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Scold's Claim

Page 13

by Marie Hall

  "Do not spend, Io," he warned and heard her growl as she tried to regain control of her own body. He didn't want to end this too soon, it was glorious watching her struggle to stave off even as she craved the rapture. Hoping to extend it a little more, he lifted his hand and delivered several smacks of moderate force to the fullest part of her beautiful bottom. Then spent some time rubbing the pain away only to deliver several more and rub those away. When he again slipped his fingers between her legs, she was soaked. Coating his fingers with her own juices he poised them at her entrance.

  "No, Xavier, please do not I cannot…" Io pleaded, reaching back to try and grab his hand. He caught hers and forced it down to her side. He'd make use of it in a moment. Right now, he'd other ideas.

  "Do not spend, Io. I command you do not spend," he told her as he slid two fingers deep inside. Io cried out and clamped down, but he slid back then in again, deeper. Io tried twisting her body, bucking up and pulling her legs together. She couldn't dislodge him nor stop his movements. She grew wetter making it easy to add a third finger to her passage. Io cried out again, panting now in her effort to obey. She was so close now Xavier knew it'd be only a matter of minutes, and she'd come apart from his touch as she always did. But he stayed his hand, resting it on the outer edge of passage.

  "You are not listening to me, Io." He dropped his hand between her legs, so if she looked under his lap where she lay, she'd see it there. "You are not to enjoy this, my temperamental little goddess," Xavier said then chuckled as Io started shaking her head. She was either denying she could obey, denying she was enjoying what he did or trying to clear her head so she could regain some control.

  Xavier brushed his knuckles over the soft skin of her inner thigh and Io gasped as a shudder ran through her. "Naughty," Xavier admonished and landed two solid slaps to her right cheek. "I know what that was." He gave her two more slaps then pushed his fingers straight into her. Io cried out again but rocked back, trying to drive him in further. This time he gave her what she wanted, driving in as far as his fingers could reach as he took the hand he held and forced it down so her own fingers pushed on her clit. "Do not move those fingers, Io. Keep your hand still, right there. Do not move them away. Do not spend, Io. Do not."

  "Xavier, please," Io begged.

  "This is punishment, Io," he said, stroking in and out with a steady even pace he knew would keep her trying to hold off so she could keep feeling him. Xavier made sure his thumb was well coated then pushed it down between the crack of her arse. He barely did more than line it up with that tender little rose before he pushed in. Io went stiff, Xavier's left hand cracked down and Io came so hard her cry sounded almost pained.

  He left his fingers in place as Io gasped, sobbed and shook over his knees. He gave her time to settle before leaning over her shoulder. "You are the most vulgar, brash and unseemly woman in all of creation," he whispered in her ear.

  "And you," she gasped out, sucked in a few breaths before turning to look back at him over her shoulder, "you would have me no other way."

  As easily as he'd flipped her down, he turned her back up and cradled her in his arm. "I would have you no other way at all." He said then claimed her lips in a tender kiss. "No other way at all."

  Io put her arms around his neck and her head on his shoulder. "I want you as you are too," she said, sighed contentedly then closed her eyes. A while more and her breathing evened out and she slept.

  Xavier remained in the chair until the fire started to die, then he carried her to bed and laid her down. He'd join her later, but he needed to gather the men and get their input. Io's little stand today may have shifted the dynamic and created a need to adjust the plan, but he'd have not denied her that moment. It was what he wanted to see her do in every situation. If she was challenged, he wanted her to put down anyone who refused her command. He should have ensured she knew he expected her to and would support her each time long before now. But he could only deal with now. Closing the door quietly, he knew now would have to be enough.

  Chapter 10

  Io leaned in and pushed the table but it wouldn't budge. Before she could try again, four men came over, lifted the table and moved it to where she'd intended it to be. The whole time shaking their heads at her.

