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Mike (Henderson Security Book 1)

Page 18

by MLJ Quigg

  “Harlow activated her silent alarm. We have them on tracker. The others are on their way. When they get here, we’ll go and get the girls. You good to go?” I asked looking him over.

  “I’m good. Fucking pissed, though. I really liked that car. But I’m more worried about my girls.”

  “I know you are. We’ll get them back, don’t worry about that,” I replied.

  He nodded his head and sat on the gutter laying on his back and closing his eyes. He was taking steadying breaths, and I knew he was calming himself for the mission to come. I sat down next to him and opened the tracking app. I brought up the girls’ location, and they hadn’t moved since I’d last checked. Tweety sat up next to me, and we both devised a plan while we waited for the others. Within five minutes, everyone had arrived, and within the next five minutes, we were on our way.

  We arrived at a small, one-story house in a quiet suburban street an hour later.

  We parked a few houses away and exited the cars then gathered to give out assignments to everyone. Guy handed us all earpieces and mics so we could talk and hear each other. He handed me a device and told me it would detect a security alarm if they had one, and it would disarm it. After giving out orders, we made our way to house stealthily.

  Seb and Benny went to recon the house and came back saying they had vision on four perps in the lounge room at the front of the house. Harlow and Emma were in a bedroom. We split up and took half to the front door and half to the back. Bazza picked the lock on the door, and I used the device to see if they had an alarm, which they didn’t. The stupid fucks, they made it easy for us. We waited for the go-ahead from the other team members and counted down from ten to enter.

  When the time came, we entered the house with guns raised and searched it quickly. We surrounded the four in the lounge room, and they all put their hands up and were subdued. The rest of the guys stood over them to wait for the police to show, and I followed Tweety as he ran into the bedroom to see if the girls were okay. As soon as Harlow saw us, she burst into tears, and Tweety grabbed her and Emma and held them tight. He started kissing all over their faces and ended up kissing Harlow hard on the lips.

  “Are you okay, baby? You and Emma aren’t hurt, are you?” Tweety urged frantically looking over them.

  “We’re fine. They didn’t hurt us. Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?” she insisted.

  “I’m fine. I’m so glad we got you back in one piece and unhurt. I would have died if you were hurt.”

  “I knew help would be coming. As soon as they pulled us out of the car, I activated the alarm. I knew it wouldn’t take long for you to find us.”

  “Dada,” Emma cried in a small voice putting her arms out toward Tweety.

  “Come here, baby girl.” Tweety took Emma into his arms and hugged her to his chest. She put her head on his shoulder and arms around his neck hugging him. Tweety put his arm around Harlow’s shoulder and walked them out of the room.

  When we stepped into the lounge room, the police were taking statements. The paramedics came into the house, and I noticed Cross was an attending officer and called him over. The paramedics followed him and starting checking over Harlow. Tweety handed Emma to the other paramedic and followed Cross and I as we took a few steps away so we could give our statements.

  “Hey guys, everyone okay here?” Cross inquired.

  “Yes. We’re all good now,” Tweety commented.

  “Can you tell me what happened?” Cross asked.

  “We were driving home after going out on a date, and an SUV rammed us on the driver’s side and pushed us into the gutter and the car flipped onto the roof. I knocked myself out for a few seconds after hitting the window. I came to and Harlow and Emma were being dragged out of the car. I’d just finished giving my statement to the police and getting checked by the paramedics when Mike showed up.”

  I start talking. “I got an alarm saying that the tracking device on Harlow had been activated indicating an emergency. I traced her and Emma to the same location and noticed Tweety wasn’t with them. I traced his tracker and found him not far from the house. I alerted everyone and went to see if he was alright. When I got there, he was limping but seemed fine. He told me what happened, and we waited for the others to show up. Then we traced Harlow and Emma here and entered the building. We found the four perps in the lounge room, and they were pretty quick to surrender. We subdued them and waited until you guys turned up. I believe they’re Harlow’s father, grandfather, Emma’s father, and the fourth was Frost. The recruit we had trouble with a couple of days ago. Tweety and I found Harlow and Emma in the bedroom unhurt and then made our way to here.”

