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Eastman Kodak Company
Eaton, Charles
Eckenrode, John Williamn.
Einstein, Albert
Eisler, Gerhardt
Electric Boat Company
Electric Bond and Share Company
Ellis, Fred
Embick, Lt. Gen. Stanley
Engdahl, J. Louis
Engel & Hevenor
Engels, Friedrich
Englar, Martha
Eubank family
Evans, Maurice
Evans, Robert
Evolution (magazine)
Eyless in Gaza (Huxley)
Fadiman, Clifton
Fahy, Charles
Fairchild, Gen. Muir
Fansler, Priscilla, See Hiss, Mrs. Alger
Fansler, Thomas
Farm Research
Faust (Goethe)
Fay, Morris
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Federated Press
“Felix,” See Inslerman, Felix
Ferris, Scott
Field, Frederick Vanderbilt
Field, Marshall
Field, Noel
Field, Mrs. Noel
Fifth Column
Filene, William
Finnegans Wake (Joyce)
Fischer, Louis
Fitzgerald, Robert
Five-Year Plan
Fixx, Calvin
Flanagan, Hallie
Flaubert, Gustave
Fletcher, Henry
Folliard, Edward T.
Fontamara (Silone)
Ford, James
Foreign Service Journal
Forty Days of Musa Dagh (Werfel)
Fowler, Comrade
Fox. George
France, Anatole
Frank, Jerome
Frankfurter, Felix
Freeman, Harry
Freeman, Mrs. Harry
Freeman, Joseph
Freeman, The
Freud, Sigmund
Friedman, Benjamin (Bundey)
Friends, See Quakers
Friends Service Committee
Fuchs, Klaus
Gaines, Egmont
Gallery, The
Gand, Comrade
Garlin, Sender
General Electric Company
George, Harrison
German Communist Party
Ghosts on the Roof, The (Chambers)
Gibson, Lydia, See Minor, Mrs. Robert
Gitlow, Benjamin
Gitlow, “Mother”
Glasser, Harold
Gluck, Alma
Goddard, Judge Henry W.
God’s Little Acre
Gold, Michael
Goldher¡er, Alexander, See Peters, J.
Goldschmitt Dr. Alphonse
Goldsmith, Oliver
Gompertz, Hedda
Gorki, Maxim
Grandissimes, The (Cable)
Grapes of Wrath, The (movie)
Great Purge
Green, P.
Green Cockatoo The (Schnitzler).
Grew, Joseph
Griffith, Ernest S.
Gropper, William
Gross, Abel
Gross, Mrs. Abel
Gullender, Elsie
Gumpert, Dr. Martin
Gumperz, Hede, See Massing, Hede
Gusev (Red Army officer)
Hackworth, Green
Haddock, Cecil
Haessler, Carl
Haessler, Gertrude
Hagner, Randall
Hagner, Randall H., & Co.
Hall, Otto
Hamilton, Alexander
Handel, George Frederick
Hanyang Arsenal
Hardy, Jack, See Zvsman, Dale
Hardy, Thomas
“Harold,” See Carpenter, David
Harvard Club
Harvard Law School Association
Harvard University
Hatch, C. Marion
Hauptmann, Gerhart
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Haydn, Franz Joteph
Hearn, Lafcadio
Hébert, F. Edward
Henderson Loy
Hepburn, Admiral Arthur
Hersey, John
Himmler, Heinrich
Hiss, Alger
Hiss, Mrs. Alger
Hiss, Donald
Hiss, Mrs. Donald
History of Western Civilization, The (Life)
Hitchcock, Dr.
Hitler, Adolf
Hobson, Thayer
Hobson, Timothy
Hokusai, Katsatishuka
Holbein, Hans
Holmes Oliver Wendell
Home Owners Loan Corporation
Honig, Nathan
Hoover, Herbert
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hoover Library of War and Revolution
Horlick family
Hornbeck, Stanley
House Committee on the Inter-State Migration of Destitute Citizens
House Committee on Un-American Activities et seq.
House Foreign Affairs Committee
House of the Dead, The (Dostoyevsky)
Howard, Mrs.
Howgill, Francis
Hughes, Reverend William Dudley Foulke
Hugo, Victor
Hulburd, David
Hull, Cordell
Hungarian Revolution of 1919
Hunt, Holman
Hutchins, Grace
Huxley, Aldous
Hyland, Tom
I Speak for the Silent (Tchernavin)
I Was in Stalin’s Secret Service
Ibsen, Henrik
Idiot, The (Dostoyevsky)
Immigration Service, U-S.
Infantry Journal
Inferno (Dante)
Informer, The (O’Flaherty)
Inprecorr, See International Press Correspondence
Inslerman, Felix
Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees to South American Countries
Interior Department (U. S.)
