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Mike (Henderson Security Book 1)

Page 17

by MLJ Quigg

  “That sounds good. I would like us all to stay as safe as possible,” Jax agreed.

  “Okay, so with Cassie and her entourage, I suggest a six-man team. More will be needed when you tour, but Ando here will be able to coordinate that with you.” Tiny looked at Cassie.

  “I agree. I just want to do what I love without the crazy in front of me. I will agree with any recommendations. I just want to be safe,” Cassie replied.

  “I know this may be hard to hear, but I’d like to do extensive background checks on all staff associated with you. That means fingerprints and DNA. I know this is a shock, but sometimes the perpetrator is closer than you think. I don’t know if this is the case, but I’d like to rule it out. Also, all of our clients wear tracking devices. Watches, phones, and a tracker implanted in their arms. This is necessary in case something happens. With this implemented, we’ll be able to find you very quickly reducing the chance of you getting hurt. We will only use them if something… God forbid… goes wrong. Would you all be willing to go through with that?” Tiny asks.

  They all nodded their heads again.

  “Will the tracking device in my arm hurt?” Cassie questioned.

  “Absolutely not. It’s a small device that feels like a mozzie bite and leaves a small bump. Here feel this?” I stood up and walked over to her. She felt the area and was satisfied. I let the others feel as well, and Heather had a bit too much fun with it if you asked me.

  “Man, your wife is one lucky woman,” she commented squeezing my bicep.

  “Husband actually, and I’m the lucky one.” I smiled at the shocked look that registered on her face.

  “Well, there ya go,” she replied matter of factly.

  I continue, “That’s it. You don’t even realise it’s there. All of our staff have them implanted.”

  We spent the rest of the time coming up with a fee that everyone was comfortable with, and they were happy to go ahead with our company.

  We’d just finished the meeting when the intercom went off indicating a silent alarm. The room had gone into lockdown and the doors would not be able to be opened until all was safe outside. I knew we all wanted to be there helping, but we could do nothing but watch.

  “Silent alarm activated by Lisa at the front desk. I have the incident on camera. Vision is patched through to you guys. Turn on the monitor,” Guy’s voice interrupted over the intercom.

  Grey got up and turned on the monitor which was a massive television. We all watched the scene unfolding in front of us.

  “Sorry guys, but you’ll have to be witness to this for the moment. For safety reasons, the room is on lockdown. None of us can leave until this is sorted. I have all faith my guys can handle it without any problems,” Tiny explained to the room of occupants.

  “That’s fine,” Heather commented.

  “Have the police been called, Guy?” I watched a man in front of the front desk yelling at Lisa. As soon as I saw the man from the front, I knew exactly who it was.

  “What the fuck is Frost doing?” I stated.

  “You know this guy?” Jax asked.

  “Yeah, we do. He was a potential recruit, but we dropped him as he harassed a fellow recruit. We thought he’d left with no blowback. Guess we were wrong,” Tiny hissed.

  “Max on scene. Coming on his six. Police on route, ETA five minutes. Patching Cross to you. Go ahead,” Guy informed us.

  “Hey Tiny, you having troubles over there?” Cross chuckled.

  “Yeah. Perpetrator is a recruit we dropped two months ago. He didn’t leave of his own accord, he had to be escorted out. He’s at the front desk harassing the receptionist,” Tiny snapped.

  “Since when did you guys get a receptionist?” Cross asked.

  “Since we went to Adelaide and rescued my sister-in-law from her abusive husband. We hired Lisa after she recovered from that fun-filled encounter,” I commented.

  “Cross, Max is just about to take him down. He’s slowly coming up behind him. He has him in a headlock. He’s out for the count. Max is cuffing him. He’s subdued and waiting for your arrival,” Tiny relayed the events as they were happening.

  “We’re here. We’ll take it from here on out. Thanks, guys. See you at training Wednesday night,” Cross countered.

  “No worries, we’ll see you then,” Tiny replied.

  “Well, that was kinda anti-climactic. I was hoping it would last longer,” Jax blurted.

