Bound to Break: Books one in the Bound to series

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Bound to Break: Books one in the Bound to series Page 10

by Tonks, Rachael

  “Hey, man.” A random guy holds out his arm, stopping me in my tracks.

  “Beer?” He tilts his head to the side and my eyes lower, noticing the bottle in his hand.

  “Oh, great. Thanks, man.” I take the bottle, patting him on the back.

  “No worries, dude. There’s more in the kitchen. Help yourself.”

  I let out a sigh of relief as I lift the bottle. “Cheers,” I say before pressing the cold neck of the bottle against my lips and gulping down as much as I can.

  “Leo,” a voice gasps and Sasha comes into sight.


  “You came?” She makes it sound like a question.

  “I needed to get out of the house.”

  “I bet,” she replies with wide eyes. “Liza is a grade-A bitch, right?”

  I nod, but don’t say anything. Taking another gulp of the beer, I soon realize that it’s empty.

  Sasha notices too. “Here, let me show you where you can get more.” She hooks her arm through mine and starts to lead me through the house, not stopping until we reach the huge kitchen. The counter top is full of beer bottles. “Help yourself,” she shouts over the music. I grab a bottle and so does Sasha. The whole time I’m wondering why she’s not with Cassie, and where the hell Cassie is.

  “I’m glad you came, but I’m also glad that we have a little time before Cassie returns from the bathroom. See, here’s the thing.” She pauses, leaning against the counter and taking a sip of her beer. “She’s crazy about you, you know that, right?”

  My heart stops in my chest and I feel lightheaded.

  “Don’t say I told you, but she’s had some fucked-up shit happen to her in the past and being close to you and feeling the shit she does is confusing her.”

  What the hell?

  “You two need to get your shit together. She doesn’t care about your past. If you can get past whatever baggage you carry, you could be the one to really show Cassie how it feels to be loved and wanted, something she’s never had. Believe me.”

  “I’m no good for her,” I almost growl.

  “You’re the best thing that has happened to her. You brought her out of her coma-like life and breathed a little life into her. You just need to be patient with her.”

  “I’m not the man for Cassie. I wish I was. Fuck, I wish I could be.” I lean in, holding the top of her arm tightly. “She’s better off without me.”

  “Okay, okay,” she stutters, her eyes wide. Snapping her arm from my hold, she narrows her eyes. “You don’t know what you’re missing out on.”

  Swiping her bottle from the counter she walks away from me, but her gaze remains on me.

  I watch as she walks away, and I down the beer, slamming the bottle down.

  “Hey, dude. What’s wrong?” the guy from earlier asks.

  “Life’s fucked up, man.” I grab another beer.

  “Nothing that getting shitfaced won’t solve.”

  “Nope.” I offer him a smile. “Leo.”

  “Jase, good to meet you, man. You’re new around here?”

  “Just moved in across the road with the Conways. I’m staying there for a little while.”

  “Ah, cold-as-ice Cassie Conway. Hot, but most probably a lesbian. Never showed any interest in guys in high school.”

  My jaw tightens as I clench it together. I tense and relax my hand into a fist. Something inside me wants to leap forward and kick this jerk’s ass.

  “Cassie’s cool. Ain’t never seen a dancer as good as her before.”

  “I guess you know her better than I do, I mean, living there and all. So what’re your plans while you’re here in Westhaven?”

  “Working, getting back on track with my degree.”

  “So what’s your story, how did you end up here?”

  “Lost my mom, my house, had nowhere to go. Mrs. Conway took me in. They’ve been good to me.”

  “Oh, shit. I’m sorry, bro.” His hand pats me on the top of my arm.

  For the next hour or so, I talk loosely with Jase and there soon becomes a line of empty bottles on the counter. The warmth of alcohol spreads through my body, the more I consume. The music that blasts out is dull now, and my mind finally feels like it’s starting to relax.

  Perfect. Exactly what I need.

  “Any good at pool, man?”

  I smirk. “Actually, I am. Used to have one at the youth center. Spent every Friday and Saturday night there perfecting my pool skills.”

