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Scold's Claim

Page 14

by Marie Hall

  "Yes, my lady. They are." Eva said, a shy smile forming.

  "Well that one looks to be quite fit, you must be more capable than many sisters."

  "I am, my lady." Eva lit up at the compliment.

  "There, you see, Xavier, she is capable. Let her tell me."

  "Lord Brice came to our village," she started. "He was looking for you and—"

  "I knew where you were. I told him where you were. I showed him," the boy shouted, stealing his sister's moment.

  "Jacob," Eva hissed. "I am telling the lady."

  "Well, I did," the boy grumbled and leaned into Gilford's shoulder. The knight patted the boy's hip and whispered something to him.

  "Go on, Eva, tell me."

  "Yes, my lady," Eva said with one more huff directed at her little brother.

  Io listened carefully as the child recounted how she came to be in the house. She wasn't at all surprised to hear Charlotte disapproved and eventually chased the children out. Even less surprised at how tactfully Eva managed to tell her that part. This child already learned what it took to survive on her own. As young as she was, she couldn't afford to alienate anyone. In time, she'd learn better how not to be dependent, but with another to care for… her prospects weren't as good as they'd been for Io.

  "Sir Gilford said we will stay but…" Eva trailed off and dropped her eyes to the floor.

  "Well," Io said sharply and pulled Eva close. "Have you some other place you wish to be?" Eva shook her head. "No? Well, I have no place at all I wish to have you sent. So, I suppose you will stay." Io hugged the child to her then set her away. "Until you wish to leave."

  "I never want to leave. Never," the boy shouted, and jumping from his perch, flung himself at Xavier. "I never want to leave. I want to stay here with you and the angel."

  Next to her, Eva dropped her head into her hands and shook it back and forth. Gilford too was looking down and shaking his head. To his credit Xavier tipped the small, thin boy backwards and started tickling him.

  "Of course you will stay forever," Xavier said, stopping the tickling to hold the child close. "You saved my wife. You will stay like a hero."

  "You see," Jacob said, addressing his sister. "I am a hero, and I am going to be a great knight and you will have to shine my armor."

  Both men laughed, but Eva was quick in her own defense. "All I will shine is your eye if you do not behave," she said, showing her fist. Io laughed while all the males were hushed.

  "I think now might be a good moment to take our leave," Gilford said, rising to his feet and reaching for Jacob who happily allowed the man to lift him up. He reached out towards Eva but again Io saw her flinch, and the knight never let his hand actually settle on her as he directed her away.

  "Come see me again," Io called after them and was pleased to see the girl turn and smile at her. Io watched them go then turned to look at her husband. He looked rather pained for the joyful encounter. "Xavier?"

  "That girl has been horribly abused, Io. I cannot even think how given what she was ready to do to protect that boy. She actually offered herself to me to make sure I did not hurt him."

  "It is common, Xavier. I saw it enough." She'd not only seen it, there were moments she wondered if she should do it as well. The only thing which stopped her was too often she saw it gained the girl nothing, and a time or two ended with her dead.

  "Io, you did not…" Again he was horrified by her history. "I mean you came to me still…"

  "I did not because I watched when a child like Eva gave herself in hopes of having a meal and ended dead when the man was through with her. I already knew how to find things to eat in the woods by her age, no meal was worth such a chance to me. But I had none other to consider."

  Xavier nodded but then pulled Io close and put his other arm around her. "I would take all those memories from you if I could."

  "They are memories only," Io said with a shrug. "Thank you for bringing them here."

  "I should have had the whole gaggle of them moved here, but the others disappeared before I could act. You will be able to find a place for them in this house?"

  "I will find a place for them, though I think the boy too young."

  "Gil is keeping him busy with small chores and some studies, but he says the child is unruly." Xavier chuckled. "Bold."

  "Is that not the way of small boys?" Io poked him in the chest.

  "Not me," Xavier said like he found her comment insulting. "I was a saint." He wasn't able to hold a straight face for a heartbeat and both of them burst out laughing.

  "Why does that boy call me an angel?" Io asked as Ann stepped in carrying her meal.

  "I will tell you if you share with me," Xavier said straightening to receive the tray.

  They shared a meal and Io heard more of the background of the children who now would call Bainsport their home. They spoke too, of what might be done for them past their youth. Xavier would let Io make the final decision, citing how well she had managed Franklin whom she brought home a year ago and Oliver, the last orphan she collected.

  They were but halfway through the meal when Xavier was called away and Io realized she'd not complained about his insistence she take these long breaks.

  A few days later, he became aware of her displeasure. And not in a pleasant way.

  Chapter 11

  Io's curses reached Xavier's ears before he was inside. Her sharp tone echoed throughout from above. He couldn't tell at all what the matter was as all she was doing was cursing and being critical about abstract things.

  "What am I supposed to do with this fucking thing?" Io shouted from the gallery so Xavier started for the steps. Halfway up, he ran into several servants rushing down. The looks on their faces said they were less than pleased with the rant.

