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Fitzwilliam Darcy the Man Himself

Page 3

by Elizabeth Hopkins

  “I could always beat it out of him,” Fitzwilliam replied slyly.

  “I hope it does not come to that cousin.”

  A soft knock came at the door and Georgiana bid enter. Kearns entered followed by Lizzie and the Lucas siblings. Darcy four footmen stood outside in the hall.

  “Where you observed?” asked Fitzwilliam.

  “I was not Major General” replied Kearns and handed Fitzwilliam the keys he requested.

  “Good man. Let me outline our plan.”

  Fitzwilliam handed Darcy a set of keys and put the other set in his pocket.

  “Darcy, Miss Bennet, Mrs. Collins and Lucas will form one search party. Myself, Kearns and Georgiana will form the second group.”

  “Kearns, do you have the lanterns?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Good man. Darcy instruct your servants to stand guard in the corridor leading to the cellars so they came immediately notify us if anyone should come along. Darcy you will search the west wing of the cellars and I will take the east wing. We must move swiftly and quietly. Is all understood?”

  All nodded their agreement and exited the room, heading down the corridor toward the cellars. After two hours of searching, Charlotte whispered to Lizzie “I have ever seen such dusty, cobwebbed rooms in my life. When we are done, I am going to burn this filthy uniform.”

  Lizzie chuckled to herself as they followed Darcy into another room.

  “Where does that door lead to?” she asked pointing to a door in the far corner.

  “Let us find out,” replied Darcy.

  He tried the door and found it locked.

  “Miss Elizabeth, please hold the lantern aloft while I locate the key.”

  After several attempts Darcy located the correct key and the door opened with a groan.

  He took the lantern from Lizzie and surveyed the room. There in the corner, huddled against the wall was Maria Lucas. Charlotte ran to her sister and gathered her in her arms. She began to weep softly. “Oh my dearest sister, we have found you!”

  Maria slowly opened her eyes and in a hoarse voice said “Charlotte is that you? Is it really you?”

  “Yes dearest, it is I and you are safe.”

  Darcy turned to Lucas and bid him to find Fitzwilliam and the others and bring them here.

  Lucas was gone but a few moments when Fitzwilliam and the others entered the room.

  “We were right outside Darcy when Lucas came upon us. I was coming to find you. You will never believe what we found.”

  Darcy pointed to Maria Lucas. “We have found Miss Lucas.”

  All huddled around her and Fitzwilliam asked “Do you know who abducted you Miss Lucas?”

  Maria looked at Fitzwilliam and rasped out the word brother.

  “I am here sister,” replied John Lucas.

  Maria shook her head. “Lady Livinia.”

  “Robert Cosgrove?” inquired Fitzwilliam.

  Maria nodded her head in the affirmative.

  John Lucas stood and balled his fist “I will kill the bastard with my bare hands!”

  “Easy solider” Fitzwilliam commanded.

  “Cousin give me your flask” requested Darcy.

  He passed it to Charlotte and told her to give her sister a few sips.

  “French” Maria rasped. And then “Guns.”

  Darcy turned to his cousin for an explanation.

  “We were coming to find you when we met Lucas. We have discovered several rooms with crates of guns. There must be hundreds of them.”

  Darcy turned to Lizzie “We will bring Miss Lucas upstairs so she can be refreshed and I will send my footmen for food for her.”

  Lizzie concurred and asked John Lucas to carry his sister.

  “Bring her to my room,” Georgiana said. “She can be kept well hidden there.”

  Chapter 10

  As the women tended to Maria Lucas in Georgiana’s room, the men met in Darcy’s sitting room.

  Darcy turned to his cousin and asked “How did you know she was still in the house?”

  Fitzwilliam smirked and said “I surmised as much cousin. It was the most logical location.” He tapped the side of his nose and said “I always know where the French will be. The army relies heavily on my expertise in these matters.”

  “Enough of your self praise cousin. Tell me what we should do next.”

  “Very well. Have Sir Edwin and his brother roused from their beds and brought to the study.”

  “Now?” replied Darcy. “At this time of the night?”

  “There is no time like the present. I have already sent Kearns with an express to the war office. The regiment should be here before dawn.”

  A short time later, Sir Edwin entered his study with only a robe covering his night clothes. “Darcy, what is the meaning of this? What could be so urgent that you could not wait until morning?” demanded Sir Edwin.

  “We are awaiting the arrival of your brother Mr. Cosgrove then all will be explained. I do assure you that the situation is indeed serious.”

  Cosgrove was escorted into the room by two of Darcy’s footmen and thrown into a chair. Both men stood guard over him.

  “What is the meaning of this Darcy?” demanded Sir Edwin.

  Lizzie, Charlotte, and John Lucas entered the room and stood near the door.