  “That’s the thing, though. Ninety-nine percent of incidents will end in a quick and precise manner. It’s the other one percent that are climactic. We would rather the former not the latter,” I explained.

  “Well, you have my vote. I’ve just witnessed how you train your teams. I’d be ecstatic to have them guard me if that’s any indication of the training you all have,” Jax said with a smile.

  “I agree wholeheartedly,” Cassie commented.

  “Thank you. Ando will start with you immediately, Cassie. He will be with you twenty-four seven. He’s your shadow from now on,” Tiny stated.

  “Thanks, I just want to feel safe,” she urged.

  We chatted for about another ten minutes, and after the doors were unlocked, we shook hands and escorted them out of the building.

  Ando and Grey left with them to start their assignments. Grey was going with the band to meet up with the rest of the staff and get to know them better. Ando would start immediately and would go to his place first to pack his clothes and items needed to guard Cassie.


  I arrived home at five thirty and started dinner. Dave was due home soon and so were Harlow and Lisa. Laura still wasn’t back from whatever she was doing that day. I thought back to our honeymoon and how much fun we had with Gina and Roxie. I’d have to call them tonight and see if they wanted to catch up. Have a coffee or something.

  As I was chopping the veggies for dinner, my phone rang. I looked at the screen and smiled then swiped it to answer, “Hey, Gina. How’s it going?”

  “Hey, Mike. I’m good. How are you guys?”

  “We’re really good. I was going to call you tonight to see if we could catch up. What are you doing this weekend?”

  “I actually rang to see if you’d like to go to the club I told you about on the cruise. We’re going this weekend and would love to show you around if you’re interested?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Dave and I have talked about it, and he wants to see it as well. I’m kinda busy cooking dinner at the moment, so how about I call you tonight, and we’ll go over the particulars then?”

  “Sure. Not a problem. I’ll talk to you later then. See ya, Mike.”

  “Bye.” I hung up just as Dave walked in into the kitchen.

  “Hey, babe. How was work?”

  “Long, my hand is killing me. I don’t know what’s wrong with it. It started hurting this morning and got gradually worse during the day,” he explained flexing and releasing his fingers.

  “I’ll rub some anti-inflammatory cream into it and see if that helps. If it’s not better in a couple of days, you better go see a doctor. I don’t want you to take any chances. When’s Tiny’s next appointment?” I asked.

  “Next week. We’re just about finished with the arms and shoulders, and I was going to do the black and shading of the cherry blossom. I’ll take it easy and see how I do when it comes time for her appointment.”

  “That’s good. Gina rang, she invited us to the club this weekend. I said we’ll go. That okay?”

  “Yeah, that’s fine. I’m actually looking forward to it.”

  “You know I’ll have to collar you while we’re there. There’s no way I’m letting you into a place like that with others thinking they have free reign over you,” I stated.

  “Sure,” he replied.

  “Good. Come here and kiss me.”

  He came over and leant into me as I bent my head down and took his mouth in a hungry kiss. I breathed him in and loved the way he smelt. It was like a mixture of citrus and basil. It was the afte
rshave he wore, it lingered all day. I nuzzled into his neck and just inhaled.

  “God, you smell so fucking good. I love this aftershave on you. Fuck, it gets me hard every time I come near you,” I whispered nibbling his neck.

  He started breathing harder and shorter, and I knew he was getting into this as much as I was. Fuck! I could take him right there on the countertop and not give a single shit, except for the fact, we weren’t going to be alone for much longer. The others were due home anytime now.

  “Get up and have a shower, or I’m fucking you on this bench right here, right now. I seriously don’t care if we get caught, but you may not want your mum and sister to see the size of my cock. Could get them going,” I retorted with a laugh.

  “Yeah, that’s mine. No one is going to see it.”

  “Put some more aftershave on. I want to smell it while I fuck you later.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good boy.” I slapped his arse again for good measure.

