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Billy's Move

Page 18

by Karen Clow

  They discussed the two lads who had been in and how both Shaun and Reggie thought they were casing the place. Tony looked over at Lenny and said, “You seem to have the gen on this lot Len, what do you reckon?” “If you’re asking me what I think is going to happen, I’ll tell you. I’m pretty sure Barry King is behind it, it’s just a fucking shame the Turk is away, I’m sure he would have confirmed it one way or another with a bit of persuasion. So without him were working on what we know. If Barry keeps to his usual tactics you can expect something else to happen within the next month or so. In all the other hits, it’s the pub they hit after the attack and the car burning. My guess is you’ll have a break in, but obviously I could be wrong.” Mickey interrupted and said, “We know that Len, but if I was a gambling man I’d put my money on you.” Lenny grinned smugly and nodded his head. Before they could continue Ann appeared with a couple of plates of food. “Cheers me darling” said Shaun. “Can I get you lads anything else while I’m here,” she asked. “Aye you can lass, chuck us another bottle of scotch over,” said Shaun.” Joking she replied, “Yes master, will that be all, or I shall I stick a broom up me jacksey and sweep the floor while I’m at it? In case you haven’t noticed love, the pub is busy and there’s only me working!” Everyone laughed. Then Den looked up and said, “I’ll give you a hand Ann, I’m only here as a spectator.” “God bless you Den,” she said with a smile. Den left her serving while he took the bottle over to their table, then returned to help her behind the bar.

  After debating over what to do about the situation, Tony said, “So we all agree to run with what Lenny said.” The nod of heads was unanimous, so he continued, “From tonight Shaun, someone else will be staying with Reggie. With any luck we can nab the bastards. I can’t spare Shane at the moment and with Simon away I really need Jacky Boy down the club, so who do we know?” Shane interrupted and said, “You could always get Gary in to cover for me at the club, don’t reckon he’d be much fucking good here but he’s ok on the doors.” Tony thought about it for a moment then said, “Ok Shane I’ll sort it out so you’ll be back here tonight by nine, is that ok?” Shane nodded. Tony looked over at Mickey and said, “If nothing happens over the next couple of weeks, any chance of you standing in for Shane when I need him back at the club?” The last thing Mickey wanted to do was stay at the pub, he wanted to be at home with his family but he was joint owner. Until he sold his share he would be expected to do his bit, and despite his reluctance he knew it was the right thing to do. Nodding his head at Tony he replied, “Yeah that should be ok, just let me know when.” “Cheers all of you, I appreciate it,” said Shaun.

  It was just after eight when they left the pub. Tony asked Mickey and Den if they wanted to go with him to the club. After declining his offer Den joked and said, “If I were you Tony I’d give the club a miss, get home to your Mrs and eat a fucking big slice of humble pie!” Sarcastically he replied, “Not me Den never have liked the taste, I’d fucking choke on it!” Everyone laughed especially when Den added, “Better to choke on humble pie than stay in the dog house, believe me I know!” Despite Tony acting cockily in front of the others he knew that he would have to make it up to Belle, especially while Carlo was there. Maybe he would leave the club early, because with all his arrogance he still loved her and he knew she was angry with him.

  Mickey was the last one to leave having stayed behind to give Shaun and Ann the pictures the twins had drawn for them. “I’ll pin them on my kitchen board upstairs,” said Ann proudly.

  Shaun walked to the door with them. As they made their way outside he said, “Sorry about Tony asking you to cover for Shane, if it happens I’ll see if one of my lads can help me out.” “No worries Shaun, it’s as much my responsibility as yours and Tony’s been really good about it.” “Aye I know and I’ll see him alright for it Tony knows that, but I know how my lassie worries about you and since the bit of trouble you had with the twins, she seems good.” “She is Shaun and yes she does worry but she’ll understand.” “You make her happy Mickey and that pleases me, so let’s just keep you out of trouble shall we?” They shook hands and left.

  Making good time, Mickey and Den were back in Kent by quarter past nine. As they parked the car he spotted Maria waiting at the door. Walking towards her she surprised him by excitedly running up to the car and throwing her arms around him “Oh Mickey I’m so glad you’re back, Glenda from the agency called me this afternoon!” “That’s great babe, lets get inside and you can tell me what she said.”