  Any other time Xavier wouldn't be concerned. But his wife was trying to regain control of this house and its people. As well, Io wasn't one to rule through abuse. The people here who were dedicated to her were so because they found her manner of management easy. The way Io treated servants was no different than how she treated craftsmen or merchants or even other nobility. People served their lady not only willingly but enthusiastically. So far this made it simple to discern who wasn't as loyal as they should be.

  "This is Goddamn impossible," Io screamed and something crashed.

  Gritting his teeth, Xavier started up the steps two at a time. She might curse and swear enough Xavier understood he'd never break her of the habit, but he wouldn't have her using God's name profanely in his home. Another crash made locating her at the end of the hall easier.

  Her back was to him, and several people stood between them. Sarah saw him first.

  "It has not been a good day, she is frustrated," Sarah said then cringed when Io let loose a string of vulgarities that had the men surrounding her turning red in the face.

  Xavier was going to ask why Io was letting a frustrating situation bother her so much when Io's own actions made it clear.

  "I do not even know why I bothered to return," she shouted then took several unsteady steps further down the hall. A half dozen steps and she reached out and used the wall as support. Xavier watched as she forced herself upright again. "I will never have this house back."

  "My lady, maybe if we move—"

  "All we have done is move things." She took a step to cross to the door opposite her. "Move it here today," she said and motioned the opening. "Move it there tomorrow only to move it someplace else the next day. It is a pointless endeavor. I am sick to death of these belongings crowding me out."

  Standing unsupported in the middle of the hall, Io swayed. "My lady," Simon said, his concern clear as he reached out to steady her. "Much was done today. We can start again tomorrow."

  Io pulled back, the action sent her tripping back and again Simon reached out to steady her. "What is the fucking Godda—"

  "Io," Xavier shouted, causing everyone to turn and look in his direction. He headed for her, the people parting to stand aside withou
t hesitation. That act said a lot about how they were taking Io's current demeanor. Normally there was at least a vague attempt to shield her.

  Io clearly noticed as well. Seeing no one would interfere on her behalf, Io turned and put her back to the wall, folding her arms across her chest and tucking her chin down. Xavier stepped up then took another step, crowding her before he bent his head next to her ear.

  "Have you developed a taste for soap, my lady?" he whispered so only she could hear. He felt her start at his question. She shook her head then turned it so she wasn't looking at his chest. "Then let me strongly suggest you select your words with more care." He stepped back then tried to draw Io forward against him. She shrugged him off. "What is the matter here?"

  No one was quick to answer, but after looking around at all the faces, Sarah finally spoke up. "We are struggling to work around the belongings that—"

  "It would not be a struggle if I was not being made to stop," Io snapped, shoving off the wall and pacing down the hall. "More than a full day wasted because of you." She pointed at Xavier. "If you do not want me to have back the house then you should say so. But you do not, rather you make it impossible for me to set it back."

  "Io," Xavier warned over the sound of the people grumbling.

  "My lady," Simon added his own warning, finally showing some of the protectiveness Xavier saw commonly.

  "Is it because I did not come with so much? Do you see now how much better a choice…"

  "Io," Xavier cut her off. People were still mumbling, and at the moment, he wasn't sure gossip wouldn't fly. "Please go to your chambers."

  "My chambers? You mean my cell? My chambers are no more available than any other part of this house. I have no fucking chambers."

  Xavier reached her in two strides. "We can speak privately, Io, or I will settle this matter here, publicly." She narrowed her eyes and glared but spun around and headed towards the stairs. "Simon, Henry, go with her. I will be there shortly."

  "I do not need escort," Io told him.

  "I think you do." He knew she'd get back to the small room she used now without help, but having his men walk her back gave Xavier a chance to gather his thoughts.

  "She is frustrated, my lord," Sarah said, stepping close and setting a hand on his arm.

  "Tell me." Several minutes later he stood in front of the door shielding his wife. He could hear her banging about inside and he knew most of this was rebellion on her part.

  "I was hoping she'd find her way to the bed and already be asleep," Simon said from his post in the hall.

  Xavier had to admire the man's perception. It was also validation Xavier's decision to have Io rest each day was correct. "Keep two men at the end of the hall, but everyone else is relieved until supper."

  "My lord?"

  "I will stay with her," Xavier said when the man hesitated to leave his post. "We need to… speak." He was almost certain given the sounds coming from behind the door it'd be more than words exchanged. "Keep men so no one comes this way until the meal is announced."

  The knight hesitated, but shaking his head, he left. Xavier turned toward the door as something solid hit it. Taking a deep breath, he cracked it open and called out. "Io, stop throwing things. If you hit me again, it will go worse for you." Xavier counted to three then opened the door and stepped in.

  Io stood in the center of the mess she'd made of the room. Her arms were crossed over her breasts and he could see the effort it took for her to keep standing. He closed the door and surveyed the destruction. "This helps matters how?" Xavier gestured to the bedding torn from the bed and the chair lying on its side. Her response was a shrug. "Would you like to explain?"

  "Explain what?" Io said, turning to cross to the far side of the room.

  "Perhaps what has you screaming at the people," Xavier started, hoping to see how open she was to discussion. When she again shrugged and turned her back to him, he went on. "Or we can discuss your defiance, your disregard of my command." He crossed to the small hearth and knelt to add a log to the remaining embers. The distance between them must have given her some courage.