  He walked out of the kitchen and not a minute later Lisa came through the front door with Laura and Johnathon. I discretely hid behind the counter and willed my hard-on to soften. I didn’t really think they needed to see me hard. Fuck, they knew we screwed like rabbits, but I didn’t think they needed to see the evidence of it. I thought of all kinds of things to try and get my dick to go down.

  A woman’s body—nope still hard.

  Dead bodies I’d seen overseas—nope that just gave me the shivers.

  Fucking hell! Why the fuck would I think of that? It was horrific at the time, and it still fucking is.

  Well, anyway it worked. I was soft as a baby’s bottom.

  The women immediately came in and started helping me prepare dinner. Laura began by marinating steaks and Lisa peeled potatoes. Johnathon went to the fridge and asked me if I wanted a beer. After I nodded, he grabbed two and opened them handing one to me and taking a swig of the other. When we had everything ready and cooking, Dave came back into the kitchen, and as soon as I got a whiff of him, I was rock-hard again.

  Fucking hell.

  I quickly sat down at the island and started thinking about anything but him. Dave noticed, came over and draped himself over my back with his arms going around my neck. He leant in and kissed the back of my neck, and I shifted my hard-on discreetly under the island bench.

  Johnathon was starting to use his arm and hand more, so he must have felt better and the physiotherapy must be working for him to use it so well. Even Lisa seemed to be getting better which was fantastic. I was so glad they weren’t more damaged from their encounter with Lisa’s husband. I wondered if they had heard from him again, and was just about to ask when I was interrupted in my musings.

  “Harlow and Tweety won’t be here for dinner. They’re on a family date with Emma,” Lisa said to all of us.

  “Yeah, Tweety already told me. I was going to tell you guys, but you got in before me, Lisa. How’s everyone’s day been anyway?” I questioned.

  “Good, apart from the commotion at work today. That guy was crazy. He was so aggressive. I didn’t know what else to do than to press the panic button,” Lisa countered.

  “You did the right thing. You let us all know, and it was sorted in a clean and precise manner. Frost was angry he was dumped by the company. He’s not the right fit for us, and we knew it from the start. He has his pride hurt and would do anything to get back at us. We are keeping an eye on him, though, and we won’t have any more problems from him,” I commented.

  “Yeah, I know. I wasn’t worried at all. I knew he would be taken care of. Anyway, apart from that, my day was quiet and kinda boring,” she replied.

  “We all hope for days like that, Lisa. So, how was your day, Laura? How did you go with the house?” I asked.

  “I put an offer in for it. We’ll find out in a couple of days if they go ahead. I’ve been offered a job at the oncology unit in the cancer centre down the road. I’m friends with one of the doctors and rang her to see if we can grab a coffee one day, and as soon as she heard I had moved to Sydney, she wanted me there. I accepted and start in two weeks.”

  “That’s fantastic, Laura. I am so happy for you.”

  “I am, too, Mum. That’s fantastic news,” Dave gushed walking over and hugging his mum and kissing her on the cheek.

  “Same, Grandma. Very happy,” Johnathon commented.

  “How about you, Johnathon? You seem to be using your arm better. How is the healing going?” I inquired.

  “When I was at the physiotherapist today, they downgraded me to once a week now. They said that the arm and wrist should be fully functional in a couple of weeks. I still have to go easy on it, but they’re really impressed with the progress I’ve made.”

  “That’s great, honey. I’m so glad. Did you catch up on the school work you needed to do?” Lisa hugs him to her side and kisses him on the top of his head.

  “I did. The professors have been so good to me. I had the extra credits from the university in Adelaide which I was able to transfer over, so the workload isn’t as bad as what I thought it would be. The next few years are going to be a different story, though, as I know I’ll get more work to do the longer I’m there.”

  “You certainly have my vote of confidence, Johnathon. I have nothing but faith that you will make it to the end and become the greatest at what you want to do,” Laura insisted.

  “Thanks, Grandma. I am really enjoying it,” he replied.

  “I agree. Looks like dinner’s nearly ready. I’ll set the table,” Dave commented.

  “Thanks,” I agreed.