  “Sir Edwin,” began Darcy. “May I introduce you to Miss Elizabeth Bennet, a gentleman’s daughter from Hertofordshire; Mrs. Charlotte Collins, sister of Miss Maria Lucas, and Captain John Lucas of his majesty’s horse guards, whose father is Sir William Lucas also of Hertofordshire.”

  Sir Edwin was stunned. “Why are they posing as servants here in my home?”

  “They came to Rosewoods to locate Miss Maria Lucas. She is the young lady that disappeared from your home.”

  Sir Edwin looked at Darcy in confusion “I was lead to believe that she eloped with a solider.”

  Darcy continued “Miss Lucas observed French smugglers entering your home in the middle of the night after all were abed. She had gone to the library to retrieve her reticule that she had left there earlier. When the smugglers saw her, she was captured and was placed it a locked room in your cellar. Your brother Cosgrove was part of the gang and he allowed them to gain admittance to the house so the crates of guns that were intended for the French army could be stored until placed upon a ship bound for France.”

  Sir Edwin was furious. “Is this true Robert!?”

  Cosgrove hung his head in shame. “But why Robert? What possessed you to commit such a heinous act?”

  Twisting nervously in his seat, Cosgrove said “The leader of the gang Moreau held my vowels. He swore to kill me if I did not help him hide the guns. It was most unfortunate that Miss Lucas stumbled upon us. Moreau wanted to kill her but I said I would and bury her body in the woods. But I am not a murderer Edwin! You know me best. I could never murder anyone! I kept her hidden in the cellars and forged the note telling her family that she had eloped. I was going to release her after Moreau and his ganged sailed for France. The removal of the guns is to take place tonight.”

  “Please tell us how you would explain her sudden reappearance?” asked Darcy.

  “Well, I had not thought that far ahead” Cosgrove replied sheepishly.

  Sir Edwin addressed Darcy and Fitzwilliam “Could we have a word in private please?”

  The three men moved to the far corner of the room so as not to be overheard. “The boy is an idiot!” stated Sir Edwin. “My wife does not deserve the shame and ruin that will blight our family from this scandal. I beg you, allow me to put him on the first ship out of England. I will take him myself and you have my solemn word he will never return. Please Darcy, I beg this of you.”

  Darcy looked at Fitzwilliam and nodded. They returned to the others and Fitzwilliam said “You brother is going to put you on the first ship heading out of England tomorrow. It is more then you deserve. You are never to set foot on English soil ever again. If you do return, I will know and rest assur
ed after I have run my sword through you, I will see you hung for the traitor that you are! Am I understood Cosgrove?”

  Cosgrove nervously nodded his head and said “Yes sir.”

  “You will allow the gang access to the house as planned and then I shall take it from there. The footmen will escort you to your room and I suggest you start having your trunks packed.”

  Fitzwilliam turned to the two footmen. “Please escort him and keep guard over him. Do not let him out of your sight.”

  The footmen agreed and set off with Cosgrove between them.

  Fitzwilliam turned to the others and said “The soldiers will be in place before Moreau and his men arrive to remove the guns. Captain Lucas, I assume you wish to be involved in their capture?”

  “Yes sir!” replied John Lucas most enthusiastically.

  Chapter 11

  The townspeople of Merryton stopped and gawked at the three elegant carriages that passed through their village. When the coaches reached their destination of Lucas lodge, Major General Fitzwilliam emerged from the first coach and approached the second coach. He helped Maria Lucas and Charlotte Collins to descend the coach. They were followed by John Lucas.

  Sir William and Lady Lucas were waiting on the steps of the manor to greet them.

  Lady Lucas threw her arms around her youngest daughter and held her in a fierce hug. Tears were rolling down her face.

  “My dear girl, I cannot express how happy I am that you are returned safely to us.”

  “Yes, yes” Sir William interjected. “We received your express Major General, and cannot tell you how astonished we were to learn that our little Maria was in service to the crown and instrumental in apprehending those French smugglers.”

  Fitzwilliam bowed to Sir William and said “We could not have done it without her invaluable assistance. I must tell you that the war office will be issuing Miss Lucas a commendation for her heroism.”

  Sir William beamed and said “Excellent, excellent. Would you and your party care to come in and refresh yourselves sir?”

  “I thank you for the kind offer Sir William, but my cousins are waiting upon me. We hope to make London by nightfall.”

  Fitzwilliam farewelled the Lucas’ and Mrs. Collins and entered the first coach which held the Darcy siblings and Lizzie.

  “That was very well done of you Major General to protect Miss Lucas’ reputation from being harmed. I thank you,” said Lizzie.

  “You are very welcome Miss Bennet. Anyone that can make my dour cousin smile, as you have, has my gratitude.”

