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Billy's Move

Page 19

by Karen Clow

  Thankfully the next few days passed without any arguments. Tony even took the family and James out for dinner at one of his restaurants. Carlo knew it was because he was trying to play happy families, he also knew his father would never change, but seeing his mum happy made having to be pleasant to his dad bearable, although he knew his dad was just putting on an act.

  Isabella felt sad when Carlo and James were getting ready to leave on Thursday morning. Going into Carlo’s room she sat on his bed and folded his clothes as he packed. Closing his suitcase he touched her hand and said, “Will you be alright mum?” “Of course I will, I’ll have your next visit to look forward to.” Taking on a serious face he replied, “Please mum, don’t let dad treat you badly, you can call me anytime and I’ll come and get you ok.” Trying to reassure him she said, “Carlo stop worrying, I know it’s hard for you to understand but he needs me and he does love me.” “If he loved you mum he wouldn’t treat you the way he does.” “Let’s not have this conversation today, I’m so happy that you came and I really like James.” Raising his eyebrows and grinning he replied, “Yes, and James really likes you too mum.” Playfully slapping his leg she laughed and said, “Behave Carlo, I’m your mother!” “I know, but to James you’re one hot momma!” They both laughed as they made their way downstairs.

  Tony hadn’t stayed home to see Carlo off, using business as his excuse. After putting their suitcases in the car, Carlo hugged her. “Take care mum; I’ll call to let you know we got back ok.” “Oh, I almost forgot,” said Isabella, “I’ve packed you some lunch.” Turning round she rushed back into the house, returning a few moments later with a carrier bag, which contained two lunch boxes. “There you go; I made it fresh this morning.” Hugging her again he said, “Mum we could have stopped for something on the way.” “I know, but I wanted to do it, I like looking after you.” They kissed one another on the cheek before Carlo got in the car. James was waiting to say goodbye to her. Since he’d told her that he fancied her she had found it hard to give him eye contact, partly through embarrassment and partly because she felt flattered. Leaning over to kiss his cheek she wasn’t surprised when he embraced her, but she was surprised when he dropped one of his hands down her back and squeezed her buttock. Before she could say anything he smiled and said, “Thanks for letting me stay, it’s been great, hopefully I’ll be invited back sometime? Take care Isabella. Maybe you’ll consider taking a break with Carlo and I, we’d really like that?” Still in shock from what he’d done, she just smiled and nodded. Waving as they pulled away, she called, “Drive carefully and call me.”


  Back in Kent Mickey had just answered his phone to Shaun, “Alright Shaun what’s up?” “Nothing’s up Mick, I’m just calling to tell you one of my boys is going to stay at the pub when Shane goes on Friday.” “That’s good of him, but I can do it.” “Aye I know, but I’ve got it covered. Anyway it’s been ok; maybe those two yobbos got the message, with any luck that’s the last we’ll see of them.” “Let’s hope you’re right Shaun. Before you go mate there’s someone who wants to speak to you.” Passing the receiver to Maria he watched as her face lit up as she talked to him and hearing the excitement in her voice as she told him about the letter she was expecting from her brother.

  Twenty minutes later she passed the phone back to Mickey and said, “Say goodbye darling, Shaun has got to go.” Laughing as he took the phone, he said, “Cheeky cow, this was our call in the fucking first place!” They all laughed.

  Later that morning, Maria asked the family if they could watch the triplets so she could pop over to see Jess. Her reason was, Jess had called her twice about babysitting that night and Maria had sensed she was feeling nervous. Mickey joked and said, “She should be nervous if Billy’s reputation is anything to go by.” “Mickey that’s disgusting, I’m sure she’ll be fine.” They both laughed as he replied, “Oh I’m sure she will, if big Billy has anything to do with it!”

  Less than an hour later Maria arrived at the cottage, Jess looked surprised as she opened the door to find her standing there. “Come in I didn’t expect to see you today.” “You don’t mind do you, only Mickey and mum said they’d watch the kids so I could have a break.” “No I’m really pleased to see you, tell you the truth Maria I can’t stop thinking about tonight, I’m really nervous.”

  As they made their way to the kitchen, Maria noticed the cottage was spotless and tidy. “Where’s Becky,” asked Maria. “She’s having a nap, I think she’s teething. She didn’t sleep to well last night.” “Melissa’s the same at the moment; I think it’s her teeth as well.”

  Taking their tea through to the lounge, Maria was the first one to say, “So you’re a bit nervous about it then?” “Oh God Maria, as much as I want it to happen I’m terrified. I just hope I can go through with it.” “You’ll be fine Jess, I’m sure Billy won’t make you do anything you don’t want to.” “I know, but I keep trying to imagine what it’s going to be like, when I get to a certain point I feel sick.” “After what happened to you sweetheart that’s not surprising is it, why don’t you just tell him?” “No, I don’t want him to know, perhaps I should put tonight off for a while?” “It won’t make it any easier Jess, just try and relax; you never know you might even enjoy it.” Nodding her head Jess said excitedly, “I’ve bought some new underwear, do you want to see it?” “Of course, what colour is it?” “Pink, is that alright.” Laughing she replied, “I’m sure Billy will love it whatever colour it is, anyway you probably won’t have it on long enough for him to notice!” Jess laughed before saying, “Oh quick I need a wee,” as she dashed off to the toilet. Maria knew her sudden need to empty her bladder was because she was so nervous. Having been in the same situation herself in the past she felt for her, but she was in no doubt that Billy would be gentle and loving.