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
International Court of Justice
International Juridical Association
International Labor Defense
International Literature
International Press Correspondence
International Publishers
International Workers Order
Intrator, Michael
Iphigenia in Tauris (Goethe)
Irish Republican Army
Iron Age
Isemann, W. E.
Isserman, Abraham
Italian Communist Party
Jacobson, Arvid
jeffers, Mrs. W. M.
Jerome, V. J.
Jessup, John K.
Jessup, Mrs. Philip
John Reed Club
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson and Johnson
Johnston, Joseph
Johnstone, Frank
Journal (Fox)
Joyce, James
Justice Department (U. S.) n.
Kamenev Leo
Kamo, Comrade
Kaplan, Nat
Katayama, Sen
Katterfeld, Louis
Katz, Dr. Isaac
Kaufman, Samuel H.
Keeler, Dr.
Kefauver Committee
Kierkegaard, Sören
Kilgore Committee
King, Carol Weiss
Kipling, Rudyard
Knickerbocker Trust
Koestler, Arthur
Kollontai, Alexandra
Konoye, Prince
Kramer, Charles, (Krivitsky)
Kreger, Carol
Krieger, Sam
Krivitsky, Charles, See Kramer, Charles
Krivitsky, General Walter
Krivitsky, Mrs. Walter
Kronenberger, Louis
Kun, Bela
Kuusinen, Otto
Kuzbas colony
Labor Department (U.S.)
LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee
“Larks, The”
Larsen, Roy E.
Lasky, Victor
Laugh and Lie Down (Cantwell)
Lauterbach, Richard
Law of Social Revolution, The
League of Nations
Lee, Miss Essie
Lenin, Nikolai
Lenin, Mrs. Nicolai
Les Misérables
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Leviné, Eugen
Levine, Isaac Don
Levine, Nathan
Levine, Paula
Lewis, Richard F., Jr.
Library of Congress
Lieber, Maxim
Liebling, A. J.
Lincoln, Abraham
Loewenthal, Max
London, Jack
Long, Breckenridge
Lore, Karl
Lore, Ludwig
Lore, Mrs. Ludwig
Lovestone, Jay
Loyalty Board
Lozovsky, George
Luce, Henry R.
Lumpkin, Grace
Lumpkin, Senator
Lyons, Eugene
McCarran Committee
McDowell. John
McGohey, John F. X.
McInerney, James M.
McLean, Edward
McManus, John
McNaughton, Frank
McNulty, William
MacDonald, Ramsay
Macmillan, William, Sr.
Macy, R. H., and Company
Madame Bovary (Flaubert)
Madame Delphine (Cable)
Maeterlinck, Maurice
Magill, Abe
Mandel, Benjamin (Bert Miller)
Manning, Bishop
Man’s Flate (Malraux)
Manual of Organization (Communist Party)
Mao Tse-tung
Marbury, William L.
Marcantonio, Vito
Marines, U. S.
Markin, Valentine
Marshall, Charlie
Marshall, Mary
Marshall, Tom
Martello, II
Martin, Glenn L., airplane factory
Marx, Karl n.
Marzani, Aldo
Masaryk, Jan
Massing, Hede
Matthews, T. S.
Meaning of Treason, The (West)
Medina, Harold R.
Medina, Harold, Jr.
Meet the Press (radio program)
Mellon’s Millions (O’Connor)
Mensh, Mr.
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare)
Messersmith, George S.
Mercy Hospital (Baltimore)
Mexican Communist Party
Meyers, General Bennett
Michelin tire factory
Michelson, Clarina
Mileham, Teresa B
Miles River Yacht Club
Military Affairs Committee on War Mobilization
Miller, Bert, See Mandel, Benjamin
Miller, Clarence, See Krieger, Sam
Miller, Isador
Milton, John
Mink, George
Minna con Barnhelm (Lessing)
Minor, Robert
Minor, Mrs. Robert
Minster, Leon (“Charlie”)
Minton and McNulty (law firm)
Mission to Moscow
Mitchell, Robert, See Sherman, John
Mola, General Emilio
Molotov Vyacheslav
Montaigne, Michel de
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Morelock, Paul
Morelock, Mrs. Paul
Moren, Mack
Morgenthau, Henry, Jr.
Morgenthau Plan
Morris, Robert
Morris, William
Morrow, William
Morton Mrs.
Motor Vehicle Bureau (Washington, D. C.)
Mozart, Wolfgang
Mrachkovsky Mundt, Karl E.
Mundt, Mrs. Karl E.
Murphy, Thomas F.
Murray, Edith
Murray, Henry A.
Napoleon III
Naragansett Torpedo Base
National Gallery of Art
National Labor Relations Board