  Mary was in the kitchen. As they walked in she said, “We saved you two a dinner shall I pop them in the microwave now, or do you want a cup of tea first?” “Tea would be great mum; I want to hear about the call from the agency.” “Maria’s been like a cat on hot bricks since that woman rang just before four. I’m so happy for her, but I’ll let her tell you all about it.” Excitedly Maria held his hand and said, “My brother wants to send me a letter from my mother. Glenda suggested him sending it to them and then they forward it to me. I said yes Mickey, did I do the right thing? I wish you’d been here, I nearly rang you to ask, but the call came so late and Glenda was waiting to leave her office, so I had to decide.” Looking lovingly at her he replied, “You did the right thing babe, what else did she say?” Having to catch her breath because she was so excited she replied, “She said once I’ve received the letter, which will take a few days, I can decide then if I want contact.” “Sounds like you’ve already made up your mind babe, let’s just wait and see what the letter says.” “That’s what I thought Mickey, but I just know it’s meant to be. I’ve got the strangest feeling that it’s the right thing to do.” Mickey was more realistic than his wife; he knew that very often these types of contacts can go very wrong, but seeing how excited she was he decided against telling her his fears because he would support her, whichever way it turned out.

  When she finally stopped talking about it, Mary heated up their dinners. “Did the girls enjoy Pirates?” said Mickey as they ate. Smiling Maria replied, “They had a wonderful time, poor Billy looked exhausted though.” “Where is Billy, I didn’t see his car.” “He’s with Jess, she cooked him dinner tonight and guess what, she rang me today and asked me to baby sit on Thursday, I never let on that Billy had already asked, I’m so happy for her.” Mary said, “Billy certainly seems to bring out the best in her, she’s really changed since she first came here. It was a good thing what you two did for her; she’ll make someone a lovely wife.” Mickey almost choked on his food as he said, “Steady on mum, they’ve only just started getting serious.” “I know son, but all of us know there’s been a spark between those two from day one. All I’m saying is some things are just meant to be. Who knows she could be the making of him. I can see him as a real family man. I know he likes the ladies, but Jess might just be the one to clip his wings.” Everyone was well aware of the chemistry between them, Mary was right. Mickey smiled and said “You could be right mum.”

  Later that night Mickey told Maria he may have to stay at the pub for a few days. She looked surprised because he hadn’t mentioned it when she’d ask how the meeting went. “Why didn’t you tell me that earlier Mickey,” she asked with a look of curiosity on her face.” “Because you were so happy about your brother, I didn’t want to spoil it. Anyway it may not come to that, Shane is there for a few days, so it won’t be till the weekend if at all.” He noticed that she went quiet and didn’t say anything after he told her. After reassuring her that he probably wouldn’t have to go, she said, “If those people did try something, it could be dangerous couldn’t it? People could be seriously hurt?” He knew she meant him, he also knew that she wouldn’t believe him if he said no. Taking her hand he said, “There’s always that risk babe with anything like this, but don’t go fretting about it because it may not happen. Anyway I wouldn’t be on my own, Reggie’s there with his dogs and Shaun. I meant what I said though babe, once this is sorted I’m selling our share.” She was still thinking about it when they went
to bed at midnight.


  Despite what Tony had said at the meeting earlier, he did return home before midnight. Surprised as he entered to find the house in darkness with no signs of life, walking into the lounge he could see Isabella asleep on the sofa. He deliberately dropped his car keys down on the coffee table so as to wake her. “What time is it?” she asked. “About twelve, where is everyone?” “Carlo and James are out clubbing, the others are all in bed.” Now fully awake she stood up and made her way to the door. “Where are you going babe?” he asked. “I’m making a drink, do you want one?” “Yeah make us a coffee, so you’ve had a peaceful evening then?” Not really in the mood for conversation and still angry with him, she just replied, “Yes.”

  A few minutes later she took his coffee into him. Noticing she was only carrying one cup, he asked “Where’s your drink?” She turned to walk away as she replied, “I’m taking mine up to bed.” Sensing that she was still angry with him, he tried to lighten the atmosphere by suggestively saying, “Shall I have mine in bed as well?” She knew he was trying to get round her and by offering to go up with her was a reference to sex, so in a sarcastic tone she replied, “Do whatever you like Tony, but I’m going up to read.” He knew it was her way of telling him that the sex angle hadn’t worked. So in his usual confident manner he grinned and said, “I’m sure we can think of something better to do than read.” Not wanting a row she replied, “I’m reading Tony, you do whatever you like, why don’t you stay down here and watch the TV?” With that she walked out leaving him sitting there.