  When she left around half one, she noticed that Jess seemed a bit calmer. “See you tonight,” she said as she kissed Becky then her mum. Jess lifted Becky’s hand and said, “Wave to Aunty Maria, see you later, thanks for everything.” Standing at the gate she waved until Maria drove out of sight. Turning to go back into the cottage she heard a car engine start up, looking round she saw a woman sitting in a Range Rover staring at her. Her first thought was the woman was looking for a particular property, but as Jess smiled at her she had a feeling she’d seen her somewhere before. It was as the woman gave her a frightening stare that she went back into the cottage, locking the door behind her. Inside she put Becky in her playpen and went to the window to see if she had gone, thankfully there was no sign of her. Putting the woman out of her mind she played with Becky.

  Back at Maria’s it was just before seven that evening when Billy came downstairs ready to go and pick Jess and Becky up. Mickey wolf whistled him as he walked into the kitchen. Typically of Billy he gave him a twirl. “You look very handsome tonight,” said Maria, “I’m sure Jess will be impressed.” In his loveable rough way he replied, “I know babe, I just hope all the other girls will be able to control themselves around me, I don’t want Jess getting jealous!” “Fuck me!” said Mickey, “God’s gift to women is alive and well living in Kent, poor Jess she doesn’t know what she’s letting herself in for.” Maria jokingly replied, “Oh I think she does!” They all laughed. Unable to keep it to herself a moment later she said, “Actually Billy, you weren’t the only one who asked us to baby sit tonight, Jess did as well. She wants to surprise you; do you think you could go along with it?” “Funnily enough, when I mentioned about tonight and said I’ll ask you if you could have Becky because I couldn’t let on that I’d already arranged it, she did say she knew there wouldn’t be a problem.” Picking up his car keys he grinned and said, “Well it looks like I’ll definitely be out all night then, doesn’t it?” They all noticed that Maria looked serious as she said, “Just take things easy Billy, she’s had a bad experience.” Realising immediately she had now made them curious, she quickly added, “What I meant was, having Becky and the father n
ot wanting to know, things have been tough on her.” “No worries babe, after tonight I can guarantee her faith in men will be restored” “I know and that’s what worries me,” laughed Maria. “I’m off now, I’ll be back within half hour,” said Billy as he headed for the door. “Drive carefully, see you in a minute,” called Maria.

  After Billy had left, Mickey looked at her and said, “So are you going to tell me what’s gone on with Jess, or am I not allowed to ask?” Hating herself for keeping things from him she looked lovingly at him and said, “Is it that obvious?” “Well let’s just say babe, I’m not as stupid as people think. I know something’s amiss with Becky’s father.” Feeling torn between her loyalty to him as her husband and the promise she’d made to Jess, she replied, “I promised her Mickey I wouldn’t say anything, but I really don’t feel this man should get away with what he did.” Jokingly he replied, “Ok babe, but if you can’t tell me, don’t say anymore because the suspense is killing me now!” “If I tell you Mickey, you’ve got to promise me you won’t tell anyone, especially Jess. I would hate her to think that she can’t trust me.” “Jess knows she can trust you babe, you’re the one person she does trust but you know I wouldn’t say anything.” Fighting with her conscience for several moments she decided to tell him. He listened as she described what had happened to Jess at the hands of solicitor, Neville Howard. When she finished she said, “He’s got away with what he did because of who he is, it makes me sick.” Putting his arm around her he replied, “Me too babe, I’ve met him, he’s a pompous arsehole.” “What’s he like Mickey, she was barely sixteen.” “In a word babe, repulsive, he’s about forty five, fat, precocious, arrogant and in my opinion not the great solicitor he thinks he is.” “Oh that poor girl, no wonder she’s kept it to herself. She’s terrified if she says anything now he’d have Becky taken away from her. If it did come out could he do that?” She could tell by the look on his face he was thinking about what she’d just said, so she wasn’t surprised when he replied, “Well technically, as she never reported it at the time she would have a hard time convincing anyone it was rape. If he convinced them they were having a relationship, then he would have certain rights to Becky.” “Oh no Mickey; that would kill Jess, can you imagine what it would be like for her?” “Hang on a minute, if you let me finish I’ll tell you what I was going to say. He thinks everything would go his way and look bad on Jess, because he could convince everyone that the rape never happened.” Maria interrupted him and said, “Well there’s no way she can prove he raped her, so technically he’s laughing isn’t he?” “Not necessarily babe. If we could get him to admit to it, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be too keen to pursue it.” Raising her eyebrows she replied, “Oh yeah I’m sure he’s going to raise his hand on the bible and say, yes I raped her.” “Of course he won’t, but as they say, there’s more than one way to skin a cat. I think I know a way of doing it, but Jess would have to go along with the plan.” Before they could continue they heard the door go and Billy’s voice saying, “Honey we’re home.” “We’re in here,” called Maria.

