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National Recovery Administration
National Research Project
National Students League
National Textile Workers Union
National Youth Administration
Navy, U. S.
Nearing, Scott
“Ned,” See Nods, Hideo
Nelson, Eleanor
New Deal
New Masses
New Orleans Item
New Orleans Times Picayune
New World Review
New York Daily News
New York Evening Post
New York Evening Sun
New York Herald Tribune
New York Journal-American
New York Newspaper Guild
New York Public Library
New York Star
New York Times
New York University
New York World
New York World-Telegram
New Yorker
Newman Bookshop
Newman Press
Niebuhr, Reinhold
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Ninotchka (movie)
Nixon, Richard M. n.
Noda, Hideo
Nomad, Max
North, Joseph
Nye, Gerald P.
Nye Committee
O’Connor, Harvey
Office, The
Office of Naval Intelligence
Office of Price Administration
O’Flaherty, Liam
O’Flaherty, Tom
O’Gordon, General
“Old Man, The,” See Volkov
Omar Khayyam
“One-Eyed Annie”
Oseas, Pepper & Segal
“Oskar,” See “Herman”
Our Comrade Munn
Oxford University
Pan-Pacific Trade Union Secretariat Papyros, Mr.
Papyros, Mrs.
Parilla, Jack
Patent Office (U.S.)
Pater, Walter
Paul, Weiss, Wharton and Carrison (law firm)
Pavlov, Nadya
Peguy, Charles
Pennington, Donald
Pennington, Stanley
Pennsylvania, University of
Pentakainen, Colonel
Pepper, John
Perkins, Frances
Perlo, Victor
Peter Pan (Barrie)
Peters, J.
Petherbridge, Mary
Peurifoy, John
Philadelphia Bulletin
Philadelphia Public Ledger
Philadelphia Record
Phillips, William
Piatakov, Grigori
Picatinny Arsenal
Pius XII, Pope
Plain Talk
Plant, Frank X.
Plehve Prime Minister von
Poetry (magazine)
Pope James
Popular Front
Possessed, The (Dostoyevsky)
Potomac Electric Co
Poyntz, Juliet Stuart
Presidents Who Have Known Me (Allen)
Pressman, Lee
Princeton University
Profintern the
Psychopathia Sexualis
Purge, Great
Pyle, Howard
Rabelais, Francois
Rackham Arthur
Radek, Karl
Radon, Jules
Rahv, Philip
Railroad Retirement Board
Rakestraw, Eliza
Rand School
Rankin, John E.
Ratoff, Angelica
Raushenbush, Steve
Rawlings, Marjorie kinnan
Rawney, R. H.
Readers Guide to Periodical Literature
Rebels and Renegades (Nomad)
Red Love (Kollontai)
Reed, Stanley
Reese, Agnes
Reese, Margaret
Reeve, Carl
Reflections on Violence (Sorel)
Reiss, Ignatz
Remington, William
Reno, Franklin Victor
Republican Party
Resettlement Administration
Reston, James
Reynolds, Tom
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
Richard II (Shakespeare)
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Rivera, Diego
Robinson-Rubens case
Rochester, Anna
Rockefeller, John D., Sr.
Roesch, Joseph L.
Roesch, Patricia
Rogge, O. John
Roosevelt Mrs. Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, James
Roosevelt Theodore
Rosen, William
Rosenbliett, Philip
Rosenwald, Harold
Rossetti, D. G.
Rossetti, Gabriel
Rountree, Martha
Rubaiyat (Omar Khayyam)
Rugg, Wilton
Russell, Louis J.
Russian Communist Party
Russian Revolution,
Russian Self-Taught (Thimm)
Rust brothers
Rutgers University
Ruthenberg, Charles
St. Nicholas (magazine)
Salten, Felix
Samson Agonistes (Milton)
San Francisco Conference
Sandino, General
Sandoz, Inc.
Santi, Ben
Sargeant, Winthrop
Saturday Evening Post
Sayre, Francis B.
Sayre, Nevin
Schachtman, Max
Schap, Al
Schap, Vera, See Freeman, Mrs. Harry
Schapiro, Meyer
Schmidt, Dmitri
Schmitt Motor Company
Schnitzler, Arthur
School of Military Government
Schwellenbach, Lewis B.
Scotland Yard
Scott, John
Seaman, Frank, Company
Securities and Exchange Commission
Seed Beneath the Snow The (Silone)
Seeds of Treason (Toledano and Lasky)
Semmes, Bowen and Semmes (law firm)
Senate, U. S.
