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Billy's Move

Page 42

by Karen Clow

  Waiting until she was making the drinks he said, “Why didn’t you just say you didn’t want to come out with me Belle?” Embarrassed she replied, “Its not that I didn’t want to, it’s just that.” She stopped and hesitated before continuing, “I’m not sure how I feel at the moment Tony.” “What do you mean babe?” Hating him for the position he was now putting her in, she replied “Well you’ve only just moved out and I know it would be so easy for you to move back, but things need to change first and I need to be certain it will work. I think what I’m trying to say is, it might be better if we separated?” Sensing that she was unsure about him, he moved next to her and slipped his hand round her waist. Moving away from him she said, “Please Tony, lets just have a coffee.” Ignoring her he pulled her closer to him and said, “Come on babe don’t be like this.” With tears in her eyes she said, “Please Tony, give me some space. It’s only been a couple of days, maybe in a few weeks we can talk about it?” Feeling angry that his charm was failing to win her over he said, “Talk about what Belle, you know I’m coming back.” Nervously she replied, “In some ways I hope you’re right, but it’s too soon to talk about it. I’ve got a terrible headache would you mind if I went and had a lie down, you can spend some time with the kids before you go if you like?” Shocked by her unwillingness to talk to him, he just nodded his head. A few moments later she left and headed upstairs.

  Standing there in the kitchen he was aware she found his presence in the house upsetting. Finishing his coffee he went back into the lounge. Standing in the doorway he said, “I’m just going up stairs to talk to your mum, don’t interrupt us ok?” He noticed that Vito looked suspiciously at him before replying, “Don’t start shouting at her dad.” Sounding sincere he replied, “I won’t, I just need to discuss something with her.” As he turned to leave the room he saw Vito pick up the TV remote and turned the volume down so he could hear if his mum called out.

  Isabella was curled up on the bed as he entered the room. Instantly she sat up and said, “What do you want Tony?” Walking over and sitting down next to her he replied, “I just want to talk Belle.” “Please, can we do this another time?” Placing his arm around her he said, “Babe, have you missed me at all?” Wearily she looked tearful as she replied, “Of course I’ve missed you, but you’ve only been gone a day and I haven’t missed the arguments.” Pulling her closer to him he lovingly said, “Babe I hate being away from you and the kids, can’t we sort this out now so I can move back?” At that moment it would have been so easy for her to say yes, because despite all he’d put her through she still loved him. Then, as she sat there looking at him she thought back to how bad the last couple of months had been. With tears in her eyes she replied, “I think we should leave it for a while Tony.” Shocked by her reply he knew there was something playing on her mind, gently touching her face he said, “You know I never meant to hurt you babe and I promise it won’t happen again.” “It’s not just that Tony, I need to understand why there’s been this horrible change in you, maybe it’s my fault I don’t know, but until I do, I need to be on my own.” Needing to convince her that he was sincere he replied, “None of this is your fault babe, it’s all down to me, no excuses but you know the pressure I’m under with the businesses.” Needing to confront her fears she said, “I wish I could believe that’s all it is Tony then perhaps we could work it out. I know you think because I’m still in love with you I will agree to anything, well not this time. I can’t accept the anger and the violence.” “So what is it you want to say Belle, because there’s obviously something on your mind.” Knowing he wouldn’t want to hear what she needed to say she replied, “Can’t we just leave it the way it is at the moment, we can discuss it later.” With his patience fast running out, he questioned her by saying, “No let’s discuss it now Belle, I don’t want to leave it the way it is.” Pulling away from him she said, “Please don’t get angry Tony.” Realising how sharp he’d sounded, he pulled her back to him and said, “Please babe, tell me what’s going on.” After taking a few seconds to compose herself she replied, “Very well, to start with I’m not convinced you’re not still seeing Lydia.” Quickly he cut in and said, “Babe on my father’s grave it’s over with her, she meant nothing to me.” “Then why did you need her Tony, why do you need any of them? I try so hard to be a good wife to you, but I just don’t think I will ever be enough, and the reason you keep accusing me is because of your own infidelity. If you really loved me, you wouldn’t need anyone else. As much as it hurts me to say this, perhaps we should stay apart because I can’t compete with all the women you have, and in truth I don’t want to. I’m not stupid Tony, I know deep down you would like the life of a single man, but you enjoy the security of the family. That wouldn’t have to change if we lived separately, you would always be their dad and I’d like to think we’d stay friends. Maybe I’ve been fooling myself pretending that I enjoy our life together, when in reality it breaks my heart. Maybe I would like to go out more and do things like other couples, but we both know that isn’t going to happen. After all why would you want to take me out when you can have a twenty year old trophy hanging on your arm? Now if you don’t mind I really would like to be alone, we’ll talk another time.”

