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Riding the Line (Devil's Knights 2nd Generation)

Page 10

by Winter Travers

  Luna was a wild one who normally couldn’t be tamed. Except when her daddy was around. If anyone was ever going to try to be with Luna, they were going to have to be on her dad’s good side because they were going to need him.

  Ransom moved by King. They talked quietly, and they nodded to each other.

  I personally didn’t have problem with Ransom or the police, but there seemed to be some tension between King and Ransom.

  “Listen up,” King called. “Ransom is going to talk to each of you alone. Anything you can tell him that has to do with Pam, fucking tell him. Each minute that goes by makes it harder and harder to find her.”

  Meg raised her hand. “Um, one of the girls has a picture of Pam. Do you want us to make posters or something?”

  King looked to Ransom, and he nodded. “Make it happen,” King called. “Ransom has every available officer searching for Pam. Getting her face out there might help to find her. Hopefully, she took off on her own and we’ll find her soon.”

  “I’ll start with whoever shared a room with Pam first,” Ransom called.

  Indiana’s face paled, and her eyes locked with mine.

  “Indy and I shared a room with her,” Julie called.

  “I’ll take you together first.” Ransom turned to King. “What room can I set up in?”

  King nodded to the hallway. “I’ll show you.”

  Indiana stood and scooted over by me. “Frost,” she whispered. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to tell Ransom.”

  “Anything you know about Pam,” I replied.

  She cringed. “I’m a pretty horrible person because I don’t know much about her.”

  I grabbed her hand. “Calm down, darlin’. They aren’t looking at you like you did something to her. They’re gonna ask everyone the same questions. Just tell ‘em what you know.”

  “You ready?” Julie hiccupped behind Indiana.

  Indiana closed her eyes, and I squeezed her hand. “You’ll be fine, darlin.”

  She opened her eyes and wiped the tear from her cheek. “Let’s go,” she whispered.

  Indiana led the way to the hallway with Julie following.

  Two more officers walked into the clubhouse, and King nodded to them.

  “What are they doing?” Rigid asked as he watched the officers wander around the clubhouse.

  King leaned against the table. “Ransom said his guys were coming in to do their own sweep of the place. Take any evidence they find.”

  “You want me to show them where her room is?” Zig asked.

  King shook his head. “Not yet. I think they’re gonna look around here first.”

  “This is such a fucking mess,” Slider growled. “How the hell did this chick go missing with all of us here?”

  “Was she maybe talking about leaving or wanting to go somewhere? Boyfriend?” Troy asked.

  Luna plopped down in the chair Indiana had been sitting in. “Her family lives in town. She hasn’t had a boyfriend for about six months.”

  “Bad breakup?” Rigid asked.

  Luna shook her head. “No. They just ended up being friends. She still talked to him, as far as I knew. Pam running away just doesn’t make sense,” she sighed.

  “What connection do Bunny, Tanya, and Pam have other than they all work at the club?” King asked.

  “So, we’re assuming whoever took Bunny and Tanya hurt Pam?” Greta asked.

  King shrugged. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Pam is missing a week after Bunny and Tanya were killed. We all hope she’s not dead, but there isn’t anything wrong with just talking this shit out.” King nodded to Zig and Zag. “You two split up and go talk to the girls. I know Ransom is going to talk to them, but I want to know everything, too.”

  Zig and Zag headed to the tables with the other girls.

  “How long did she work at the club?” King asked Luna and Greta.

  “Seven months?” Luna tipped her head. “I think she started around the first of the year.”

  “She have any customers that really liked her?” Rigid asked.

  Luna shrugged. “I mean, not that I know of. But I don’t really take notice of anything like that unless it becomes a problem.”

  “Did Bunny or Tanya ever have guys get out of hand over them?”

  Greta held up her hand. “Bunny was a dancer, but Tanya was just a waitress. Normally, customers don’t latch onto the waitresses like they do the dancers.”