  “Ohh,” he yells animatedly. “Game on.” Taking my hand, he pulls me into a man hug. “Looser has to down a killer cocktail as the forfeit.”

  I shudder at the thought, but I’m not one to turn down a challenge.

  “You’re on!”

  Jase leads me through the kitchen and into the game room. There’s already a bunch of guys playing on the table.

  “Game time’s over,” he yells and the guys snap their heads, turning to look at Jase. Dropping the pool cues, they offer a smile and nod.

  “Sure thing,” one of them replies and the group steps away from the table. What the fuck just happened?

  “Rack ’em up,” he says, dropping the balls onto the table. I fill the triangle, filling it with the solid and striped balls, positioning it on the small white dot positioned on the table.

  “You know those guys?” I ask as I look up from my stooped position.

  “Nah, but they know who I am.”

  “I’m not even sure I know what that means,” I say with a chuckle.

  “This is my house. Alison is my sister. Twin sister.”

  “Makes sense.”

  * * *

  Within just a few minutes it becomes clear that no matter how many hours I spent down at the youth center, I’d never be as good as Jase. I’ve had one shot. Just one. He’s pretty much cleaned up.

  “Looks like you’re going to be enjoying that cocktail!”

  “Lesson learned,” I laugh. “Maybe you should’ve mentioned your mad pool skills before we started.”

  He laughs a deep belly laugh. “Now that would’ve been no fun.”

  “You do know you’re the one who’ll be dragging my ass across the street when I’m that shitfaced that I can’t make it home.”

  “I’ll be the one laughing, man.”

  Taking his last shot, the eight ball flies straight into the top pocket. “Lucky, man.”

  “No luck involved. It’s all skill. Now, how about that drink?”

  I throw my head back in defeat. He places his hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze. “Let’s get that drink I promised you.” A shit-eating grin spreads across his face as he tightens his hold on my shoulder and guides me back into the kitchen.

  I rest both hands on the counter, leaning forward. “I can’t believe this.” I let out a muffled laugh. What a crock…there was no way I’d beat him and he knew it. But a bet is a bet and I wasn’t going to be a sore loser.

  “This is going to get messy.” He looks up at me, a pitcher in front of him and several bottles of liquor. I watch as he pours in bottle after bottle until there is an amber-colored liquid pushed in front of me.

  “Nah, man. I can’t possibly drink all of this.”

  “Hmmm.” He nods in agreement, his finger pulling at his chin as he contemplates his next move. “You’re right.” His eyes dance with humor. “I’ll add a little something to make it go down easier.” He turns and grabs a bottle of soda, pouring a small amount into the pitcher. “Yeah, that should do it.”

  His eyes widen as he urges me to take a hold of the pitcher. I slide it closer, holding my nose just above it. I whip my head back; the smell of alcohol feels like it’s burning my nostrils.

  “Come on, man.”

  Glancing around, I see a crowd of people have gathered. But what my eyes focus on is Cassie.

  In the corner.

  With a guy leaning over her.

  He’s close.

  Way too fucking close.

  I move my eyes away. Grab t
he pitcher with both hands and lift it to my lips. I bolt my eyes shut and open my mouth as I begin to gulp down the awful concoction. The liquid feels like fire in my mouth and I wince at the severity of all the alcohol I’m consuming. Cheers and claps fill the room, but I don’t open my eyes to look.

  No longer able to take anymore, I drop the pitcher noisily onto the counter. An almighty shudder wracks through me.

  “Shit, man,” he bellows, rushing until he’s by my side, his hand landing heavily on my back. “I didn’t think you’d manage that much.” He picks up the pitcher, analyzing the small amount left in the bottom.

  My hand clutches my throat. “My throat, man,” I slur, my eyes trying to find something that might cool it. “Here, take this.” He reaches over, grabbing a bottle of soda and pushing it against my chest. I rush to get the bottle to my mouth and start to gulp down the cool drink. It helps but it doesn’t completely remove the burning sensation.

