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Billy's Move

Page 41

by Karen Clow

  A few moments later he was tapping on the door of his dad’s room. Several minutes passed before the door opened. Carlo just stood there as Zoë said; “Yeah can I help you?” She was wearing his dad’s shirt which barely covered anything. At that moment Carlo felt nothing but disgust for her and his dad. He was just about to walk away when his dad’s voice called out, “Who is it babe?” Before she could reply Carlo threw the case down at her feet and said, “Tell him it was his son Carlo, now you can get back to fucking him!” Zoë just stood there with her mouth open as he walked away. As Tony called out to her again, she picked up the case and shut the door before replying, “He said he was your son Carlo.” Instantly Tony jumped out of bed and rushed into the room. Recognising his suit case he arrogantly snapped at her, “What the fuck did you say to him?” Angry that he was speaking to her that way, she snapped back at him and said, “I never said anything, but he implied I was a whore.” Without so much as a second thought Tony said, “Well he was right, now get dressed and fuck off!” “Fuck off yourself; I can see where your son gets his charm from!” She would have said more, but she didn’t want to lose her job.

  Downstairs in the lobby Kelsey spotted Carlo and said, “That was a quick visit.” Trying not to show his anger, because he didn’t feel she needed to know what had happened he replied, “Yeah, like I said I woke him up. Once he’s had two or three coffee’s he’ll be human. Anyway I’ve got some things to do so I’ll see you later.”

  She waved as he left the hotel.

  Tony dressed quickly and rushed out of the room in the hope of catching him. Racing down the stairs his mind was going into overdrive wondering whether or not his son would tell Isabella. Reaching the reception area he quickly glanced round but the reception desk wasn’t being manned. He ran out into the car park.

  Carlo was just pulling out. Tony waved out to him, but his son ignored him. Left with no choice Tony stood in front of the exit, forcing Carlo to stop. Still standing there, he shouted for Carlo to park the car. Pulling into a space he just sat there as his dad opened the passenger door and got in. “I’ve got nothing to say to you dad, get out of my car!” Desperate to talk to him Tony said, “Please Carlo I can explain.” Seething with anger his son replied, “Don’t bother dad, it would only be another pack of lies. You disgust me; I’m ashamed that you’re my father!” Clenching his fist Tony said, “Don’t fucking talk to me like that you cocky little bastard!” Before he could continue Carlo said, “Before you hit me dad, just remember I’m not mum or Vito, I’ll hit back! How can mum even stand to have you near her, you’re just a fucking joke dad. You’re never going to change; mum’s better off without you!” Feeling that his son wasn’t about to back down, he started begging almost on the brink of tears. Carlo was so angry he said, “That won’t work dad. I should never have let you con me before. Why dad, why, you don’t deserve mum, it makes me feel sick listening to you. Last night she kept defending you over and over again, worried about me bringing your stuff over in case you thought she was being funny. No more dad! For once in your life act like a man and do the decent thing and divorce her then you can fuck all your little whores!” Shouting Tony said, “That’s enough Carlo! I’ve killed people for talking to me like that!” “Do you think I didn’t know that, how stupid do you think I am? Frankly dad I don’t give a damn what you do, as long as you leave mum alone. I mean it give her a divorce; or I’ll tell her she has a right to know what type of worm you are!” Without thinking Tony punched him and shouted, “Don’t fucking push me Carlo, you’ll keep your mouth shut! If your mother hadn’t told me to leave, I wouldn’t have needed a whore last night!” Holding back his tears Carlo shouted back, “How dare you blame her, how fucking dare you! Not once has she ever looked at another man and you being here last night was because of what you’ve put her through you bastard! Just how many whores have you fucked dad since you’ve been married to her, or is it so many that you’ve lost count? Now get out of my car, I’ve nothing else to say to you. I don’t have a father anymore!” With a deadly look his dad replied, “I’m warning you Carlo, don’t do this. I love your mum, she knows that and we will get back together and where will that leave you?” “Get out my car dad, go back to your whore I’m sure she’s wondering where you’ve got to?” Carlo couldn’t believe his ears as his dad said, “I’ll give you fifty thousand if you forget this morning ever happened.” He was so angry that his dad thought he could be bought; he just looked at him as though he’d just crawled out from under a rock and said, “Get out!”