  Gambler sighed. “There goes the connection that they were all dancers.”

  Luna delved her fingers into her hair. “Literally the only connection they have is they work at the club. I don’t even think Bunny, Tanya, and Pam had any real relationship other than in passing.”

  “We went years without any bullshit, and suddenly shit is just coming down in buckets around us.” Dad scrubbed his hand down his face. “It’s like a fucking puzzle we need to figure out, but we have three pieces out of a hundred.”

  King’s phone rang, and he pulled it out of his pocket. “Just what I fucking need right now,” he growled. He connected the call and put it to his ear. “Marco,” he called.

  The two officers moved closer to our table, and Rigid elbowed King.

  King casually moved to the other side of the room, out of earshot of the officers.

  The shit that was going on with Royal in Destin had nothing to do with the cops. We knew Marco was handling it. I assumed the phone call King was on was the answer we had been waiting for, but now with Pam missing, heading to Florida might look a bit suspicious.

  Shitshow to the tenth degree.

  Ransom walked into the common room with his phone to his ear. Indiana and Julie followed closely behind. They were both crying.



  Ransom ended the call and shoved his phone in his pocket.

  “Nobody leaves until I talk to each and every one of you,” he announced.

  King was still on the other side of the room talking to Marco, but he turned at Ransom’s voice.

  “We’ve located Pam.” Ransom sighed. “This is now a homicide investigation.”


  Chapter Thirteen


  My body was numb.

  How had this happened again?


  I lifted my head. “Yeah?”

  Frost handed me a glass. “Drink this, darlin’.”

  I sniffed the amber liquid and wrinkled my nose. “What is it?”


  “I’m more of a fruity drink or beer girl,” I grumbled. I set it on the table in front of me. That was going to stay right there.

  “I tried to tell him that,” Cyn called from behind the bar. “Let me whip you up something special, sweetie.”

  Four hours ago, we had been told Pam was dead. That was some shitty news to find out before ten o’clock in the morning, so I guess that justified to start day-drinking around one.

  Meg and Marley were in the kitchen putting something together for lunch while Cyn and Gwen played bartender. I had been headed to the kitchen to assist Meg, but Marley had jumped up and insisted she was going to help.

  Greta had informed me I should have fought a little harder to be the one to help Meg because Marley was not the greatest cook.

  Pie just kept telling me not to eat anything that looked like Jell-o because it was not, in fact, Jell-O. I had to take his advice because I figured, with the love he had for food, he knew what he was talking about.

  Ransom and a couple of officers were processing the room I had shared with Pam, and we were told to stay out.

  On closer inspection, they had discovered the screen on one of the windows had been cut, and there was blood on the window sill. The room I had slept in was now a crime scene.

  A chill ran through me at the thought that it could have been me. I could have been the one who was dead.

  “You cold, darlin’?” Frost asked.

  I pressed my lips together and tried no
t to cry. “Uh, maybe a little.”

  “Let me see what I have in my room for you.”

  Oh, Frost.

  Why had I waited so long to admit my feelings for him? Even three weeks ago, I would have said the man did nothing for me even though I would have been lying.

  I could have had his fierce protectiveness sooner.

  He moved down the hallway to his room and was back instantly with a warm flannel button-down shirt. He draped it over my shoulders, and I fed my arms through the holes.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  I didn’t know what to feel in that moment.

  So many things were coming at me all at once that I couldn’t process any of them.

  Bunny and Tanya were dead.

  Pam had been kidnapped from my room, and now, she was dead.

  Royal was still missing.

  Nothing was getting fixed, and more things were just falling apart.

  “Yo,” King called.

  My head snapped up at his voice.

  Frost had told me King had gotten a call from Marco, but no one knew what it was about. After we had found out Pam was dead, King disappeared outside with Ransom for a little bit, and then Ransom had walked back inside by himself.

  “Move two tables over to the corner by the TV,” he ordered Easy and Pie. “Club and Indiana only.”