  Overwhelmed by what she’d just said he felt sorry for all the terrible things he’d done and what he’d put her through. At that moment he felt overwhelming guilt and emptiness as he tried to imagine his life without her. Gently he placed his hand on her cheek, he moved her head round to face him then he kissed her. Although she reciprocated he could sense that she was only doing it because she didn’t want an argument. As soon as the kiss ended she looked at him and said, “Please leave now Tony.” “Babe I don’t want to leave, I want to make love to you. I’ve missed you Belle.” Crying she replied, “Please don’t say that, I just can’t do this Tony.” Without replying he gently pushed her down onto the bed and kissed her again. Unresponsive she just laid there; even as he fondled her she didn’t do or say anything. It was only as he pushed his hand down the waistband of her trousers, she moved and said tearfully, “Please don’t Tony!” Quickly kissing her again so she couldn’t get up, he moved his leg over hers. Pushing him in an effort to free herself she asked him to stop. “Please babe, we need each other, don’t push me away, let me make love to you.” “Why Tony, to prove that you can, we both know you don’t need this.” “You’re wrong babe, I do nobody makes me feel the way you do.” “Let me up Tony, I can’t do this; nothing is ever going to change is it?” “Belle, please look at me.” Turning her head she looked up at him as he said, “I give you my solemn promise, I will never treat you badly again, please believe me babe I love you. I can’t bear us being apart. Things will change, I’ll make sure they do, I’ll try and be the husband you deserve.”

  Kissing her before she could reply, he whispered in her ear, “You’re the only women I want babe and the only one I’ll ever love. I’m so sorry I’ve been a fucking idiot.” Lying there she didn’t reply, but her body was telling her that she wanted him. Knowing that if he got round her nothing would ever change, she needed to be strong and resist. It was as he started undoing her blouse she said, “Tony stop it the children could walk in.” Getting up he walked over and locked the door, before heading back to the bed. To his surprise she was sitting up doing her blouse up and as he sat back down she said, “I think you should go Tony, if you still feel this way next week perhaps we could go out together.” “Babe I don’t want to wait till next week, I want to be here with you now.” “I can’t, next week, please Tony.” She started crying again. Holding her in his arms he said, “Can you ever forgive me babe?” Trembling, she cried, “I hope so, but.” Before she could finish what she was saying he leaned forward and began undoing her blouse again. “Tony, please don’t, just go please, you promised me you wouldn’t just turn up like this.” She just sat there as he ignored what she’d said and removed her top before undoing her bra and slipping it off of her. Sitting there half naked on
the bed he kissed her again and said, “You are so beautiful Belle, please stand up.” Almost as though she had gone past reasoning with him, she did as he’d asked. He stayed sitting down as he kissed her breasts and undid her trousers. Then pulling her panties down he just sat there looking at her. Belle never spoke she just stood in front of him as he fondle her. Pulling her close resting his head against her tummy he said, “God babe, I want you,” before slowly moving his head down her body. Gently pushing her legs apart he could feel her legs shaking as his tongue touched her intimately.

  Within seconds she was gripping his head in her hands as her legs began to fail her from the impact of what he was doing. Stopping briefly he said, “Lay down babe.” Almost at the point of orgasm she just stood there, so he gently pulled her down next to him, then standing up he lifted her legs onto the bed and promptly knelt in between them. As he looked at her he could see the tears rolling down her face onto the pillow. Moving forward he kissed and sucked her breasts as he lay between her legs. Slowly he moved downwards and resumed giving her oral sex; slowly and sensually he moved his tongue over her. Feeling her body arc as she came, but he didn’t stop, he carried on pleasuring her until she finally relaxed as her orgasm subsided.

  Feeling him move over her she waited for him to enter her, but he didn’t he just rolled over onto his back next to her and said, “Belle, make love to me the way you used to, please babe.” Sitting up she straddled over him and guided his cock into her. Holding her hips he gently moved her over him, gripping her tighter and moving faster before he came. “God babe that was amazing,” said Tony as she lay down next to him. Belle never spoke she just laid there for a few minutes before getting up to use the bathroom.