  Billy came in carrying Becky, with Jess following. “You look lovely Jess,” said Mickey, “You’re a lucky man Billy.” Grinning he replied, “I know, doesn’t she look beautiful tonight?” Maria interrupted and said, “She certainly does, now give that other little beauty to me or you’ll be late for dinner.” Billy passed Becky over to her and said, “Now be a good girl, me and your mum will see you in the morning.” Then smiling at Maria he added, “Any problems just give us a bell, I won’t be drinking much tonight, so I can drive over in ten minutes to pick her up, ok?” Laughing Maria replied, “Oh I think we can manage for one night, don’t you Mickey?” Jokingly he replied, “The first sign of any tooth fighting its way through and she’s on her way home, I need my beauty sleep!” Everyone laughed. After saying their goodbyes Billy said, “Come on babe, I booked a table for quarter past eight, we’d best get going.

  In the car he could sense that she was reluctant about leaving the baby again, as he pulled away he said, “Becky will be fine babe.” “I know, but it’s the first time I’ve ever left her all night and it seems strange.” Reassuringly he squeezed her knee and said, “Can you think of anyone better to leave her with?” “No and I know she loves them.” “I agree, so stop looking so worried. We’re going to have a great time tonight!”

  Throughout the meal Billy was very attentive and repeatedly told her how lovely she looked. She was wearing a low cut short blue dress that Maria had given her, although at first she thought it was too short and sexy, but once she’d done her hair and makeup she felt less conscious in it. Even when they arrived at the club M4 later that night not once did he leave her, even in front of his friends he openly kissed her and sat all evening with his arm around her.

  Despite the club being open until two, it was just before midnight when he said, “Do you want to stay till closing babe, or shall we push off early?” “I don’t mind, it’s up to you.” “No babe, it’s up to you, we can stay if you want to?” Sensing that he wanted to go and in truth feeling the same, she smiled and said, “I’m happy to go, if you really don’t mind.” A few moments later they were making their way to the main door. George had arrived while they’d been inside. As they approached him he said, “You two are going. Mickey said you’d be here, how was dinner.” Jess smiled and replied, “It was lovely thank you George.” “Good and I must say you look lovely tonight Jess.” Then looking at Billy and smiling he added, “I hope you’re taking good care of her Billy?” “Of course George, you know I’m a gentleman.” They all laughed especially when George said, “And you just make sure he remains a gentleman Jess.” Billy couldn’t resist saying, “Now George you know I will, but it wouldn’t be my fault if she can’t keep her hands off me, would it?” Despite laughing, they both noticed Jess coloured up. Placing his arm round her shoulder Billy said, “Come on babe let’s get off home.”

  Back at the cottage, Billy took a bottle of wine out of the fridge that had been left over from the house warming party. Taking two glasses from the cupboard, he made his way into the lounge. After placing the bottle and glasses down on the coffee table, he walked over and switched on the table lamp, before turning off the main light. Jess could feel her stomach churning as he sat next to her and said, “There, that’s a bit more romantic isn’t it?” Moving closer to her he put his arm across her and started kissing her. It was as she felt his hand slowly moving up under her dress, she stopped and said, “Shall I pour the wine?” Sensing she was nervous, he smiled and nodded. Sipping her wine she tried to make conversation by saying, “Maybe I shouldn’t leave Becky all night?” Grinning he took her glass from her and placed it on the table as he said, “Becky’s fine, now where were we?” Pushing her down gently with his body weight, he began kissing her again. Suddenly she felt panicked as the rape flashed through her mind. Pushing him off she said, “Sorry Billy I can’t!” Lovingly he replied, “There’s no need to be worried Jess, I wouldn’t do anything you didn’t want me to babe.” With her breathing getting heavier and her chest tightening she replied, “I know, but I can’t have sex with you, I’m sorry,” Without sounding angry he said, “Come on babe, you know how I feel about you.” He tried kissing her again as he ran his hand over her breast. “Stop it Billy!” she shouted as she pushed in off again. Totally bewildered as to the responses he was getting he said, “What’s going on Jess, all night you’ve been giving me the come on and now you’re acting like it’s your first fucking time!” Through her fear she said, “I want you to leave Billy, please just go!” Although he was in control of his temper, he felt angry and said, “Don’t play fucking games with me Jess I’m not in the mood, the way you’re acting anyone would think you’re a virgin and we both know that’s not the case.” Suddenly she burst into tears and screamed at him, “If I hadn’t been raped, I would be a virgin!” Shocked by her revelation he sat back from her and gathered his thoughts while Jess just sat there sobbing. Moments
passed then he reached over and took her hand saying, “Babe, why didn’t you tell me?” Unable to answer him, she just sobbed. Billy took her wine from on the table and handed it to her, “Drink this babe, it’ll help.” Slowly she sipped the wine, when she finished he poured her another. Finally she stopped crying.


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