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Fitzwilliam Darcy the Man Himself

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by Elizabeth Hopkins

  “How disastrous was this proposal? What did you say?”

  Darcy hung his head and said “I disparaged her family, relations, lack of dowry, and her status in life which is decidedly below my own. I insinuated it was an honor for her to become my wife.”

  “Oh Darcy, you are an arse! No woman in her right mind would accept such an insulting proposal. Miss Bennet is the daughter of a gentleman and you are a gentleman. You are equals in the eyes of society.”

  “I know Richard, I made such an arse of myself by making such a proposal, but I love her and I thought her feelings were the same. After I got over my anger, I realized that she was absolutely correct in everything that she said to me. I was so ashamed that I started drinking. She accused me of separating her older sister from Bingley; which I did. I went to see Bingley when I returned to town and confessed all. He was so angry that he swore never to speak to me again.”

  Fitzwilliam squirmed in his chair “I am afraid that I am at fault for reveling that to Miss Bennet. I wanted to impress her of your goodness by doing a favor to a friend.”

  “Tis not important Richard. She would have learned of it somehow. I apologize for my bad behavior and hope you can forgive me.”

  “It is not I you need to apologize to but I will have your solemn oath that you will never resort to this behavior again. Your staff is half out of their minds with worry. Barnes sent me an express to come immediately that you were in dire trouble.”

  Darcy hung his head and stated “I will make amends Richard and you have my sworn promise to never behave in this manner again.”

  “Good,” replied the Fitzwilliam. “Now I want you to send an express to Georgiana. I advised her that you were ill with fever due to a lung infection and she was not allowed to visit as the doctor felt it might be contagious. Tell her we will come to Pemberley as soon as the doctor gives you leave to travel. And you must eat. It is the only way to restore you to good health. And then we shall go.”

  “What about your duties to the army?”

  “General Shaw granted me an extended leave. He did not want to, but I threated that I would have to resign my commission if I could not attend to personal business.”

  “Richard, I am forever in your debt.”

  “You are like a brother to me Darcy. I would do anything for you and Georgiana’s well being.”

  “Thank you again cousin. I am truly grateful.

  Chapter 6

  When Darcy awoke, he noticed that night had fallen. He stretched and went to look at the window at the moonlit night and saw two women in maids uniforms scurrying across the lawn into the woods.

  His valet had entered the room and inquired if his master required a tray of food or would he prefer to be prepared for bed.

  He turned abruptly around and ordered his valet to help him don his boots.

  “Hurry man! Take me to the servant’s stairs that go to the kitchens through which I can exit the house. Tread softly but swiftly. I do not wish to awaken the house.” Darcy grabbed his coat and followed his valet.

  Once outside, Darcy hurried in the direction of the women. It brought him to the folly where he observed the two women and one footman conversing in low tones.

  When he was close enough for them to see him, he bowed. “Miss Bennet, Mrs. Collins, and Mr. Lucas.”

  Lizzie gasped and whispered “Mr. Darcy, the man himself.”

  They stood there starring at one another before Darcy spoke “Are your families in good health?”

  Lizzie, who is never at a loss for words, only nodded.

  “If that be the case, I have to ask why a gentleman’s daughter and the children of a knight are here in the guise of servants. I assume the situation is dire for you to resort to this deception. I ask that you allow me to assist you. You know my character Miss Bennet, I can be trusted and beg you to take me into your confidence so I can assist you to the fullest of my abilities.”

  Lizzie looked at Darcy and knew he spoke the truth. “Mr. Darcy, would you be kind enough to allow us a few moments of privacy to discuss your request?”

  “Of course, Miss. Bennet” Darcy replied and stepped away from the trio so they could converse in private. He linked his hands behind his back and paced.

  Lizzie turned to her two friends and asked “What is you opinion? I know that Mr. Darcy can be trusted and I would like to take him into our confidence. He could be of great help to us. Time is running out and we have not accomplished much on our own.”