  Oh shit. Here we go. Maybe this was what I had been waiting for. Was the call from Marco about Royal?

  Frost grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the TV. Pie and Easy set the table in front of us, and Snapper hauled over two chairs.

  “Here ya go.” He set the chairs down and smiled sadly at me. Snapper was the youngest in the club, but he was actually one of the guys I knew pretty well. Since he was low man on the totem pole, he always seemed to draw the short stick to be the door guy at the club. He was always there when I got to work, and he always walked me to my car after my shift.

  Young with an extremely good heart.

  I knew Meg and King had been the ones to raise him after his parents died in a tragic car accident.

  “Holding up okay?” I asked him.

  He shrugged. “As good as can be expected. I’ll bring your drink over when Cyn finishes making it.”

  “Thanks,” I whispered.

  Zig and Zag corralled the club girls over to the kitchen, and they started eating while I sat in on the impromptu meeting with the club.

  This had to be about Royal. That was the only reason why I would be allowed to be over here.

  “You need me to come over there, too?” Luna called.

  “We’re good,” King called.

  Luna rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest.

  “Luna, what did I tell you?” her dad called.

  She wrinkled her nose and clenched her fists. “I’ll just help Cyn make drinks,” she chirped.

  “I love when Troy comes to the clubhouse,” Pie laughed. “He keeps Luna in line.”

  “That’s the damn truth,” Rigid laughed.

  I leaned over to whisper to Frost. “Why isn’t Troy over here?”

  “He’s not in the club, darlin’. He’s more like support when we need him.”

  That was interesting. “Oh.”

  “I’ll explain later,” he chuckled.

  I obviously didn’t hide my confusion very well.

  King stood in front of the two tables with his back to the bar and kitchen area. “Listen up and listen good. I’m not going to repeat myself, and I sure as shit ain’t gonna scream this for everyone to hear.” King pointed to me. “This shit stays here, and you don’t tell any of them.”

  I assumed he meant the girls. I would do whatever he wanted as long as it meant Royal would be safe. I nodded. “Got it, boss.”

  Zag and Pie chuckled, and Frost shook his head.

  “Spunky,” Demon laughed.

  “Fuck’s sake,” King grunted. “Stick with King, Indy. These assholes think calling me boss or bossman is a joke.”

  I tapped my nose. “Got it. It’s good to know the rules of motorcycle club.”

  The guys all sputtered with laughter, and even I had to admit I sounded like an idiot. “I was trying to be punny,” I whispered. “You know, motorcycle club instead of fight club.” Oh, hell. I really needed to just shut up and listen. “Though there’s really one rule of fight club.”

  Shut. Up.

  I closed my eyes and counted to ten.

  “Are you meditating now?” King drawled when I opened my eyes.

  I forced a smiled and prayed my cheeks weren’t bright red. “I was trying to shut myself up.”

  King pointed at me. “You figure out how to do that, let me know so you can teach Meg that instead of pole dancing.”

  “I heard my name,” Meg called from across the room.

  “Oh, hell,” Snapper muttered. “You got five minutes before she makes her way over here, Lo.”

  My eyes jerked to Snapper. Lo?

  “I’ll explain later,” Frost whispered.

  I was going to learn all of the biker secrets. Later, though.

  “Meeks got back to Marco. I’m not going to get into details of what they wanted from Marco because it’s nothing you need to know.” King nodded to Frost. “Remember how you said you’d cover whatever it cost?”

  Say what?

  Frost nodded.

  “Marco said he’d get with you when he figures out the worth of what he’s doing.”

  I held up my hand. “Timeout. Hold up.”

  “I swear to Christ, we only attract the feisty ones,” Gambler complained. He leaned forward and looked at Hero. “Your chick like this?”

  Hero laughed and nodded. “You think I’m gonna take up with a wet blanket with no mind?”

  Gambler shook his head. “You’d probably get some peace and quiet if you did.”