  He was writing down everything and then looked over at Harlow who was finished being checked, and she joined us. They wanted to check Tweety’s leg, but he told them he’d already had it seen to and was given the all-clear.

  “Do you know why they did this, sweetheart?” he questioned Harlow.

  “Dad was mad at Mum for leaving him, and wanted to use me to get her back. He was absolutely insane. Grandpa was broke and was planning to ransom me to get money out of Grandma. Emma’s father was just in it for money and was a pawn in their plan. They were all in on it and were going to split the money and disappear,” she said shaking her head sadly.

  Tweety hugged her tighter and kissed the side of her head. She leant her head on his shoulder and shuddered.

  “I just want to go home. Can I go… please?” she asked in a small voice.

  “Yes, you can. You’ve all been checked and given the all clear. You’re all free to go. I don’t see any legal problems arising from tonight, but I’ll get in contact with you if I have any more questions,” Cross suggested.

  “Okay. I just want to put this behind us,” she responded.

  Tweety and I nodded our heads in agreement, and I walked over to the others as we all got ready to leave this nightmare behind us.

  “Let’s get out of here, guys,” I suggested.

  They all wanted to know how the girls were and sighed in relief when they were told they were both fine.

  Tweety, Harlow, Emma, and I made our way to the car and drove home where Dave, Lisa, Laura, and Johnathon were in the lounge room waiting for us. As soon as we walked in the door, Lisa ran over to the girls and hugged them tightly. They both started crying, and Laura soon joined them. When they pulled apart, Johnathon hugged his sister and niece, and we all took places on the lounge and recliners. I took Dave in my arms and held him tight to my side and kissed his head as he leaned into me.

  We talked about what had happened, and even though they were sad their family would go to those lengths to get them, they were also glad they were now free and would never have to look over their shoulders again. I was ecstatic this was over for them.

  I could only hope we had a few ups in our lives from now on. It seemed all there was, was downs lately. Not that I wasn’t complaining, but I just wanted to settle down and enjoy my time with Dave without any angst hanging around us.

  We ended up retiring for the night, and I held Dave tight as we drifted off to sleep in the early hours of the morning.

  When I arrived at work the next day, I called a meeting with Tiny and Guy. I explained what Harlow had said, and we were all satisfied that the threat was over. I still wanted guards on them for the foreseeable future until we knew for sure, but I was sure things would be okay. They agreed, and we informed the guys to stick with them for the time being.

  We continued to stay on guard for the rest of the week, and everything seemed to settle down.

  I was glad for the quiet time we were having.


  I had let Gina know we would be at the club on Saturday night, and as it came closer, I knew I had to purchase a collar for Dave. He was mine and mine alone. No one would touch him without me going into a rage and beating the living shit out of them if they tried.

  We were just about ready to leave the house to go to the club when I called Dave int
o the bedroom. He sauntered in and closed the door behind him. Dave walked over to the bed where I was sitting.


  He kneeled in front of me, and I spread my legs while he crawled closer, so he was nestled in between my legs.

  “I have something for you.”

  He looked up at me and there was nothing but love and devotion in his eyes. I bent down and kissed his lips softly. I grabbed the package behind me and passed it to Dave, and he held it in his hands. It was a long rectangle which contained all my love for him. I had searched long and hard for the perfect gift and hoped he loved it as much as I did.

  “Open it.”

  He opened the box and gasped at the platinum neck chain and matching wrist cuffs. They were big, chunky chain links that could all interact together. To lock them together, they had to be used with a key. I used the key I had in my pocket and undid the locks on them.

