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Riding the Line (Devil's Knights 2nd Generation)

Page 11

by Winter Travers

  King stared at me.

  How the hell was I going to ask him if Royal was coming back with Marco or if she was going to stay in Destin?

  I rounded my hands in front of my stomach like I was pregnant. They had to know what that was, right? Then, I pointed to the front door.

  Fuck. I was not good at charades.

  “She’s coming back with Marco,” King barked.

  For the umptieth time, my jaw dropped. I tapped my nose and smiled. He understood me.

  Frost held his head in his hand and silently laughed.

  Hey, I got my question answered, and I didn’t have to say a word.

  “You can go now. Eat and stay out of my hair.”

  I plastered a smile on my face and stood. I bowed with my hands in front of me and then skedaddled my ass over to the kitchen.

  “Did you just bow to King?” Cyn barked with laughter. “You’re gonna give that man a complex, and then he’s gonna expect all of us to bow to him.”

  “Not happening,” Meg called. “That man gets me on my knees enough. Not bowing to his cranky ass, too.”

  “Oh, God,” Luna moaned. “Please don’t refer to your knees and King in the same sentence ever again. I have virgin ears.”

  “Is there a different definition of virgin than the one I know?” Greta asked. “Dead serious.”

  Luna flipped her off. “Sit and spin.”

  Greta wiggled her eyebrows. “Don’t tempt me with a good time, Luna.”

  Meg handed me a plate. “Everything okay?”

  I grabbed the plate and nodded.

  She raised her eyebrows. “Did you go mute?”

  “Oh, I can talk now,” I chirped.

  “He took away talking privileges again?” Meg asked.

  I nodded. This obviously wasn’t the first time King had been so pissed he didn’t let anyone talk.

  She shook her head and laughed. “He must have been pretty pissed if you’re still hesitant to talk. Was it Zig and Zag?”

  I ducked my head. “I’m pretty sure it was me. It was like once I opened my mouth, I couldn’t shut up.”

  Meg patted me on the shoulder. “I’ve been there, honey. I’ve been there more times than I can count. Fill your plate.” She leaned close and whispered, “Stay away from the potato salad and possibly the Jell-O salad. It’s a box mix, but I swear I saw her adding vinegar to it.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Vinegar?” I whispered.

  Meg nodded. “We keep her around because she’s a good person, and she married my best friend. Those things forgive the fact that she can’t cook to save her life.”

  “Thank you for the warning,” I whispered.

  I filled my plate and made sure to avoid the potato salad and Jell-O. Both things, under normal circumstances, I more than likely would have taken huge spoonfuls of.

  I grabbed a seat next to Greta and Luna then dug in.

  Things were still a mess, but I had hope that at least Royal would be safe soon. I had to hold on to any hope given to me because if I didn’t, I was sure to break down crying right there on my plate.

  Life was hard, but Royal was safe.

  I would take that victory.


  Chapter Fourteen


  “Vinegar, Frost.” Indiana wrinkled her nose. “Meg said she put vinegar in the Jell-O.”

  I laughed and laid back. “That seems pretty tame compared to some of the crazy shit she has added to food. Troy says he blames the show Chopped for her adventurism with food.”

  “Shut up.” She laughed, curled into my side, and laid her head on my shoulder. “It’s not like Meg gave her a basket with mystery ingredients, and vinegar was one of them. There was no written rule somewhere that said she needed to grab the vinegar.”

  “Well, you were lucky and learned early on to stay away from Marley’s food.” God knows there were many times we weren’t given warning about the food she brought to family dinners.

  I was fully convinced that the reason why Luna was such a bitch most of the time was because she was malnourished when she was young.

  King had talked at us for about ten minutes before he ended church and stormed out of the clubhouse. Even Rigid was clueless about why King was in such a shitty mood.

  We all figured it was because of the girls dying. That shit was affecting all of us, but King was going off the deep end about it. This was a problem that he couldn’t solve, and it seemed like even the police were coming up short with answers.