  Darcy thought it best to cut off his cousin. “I will accompany Miss Bennet to Longbourn while you and Georgiana proceed to the Merryton Inn to refresh yourselves. I ask that you return for me in an hour’s time. Is that agreeable to you Elizabeth?”

  Lizzie smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

  While her trunk was being unloaded from Darcy’s coach, Lizzie lead Darcy into the house and to her father’s study. She did not hear or see her mother, for which she was grateful.

  When Mr. Bennet noticed that Darcy accompanied his daughter, he stood and bowed to the man. He then hugged his favorite daughter.

  “I am so pleased that you have returned Lizzie. I have not heard one word of sense spoken since you left. How did you find Hunsford and the Collins?”

  Lizzie and Darcy seated themselves in front of Mr. Bennet’s desk.

  “I was not in Hunsford father. Allow me to explain my deception.”

  Mr. Bennet sat silent after Lizzie tendered the entire tale of Maria Lucas’ disappearance and recovery as well as the capture of the French smugglers.’

  “I am all amazement” said Mr. Bennet.

  “Sir,” Darcy began. “While at Rosewoods, your daughter and I renewed our acquaintance. Four years ago, I made her an offer of marriage at Hunsford which she rightly refused. It was an insulting offer but the intervining years has allowed me to correct those faults which your daughter so aptly pointed out to me. I have renewed my offer and she has accepted me. I love her with every fiber of my being and I will ensure that her happiness is my first priority in life. Although she is of an age and does not require it, we would appreciate your consent and blessing.”

  Mr. Bennet looked back and forth between Darcy and his daughter whose hands were now clasped together.

  “Hunsford you say?” he asked. “I now comprehend why you refused all suitors Lizzie. You have not been my happy little Lizzie since you returned from Hunsford four years ago. But I can see that you are very happy now.”

  “I love him father. I cannot see my life without him as my husband.”

  “If that be the case, you have my consent and blessing.”

  Lizzie stood to hug her father and Darcy offered his hand to Mr. Bennet.

  “Thank you sir. I am returning to London today. I will return in five days time with a special license and my mother’s ring.”

  Darcy then looked at Lizzie before he continued and she nodded her head.

  “We wish to be married immediately upon my return. We have waited far too long for one another and we do not wish to wait one more day than is necessary.”

  “Very well,” Mr. Bennet replied. “I expect you want me to inform Mrs. Bennet?”

  “Thank you father,” Lizzie said and both exited the room.

  They heard Mrs. Bennet before they saw her. She had rushed into the house, threw her bonnet and pelisse at the housekeeper and hurried down the hall to Mr. Bennet’s study screeching “Mr. Bennet! Mr. Bennet!”

  She collided with Lizzie and said “Oh Lizzie, you are home.” She then noticed Mr. Darcy and dropped an abbreviated curtsey. “Oh Mr. Darcy, I did not see you standing there. Please excuse me; I must see Mr. Bennet at once.”

  “Come William, let us wait for your coach in the garden. I do not want to subject you to my mother’s shrieks and lamentations over not being able to prepare a proper wedding breakfast.”

  Darcy and Lizzie moved into the garden and Lizzie directed them to a bench furthest from the house.

  “Are you happy my love?” Darcy asked.

  “Ecstatically so!” replied Elizabeth.

  He wrapped his arms around her and proceeded to kiss her passionately. They only withdrew from each other when they heard her mother’s loud shrieking coming from the house.

  Mrs. Bennet flew into her husband’s study and blurted “Mr. Bennet I have just come from my sister Philips home. It is all over Merryton!”

  “What is my dear?” Mr. Bennet asked calmly.

  “Why that Maria Lucas has been returned home and she never eloped with a soldier but was in service to the crown on a secret mission! She is to receive a commendation from the Prince Regent himself! What do you say to that?”

  “I am very happy for Miss Lucas and her family.”

  “Oh Mr. Bennet!” Mrs. Bennet lamented “Why could not one of our girls have done such a heroic feat and been recognized by the Crown?”

  “Well Mrs. Bennet, I have some news to convey that I believe will please you greatly.”


  Darcy returned with 5 days from London and he and Lizzie married the following morning. They made haste to Darcy house after an impromptu wedding breakfast, during which Mrs. Bennet constantly complained that she was not given enough time to do it up proper.

  Jane Bingley stood up with her sister and Major General Fitzwilliam stood with Darcy.

  Maria Lucas married Michael Darling when he called upon Lucas Lodge to ask for her hand.

  John Lucas was promoted to Major for his part in capturing the French smugglers.

  Charlotte Collins returned to Hunsford with her dolt of a husband none the wiser as to where she had been or engaged in.

  True to his word, Darcy made his life’s priority his wife’s happiness, which he promoted every day of their long marriage.



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