  “Jesus, Jase. I think you’ve just about killed me.” My head whooshes and my whole body feels like it’s on fire. I take a step forward, ready to just crash somewhere. I haven’t drunk in a long time and the alcohol works fast in my system. My feet move, but they feel like dead weight. The music is just a hum as I make my way over to the huge seating area in the dining room. I drop down on the brown leather seat, my head falling back. Despite the amount of alcohol I’ve just consumed, my mind races with thoughts of Cassie and that douchebag leering all over her. Snapping open my eyes, I suddenly remember I need to check on her. I don’t know why, but I have to know she’s okay. I know I’m not in my right mind, but fuck it, I have to do this. I stand on my feet trying to keep my balance. I make my way back to where I was before, my head whipping from side to side as I try to locate her. I can’t see much. Faces look blurry and I have to squint to make them out.

  “Cassie,” I shout loudly. “Has anyone seen Cassie?” My arms flail into the air.

  “Hey, Leo, man,” Jase’s voice calls out to me. “She’s over there.” He turns me on the spot, and my bleary eyes find her. I force my heavy legs to move until I’m standing just behind him. The dickhead has his hands on her.

  “Not here, okay,” her sweet voice informs him.

  “Oh, come on, Cassie. You know how good this could be.”

  Jackass has no idea I’m behind him. I place my hand on his shoulder, pulling him away from Cassie before stumbling backward.

  “What the fuck…”

  “You heard her, douchebag. She ain’t interested.”

  I’m not much of a fighter, but if I have to, I’ll lay this asshole down.

  “You’re drunk. You need to mind your own business.”

  “Leo, you should go home.” She steps in front of me trying to catch my eye. “Jesus, you’re wasted.” She exhales loudly.

  “Yeah, dick. Go home,” the guy spits, pushing me heavily on the shoulder. I stumble back, my body tumbling and my ass hitting the ground heavily.

  “Dustin, don’t!” Cassie cries, grabbing my hand and attempting to pull me up. I flutter my lashes, trying to clear the haze in my eyes.

  “Leo, man, come on,” Jase instructs, pulling on my other hand and getting my weakened body up from the floor.

  “You did this!” Cassie yells at Jase. “Why, Jase? Why get him this drunk?”

  “I didn’t think he’d drink the full pitcher! I just thought he’d have a few sips and leave the rest. There’s no wonder he’s shitfaced.”

  “You created this problem, you solve it. You need to take him home.”

  “Cassie, you’re angry.” I pout, trying to focus on her, but it’s like she’s swaying from side to side.

  She glowers at me.

  “Come on, lightweight. Let’s get you home,” Jase says, wrapping his arm around my waist and leading me outside.

  “Cassie was mad at me, wasn’t she?”

  “Don’t worry about Cassie,” he replies.

  “I can’t help it. I think I like her.” Shit, I shouldn’t have said that, but it kind of slipped out.

  “Oh, you do? And does she know?”

  “It’s a mess,” I mumble.

  I can barely make out what is happening. We’ve stopped moving and my head rests against something. Voices echo all around me and suddenly we’re moving again.

  “Leo, what a mess you’ve gotten yourself into.”

  My eyes are heavy and I’m having a hard time keeping them open. “Liza?” I ask, uncertain who it is.

  “Yes, honey, It’s me. I’ve got you. Here, take this. It’ll make it all go away.”

  I sip from the glass and fall back on the bed. Liza’s hands are all over me, tugging on my jeans. I try to open my mouth to protest but it’s no good.

  I have to stop her. I try and lift my arms, but they don’t move. My body isn’t cooperating and my head swims. My eyes seem to force themselves shut.

  I have no idea what is happening to me, but whatever it has, I have no way of stopping it.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My bleary eyes open and instantly close again. The brightness that streams into the room is blinding and I turn, planting my face into the pillow. My morning wood presses painfully against the mattress. I reach down, trying to adjust myself. Fuck, it’s rock hard this morning. I lift the sheets, dip my head, and take a look at what the hell is happening.