  Tony walked back into the hotel. Despite his anger he was worried about what Carlo would do. “Hello Mr Ramon,” said Kelsey. Without replying he just nodded at her. As he got nearer to the reception she said, “I didn’t realise you were Carlo’s dad, but I can see now, God you’re so alike.” Stopping to speak to her he said, “So you know Carlo?” “Yes we were at college together; he’s taking me out tonight.” Happy to hear that Carlo wouldn’t be with Isabella later he put on the charm and pretended he was interested by saying, “So where are you going then, somewhere nice I hope. Is he taking you to one of my restaurants or clubs?” Feeling a little in awe of him she replied, “No it’s my sister’s engagement party.” Smiling smugly because he could see she was impressed he said, “Get him to bring you one of my clubs afterwards, and if you leave the party early go for a meal first.” “Thank you Mr Ramon, that’s very nice of you.” “That’s what family is all about, he’s not very happy with me at the moment; family problems. Anyway you take care now, enjoy yourself later and don’t forget to tell him what I said.” With that he left to go to his room. Passing Zoë as he approached his room door, he said, “Sorry about that, I’ll see you at the club later babe.” She just nodded and continued walking.


  Maria had just ended a call to Monica, inviting her and the family to a barbeque later that afternoon which she had readily accepted. Maria then called Jess; the phone rang for several minutes before Jess said, “Hello!” “Hi Jess, sorry to ring I know Billy’s asleep, but we just wanted to ask you all to come to a barbeque later.” “Oh we’d love too, as for Billy being asleep, a bomb could drop on the place and it wouldn’t wake him! What time do you want us there and what should I bring?” “We’re going to start it early about half three, because of George and Billy having to work and the kids going to bed.” “We’ll be there, what shall I bring?” “Just yourselves, there’s nothing we need, Mickey and Den are doing the cooking, they’ve gone to the village butchers to buy the food, God only knows what we’ll end up with.” Laughing Jess replied, “Billy won’t care as long as it’s edible.” Joking Maria said, “I can’t guarantee that!” They both laughed and chatted some more before ending the call.

  It was just before lunch when Den and Mickey returned from their shopping trip. Maria and Mary were shocked at the amount they’d bought. “I don’t know how many people you two thought would be coming, but there’s enough here to feed a small country,” said Mary as she began unpacking the bags. “It was dad’s fault, I kept saying I think we’ve got enough, but he was like a man possessed, every time the butcher showed us something else dad said, “Yeah, go on give us a dozen of them!” Den cut in and said, “You lying little shit, it was you who was like a kid in a sweet shop!” Everyone laughed.

  By three o’clock Monica and George arrived with the boys. “Sorry we’re early, but we made the mistake of telling the boys we were coming here. They’ve nearly driven us mad, keep asking ‘are we going yet!’ Where are the twins?” Everyone laughed as Maria replied, “They’re helping their dad and granddad with the preparation; bit sad really it’s a gas barbeque, he’s only got to turn it on!”

  Ten minutes later Jess and Billy arrived. “Now everyone’s here shall we go round and see how Delia and Nigella are getting on,” joked Mary. “Well I can’t smell anything burning, that’s got to be a good sign,” laughed Billy.