  If they were trying to convey they didn't think she'd enough strength to move the great piece of furniture, or if they thought her mad for even trying, she didn't know. All she knew was she'd been at this two hours, and the hall was still in disarray. She needed all the tables taken to the far end of the massive room so they could sweep up the rotten, stinking rushes, and replace them. The hall would be a welcoming place again. As would be the rest of the house.

  Io headed to another table but didn't reach it before more men came and carried it away. There might be an advantage to having such a large personal guard. Io felt her lips twitch up. She was sure this wasn't what Xavier intended, but Gunther approved and it wasn't as if the men couldn't drop a table and rush to her aid. This house needed to be set right, in more ways than one.

  "They will have the space cleared in short order," Sarah said with a smile as she handed Io a broom.

  "Men can be useful," Ruth remarked with a smirk.

  "Are we going to be able to find dry rushes to replace these?" Io asked looking around until her eyes fell on Xavier.

  "Maybe not, but if we…"

  The rest of what Sarah was saying was lost as her heartbeat pick up and a warmth washed over her. Xavier was headed straight for her, a smile on his face and a lightness in his step she knew was because he wanted her in the house, wanted her as mistress. It pleased him to see her fulfilling the duties that were hers. She saw the difference now. Xavier tolerated his mother's actions. It was never his want that woman should have this house. She shouldn't have assumed so much about her husband. She detested when he assumed things about her. She watched now as he stopped to speak with the men trying to stack the tables even tighter so the room was opened as much as it could be. Words were exchanged and then loud laugher echoed around. Xavier didn't laugh like that when Charlotte was around. Why didn't she pay more attention?

  "Io," Sarah called, then bumped against her shoulder. "You are drooling."

  Io lifted her hand to her mouth only to stop when her friends burst out laughing. "You are terrible," Io said, joining them in laughing at the way she was caught looking at the man.

  "Not as terrible as you," Sarah teased, "but I am learning."

  Io followed her gaze to where Seth was standing, trying to not be seen watching Sarah.

  "Has he spoken to Lucas?" Io did hope her friend could have a man who would do anything for her the way Xavier did.

  "Other than when he tattled on me, no," Sarah pouted. "I do not know what keeps him from asking."

  "Could be the way you glare at him like you want to stick his sack in a pot of boiling water," Ann said with a pointed look.

  Again they all burst out laughing as Sarah tried to adjust her features to a more inviting expression only to fail miserably. They were laughing when Xavier reached them.

  "Ladies," he addressed the group even as he reached for Io's hand.

  "Flatterer," Ruth said taking the broom from Io as she and the others stepped back to give them some privacy.

  "My lord?" Io stepped forward into Xavier's embrace.

  "You are busy this morning." He wrapped his arms around her.

  "This is pleasing to you?"

  "This is perfect. Make this your own. I will make sure it stays so."

  Tipping her head back, she smiled up at him. "I know you will." He hummed then bent his head to kiss the tip of her nose. "But you did not come into this disaster to reaffirm this."

  "No, I wanted to tell you I would be away from the house today." She tried but she couldn't stop the shudder that rolled through her. Xavier's arms tightened more. "Your guard remains, Io, you will be safe."

  Io pulled back to see what had Xavier's attention. Looking where he looked, she could s
ee a man in the shadows at the west entry. She followed Xavier's eyes as they moved to each of the entries and then up into the gallery above the dining area. Men were there as well. They stood back but ready to act if need be.

  "Xavier," Io called his attention back to her. When his eyes continued to search the room for those who'd defend her while he was gone, she set her hand on his cheek and forced his eyes to hers. "I will be safe," she confirmed her trust in his ability. It took a moment but he added a firm nod and a smile to the fact.

  "I might not return until sundown."

  "What matters do you attend?" Maybe she shouldn't ask. Maybe it seemed as if she didn't trust him, but if she'd have asked him before where he spent his time, she might not have been so easily convinced he was spending it with Lady Sabrina.

  His easy smile was enough of an answer for her, but he explained, "I am going to ride down to Arton." He chuckled when she raised her brow at him. "I have sent men with word that if anyone should encounter hardship this winter they are to come directly to me, or you, with the matter."