  As of right now, there was no physical evidence from the person who had taken Pam, killed her, and then dumped her in the park on the other side of town. They had sent the blood from the window sill out to be tested, but we didn’t have our hopes up it was going to be the killers. It looked like when the killer had grabbed Pam, he scraped her arm or leg along the sill and split her skin.

  We were told to sit tight and let the police do their job.

  That right there was not something the Devil’s Knights did well.

  There appeared to be less tension between King and Ransom, but they seemed to still be bumping heads. Add Luna into the picture, who growled and glared every time Ransom walked past her, and it was tension city.

  I managed to grab a plate of food and sat down by Indiana. Her eyes bugged out when she had looked at my plate, and I knew I had made a mistake.

  Thankfully, she whispered to me to skip the Jell-O, and I knew I would not only be forever in debt to Marco but also to Indiana for saving me from killing my taste buds with the vinegar Jell-O.

  Some of the girls from the club weren’t as lucky to receive a word of warning from Indiana or Meg. One of the girls had a huge hacking fit and almost threw up all over.

  Marley then asked Meg if maybe there was too much pepper in the corn. Marley had been very close to getting the whole bowl of corn turned over her head if it hadn’t been for Troy quickly changing the subject.

  We spent the rest of the day just hanging out in the common room since there wasn’t anything else we could do.

  Indiana managed to beat Marley to helping with dinner, and everyone was happy there weren’t mystery dishes they needed to avoid.

  “You ready to go over the list of things you promised you would tell me later?” Indiana laughed. “We need to go over it before I forget.”

  I held up one finger. “What was number one?”

  “Why isn’t Troy a member of the MC?” she asked.

  “Easy answer? He doesn’t want to be.”

  “There’s a hard answer?”

  I shrugged. “I guess not. I’m sure Troy has a reason why he doesn’t want to be part of the club, but it boils down to that he doesn’t want to be. He was friends with Meg before she ever met King.”

  “So, Troy hangs out with the club, but not as a member.”

  I nodded. “Yup. That’s how Luna got in with all of us. Out of all of us, she’s got the biker attitude of not giving a fuck.”

  Indiana laughed. “I don’t know about that. I think you all have that air about you.”

  I stuck up another finger. “Number two.”

  “King’s name. And Snapper. I don’t know exactly what I’m asking.”

  I quirked my eyebrow. “Well, King’s name is Lo. The only people that used to call him that were Meg and his mom, Ethel. Meg and King adopted Snapper when he was four. I think he doesn’t call King dad because he remembers his dad, but he wants to call King something more fatherly than what we all call him.”

  “I guess I’ll accept that answer. Makes sense.”

  I added another finger. “Number three.”

  “I feel this is like number three, four, and five, but we’ll call it three.” Indiana cleared her throat and smiled wide. “What is the connection with the Banachis and the Knights? Where is Leo? What exactly are you going to owe Marco for saving Royal?”

  Yeah, those were some dousey questions. “Way back before I was born, the Knights got into some trouble. At first, the Banachis wer
e the bad guys, but then, shit flipped, and the Knights came to an agreement with them. Then, Fayth, Leo’s sister, was kidnapped. Slider saved her and managed to fall in love with her.”

  “Wow,” Indiana gasped. “The biker fell in love with the mafia princess.”

  “Are you writing a book in your head or something?” I laughed.

  She shrugged. “No, but it does sound like something I’ve read before.”

  “Trust me, the Devil’s Knights are more than book worthy. Some of this shit deserves to be on the big screen.”

  “Right,” she giggled. “I wonder who they would cast to play me.”

  I pressed a kiss to her lips. “Only the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “You, darlin’. Only you could play you.”

  She rolled her eyes and smacked me on the chest. “Here I was hoping you would say Megan Fox or someone sexy like that.”

  “Was that all of the questions?”