  I wasn’t sure how this would go, but I really didn’t want others to come on to him while we were at the club tonight. Gina had told me if I collared him, he’d be safe and left alone. I didn’t want to have to kill anyone, so I thought the best option would be to buy a neck chain he could wear every day, but for the purpose of the club, it would be a collar. While talking to Gina, she said that many dominants had something similar for their submissives. Even though Dave wasn’t my submissive per se I would kill, and I meant that literally, if anyone touched him. Yep, a neck chain was the best option for both of us.

  I fixed the neck chain around his throat and locked it into position and then on the wristbands. I kissed the wrist cuffs and then the neck chain that sat just below his collar.

  “These can be worn at all times if you want, but whenever we are at the club or in an official scene of a Dom/sub environment, they will be a must. Do you understand that?”

  “I do. I will wear them with love and pride.”

  “God, I love you.” I took his hands, stood and pulled him to a standing position in front of me. “Gina said while we’re there, you are to address the Dominants as sir and mistress. They have to ask permission to talk to you if I’m there with you. I will have to do the same. These are their rules, and we are guests there,” I stated.


  “Good. You ready to go?”

  “I am.”

  We arrived at the club a short time later which was actually a warehouse in a secluded neighbourhood. I walked around to Dave’s side of the car, opened his door, and offered my hand to him. He took it and exited the car.

  I could see he was nervous, so I took his cheeks in my hands and kissed him softly. “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want.”

  “No, I want to. It’s just nerves. I’ll be okay,” he replied.

  “If at any time you want to go or feel uncomfortable, you let me know, yeah?”

  “I will,” he promised.

  I kissed him one more time, turned and walked to the door with his hand in mine. We stopped and gave our names to the guard situated just inside. He looked at the tablet in his hand and waved us through when he found our names on his list. We were told the owner, Master Bastian, and our friend, Mistress Gina, would be notified and would meet us at the cloak entrance where they would sign us in and give us a guest pass for the night. As we walked through a door, the guard opened for us, and we were met by a smiling, tall guy who was well-built and who I knew really well.

  What the fuck! That dirty fucking bastard. How could he not tell me?

  “Mike, how are you, brother?”

  “Seb? What the hell, man?” I sputtered out shocked as I pulled him into a man hug.

  “Tara and I own the club. We started it about five years ago.”

  “Hell, I had no idea. Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t know you were into the lifestyle. Not until Gina told me about you guys being interested. I was going to talk to you about it, but then that stuff happened with Dave’s family, and we all kind of got caught up in assignments. So, I decided to surprise you instead.”

  “Fuck me. Sneaky bastard.” I laughed.

  “May I?” he queried looking at Dave.

  I nodded my head.

  “Hello, Dave. Good to see you again,” Seb said.

  “Good to see you, too, sir,” Dave replied politely.

  “Okay, how the hell do you all know each other?” Gina finally asked.

  “He’s my boss. We met when we had training for the SAS. Tiny, whose real name is Monique, she’s Dave’s best friend, was the only girl who was with us. She owns Henderson Security. When we both got out, she offered us jobs, and Mike’s a manager and the one in charge of assignments and recruits. Tara’s now working in the crèche they had built behind the warehouse, and Dave’s niece is in charge of it,” Seb explained.

  “Holy shit, what a small fucking world,” Gina gasped.

  We were all nodding our heads.

  We were joined by Tara and Roxie. As soon as they walked up to us, they had huge smiles on their faces.

  “How about we give you guys a tour and see what you think? Did you want to do it together, or is Dave okay to go with the girls?” Seb insisted.

  I looked at Dave, and he gave me a small smile. “What do you want to do, babe?”

  “I’d like to go with the girls, sir.”

  “First thing first, all subs are dressed differently here. As you can see, the girls have see-through tops, they are either naked under or have a bra. The males are to be the same. Either shirtless or see through. This is to differentiate between subs and Doms. I hope you understand?” Seb inquired.

  Dave nodded his head and took off his T-shirt. They all gasped at his tattoos, and I looked at them with a huge smile on my face. He was one gorgeous man.

