankind!”

  Being used to military pomp, Krag pulled on his head cover, slammed to attention then marched down the stairs, ending beside Keiko.

  “I thought the last time, Johi laid it on pretty thick. But, this was something.”

  “Something’s going on, Krag. Johi is selling us hard. I wonder why.”

  Both quieted down as Johi introduced Lord and Lady Kaporine. He went through their positions, their relationships with the king of Elonia a
nd the mistress of Ballison. He ended with their ruling of Clan Kaporine on Ballison.

  The Lord and Lady majestically strode down the stairway, Naliana resting her paw on her bond-mate’s arm. As they reached the base of the stairs, Chamberlain Demura stepped from the shadows and took his position to the right of the empty throne at the opposite end of the reception hall.

  “Oh boy.”

  “You said that once, Keiko.”

  “The Emperor never attends receptions. Something is going on.”

  “It wouldn’t have anything to do with our bigger-than-life introductions, could it?”

  “Gods, I hope not.”

  The crowd redirected their focus from the cat-people royalty to the Chamberlain.

  “Ladies, gentlemen, gentle beings, the Emperor of Dorogon, Emperor Kaneko!”

  Demura moved out of the way. Emperor Kaneko strode in, arranged his robes and sat. his wife followed and took her place, standing just behind her husband.

  Everyone froze in place, waiting for what was to come. Emperor Kaneko gestured towards Taishou Suzume, who rushed forward and bowed. The Emperor spoke. The Taishou first went ridged then forced himself to relax. The Emperor gave his military leader a nod of dismissal and waited for the Taishou to step back and reassume his position.

  Emperor Kaneko then gestured to Lord and Lady Kaporine. Johi raced to the front and led the two to the royal dais. Emperor Kaneko invited Lord Kaporine to take a seat in the chair beside the throne. Lord Kaporine complied while his bond-mate took her place beside the Emperor’s wife.

  The Emperor and Lord both leaned forward, almost touching the smooth Human forehead to the furry Elonian one. The two leaders spoke softly. Lord Kaporine pointed his ears towards the Emperor and nodded. Then he sat back. Emperor Kaneko turned to the silent, practically non-breathing audience.

  “Lord Kaporine will speak,” the Emperor announced.

  “Oh boy.”


  “The emperor never speaks in public unless he is speaking at a royal ceremony.”


  “He just announced that Lord Kaporine’s words are his words. This is unprecedented.”

  “I hope it is something good.”

  “Shush, Big Guy.”

  Lord Kaporine, careful to not block the Emperor, rose and gave a small growl as he cleared his throat. Then, after arranging his toga, he began.

  “Emperor Kaneko has been gracious to accept a proposal from the Human-Elonian-Ballisonian Alliance. This proposal is the deep joining of our two civilizations. We have traded proposals. We have made verbal commitments. These commitments have been approved by His Highness and Mistress Analyn. Continued dialogue will commence tomorrow.”

  “That was fast.”

  “Shush. I need to read the room.”

  “Further, we, Emperor Kaneka and Mistress Analyn wish to make these commitments lasting and binding. To that end, I have adopted Commander Krag Marston as my cub into Clan Kaporine.”


  Lord Kaporine stared Krag into silence.

  “As such, he is the adopted brother of the Mistress of Ballison and heir-apparent to the office. Commander Marston, step forward.”

  Dropping back into his military discipline, Krag slammed to attention, marched to the front and saluted Emperor Kaneka.

  “Ambassador Suzume is the daughter of the Taishou of all of Dorogon’s military might. She is also a spokesperson for Ballison and confidant to the Mistress of Ballison. There is no finer person to bridge the differences between our two cultures. Ambassador Suzume, step forward.”

  Keiko tried her best to emulate Krag. After reaching her place in front of the Emperor, she pressed her hands together in prayer fashion and bowed deeply. Seeing the flick of a finger, she straightened.

  “The Emperor and I have reached a conclusion. Commander Marston and Ambassador Suzume will wed. they will become the bond between our two cultures.”

  Krag and Keiko almost looked at each other. But they remained frozen in place.

  “There will be two ceremonies. One on Ballison and one on Nyu-Nippon. Preparations are currently taking place, including the permanent leasing of a H.E.B. Alliance Mortek cruiser to the Imperial court.”

  The last pronouncements brought a slowly growing energy to the crowd. First whispers, then normal voices began to move through Nye-Nippon’s power base.

  “More announcements will be forthcoming as details of our alliance are put in place. Thank you for allowing me to speak.”

  “Lord Kaporine retook his seat. Emperor Kaneka gave a nod of approval. Krag and Keiko stood, frozen in place, slack-jawed, lost. Naliana came around her bond-mate and stared down at the shell-shocked couple.