  “Yes, but I do have one more.” She propped herself up on her forearm and looked down at me. “Why don’t you guys just tell Marley she could maybe lay off the mystery ingredients and just follow the recipes,” Indiana laughed.

  A laugh busted from my lips, and I pulled her in for a hug. “That been bothering you, darlin’?”

  She nodded against my chest. “Yesh,” she slurred.

  “One time, Troy did that. I wasn’t even born, but I know it did not end well.” I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. “Mom told me back when Marley and Tory got married Marley decided she was going to start cooking more because Tory is a major foodie.”

  “They have to have been married for at least twenty years. How has she not become a little better at cooking in all of that time?” Indiana screeched.

  I shrugged and dropped the remote on the floor. “No idea, but I do know I’m not interested in talking about Marley’s lack of cooking skills.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Indiana whispered. “What do you have in mind we talk about?”

  “I thought maybe we could pick up right where Zig had interrupted us this morning,” I suggested.

  She leaned into me and pressed a kiss to my lips. “Right here? Is this what we were doing?”

  I shook my head and rolled on top of her. “I think we were right here, but there were a lot less clothes between us.”

  “Is that where I was playing with the Rubik’s cube?” she quipped.

  “Just a little bit past that,” I laughed.

  Her hand snaked between us, and she cupped me through my jeans. “Right here?” she whispered.

  “Right there, darlin’,” I growled.

  I took stripping off our clothes into my own hands and managed to skip the Rubik’s cube stage.

  “Frost,” she moaned when my tongue flicked her clit.

  With my face buried in her pussy, I was in fucking Heaven. Her scent surrounded me, and she tasted like pure honey on my lips.

  Her fingers delved into my hair, and a moan ripped from her lips. She shoved her hips up, suffocating me in her pussy.

  I drove her straight to the edge and then right over. Her body shook as her orgasm washed over her, and moans turned into soft mewls.

  “Oh, my God,” she gasped.

  I feathered kisses up her body until my lips were on hers, and she pleaded for more.

  “Are you ready for me, darlin’?” I whispered.

  She bit her lip and bucked her hips. “Ready and willing.” She snaked her hand down between us again and stroked the length of my cock. “No one better knock on that door for at least the next fifteen minutes.”

  I groaned as she teased the tip of dick with her finger. “Keep that up, and we’ll only need two minutes.”

  She plastered her lips to mine and sucked on my tongue.

  Fucking hell.

  Now I was really in Heaven.

  Indiana’s hand wrapped around my cock, and her lips met mine. There was only one thing that could be better than this.

  She cocked her legs up and moaned as my dick slipped into her sweet hole.

  My name fell from her lips, and she clamped around me, making the tightness of her pussy even sweeter.

  I paused when I was planted fully inside her and pressed a kiss next to her ear. “I told you, you would be mine, Indiana,” I whispered.

  “I’m yours,” she gasped.

  I slowly pulled back and then plunged back in. Her breath caught, and her nails dug into my back.

  “Hold on, darlin’,” I growled.

  With each thrust and stroke, Indiana gave herself to me.

  All the doubts and worries she had about us were replaced with nothing but the two of us fitting perfectly together.

  Our hands moved and glided over each other, needing to touch and feel all of each other at once.

  “Oh, God,” Indiana moaned. “Please.”

  I slammed back inside, and her eyes flared open. “Come with me, Indiana. Come with me.”

  Her eyes drifted closed, and she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close. Every drive of my hips, my orgasm built until my seed spilled inside her, and she screamed her release into the air.

  “You’re mine,” I grunted.

  I had never needed a person like I did Indiana. She filled a void inside of me I hadn’t known if I would ever fill. She gave me purpose to be the best I could be and always keep her safe. No matter what she needed, I would be there for her.

  “Wowzers,” she gasped.

  We fell onto the bed, and I pulled the covers over us. I gathered her in my arms and flipped over so I was on my back and she was draped over me.

  “Wowzers, huh?” I laughed.