  "I do not understand."

  "I think, after looking at the records I received from Neville, I will need to have a full audit done. I cannot tell who he collected from. I want all the shires to know your commands were not obeyed in this matter, but that doesn't mean they must suffer for it. I go myself to Arton because it seems he collected most heavily from there. They should hear it from me directly that it was not done correctly."

  "Thank you." She didn't know what else to say. That he took the matter so seriously, and he was willing to give more consideration to the people who worked his lands, meant a great deal to her. She wasn't wed to a monster, to the king's own devil. She'd spent a year trying to convince their people of this, and now they'd see it from their lord.

  "You are mistress here, Io. Your idea to leave monies uncollected until spring was not ill-conceived. I found your reasoning to be sound, and what you want should be done. It was not, and I now must set that right."

  Io fell against him and wrapped her arms around his waist. Such satisfaction in this new understanding of things. "We do this together," she said with a sigh.

  "Together. We are strongest together." Xavier's lips settled on the top of her head for a moment but then he took her arms and set her away from him. "I will be gone the whole of the day, Io, but you are not to exhaust yourself trying to right this house."

  "Xavier, I—" Io started only to have his look cut her off.

  "You will stop and rest and eat."

  "I do nothing so strenuous that I need—"

  "At least two hours, Io." Xavier's tone wasn't one she wanted to argue with, but he couldn't be serious in his demand.

  "Xavier, I do not want to waste two—"

  "It is no waste and you will." He lifted his hand and waved over the women who stood waiting on Io. Work he was now not going to allow her to do.

  "I am no child that I must take naps," Io grumbled.

  "I do not intend you think I think you are such. But I will not see you work until you are falling over," he said, taking hold of her chin and holding her still so she couldn't look away.

  "I will not, but—"

  "No you will not." He let go her chin then turned to look at the others now close enough to hear their conversation. "Lady Io is to restrict her activity. I want her rested. She is not to work through. Mistress Sarah you will see she is given at least two hours of peace. And do not let her skip meals."

  "You wish her to nap?" At least Sarah sounded as disbelieving as Io did. It was a ridiculous command.

  "It need not be so formal. If Lady Io wants to sleep, see she isn't disturbed. But I will allow she only needs to sit still. I require no physical activity, but she can always keep her mind active." He turned back to Io and winked. It did nothing to quell the frustration his decree created.

  "I believe it will be a simple matter to attend."

  "Sarah," Io shouted. Was her friend truly going to betray her?

  "Io," Sarah sassed back but then winked.

  "This is not right," Io pouted but not so much. Sarah had a plan, she knew.

  "It is not right a husband should have to duck buckets," Xavier griped before he dipped his head and planted a hard kiss on her mouth. "Do as I have told you, my lady." With that, he spun on his heels and made for the yards without a backward look.

  "Do not fret, Io," Sarah said, putting an arm around her shoulders. "You will have to stop to eat a meal and that will take up time. This house will be put as you had it in no time."

  "Well, not if we do not get at this." Io took back her broom and headed for the front of the room. The other women also picked a spot to start, and by midday, they'd all managed to do more than Io even thought. They were all ready to stop to eat and rest. When the required time passed, it was easy to pick up where they left off.

  Io sat down hard in the window seat. Again her work was coming to a halt because of Xavier. How he couldn't see she was fit enough to attend her duties without these stupid interruptions. Three days now, at midday, her work was stopped and she was forced to sit in this alcove. She did have her meal here, but she'd rather be allowed to eat as she went about tasks. Six hours, seven if she counted the one when she fell asleep yesterday and no one woke her, lost because Xavier continued to insist she needed to rest.