  Returning to the bedroom, she looked at him as he sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m going back downstairs Tony, what time are you leaving?” Frowning he replied, “I’m not babe, from now on I’m going to try and be home during the evenings.” Without replying she just nodded, before she unlocked the door and walked out.

  In the lounge the kids were still watching the TV. As soon as she entered Vito said, “Are you ok mum, where’s dad?” Smiling she replied, “I’m fine, dads upstairs I think he’ll be down soon. Do any of you want anything to eat or drink, I’m just making a pot of tea.” All of them nodded and agreed they would like some toast.

  It was inevitable that Tony would be staying there and although her head was telling her she should insist that he left, her heart wanted him to stay.

  Carlo was still out with Kelsey when the rest of the family including Tony turned in for the night around one.

  It was breakfast the next morning before Isabella was able to ask Carlo how his date had gone. She listened as he told her that he had really enjoyed himself and how lovely Kelsey was. When he finished telling her he said, “Why is dad’s car parked outside mum?” Talking quietly she replied, “Dad wants to move back in.” Sarcastically he replied, “Well no surprise there then. I expect he’s missing the home cooking and having everything done for him.” With a sad expression on her face she replied, “It’s difficult for all of us Carlo, but he is my husband, so I owe it to him to try.” Angrily he snapped, “You don’t owe him anything mum, he doesn’t deserve you!” They both looked round as Tony’s voice said, “You’re right Carlo and I intend to put that right.” Pulling out a chair he sat down and asked where the kids were. Isabella replied, “The two boys are still in bed and Sophia has gone clothes shopping with Trudy. She left the house before nine, because Trudy’s mum was dropping them in town.” “That’s good babe, because I want to talk to Carlo about something. Isabella felt concerned as she wondered what her husband was about to say. Carlo just sat staring at his dad. The first thought he had was whether Tony had told Belle about what had happened between them at the hotel. His fears were short lived when his dad said, “I know you don’t think very much of me Carlo, but if you’ll give me the chance I want to change that. Whatever you think, I love your mum and I always will. You were right to say she deserves better, I know what a fucking idiot I’ve been, but I want to put that right. This may come as a surprise, but as my eldest son I always hoped that you would take over running the business when I pop me clogs.” Then he waffled on about the amount of hours he had to put in at the clubs. For almost ten minutes Isabella and Carlo listened to him, until finally Isabella said, “We all know the business is important to you Tony.” Looking at his son he replied, “What I’m trying to ask is how you would feel about letting me show you the ropes regarding the clubs, restaurants etc? I’d like to spend more time with your mum; with you taking an active role in the business I could do that. I’m not asking you to give up university; I’m just asking you what you think. ” Carlo took a few minutes before answering, “Did you mean what you said about spending time with mum, or was it just another lie dad?” “You have my word Carlo, I meant it!” “I hate what’s happening to this family dad, especially mum. When I was a little boy you used to talk to me about running the clubs one day, at the time I wanted to be just like you, but then things changed. I’ll have my degree by the end of next year, once I’ve got it no one can take it away from me. If you really are serious then I could start coming to the clubs with you at the weekends.”

  Tony looked over at Belle, she was crying, but he knew that for the first time in months they were tears of joy. “That’ll be great Carlo, things will change you’ll see,” said his dad. “I hope so dad, although there is just one thing I need to say.” Tony nodded as he said, “What is it?” “I won’t get involved in anything illegal?” With a sincere look his dad replied, “I’m glad about that, you’re better than me son, I don’t want you making the mistakes I have.” Then Carlo joked and said, “Ok dad, so as long as I can leave all the dodgy stuff to you, I’m in.” Continuing with the joke his dad said, “That’s great, although if I do have to murder anyone I might need your help to bury them, digging those fucking big holes is getting harder!” They all laughed as Carlo replied, “Fuck burying them dad, we’ll just chuck them in the Thames.”

  Isabella walked over and hugged Carlo before she walked over and sat on Tony’s lap throwing her arms around him she said, “This makes me happy.” Hugging her he replied, “Good babe, because I want you to be happy.”

  Carlo took Kelsey out again that evening, they went to the pictures. Tony had talked Isabella into going out for dinner with him, she’d only agreed when the kids said they would join them. Despite her earlier reluctance she actually enjoyed herself with Tony being very attentive throughout.

  Carlo returned to university on the Monday morning but before he left he spoke to his mum, telling her if Tony hurt her or did anything during the coming week she was to call him and he would return home. Although she tried to reassure him that things were good between her and his dad, she knew as well as him that where Tony was concerned anything could happen. They arranged that the following weekend he would go to the club with his dad and start learning the business.