  “Holy shit, that’s some nice ink,” Gina gushed.

  Roxie was nodding her head, and even Seb and Tara were as well. Dave handed the T-shirt to the cloak girl and returned to my side.

  “He has a collar. Good. There will not be any problems with others wanting him,” Seb commented.

  “Good, I’d hate to kill anyone who tried.”

  “Baby girl, could you and Roxie show Dave around while Gina and I do the same with Mike? Meet us at the suspension demonstration in an hour if you don’t find us before then,” Seb questioned Tara.

  “Yes, master,” she agreed with a smile.

  I grabbed Dave by the back of his neck with my hand and brought my lips to his for a hungry kiss. I pulled back slightly and whispered, “If you need me, you come find me.”

  He nodded his head and smiled again.

  I noticed out of my peripheral vision that Gina and Seb were kissing their girls as well.

  As soon as I let him go and he took a step towards the girls, they pounced on him. They gave him a huge hug and both took his hand and led him inside.

  I entered the club with Seb and Gina, and the first thing I noticed was the bustling atmosphere. There were people everywhere. As I looked around, I noticed the blood red carpet on the floor that appeared like brand new. There were no wear marks at all. Even in high-traffic areas. The walls were black with a red horizontal stripe with smaller silver stripes at the top and bottom. To the left there was a black tiled dance floor and bar area. To the right were a variety of black leather lounges and recliners. Directly in front of us were a scattering of silver industrial tables and black leather kitchen- like chairs. In the distance along the back walls in front of us, and to the right, were about ten spotlights trained on the floor under them. Under one of the lights was a St. Andrews Cross covered in black leather. Silver industrial globes almost like chandeliers dropped down from the ceiling giving off a subtle yet homey feel to the club.

  “Have you been to any BDSM clubs before?” Gina asked.

  “No, I haven’t, neither has Dave.”

  “Okay. There’s a strictly no-sex rule on the main floor. Everything else goes but penetration. This is a communal area for being social or finding a sub or Dom to do
a scene with,” Seb commented.

  That’s good. I mean I didn’t mind, but it seemed to be a meeting place to find a partner and or relax with friends. I continued to listen to what Seb and Gina were saying with an open mind. This place seemed like somewhere we could unwind with like-minded people and to make friends with others. I liked what I saw so far.

  “There are private rooms and playrooms for sex, and they can either be watched or not. There’s a switch inside the room doors you can activate to state if you mind being watched or not. Red means no, orange means you can watch, and green means it’s open to use. It’s up to whoever uses the room what they want.”

  I was glad for that. I wouldn’t want people to watch me fuck Dave to start with. If or when we became members, I would want to get used to the people in the place first before I let others see. That was my personal opinion.

  “All subs work the bar, cloakroom, and attend to Doms. They are the ones who grab blankets and water for the Doms who are bringing down a sub with the aftercare they need. Dungeon Monitors or DM’s are all Doms. They monitor the scenes around the club and make sure everyone obeys the rules. We mainly have three rules here… safe, sane, and consensual. Safe means just that. Make sure what you do is safe at all times whether it be equipment or with a sub in your care. Sane is mainly about undertaking activities in a sane and sensible manner. In other words, don’t go fucking crazy. You’ll get kicked out and banned faster than you can think. There are no second chances. Consensual is exactly that. You have to have full consent with all partners and activities. Safe words must be used and adhered to at all times. If they are said, you stop immediately and release the sub. Aftercare is another must. The stoplight system is pretty much what all Doms use with demonstrations. You can probably guess what that means. Red for stop. Orange, need a minute or slow down. Green for proceed. By the end, most subs will hit subspace… that’s where the mind has gone blank, and they are just feeling the effects. Subspace for a sub is an amazing feeling, but it leaves them as weak as a kitten, so Dom’s must bring them down safely. They usually come out of it very slowly,” Seb said.


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