Senate Committee Investigating the Munitions Industry
Senate Committee on Small Business
Senate Committee on War Mobilization
Sentner, David
Sergei. Grand Duke
Shakespeare, William
Shaw George Bernard
She Stoops to Conquer (Goldsmith)
Shemitz, Esther, See Chambers, Mrs. Esther
Shemitz, Mr. (brother-in-law)
Sherman. John (“Don”)
Sherman, Mrs. John
Shinners James
Shoyet. Sam
Sibelius Jean
Silone, Ignazio
Silver, Mr., See Peters, J.
Silverman, Abraham George
Simon and Schuster
Sinclair, Upton
Smedley, Agnes
Smetana, Mr.
Smetana, Bedrich
Smith, Jessica
Smith, Marjorie
Smith, Vern
Smith, W. Marvin
Smoot Motor Co., Inc.
Socialist Revolutionary Party
Soil Conservation Service
Sorel, Georges
Sorge, Richard
“Soviet Arabistan”
Soviet at W
ork, A (Lenin)
Soviet Military Intelligence
Soviet Russia Today
Spanish Civil War
Speigel, William
Spencer Tom
Sprigg. Jasper Q., See Wadleigh, Henry Julian
Spring Thunder (Van Doren)
Spivak, Lawrence
Spivak Mrs. Lawrence
Stachel, Jack
Stahl, Lydia Checalova
Stalin, Joseph
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey
Standards, Bureau of (U.S.)
Stassen, Harold
State and Revolution (Lenin)
State Department, U. S.
State Publishing House
Steffens, Lincoln
Stern. David
Stetson College
Stettinius, Edward R., Jr.
Stevens, Alexander
Stimson, Henry L.
Stotesbury, Edward T.
Stout, Rex
Stout Ruth.
Strindberg, Johan
Stripling, Robert
Strout’s farm catalog
Stryker Lloyd Paul
Supreme Court, U. S.
Switz, Rohert Cordon
Switz, Mrs. Robert Cordon
Szamuely, Tibor
Szanto. Beta
Taft, William Howard
Tamer, Harry
Tamer, Joshua
Tamer, Mrs. Joshua
Tamer, Rose
Tamm, Edward A.
Tchaikowsky, Peter Hitch
Tchernavin, Vladimir
Tennessee Valley Authority
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Terror Brigade
Textile Worker, The
Thaw, Harry
Thayer, Emma Lee
Theater Guild
This Deception (Massing)
Thomas, J. Parnell
Thompson, Craig
Tin Soldiers (Wohlforth)
Tito, Marshal
To Make My Bread (Lumpkin)
Tobacco Road
Tobin, Maurice J.
Togliatti, Palmiro
Toledano Ralph de
Tolstoy, Count Leo
Torgler, Ernst
Townsend, John
Toynbce, Arnold
Trachtenberg, Alexander
Train, Rear Adm. Harold
Transport of Fire (movie)
Trauberg, Knrl
Travellers’ Club
Treasure Island
Treasury Department (U.S.)
Tresca, Carlo
Trotsky, Leon
Truman, Harry S.
Tukhachevsky, Marshal
Tully, Jim
Tydings Committee
Uj Elöre
Ulanov Alexander (“Ulrich”)
Ulanova. Nadya (“Maria”)
“Ulrich,” See Ulanov, Alexander
Unamuno, Miguel de
Union Theological Seminary
United Councils of Working Class Housewives
United Nations
United Press
Uritzky, Colonel
Uritzky, Moses
Valtin, Jan
Van Doren, Mark
Van Dyke, Sir Anthony
Vandenberg, Arthur
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Vassar’s Experimental Theater
Velasquez, Diego
“Vincent,” See Reno, Franklin Victor
Virginia University of
Vltava (Smetana)
Volga German Republic
Volkov (“The Old Man”)
W.P.A., See Works Progress Administration
Waddell, Helen
Wadleigh, Henry Julian
Wales, Tony, See Marzani, Aldo
Walker, Frank
Wall Street Journal
Walton, J. Barnard
Walton, William
War Department (U.S.)
War Production Board
Ware, Harold
Ware, Mrs. Harold
Ware, Helen
Wartime Health and Education, Senate Subcommittee on
Washington Daily News
Washington Post
Washington Racquet Club
Washington Witch Hunt (Andrews)
Webbs, The
Weinstone, William
Weisbord, Albert
Weiss, Louis S.
Welles, Samuel Gardner
Werfel, Franz
Wertenbaker, Charles C.
West, Rebecca
Westminster Savings Bank
Weyl, Nathanieln.
What Is to Be Done (Lenin)
Whearty, Raymond P.
Wheeler, William A.
Whistler, James Mc Neill
White, E. B.
White, Harry
White, Harry Dexter
White. Mrs. Harry Dexter
White, Stanford
White Theodore
Whitehill, Clarence
Whitman, Walt
Whittaker, Charles (grandfather)