  I waved my hand. “Back to me. What exactly does that mean? About owing Marco. I’d like more specific detail on that. Is that like a blank check made out to mob?” Just like the club knew about Meeks, I had heard about the Banachis before. Big mob family that no one should ever mess with.

  Frost now owed them…something.

  “It means someday Frost is going to have to do something for Marco. Or not,” Demon explained.

  But was that really a good explanation?

  He owed them, but there might be a chance that Marco never calls him on it?

  Frost patted my leg.

  “I know, I know,” I grumbled. “You’ll explain it to me later.” I was going to have to make a running list of all of the things Frost needed to explain to me.

  “So, what is the plan?” Rigid asked.

  “This is where things are going to get tricky,” King muttered. “Ransom isn’t keen on any of us leaving town, let alone the fucking state.”

  “We gonna magically teleport the chick here or what?” Slider joked.

  King tipped his head and grimaced. “This is where the club winds up owing the Banachis.”

  “Jesus,” Slider grumbled. “You know I hate having to owe Leo anything. He gives me such shit already. I’d like to try to stay on my brother-in-law’s good side.”

  My jaw dropped. These guys were just dropping motorcycle club secrets like they were mini bombs. My jaw was going to end up on the floor by the time this meeting was over.

  “He’ll explain it to you later,” Zig and Zag replied in unison when I raised my hand.

  I was obviously becoming predictable. Add that juicy tidbit to the list.

  “Leo is out of town. Marco was seeing if he could get back sooner, but he can’t,” King explained.

  Hero whistled and shook his head. “Leo is actually letting Marco call the shots. Impressive.”

  “You’re right. Maybe I’ll see if he’s available to take over for me too since Leo trusts him,” King growled. “Funny how he is earning his trust and not just demanding it.”

  Lord have mercy, there was so much going on at this table. It was like a soap opera wit
h one main storyline and then like four subplots you had to pay close attention to. If I ever got the chance to come to one of these meetings again, I was totally bringing a pen and notepad.

  Hero held up his hands.

  “You still riding the bullshit about being prez?” Rigid growled. “What did I fucking tell you?”

  Pen, notepad, and popcorn. These were the things I was going to bring to church.

  I kind of wished there would be an intermission, and I could get a snack. All of this family drama was making me hungry.

  King slammed his hand on the table. “Everyone shut the fuck up and let me goddamn talk,” he thundered.

  “Somebody get that man a Snickers,” Greta called.

  “Stop being hangry,” Meg scolded.

  King closed his eyes, and I felt the mood of the room change.

  “The next person who talks that is not me is going to be kicked out of the club, and they will never step foot inside the clubhouse again. Got it?” King opened his eyes and looked around the two tables. “Marco and two of his men are going to Destin. They are also taking Grit with them. The exchange should be easy and simple. Marco gives Meeks what he wants, and then, they get the girl. None of us can leave town, so this is the way it has to be.” King glared at me. “I swear to God, if I wake up tomorrow and your ass has decided to be a tough chick and run to Florida to save your friend, I will not come after you, and no one in this clubhouse will either. Understand?”

  I blinked twice and nodded. I wasn’t supposed to talk, right? I may not be part of the club, but if I was going to be with Frost, I didn’t think I wanted to get myself banned from entering the clubhouse.

  “Marco said he can’t leave until tomorrow. He’s bending over backward to help us and has to tie up a few loose ends before he can jet-set across the country on an errand for us.”

  Zag raised his hand.

  King glared at him. “No.”

  Zag slowly lowered his hand and nodded.

  Whatever his question was, the answer was no, and he accepted that.

  Shit, I had a question. Shit.

  I raised my hand.

  Everyone turned to look at me.

  I wasn’t going to risk talking. It was a simple question, and I think it had a simple answer.

  I shook my hands together and gave a huge smile. I separated my hands and set one on the table and the other I waved across the air.


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