  While he sat drinking his coffee he thought about what had been said by Shaun and Den at the pub, making him question as to whether he really was that sure about Isabella. Maybe they were right, was there a point where she would simply tell him she’d had enough? The more he thought about her life the more insecure he became, Lydia meant nothing to him in comparison to her. The great sex he was having with her was the same great sex he’d once had with his wife. Just as he was about go up to bed he heard someone coming down the stairs, he assumed it was her. Making his way into the kitchen he was surprised to see Sophia. “God dad you made me jump! I didn’t think anyone was up,” she snapped. “What are you doing, you should be in bed.” “I couldn’t sleep, is mum up?” “No, she’s gone to bed, I’m just having a coffee then I’m going up.” He could tell by her expression that something wasn’t quite right, sitting down with her he said, “Why can’t you sleep then princess, is something on your mind, is it school?” “School’s fine,” then she shocked him by saying, “Are you going to leave us dad?” “No of course not, why would you even think that?” The expression on her face was telling him that she wished she’d never asked especially when she said, “Oh nothing, it doesn’t matter, and anyway I’m going back to bed now.” “Hang on a minute Sophia, I asked you why you asked, and I’m waiting for an answer.” “I heard mum crying earlier, when I asked her why she said it was nothing. Then later on, I heard her talking to someone on the phone, they were talking about divorce.” Suddenly he felt vulnerable, who had she been on the phone to, why had she been crying. Trying to act normally he said, “I’m sure your mums fine, you don’t think I’d ever leave you do you, now get yourself off to bed, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Kissing him on the cheek she left carrying her glass of milk. Finishing his coffee he headed upstairs.

  Isabella was sitting up in bed reading; she didn’t even bother to look up as he entered. Getting in beside her he said, “Sorry about last night Belle, I know I should have called you, but it was difficult.” Sarcastically she replied, “Yes I can imagine.” Angry at her lack of interest along with her sarcasm, he snapped “No, you can’t imagine Belle you don’t even play poker, once you’re playing you can’t leave the table!” She didn’t reply, she just nodded and continued reading her book. Still concerned over what Sophia had said, he put his hand under the duvet and ran it up the inside of her leg. Quickly she edged over in the bed and said, “I’m reading Tony, leave me alone.” Agitated he snapped at her, “You moan about me never being here Belle, but when I am you give me the cold shoulder.” Calmly laying her book down on her lap she looked round to him and replied, “Tony I’m not doing this tonight and how dare you even try and make me feel like I’ve done something wrong! I wasn’t the one who didn’t come home last night!” “I said I was sorry, I told you I was playing poker!” Trying to hold back her tears, she said sarcastically, “Yes I know that’s what you told me.” “Don’t be fucking sarcastic Belle; I’m not in the mood.” Sounding as though she really didn’t care, she replied, “Neither am I Tony.” She lifted her book and tried to read, but she was finding it hard not to burst into tears. Tony was seething that she had answered him back in such a derogatory way, but he still needed to know who she’d been talking to on the phone. Keeping his cool he slipped his arm over her and said, “Belle put the book down and talk to me.” Sighing she replied, “There’s nothing to talk about Tony, please just leave me alone.” Using all his charm he said, “How can I leave you alone when you feel so fucking good babe?” “Please Tony go to sleep, you’ll wake the kids.” “Sophia’s awake; I’ve just spoken to her downstairs.” Turning to look at him she said, “Was she, why?” “She came downstairs for a drink, said she couldn’t sleep.” With a look of concern she said, “I’ll have a chat with her tomorrow, just to see if anything’s worrying her.” That was his chance to find out about the phone conversation. Without hesitating he replied, “No need, she told me it’s because of you.” “Me, everything is fine between us, why would she say it was me?” “She said you’d been crying and apparently she heard you talking on the phone about divorcing me?” Totally shocked and angry that Sophia had said that, she snapped back at him, “That’s rubbish! I don’t know what she’s talking about. I’ll speak to her in the morning and sort it out.” “Well you must have been talking to someone for her to even think it.” “Yes I was, and I think I know why she’s jumped to that conclusion. I’ll talk to her about it tomorrow.” “I want to talk about it now; I’m curious why you would be talking to anyone about divorce?” “Is that what this is all about Tony, you think I want a divorce?” “Well do you Belle?” Angry with him, she placed her book on her bedside cabinet and switched off her lamp. Then moving down in the bed she pulled the duvet over her and rolled over as she said, “Goodnight Tony!” Almost at boiling pitch, he angrily said, “I asked you if you want a divorce Belle!” Still angry over the conversation she said, “Why, do you Tony? Everyone knows this isn’t the life you want anymore, so just tell me!” A sudden surge of panic ran through him. Pulling her over to face him he said, “You and the kids are my life Belle, I thought you knew that.” Sick of hearing his bullshit without answering him she tried to roll over again as she said, “Just go to sleep Tony.”