  “I agree with Lizzie, Mr. Darcy’s assistance could be invaluable. What say you?” asked Charlotte of her brother.

  “Very well Charlotte. If you and Lizzie trust him, then so shall I.”

  While he paced, Darcy thought of his Elizabeth. She is more beautiful then I remember. This is a second chance for me to earn her esteem. I must prove to her that I am not the man who made that disastrous proposal at Hunsford.

  Lizzie faced Mr. Darcy and beckoned him to join them.

  “You are correct sir. I can trust you and know that you would never betray our confidence. You are an honorable man.” Lizzie bestowed upon Darcy a smile that sent his heart to fluttering.

  She does not hate me, perhaps there is hope for me still to win her heart.

  “Do you recall Maria Lucas; the younger sister of John and Charlotte from your time at Netherfield?”

  Darcy nodded and Lizzie continued, “She has disappeared. She came to this estate with the Darling family for a weekend house party as their guest. The Darling’s were the former owners of Netherfield and all of us played together as children. When the Darlings moved to Devon, Maria kept a faithful correspondence with the oldest daughter Abigail and Maria and the eldest son Michael held a fondness for one another since childhood. Maria wrote to Charlotte that she and Michael had reached an understanding. About a week ago, Sir William received an express stating that Maria had eloped with a militiaman.”

  Charlotte then interjected, “But the note she left was a forgery. It was not her handwriting and she took no belongings. What bride elopes without her clothes? I immediately came to Lucas lodge and admitted by suspicions to Lizzie. John was home on leave and we decided on this plan.”

  Darcy looked at John Lucas with raised eyebrows.

  “I am a Captain in the regular sir.”

  “And what have you learned so far?” asked Darcy

  Lizzie replied “We have not gotten far in our search. There are many rooms as well as the cellars that we do not have access to.”

  Darcy thought for a moment “We will need additional help. With you permission I will send for my cousin, Major General Fitzwilliam. He is an excellent strategist and knows the area well. Do you have any objections?”

  Both women readily agreed and John Lucas replied “But sir, the Major General is my commanding officer.”

  “Do not fear Lucas; my cousin knows how to keep a confidence.”

  Lucas nodded his agreement and Darcy said “Very well then, I will send an express tonight to my cousin and he will be here in the morning. I suggest we all seek our beds for now as there is not much more we can do at this time.”

  All agreed and turned to leave. “Miss Bennet, if you please, might I have a moment of your time in private.”

  “Of course sir” Lizzie replied. “I will join you shortly Charlotte.”

  Once alone, Darcy faced Elizabeth.

  “Miss Bennet, I must take this opportunity to apologize for my deplorable behavior in Hunsford.”

  “No apology is necessary sir. I should be the one apologizing to you for the terrible things I said.”

  Darcy smiled and said “Can we agree to put this behind us and start anew?”

  Lizzie smiled coyly at him, “I would like that very much sir. I was hoping to meet you at Bingley and Jane’s wedding and was most disappointed when you did not attend.”

  Darcy lowered his head and said “I was not invited. I confessed all to Bingley regarding my interference between him and your sister when I re
turned from Hunsford. I had never seen Bingley so furious. He broke with me and I have not seen him since that day.”

  Lizzie laid her hand on his arm. “I am sorry to hear that. They are very happy together and have two darling boys.”

  “And what of your other sisters? Are they still at home?”

  “They are all married. Mary to a curate, Kitty to a successful tradesman in town, and Lydia to a solider, Captain Denny. I am the only sister still at home.”

  “Oh?” Darcy asked softly.

  Lizzie took a deep breath and said “I vowed I would only marry for the deepest of love and when I had my chance to do so, I allowed my pride to rule my tongue.”

  Darcy took a step closer to Lizzie and they were nearly touching.

  “Elizabeth, if your feelings have changed toward me, please tell me so at once. My feelings of love and admiration remain the same; in fact I believe they have grown stronger. Do I have a chance at holding your heart?”