  She giggled and buried her face in my neck. “Shut up.”

  “I mean, I’ll totally take a wowzers. That’s seems pretty amazing to me, right?”

  She groaned and slapped me on the chest. “Yes, now stop talking about it.”

  “Tired?” I asked.

  She hummed. “Beyond.”

  “You do realize it’s only nine-thirty, right?” We were dangerously close to going to bed too early and waking up at the butt-crack of dawn.

  She lifted her finger in the air and twirled it around. “Nap and then round two,” she muttered sleepily.

  “Now, that is a plan I like.”

  She laid her hand on my chest and sighed. “Good. If you didn’t and insisted on round two now, then you would be into necrophilia because my ass is passing out.”

  I chuckled and settled into the bed. “I’ll take you however I can have you, Indiana, but I can wait until you’re awake.”

  “Such a good man,” she mumbled.

  Her breathing evened out, and she was asleep.

  She hadn’t been kidding when she said she was exhausted.

  The events of the day replayed in my head.

  Yeah, that sure as hell was an exhausting day. I closed my eyes, and for the first time in days, I fell asleep instantly.

  I needed Indiana in my arms to find this peace, and I wasn’t going to let her go.


  Chapter Fifteen


  “Please tell me that is French toast I am smelling and not a scented candle.” Meg walked into the kitchen, smothering a yawn with her hand, one eye closed.

  I flipped the last piece onto the plate and set it on the counter. “Uh, it’s French toast, but now I need to know where you get your candles from because I need a French toast candle in my life.”

  Meg reached into the cabinet and grabbed a mug. “Stick with me, honey. I have a daughter-in-law, but she’s too busy jet-setting around the world with my son. You can be my stand-in when she’s busy. We’ll hit the candle sales and clean them out.”

  “Whose hitting candle sales?” Cyn walked into the kitchen, wearing a long electric blue robe and bright yellow slippers on her feet.

  “How many canaries did you kill to get the feathers on your feet?” Meg as

  Cyn flipped her off and grabbed the mug from her hand. “You bought them for me for my birthday.”

  Meg cringed. “Jesus. I must have been drunk and online shopping.”

  Cyn grabbed the coffee pot and filled her mug. “More than likely.” She stepped toward the platter of French toast. “I’ll have seventeen of those.”

  Meg cackled and grabbed another mug. “You looking to back that ass of yours up like a dump truck?”

  Cyn leaned against the counter and held her mug to her lips. “Do you hear the way she talks to me? At one point, we were going to run off and live in a donut house so we could live in peace with our dump truck asses.”

  “Uh…ph…huh?” They had lost me at donut houses.

  Meg bumped Cyn out of the way and grabbed the coffee pot. “Have you seen Indiana’s ass? She doesn’t have anything to worry about. She could back that ass up and down the narrowest of alleys, no problem.”

  I opened my mouth but closed it. I had no idea what to say to that.

  Cyn sipped her coffee and smiled. “That’s why we’re opening Pole Cats so we can have svelte dump truck asses like hers.”

  “Svelte and dump truck asses cannot exist in the same sentence.” Meg reached into the fridge and pulled out the creamer. “And I thought we were calling it Pole Stars. Like Porn Stars but classier.”

  Cyn pointed at Meg. “Have you seen some of the porns these days? They make some pretty classy ones. Meant for the ladies.” Cyn wiggled her eyebrows.

  “No. I’m gonna need more details.” Meg made a grabby motion with her hand. “Give me the details.”

  Cyn pulled out her phone. “Hold on.”

  I slapped my hand over my eyes. “Hold on!”

  “What?” Meg and Cyn squawked.

  “Please do not watch porn while I’m cooking breakfast,” I gasped. This was the craziness I had heard about. One minute, you’re standing there talking about French toast candles, and then you’re watching classy porn over morning coffee. “Just, ah, let me grab a plate, and I’ll leave you to it.”

  All of the stories I had heard about Meg and Cyn were absolutely true.


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