  During their married life he had never even considered the idea that she may actually ever want to divorce him, but suddenly he didn’t feel so confident. Gently placing his arm around her he said, “Belle please talk to me, why are you being like this, you know I love you more than my own life don’t you?” Still facing away from him she replied, “Tony I’m tired, please leave me alone.” Determined to get a response he had to say something that would get her attention. Heartlessly he said, “This is because Carlo’s here isn’t it, maybe I should tell him to go.” Immediately turning to face him she snapped, “It’s got nothing to do with him, it’s about us, how dare you use my son!” “Don’t think I don’t notice a change in you Belle when he’s here and I know exactly what he thinks about me, I heard him telling you in the kitchen.” “He worries about me that’s all, you know what he’s like, how do you think he felt this morning in front of James?” “I could fucking care less about wise boy James and as for Carlo, I’m his father he should respect me.” “You were always the one who told him you have to earn respect.” Raising his voice he snapped, “So by that you’re saying I don’t deserve respect, especially in my own home?” She shocked him
by saying, “Actually Tony, I don’t think you deserve respect at all, because you have none for me or our children!” Now in the throes of a row they both sat up. Tony looked very aggressive as he replied, “I will have respect in my house, tell him that or he leaves! Do I make myself clear!” “Perfectly, but while he’s here do you think you could behave like a father should!” “Just what do you mean by that?” “I mean, if you have to stay out all night with one of your tarts, at least change your clothes before you eat breakfast with your family!” Momentarily stunned by what she’d said, it was a few moments before he replied, “So you think I was with a woman, that’s why you’re acting like this?” “Oh please Tony, how stupid do you think I am? Just try being a bit more discreet, that’s all I’m asking!” Something in her voice told him that no matter what he said she wouldn’t believe him. In desperation he said, “I swear on our children’s lives I was playing poker!” For the first time in years her anger got the better of her and she slapped his face as she said, “You bastard!” Grabbing her by the hair he pulled her head down to the pillow and held a clenched fist to her face. Never before had it come to this. It was precisely at that moment he realised he was losing his family. Looking down on his wife who was clearly afraid, he felt sick. Lowering his hand and letting go of her hair he said, “I love you Belle.” Too upset to reply she just lay there. “Please Belle say you forgive me babe.” Tears rolling down her face she just stared at him. Still kissing her he moved over so he was lying between her legs. “Please Tony don’t do this,” she said pitifully. Using his hand to guide his cock into her, he replied, “Don’t we always make up babe?” Fighting back her tears she didn’t reply, she just laid there as he thrust himself hard into her. Finally he finished. Waiting until he moved off of her before she said, “I need to use the bathroom.” A few minutes later she returned and getting in bed said, “It’s late Tony, let’s get some sleep.” Lying next to her in a calm voice he said, “You didn’t tell me who you were talking to on the phone about divorce?” Knowing he wouldn’t leave it until she told him she replied, “Sarah O’Shaunessey from church.” “Why was that then, is she getting divorced?” “Yes, it looks that way.” “Why was she talking to you about it then?” “Because I’m her friend, we have children the same age.” “I expect she’s upset if her husband wants it and she doesn’t, especially being Catholic?” “Actually she’s the one who wants it, she’s met someone else.” It was obvious from his silence that he was shocked by what she’d just said. “I want to go to sleep now Tony.” Curious to know more he said, “Is she a bit tarty then, does she sleep around?” Too tired and hurt to get into another argument she said, “No she’s very nice, it’s her husband who sleeps around.” “So because of that she went out and started shagging someone else, she sounds like a real gem of a wife.” Isabella knew he was trying to justify his own behaviour by making her friend sound bad. Feeling an overwhelming need to defend her she replied, “The man she’s seeing is really nice, he’s a member of our church group, he’s a widower who treats her wonderfully. She deserves some happiness after what her husband has put her through, the man’s a pig. Father Michael is helping them come to terms with everything, thankfully he isn’t judging them. It was him who asked me to call Sarah because she having a bad time at the moment.” “We’ll never divorce Belle, because we love each other to much.” Exhausted by him she replied, “Tony it’s late just get some sleep.” “Answer me Belle; I said we’ll never divorce.” Without any sound of conviction in her voice she replied, “No Tony, we’ll never divorce.” Feeling strangely smug he put his arm around her and kissed the back of her neck as he said, “Night Belle.” She never replied.


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