  And even though Sarah and the others insisted things were getting done, Io struggled to see it. The last two days she'd spent more time moving furniture from one spot to another. How Lady Sabrina owned so many pieces let alone managed to move it all here Io didn't know. And Io wouldn't accept even one piece would remain in this house. For now, though, she'd no way to have it gone. No wagons were available, and Xavier wasn't inclined to relinquish any of it. He called it forfeit, insisted Io should make use of it. They were at a stalemate, and when she combined that with the stalemate happening in the kitchens, the laundry and the wool shed… All Io knew was frustration. She leaned back and crossed her arms with a huff.

  "My lady?"

  Io jerked upright as the knight stepped into the alcove. "Sir Gilford?"

  "Yes, my lady." The man stepped up then knelt down before her. "I am so very relieved to see you safely returned."

  If his voice was any indication, Io fully believed him. Then it dawned on her. "You were with those who came after me?" He was not one of the knights from this house. If she wasn't remembering wrong, he was from Sir Gerald's house.

  "I was, but I was sent back with—"

  "The angel." The small boy appeared suddenly and shouted as he rushed at Io. Only Gilford's quick action kept Io from being pounced.

  "Easy there, imp," Gilford said as he snatched the boy as the child's feet left the floor.

  "The angel. I told you she was real. I told you." The boy's enthusiasm was a little contagious and some frustration slipped.

  "Jacob, you cannot behave so in such a house as this," the girl, perhaps ten years, scolded as she joined them in the space.

  "Eva," Gilford held out his free hand to her. The other struggled to keep the squirming boy on his knee. "Come, be at ease. Lady Io is not one to discourage celebration from a child."

  "No, she is not," Xavier said as he joined the group.

  Io watched the girl hesitate, before she took the knight's hand and let him pull her to his side. She knew instantly the look on the child's face. Knew she had worn it many times in her life. It was the look caused when one feared being displaced from a relative safe place.

  Xavier stepped around and then dropped down next to Io, crowding her a bit. He let his arm drop over her shoulders and slumped back. It wasn't anything like how Xavier usually held himself, he was working to show his ease before the children. Given the deep fear she read on the girl features, Xavier's actions made her want to turn and hug him with everything she had.

  "I told you, I told you," the boy continued to chant excitedly.

  "Yes, Jacob," the girl said with an annoyance Io also recognized.
/>   "I told you she was real and our lord would bring her back."

  "Jacob," the girl snapped, horror in her tone. "Do not be rude. We impose on Lord Brice and his lady. We are not—"

  "Eva, you do not impose," Xavier interrupted, his tone firm but not threatening.

  "You will not convince her, Brice," Gilford said. "I have tried."

  "Eva." Xavier kept his tone firm, but when he reached out for the girl and she flinched, Io saw him hesitate. He wasn't comfortable around small children. He reached out again, and even as the girl drew into herself, Xavier took hold of her arm and pulled her forward until she stood directly before him. "You do not impose on anyone here, Eva. You are welcomed here; you are home here."

  Io watched tears well in Eva's eyes and her lip trembled. Io knew what she thought. How many times had Io hoped to hear such things, knowing if they'd been spoken they'd be lies? There was no such a place as home for girl children without families. Or there wasn't until Xavier gave Io the chance to make one.

  "Eva?" Io called setting her hand on the girl's arm and drawing her away from Xavier. "That is your name, Eva?"

  "Yes, my lady," Eva said, dipping into a wobbly curtsey.

  "Oh do not do that, you might snap a knee," Io teased and laughed when the girl's eyes went wide. The boy found the statement very amusing and was laughing himself silly. Beside her, she heard Xavier growl low in his throat. He was pressing for more formality where she was concerned but some moments required less. Io continued to pull the girl close. Eva was guarded and looked ready to flee. "Tell me how you came to be here, I have not seen you before so you are not from any of the shires."

  Eva opened her mouth to speak only to have Xavier cut her off. "I crossed them when—"

  "Xavier, I asked Eva." Io poked him in the arm. "Look at her. She is capable of telling me. I think her to be capable of a great many things. Certainly capable of caring for her own." She raised a brow and nodded toward the boy still giggling. "I do not have one, but I understand brothers to be a good deal of work."


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