  “You have always held my heart,” Lizzie replied softly. “But I would ask you to wait until this matter is settled to discuss our feelings. “I would wait forever for you” Darcy replied intimately. He then offered her his arm and together they made their way back to the house.

  Chapter 7

  Early that morning as Darcy was out riding, he spotted three coaches approaching the manor. As he approached closer, he realized that they were his coaches. He stopped along side the first coach and dismounted.

  Fitzwilliam stuck his head out of the window and greeted Darcy. “Good to see you old man! Come join us.”

  Us? thought Darcy. He entered the coach and found his sister Georgiana sitting from opposite Fitzwilliam. “As happy as I am to see you Georgiana, I have to ask why you are here? And Fitzwilliam, why are there three coaches and I take note that four of my biggest footmen are accompanying you?”

  Fitzwilliam looked abashed and said “I apologize cousin. I carelessly left your missive on your desk and Georgiana read it. Before I departed the house this morning, she was already waiting in the coach with her trunks stowed and a retinue of servants to accompany us. I could not dissuade her and am only grateful that she did not insist on the butler and housekeeper accompanying us as well.”

  Georgiana waved her hand in the air “Oh pish. When I learned that Miss Elizabeth Bennet was here, I knew you needed my help to further the acquaintance.”

  “Well dear sister of mine, I will have you know your assistance is appreciated but not necessary.”

  “Oh? And why is that dear brother?” asked Georgiana.

  Darcy’s faced sported a wide grin. “We have come to an understanding and will finalize matters once the situation is complete.”

  “Yes, Darcy,” Fitzwilliam interjected. “Tell us why the urgent summons and what are this dire circumstances you referenced in your letter.”

  Darcy proceeded to relate all that he had been told about the disappearance of Maria Lucas as well as Lizzie and the Lucas’ posing as servants in order to learn of her whereabouts.

  Fitzwilliam’s countenance became serious and Darcy observed that his cousin was in his military commander role.

  “Tell us who else besides the Darlings were guest in the manor when Miss Lucas disappeared.”

  “Besides Lady Livina, who is Sir Edwin’s wife, only her brother, Robert Cosgrove was present.”

  “I have never met the man. What do you know of him?”

  “I am afraid not much as I have never met him myself. He is away in town and due to return today. Together we will be able to take the measure of the man.”

  “And what can you tell us of Lady Livina?” asked Georgiana.

  “I was introduced to the Lady, but beyond that I cannot say. She appears to be a genteel, quiet sort of person and was the daughter of a successful tradesman when she married Sir Edwin. Her family wanted her to marry above herself and advance in society.”

  “I will deal with Lady Livinia,” Georgiana said with conviction.

  Darcy observed his cousin silently stroking his chin in thought. “And you cousin? Will you assist?”

  “Of course I will Darcy.” Fitzwilliam stuck his head out of the coach and asked one of the footman to have his man Kearns brought to him. When Kearns appeared, Fitzwilliam opened the door and beckoned him to enter.

  “Kearns, I will need both the housekeeper and butler’s keys by tonight. Can you obtain them for me?”

  “Of course Major General, consider it done,” replied Kearns and exited the coach.

  Darcy looked at his cousin with a question on his tongue.

  “Kearns is the best at what he does. We need those keys to search the manor, especially the cellars. From what you have related, I believe Maria Lucas is still in the house. We will search tonight after all have retired and hopefully we will find her. I would like to meet in your sitting room with Miss. Bennet and the Lucas’ around midnight so we can begin our search. Can you arrange that Darcy?”

  “Of course, I will inform John Lucas who will pass along the request to Miss Bennet and Ms. Collins.”

  “John Lucas?” The Major General asked. “I know a captain John Lucas under my command.”

  “One and the same cousin. He mentioned that you are his commanding officer, so do not show surprise when you see him in the guise of a footman. We should be on our way. I will meet you at the manor.”

  Darcy descended the coach and mounted his horse.