  “See, Ambassador? Everything always works out. Now, you two, go mingle. You have ice fields to sculpt.”

  Buster, as Mr. Morris in his HEBA reds, came up to Krag and punched him in the shoulder.

  “Well, Captain, it looks like your bachelor days are over. Wait until Mack and Mz. Sue hear about this.”

  “They already have, Mr. Morris,” Igaklay stated as he arrived at the growing group. “I had them listening in.”

  “You knew about this?”

  “Of course, Captain. I know about everything.”

  “Whose idea was this ambush?”

  “Ambush? Now, you don’t want to marry me?”

  “I didn’t say that, Keiko,” Krag stammered. “I meant, who came up with this idea?”

  “Well, Captain, it seems that Ambassador Suzume needed someone to talk to. So, she talked to Mistress Analyn.”

  “And Analyn talked to her father.”

  “Mother, actually. Lady Kaporine is the true politician in the family. She set everything up.”

  “Including the Mortek cruiser.”

  “Nope. That was my idea,” Igaklay answered.

  “You do realize that you just gave Nyu-Nippon the most powerful ship in all of the Federacy.”

  “Not really, Captain. Don’t forget that Emperor Kaneka had decided to withdraw from the Federacy and go it alone. Before he met Lord Kaporine.”

  “You’ve been eavesdropping, Igaklay.”

  “Maybe a little. The Emperor has been using Lord Kaporine as a sounding board on where to go, now that the Mortek invasion is over.”

  “So that’s why he’s rushing through this diplomatic accord. With the Mortek cruiser, he has the makings of his own naval fleet for defensive purposes.”

  “This is beginning to make sense, Krag. The Emperor wants to know that Dorogon can protect itself. And he wants firm ties between Dorogon and Ballison before the Federacy gets back on its feet.”

  “And we are the linchpins to tie everything together.”

  “That’s about right.”

  “So now, you’re stuck with me, Half-Pint. we break up, it’s intergalactic war.”

  “It’s going to be war, now, if I don’t make a decent proposal, Big Guy. Get it done.”

  “Hell hath no wrath, Oh Captain, My Captain.”

  Chapter 16

  Aboard Griffin – Outside Yeni Persia space

  Dean and Isaac hadn’t been aboard Griffin long enough to feel that they could tease their captain and pilot. Buster, Igaklay and Gopai, on the other hand, did.

  “Well, my Captain, have you started planning your proposal?”

  “Don’t go there, Tinman. I’m sure that the entire hull of Griffin could use a good polishing.”

  Krag glanced at Keiko. She returned a wry smile.

  “I was just asking, my Captain.”

  “Well, don’t”

  “But, oh Captain, the morale would be so much better once we get that obstacle out of the way.”

  “Now you, Gopai? Don’t you have some cannons to clean?”

  “Gopai does have a point, oh Captain, My Captain.”

  “And you, Igaklay. You knew we were going to be ambushed all along. And, not one hint, not one.”

  “Well, you saw the claws
on Mistress Analyn. And her syn-cat. I had no intention of finding out if my creation could harm this magnificent body.”

  “Gods, I hate this crew. Back to work, all of you. Get focused. We’re dancing with the Mortek again.”

  Krag scanned his bridge crew and liked what he saw. All switched from casual interaction to all business, ready for anything which came their way.

  Just then, Igaklay put up a hand.

  “Captain, I’m receiving a call from Vice-Admiral Weiskoff.”

  “I wonder what he wants. Put him through, Igaklay.”


  Everyone heard the disrespect in Weiskoff’s voice.

  “Here, Vice-Admiral.”

  “It’s Fleet-Admiral, now. My father has decided to stay on the Sol system, along with his refugee fleet. He has turned the Federacy over to me.”

  “Congratulations, Fleet-Admiral.”

  Knowing Krag, his crew heard the sardonic tone in his voice.

  “My father is currently negotiating for land on Old Earth. As part of the negotiations, I have offered the specifications for gravity generators.”

  “You have those, sir. However, you need to talk to Mistress Analyn for the right to give them to Old Earth.”

  “Martians. The people who settled Mars want them. And, if I want, I will give them the specifications. They also want a jump drive.”

  “That’s a whole different game, Admiral. That requires Ballison involvement.”

  “I know that, Marston. That’s why I contacted you. Get a jump drive over to Sol and set up maintenance with that A.I. of yours.”

  “I’ll see what I can do, Admiral.”

  “Just get it done, Marston.”

  Everyone heard the connection go dead.

  “And you want me to play nice with him?”

  “Now that he is formally in charge of the Federacy, Keiko, yeah. Play nice.”

  “Now that he thinks that he’s the big mucky-muck, he’s going to be insufferable.”


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