  The next ten days passed quickly; Carlo had worked with his dad and Shane at the club. He had invited Kelsey along on the Friday and the Saturday; she had readily accepted his invitation. His dad had been on his best behaviour in her presence, which pleased Carlo. Shane really got along well with him, even telling Tony that he thought he’d do well in the business.

  Isabella was happy that Tony was acting like the husband and father he used to be, he was taking an interest in his family, not just Carlo, he had taken the whole family out bowling.

  With the exception of the weekend, he had spent most evenings at home with Belle. He had even roped Shane into taking Sophia and the boys paint balling with him. As expected, Tony had been full of how good he was going to be at it, so Isabella couldn’t help but laugh when they’d returned and Sophia boasted that she’d hit him with green paint within the first five minutes.

  Tony was really trying to make his marriage work; he had refrained from sleeping with any of the dancers at the club, although kn
owing that Carlo would be there at the weekends did have some bearing on that. He’d had no contact with Lydia and true to her word she hadn’t contacted him. It was obvious that she assumed things were going well for him and his wife.


  Down in Kent things weren’t going to well. Jess was getting cold feet regarding Neville Howard, especially as the party was now only a couple of days away. Everyone had done their bit to reassure her it would all be ok, even Billy had gone over it with her time and time again, but she was still nervous. He just kept telling her she would do ok. They had spent the day at Maria’s in the hope of taking her mind off things because Maria and Mary were busy going over all the last minute party details. Mickey was expecting his sister Fay and her husband Richard to arrive that Saturday, they hadn’t told Mary and Den, the plan was to surprise them.

  When Fay had spoken to Mary over the phone she had said how sorry they were, but due to work commitments they wouldn’t be able to come over.

  Maria had found time to talk to Jess after Billy had confided in Mickey he wasn’t sure if she could see the plan through.

  It wasn’t until they went to bed that night Maria had a chance to talk to him. Lying there with his arm around her neck he said, “So do you reckon Jess will be able to go through with it then?” “I think so, she’s knows it’s probably the one chance she’s going to get, although if I said she wasn’t worried about it, I’d be lying.” “I just want to see the fat bastard get what’s coming to him.” “Can I ask you something, it’s about Billy?” “Oh no what’s he been up to now,” joked Mickey. “Nothing as far I know, it’s just me, I’m curious about something. I know it probably sounds stupid, but what do you really think about him marrying Jess, not that I don’t think they’re well suited because I do, but lets be honest its moving quickly.” “Tell you the truth babe; I think everybody has thought that. My theory is that Billy isn’t the great confident womaniser everyone thinks he is. The birds you date working in the clubs are definitely not the sort you take home to meet your mum, they’re only interested in what’s in your wallet and what type of car you drive. Trouble is, the clubs take over your life and before you know it you’re forty and still single. Billy doesn’t have to impress Jess; we all know she’s besotted with him. With her he’s confident; she’s young, attractive and naïve which suits him. I think they’ll be really happy.” Snuggling her head into his chest she replied, “So do I and if she’s only half as happy as me then she’ll be very contented.” Rolling onto his side he looked at her and said, “Likewise, now are you going to give me a kiss and make love to me or have I got to drive down to the club and get myself a loose woman for the night?” Straddling over him she replied, “For that remark Michael you’ll have to pay, pass me those stockings out of the drawer.” Moving his arm over with her still sitting on him, he opened the drawer and took out a pair of stockings. Within seconds she had him tethered to the headboard. Removing her nightie she leaned over and kissed him, before telling him to suck her nipple. Gradually she made her way down his body, teasing him with her tongue; even taking him into her mouth for a few seconds then stopping and withdrawing from him. “Babe stop teasing me, fuck me please,” said Mickey desperately. “This will teach you to talk about having another woman Michael.” “Ok babe I’ve learnt my lesson, please babe I can’t stand it!” Guiding his cock with her hand she moved down onto him, as she gyrated up and down on him, he asked her to touch herself. He watched as she fondled her breasts before moving her hand down to touch herself intimately. “Oh God Mickey I’m coming,” she cried out. Pushing himself harder into her he said, “Babe, don’t stop!” a few minutes later she was lying next to him breathing heavily. “Untie me babe so I can hold you,” said Mickey. After cuddling up together and having a kiss, they were both asleep within minutes.


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