  "Your demands are unreasonable. I will not…"

  "You will," Xavier shot to his feet. "If I command, you will."

  Io folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. He expected her to acquiesce, but he could allow her a moment to quash any remaining revolt. "No," she said, then stomped her foot and said it again. "No."

  "Io." Three strides placed him directly before her. Xavier lifted his hand ready to grab for her but stopped short and drew in a deep breath. He'd give her another chance because he didn't want to go back to how he used to deal with her. Punishment needed to be a last resort. It needed to be about correction and guidance not expediency. Xavier would know her motivations first before he administered any discipline. "Io," he started again. "This will not serve either of us. Explain your actions and let us come to some understanding on how we can improve the situation."

  She narrowed her eyes and pressed her lips together before turning away and stepping up to the small chest of drawers. He watched her sag a bit then force herself to stiffen before she reached out and shoved the top edge hard against the wall. It rebounded and every item resting on top, including two lit candles, toppled to the floor. Xavier jumped back so the heavy pewter pitcher missed his foot. The candles hit the rug but were extinguished by the fall before they could burn anything.

  "The only way this… situation," she said, turning her head to look at him through narrow eyes, "will improve is if you stop with your absurd demands on my person. I am not a child. I can determine for myself what is best and—"

  "You can determine for yourself, however, what you have proven time and again is you do not apply those determinations. You ignore completely what you are told, what you feel and push on. Even when it means your behavior will do harm to yourself or others," Xavier said. Waiting until she was distracted, he took the opportunity to grab her and force her to face him. She struggled to get free but it was short lived as his grip tightened, and she knew he wasn't going to let go.

  "I harm no one. You say such only to control me more," she hissed out.

  "You think it does no harm, shouting and cursing at those who serve here?" He pulled on her arms and forced her closer. She leaned back as far as his hold allowed. "Have you suddenly decided to rule here in a manner more reflective of Charlotte? Because that is who you sounded like screaming like a witch." She recoiled at his words and tears welled in her eyes. "If that is to be the way you run this house, then you'd better say so now. Regardless though, you will obey my commands."

  "I would not have to scream if you would let me run this house without your interference." She twisted and pulled, but Xavier held her.

  "I have not interfered," he said, thinking back over the last several days to try and recall any moment he might have. Nothing came to mind, but that didn't mean something didn't happen to make her believe he was trying to thwart her progress. Someone in the house wanting to see her fail could have said or done something to make her think so. But unless she spoke up, he couldn't make it right. "Explain how I have interfered."

  "Explain?" she yelled and jerked back hard enough one hand slipped off. A struggle ensued as Xavier reached out several times before he was able to again get a firm grasp and hold her still. She countered by placing her hands on his chest and trying to shove him back. "Any halfwit can understand. It is not practical. You waste my time with your demands, commands. I am done with them. I have no use for them. I will not follow them." Her voice grew louder with each statement until the last she was screaming in his face.

  "I have not given you but one command, to not exhaust yourself. The practicality of that is more than obvious. You do not think or act as clearly as you should when you are tired. You become as you are now, a raving harpy." Xavier gave her a shake, stopping her struggling for a moment. "And it would matter not if I commanded you to stand on your head. You are obligated to obey my c
ommands. You took a vow to do so."

  "You took one to not command over much," she countered.

  "I have given but one, one, command, Io. And as most of my commands are, it is for your health and safety. You will obey it."

  "I will not," she snarled back and at that moment Xavier knew they were at a stalemate.

  He'd have rather heard her reasoning for not wanting to stop for a very short time each day. He knew without a doubt she had one. But he also knew she wasn't going to tell him now, for whatever reason. She was going to hold on to it until it was all that could save her.

  "You will," he said and started dragging her towards the bed. "And I will remind you that you will." Sitting on the edge he pulled between his knees. "Bend."

  She paled at the simple, familiar command, shaking her head, she tried to step back but his grip tightened.

  "Bend, Io," he said again. She shook her head at him but he saw the shift in her posture. "Bend. You will obey me. You will obey me. You are obligated to obey me or to come to me before you act against my commands to tell me why you think you cannot. Now bend or I will fetch a strap, and this will be far worse than it is already set to be."

  She gasped and the tears she held back slipped over her lashes and splashed down on her cheek. Surrender wasn't easy for her no matter the reason, but she did surrender, and with only a slight tug, Io went down over his knee. He'd angled them so her upper body lay on the bed and as she reached out and grabbed a fistful of bedclothes, he reached down and yanked up her skirts. Shoving them high, he wrapped his left arm over her back and pulled her into his hip then dropped his right leg over both of hers.

  The first smack echoed off the walls while Io's scream was smothered by the bed. The second, delivered with the same full force caused her to arch up as she yelled. Xavier delivered a third blow directly over the second and then a fourth to the very same spot.

  "Stop," Io cried out, twisting as far into his body as she could.

  His hand landed again, and this time, the color forming in the center of her arse held. "You." He aimed lower. "Will." One to the left side one to the right. "Obey." Lower still so he was right at the edge of her backside. Just above where her arse became thigh. "Commands."


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