  Chapter 8

  When the coaches reached the manor house, Darcy with Sir Edwin and Lady Livinia were on the front steps to greet them. Darcy made the introductions and after curtsying, Georgiana stepped forward and took both of Lady Livina’s hands.

  “Lady Livinia, how delighted I am to finally meet you!”

  Lady Livinia was surprised but very pleased at Georgiana’s statement. She knew the Darcy’s were the highest circle of society and well known in the ton. That was something she always aspired to but thought not possible. Although she had yet to make her debut, Georgiana Darcy was well known for her dinner parties and soirees that everyone, who was anyone, craved an invitation to.

  Georgiana linked arms with Lady Livinia and the proceeded into the house.

  “You are most welcome Miss Darcy.”

  “How kind and gracious of you Lady Livinia! Why have we never met in town? I will give you my direction to Darcy house and you must promise to call upon me. You must also attend one of my dinner parties and soirees. My aunt and uncle, the Earl of Matlock and his Countess always attend and I would be most pleased to have you make their acquaintance.

  Lady Livinia beamed and thanked Georgiana for her kindness.

  “It is you who are too kind Lady Livinia; welcoming uninvited guest into your lovely home.”

  “I assure you Miss Darcy, the pleasure is all mine. I will have the housekeeper show you to your rooms so you might refresh yourself, and whenever you are ready, we shall have tea in the gold parlor.”

  “Thank you Lady Livinia!” Georgiana responded with enthusiasm. “You truly are too kind”

  Darcy excused himself and ascended the stairs behind his sister and cousin.

  When they were alone in Georgiana’s sitting room, Fitzwilliam turned to his cousin and said “Truly Georgiana? An actress on Drury Lane could not have given a better performance.”

  “Perhaps,” she replied. “But I meant what I said. Lady Livinia is very genteel and I would not mind getting to know her better.”

  A knock was heard at the door, and after Georgiana responded enter, John Lucas entered the room with her trunk. When he saw Fitzwilliam, he immediately came to attention. Fitzwilliam approached him with his hand outstretched. “Lucas, it is good to see you again.”

  “And you as well sir. I cannot express my gratitude for your willingness to assist us in recovering my sister.”

  “Think nothing of it. I consider it an honor to assist one of my best men. I want you to bring Miss Bennet and Mrs. Collins to Miss Darcy’s rooms tonight at midnight. We are s
ecuring the housekeeper and butler’s keys and will make a through search of the house. I believe she is still somewhere in the manor.”

  “Very good sir. I will apprise the ladies of the plan.”

  “Oh and Lucas? I do not have to tell you to be careful but be diligent.”

  “Yes sir.” Lucas replied and exited the room.

  “Will your batman be able to obtain the keys?” asked Darcy

  “I have great confidence in Kearns. He will obtain them. He a man of many talents,” and winked at the siblings.

  “Please excuse me. I will meet you for tea after I change my clothes.” Fitzwilliam then turned and took his leave.

  Georgiana turned to her brother and asked “Please tell me all about Miss. Elizabeth.”

  Darcy put his hands on his sister’s shoulders and kissed her forehead. “I will tell you all after this situation has been resolved, but we have come to an understanding and at first opportunity, I will ask her to be my wife.”

  Georgiana clapped her hands in glee.

  “You must not mention this for the present Georgiana.”

  “You have my promise brother, but I am oh so happy!”

  “I will return for you in half an hour to escort you downstairs.”

  The visitors spent a pleasant afternoon with their host, but retired early after dinner claiming fatigue.

  They had the opportunity of being introduced to Lady Livinia’s brother and Fitzwilliam engaged him in a lengthy discussion.

  Chapter 9

  They met in Georgiana’s sitting room and Darcy was anxious to ask Fitzwilliam of his opinion of Robert Cosgrove.

  “In my opinion Darcy, I find the man to be nervous and some what unsettled. I also found him to be distracted. He knows more of Miss Lucas’ disappearance than he is willing to say. What say you Darcy? What was your impression of the man?”

  “I agree with you cousin. But, I do not know by what means we can obtain the information from him.”


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