  I’m completely naked.

  What the actual fuck?

  I glance to the floor where I see my clothes all across the floor. Using my hands, I try to push myself upright, but the whole room spins and I let go, falling flat on my back.

  I let out a groan, bringing my arm up and covering my watering eyes.

  Getting drunk last night seemed like such a good idea. Now, I’m not so sure.

  My eyes start to drift shut and I don’t fight it. Sleeping off this mother of a hangover is all I can do right now.

  A thud at the door startles me awake. I jerk up but instantly regret it.

  Yet more light enters the room as the door to outside opens.

  “Oh, good. You’re awake.” Liza strides over to me, holding a tray in her hands. Her heels click loudly on the wooden floor. I wince at the pain it causes in my oversensitive head.

  “That was an awfully stupid thing you did last night, Leo.” Her tone is that of a mother chastising her child.

  “I’m not some stupid kid, Liza.” I groan.

  “I’m well aware of that.” Her eyes travel down to my dick poking up against the sheets. I fall to my side, embarrassed by my unusually long-lasting morning wood. “You know last night was a lot of fun.” Her eyebrows lift in a wiggle in a suggestive way and I have no clue what she’s talking about. Placing the tray down on the table beside the bed, her eyes remain glued to me.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Let’s just say you couldn’t keep your hands off of me. And look.” She drops to her knees and starts feeling around under the bed. Returning to an upright position, she waves a black bra she is holding in her hand. “Ooops.” She exaggerates the word.

  Dread fills my already fragile body. “I...I…I couldn’t have? I mean I barely remember anything.”

  She lowers herself until she’s sitting beside me on the bed. “Just because you don’t remember doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.”

  Shaking my head, my nostrils flare. “It’s not possible.”

  “You don’t regret me, do you?” Her voice is low and raspy. She lowers herself down until she’s perching on the edge of the bed.

  “I think you should leave,” I snap, unable to process what she’s suggesting. There’s no way I could’ve done what she’s alluding to, is there?

  “You should drink this.” She reaches for the glass on the tray, taking it in her hand and passing it to me.

  “What is it?” I eye the glass in her hand suspiciously.

  “It’s hair of the dog. It’ll help you feel better in no time.”

  “No,” I grate out. I push her hand
away, glaring at her in disgust. “What would really help right now is knowing exactly what the fuck happened last night.”

  Just having her in the room is infuriating me. But the worst thing is the fact that my dick is still rock hard. This is not normal. It’s like someone slipped me a damn Viagra pill or something.

  “I sense you’re a little agitated, Leo. I’m going to go now, let you rest and recover. I’ll leave the drink here. You should try it.”

  She pushes herself up from the bed, her fake smile spreading across her face as she glowers at me.

  “I’d also like you to come to church with me tomorrow. I think it will be good for us to both repent our sins and turn to God at this testing time.”

  I can’t help the scowl that appears on my face.

  “Sins, what sins, Liza? What exactly is it I’ve done wrong?”

  “We’ll speak about it tomorrow. But for now, I’ll leave you alone. Maybe you’ll start to remember what happened last night.”

  I stare blankly at her and watch as she walks out.

  If things weren’t already fucked up, they are now.

  * * *

  The rest of the day is spent sleeping off the hangover from hell.

  I’m never drinking again.

  After a quick shower and at least twenty minutes of brushing my teeth, I feel something like human. Not completely hangover free, but not like death any longer. My constant boner has now softened to a semi, but annoying as hell.

  I lie on the bed, remote in hand, flipping through the channels trying to find something easy to watch. Before I can settle on anything, there’s a knock at the door. Dread fills me, hoping that it isn’t Liza. I slowly get off the bed and head over to the door.

  “Hey,” Cassie says sweetly.

  “Oh, it’s you.”

  She tilts her head to the side. “Expecting someone else?”

  “No, just thought you were putting some space between us.”

  I hold onto the door, trying to keep myself upright. But the truth is, I’m weak. I’ve not eaten all day and I have zero strength.


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