  We all brought a dish to the table and sat down to eat and continued chatting about our days. After cleaning the kitchen and settling in for the night, Dave and I made our way upstairs to our room. As we were sitting on the bed, I did what I said I’d do and rubbed some cream into his skin and massaged his hand, wrist, and arm. He was very stiff, and I didn’t like the feel of how he wasn’t able to bend it properly.

  “I think you should take it very easy with this hand, babe. This is only going to get worse if you keep using it.”

  “I will,” he promised.

  “Good, now come here. I promised to fuck you, didn’t I? God, you smell so damn good. I absolutely love this aftershave on you. You make me hard by merely walking in the room, but with you wearing it, I can’t get enough of you. I’m permanently hard, and the fucking thing won’t go down. It’s fucking torture, I tell you.”

  I don’t give him a chance to answer. I rolled on top of him and kissed him hard. Dave went pliant in my arms, so I continued to kiss him. I pulled back and stood up and dragged him up as well. I undressed him and then myself, and when we were both naked, I pushed down on his shoulders.

  “On your knees. Put your hands behind your back and keep them there. I won’t tie them, but you have to keep them there until I say you can move them.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Open,” I commanded tapping his lips with my finger.

  He opened his mouth, and I inserted my finger and placed it on his tongue. He looked up at me, and his green eyes held such love and devotion. Fuck it! I wanted to make love to my husband, not with me dominating him, but as an equal. I pulled my finger out of his mouth and grabbed him under the shoulders and lifted him.

  “No dominance tonight, babe. I want to make love all night long to my husband as equals,” I said into his mouth kissing him softly.

  I laid him on the bed and played with him until he was panting and wanting it as much as I was, then I did what I promised and made love to my husband all night long.


  We were woken up by the alarm going off on my phone. I had woken instantly and grabbed it. While looking at the screen, I noticed Harlow had activated the silent alarm on her tracker.

  That was not good.

  “Harlow’s in trouble, babe. I traced her whereabouts, and she and Emma are at the same location. Tweety’s not with them at all. I’m widening the search for him. His loc
ation is about five kilometres from here. I’m going to go and get him. You stay here. Make sure all the doors and windows are locked and the alarm’s set. I’ll let you know what’s happening. Keep your phone near you,” I said and Dave nodded at me.

  I kissed him and then jumped out of bed and sent an SOS call to everyone. I quickly dressed and by the time I was ready to go, Dave had come downstairs to activate the alarm when I walked through the door.

  I ran to my car and drove to Tweety’s location. As I neared him, I could see police cars in the distance and pulled up. Getting out of the car, I started running and stopped short when I noticed the car. It was on its roof, and the driver’s side was caved in. It looked like something had collided with it pretty hard. I ran over and crouched down to see if Tweety was okay. He wasn’t in the car. I looked around and couldn’t see him anywhere. I heard a voice from behind me and turned to see Tweety was sitting in the back of an ambulance being checked over by the paramedics. The police were there getting a statement from him, and by the time I had arrived, they had given him the all-clear to leave. His car was going to be towed and would be a total write-off. He was arguing with the paramedics when I got to him.

  “Look, I already said that I’m fine. I’ve had medical training, I know what to look for. Yes, I have a headache, but I have no blurry vision or any other symptoms of a concussion. Just give me a couple of painkillers. My knee’s sore but not broken. It’s just a sprain. I’m good. If I have any problems, I’ll go to the hospital. I know you’re just doing your job but seriously back the fuck off. I’m leaving,” he spat at them as they continued to fuss over him. They eventually backed off and let him go with his promise to seek medical attention if needed.

  He stood up and limped along next to me while we walked a distance away. Then he told me what happened. “They got Harlow and Emma. My phone’s smashed completely. I can’t track them. Fucking SUV came out of nowhere and rammed into my side and kept going. When the car hit the gutter, it flipped it onto the roof. I hit the steering wheel with my knee… it’s sore but not too bad. My head hit the window, and I blacked out for a few seconds and came to when they were getting me out,” he said quickly.


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