  To everyone’s surprise the food was delicious. As the ad
ults sat chatting the older children played with the babies. Mickey had been waiting for the right moment to talk to Jess about setting up Neville Howard. They all noticed that Jess held Billy’s hand as soon as his name was mentioned and after just a few minutes into the conversation she said, “I’ve been thinking about it, maybe we don’t need to do it, especially now I’m marrying Billy?” Maria could tell she was terrified of actually seeing Neville so smiling she said, “We all understand how you feel sweetheart, but you can’t have this hanging over you. He should pay for what he did.” Nervously she replied, “I just want him to admit to what he did so he can never take Becky away from me.” Instantly Billy said, “No-one’s ever going to take her away babe, I’ve told you that. Maria’s right, you can’t let him get away with it, believe me if you don’t put this to rest it will haunt you.” Almost on the brink of tears she looked at him and said, “I know, but I just don’t think I can do it, what if he doesn’t admit it and tries to do something to me.” Reassuringly Mickey said, “Babe rest assured he wouldn’t get the chance. I promise you, we won’t let anything happen, but they’re right he can’t get away with it.” Nodding her head she said, “Ok if you’re sure he won’t be able to hurt me, but what exactly would I have to do?” George listened as they began talking about it. Although he agreed that Neville should admit to what he’d done, he was worried that what they were doing definitely wasn’t legal. Although since being with Monica he’d come to realise that a lot of the things they did weren’t entirely kosher. Finally he decided to say something, not that he wanted to be seen as the goody, goody, it was more to protect Jess. Monica looked at the others and said, “Once a copper, always a copper.” Feeling a bit hard done by George was quick to say, “I’m only concerned about Jess, that’s all.” Mickey cut it, “Actually George I can see where you’re coming from, I’ve thought about it a lot. All we need is to make the bastard aware that we know. Believe me, in my experience of this type of thing is, once you’ve shown someone in their true colours they’re usually not so gobby. If I’m honest George my preference would be have the bastard beaten to death with a crowbar.” “Mine too, shall we go for that option,” said Billy. George was thinking about what they’d just said when Monica cut in, “If Jess was our daughter I’d want him to pay, wouldn’t you?” To everyone’s surprise he instantly replied, “Oh he would, I’d probably beat him to death myself!” “Fuck me, we might just make a gangster of you yet George,” joked Billy. Everyone laughed especially when he replied, “I may still think like a copper as my wife so kindly reminded me, but if I’m honest I think there’s a lot to be said for people like you. We all know because of who Howard is and what he does, he would get away with it and that ain’t right. I just wanted to let you know whatever way you decide to do this, I’m with you ok?” Billy couldn’t resist saying, “Great, why don’t we just get you to kill the fucker, save us all this fannying about?” Even George laughed along with the others.

  When the banter stopped, Mickey looked at Jess and said, “So are we going to run with this then, the choice has to be yours babe?” Clutching Billy’s hand, she nodded. “Right then, I’ve been giving it a lot of thought. Our main problem is getting him alone with you, but I think there’s a way.” “Let’s hear it then Mick,” said Billy. “Well I’m banking on the fact that Neville still thinks Jess is the quiet country girl who walked his dog. Now we all know she’s not, it could just be the angle we need. I’ve no doubt Jess that when he sees you he will be very surprised, so what we need is for you to project your new confident image.” Nervously she said, “But I’m not confident, especially around him, he terrifies me.” Reassuringly Mickey smiled and said, “We all know that babe, but he doesn’t, so it would come as a big shock when you tell him that before you marry Billy boy here, you are going to tell him what happened. I can guarantee Neville won’t want you doing that and the moment he can get you alone, he will tell you so. All we need to do is make sure you go into the club office, so we can get it all on tape.” “What if I can’t do it and what reason would I have for going into the office?” “That won’t be a problem; you just let him hear you say you want to use the phone because you can’t get a reception on your mobile. As to whether you can do it, I’ve every confidence in you as I’m sure everyone does. If you can’t then just remember we’re right next door and we ‘ll send George in to kill him.” Along with the others Jess laughed at the reference to George before looking at Mickey and saying, “Ok I’ll do it; I just hope I don’t let anyone down.” “You just think of the wonderful life you and Becky are going to have with Billy love, that’ll give you the courage to see it through,” said Mary. Just as Jess thanked her, Madeline came over and said, “Mummy, Martin smells, I think he’s done one.” Laughing Maria replied, “Sounds like a job for me.” The ladies left to sort the kids out, leaving the men still talking about Neville.


  Carlo watched his mum as she bowled; she looked as though she was actually enjoying herself. When he returned from seeing his dad that morning, he had intended telling her what had happened but she had been so eager to hear if Tony was ok, Carlo decided at that time not to mention it. Rather than lie to her, he’d said that his dad had left by the time he got there.

  It was when they were having dinner later that evening Isabella said, “I wonder if I should call your dad and explain why we dropped his clothes off.” Quickly Carlo replied, “Why don’t you wait for him to call you mum, anyway I told Kelsey to explain to him that I’d hoped to see him, she’ll tell him.” With a curious expression she replied, “Whose Kelsey?” Grinning he said, “She’s a girl I know, she works at the hotel, actually I’m taking her out tonight.” “Is she nice, where are you taking her?” “It’s an engagement party and yes mum, she’s very nice.” “Why don’t you invite her for dinner tomorrow, I’d love to meet her.” Laughing he replied, “I’m only taking her out tonight mum, for all I know she may not want to go out with me again.” “Rubbish of course she will, a handsome, polite young man like you.” The others all laughed as mother and son bantered about girlfriends.

  Two hours later, Sophia wolf whistled as Carlo came down the stairs ready for his date with Kelsey. “You look very handsome Carlo, you really remind me of your dad when he was young. I just hope if you ever settle down you’ll have a bit more respect than him for women,” said Isabella. In a serious tone he replied, “Don’t worry mum, I’d never be like him.” Looking sad she said, “What time are you picking her up?” “Quarter to eight, I don’t know whether to drive and not drink, or book a cab?” “I can run you if you like.” Before he had time to reply Sophia quickly said, “Great, then I can come with you and see what Kelsey looks like.” Grinning at his mum he said, “Thanks anyway mum, but I think I’ll drive. I can always leave my car there and pick it up tomorrow.” “Ok darling, but if you need a lift home just phone me, have a wonderful time, drive carefully.”

  Five minutes after Carlo had left they heard the front door open. Isabella joked and said, “What’s he forgotten?” They were all surprised to see Tony walk into the lounge. Unbeknown to them he had been sitting out of sight in his car waiting for Carlo to leave. Still not knowing whether or not his son had said anything to her, he felt slightly uneasy as she looked at him. His fear was quickly followed by an overwhelming sense of relief as she said, “I’m sorry Carlo missed you this morning, I hope you didn’t think I was being funny sending your things over to you, only we went out today.” Despite his relief, he instantly wondered where they’d been, especially as he had tried to call the house several times earlier, but couldn’t get a reply. At the time he had imagined all sorts of things, like perhaps Carlo had told her and that was why she wasn’t answering. It was because of that he’d driven over that evening to try and put things right with her. Trying to act normal he replied, “Yeah I’m sorry I missed him, if I’d have known he was coming I’d have waited to see him, so where did you go today then babe?” “Carlo took me bowling, we had
a lovely time.” “Good, maybe next time you go I’ll come with you.” Isabella just nodded. It was almost as though she was telling him she knew the chance of it ever happening was unlikely. “So what brings you here Tony, did I forget to send something?” “No babe, I just wondered if you might fancy going out for a drink or something tonight?” Questioning his motives as to why he was there and thinking he didn’t want to be in the hotel, he wanted to be home, she replied, “I’ll leave it if you don’t mind, I’m really tired I’m going to have a bath and an early night.” Before he could reply Sophia said, “No you’re not mum; you told Carlo you’d pick him up later if he needed a lift.” Horrified that her daughter had dropped her in it, she quickly stood up and said, “I’m going to make a drink does anybody want one?” The kids said no thanks and resumed watching the TV. Tony nodded saying “I’ll have a coffee if there’s one going.” Wishing at that point that she’d never asked she hurriedly made her way to the kitchen. Tony followed her.


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