Bound to Break: Books one in the Bound to series

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Bound to Break: Books one in the Bound to series Page 11

by Tonks, Rachael

  “You want to come in?” I hold out my arm before turning and heading back onto the bed. I flop down, unable to remain upright for much longer. My arm falls over my face and I like the comfort it provides.

  “You don’t look so great.” She offers me a sympathetic smile.

  “I feel like I got hit by a train,” I mumble.

  “Well that will teach you to not play stupid drinking games. Especially with Jase the Ace.” Cassie grabs a chair and pulls it closer to the bed.

  A laugh escapes me. “Jase the Ace?”

  “That’s his nickname. He wins at everything, and is totally cocky about it too.”

  “Yeah, thanks for the heads-up,” I say, teasingly.

  She leans forward, swatting my arm playfully. My body retracts from her contact. Not because I don’t want it. I crave it. I crave to touch her and have her touch me.

  But I can’t do that to her.

  If I let her in, I’ll hurt her.

  “I should, uh, I should go.” She leaps up from the chair, pushing it back to its earlier position. “I just wanted to know you were alive, and I guess you are.”

  “Unfortunately.” I shoot her a sad smile.

  “Don’t say that.” She sounds angry. “Don’t ever say that.”

  She starts to walk toward the door.

  “I’m sorry.”

  But she doesn’t stop. Yanking open the door, she steps out, never looking back and slamming it closed behind her.

  UGH. I let out a groan. I need to fix this mess. The whole situation with Cassie and Liza. I have to do something. I just don’t know what.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The next few days pass by quickly. My new routine keeps me busy in an attempt to keep Leo from consuming my thoughts.

  School, dance, sleep, repeat.

  It doesn’t help that Leo has become the talk of school. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me about Leo; I’d be a millionaire already. And of course, there’re no secrets in Westhaven. Everyone wants to know everyone’s business, and Leo is no exception.

  Driving home from yet another day at school and I’m ready to unwind. Get my dance gear on and just forget everything and everyone.

  “Ugh, can you believe that people are STILL talking about Alison’s party? Leo made quite an impression.” Sasha nudges my arm with her elbow.

  With a shake of my head, I blow out a heavy breath. “Crazy.”

  “Some of the things the girls have been saying about him…you know he’s the most wanted eligible bachelor in town.”

  I shoot her the side eye.

  “What?” She throws her hands up into the air. “Don’t shoot the messenger.”

  Gripping the steering wheel a little tighter, I let out a growl of frustration. “I thought I’d managed to draw a line under me and Leo. But my stomach sinks at the thought of him with another girl.”

  “Then you should go for it. I see something between you two. A spark, something completely natural. You’re like two forces that are drawn together. Only neither of you have dealt with the shit from the past.”

  “See, that’s the thing. I have no idea what it is that he’s so scared of. What makes him believe that he’s bad for me?”

  “You have to get him to open up, Cassie. It’s the only way you’ll be able to move forward.”

  My heart feels like it’s in my throat.

  “I can’t tell him about Vinny.”

  “But you need to tell him something. No details, just explain that you have intimacy issues.”

  “No,” I snap.

  “Well, at least try and find out what he’s running from.”

  “I don’t know. He lost his mom and I don’t want to drag up any painful memories.”

  “I guess. Still doesn’t explain why he thinks he’s going to hurt you.”

  “It’s a mystery,” I say with a loose shrug of my shoulders.

  Pulling the car over, I stop just outside her house. Sasha leans in and pops a fleeting kiss on my cheek.

  “See you later?”

  “Of course. I’ll let you know when I’m on my way, okay?”

  “Okay, honey.”

  She closes the door and I pull away from the side of the road as I head home.

  * * *

  After the short drive home, I pull into the driveway, my eyes drawn to Leo who is doing some yard work. As soon as he spots me, he lifts his hand, giving me a soft wave. My stomach bubbles with excitement and I can’t help but shudder.

  Turning the key, I kill the engine. Throwing open the door, I contemplate going over to him. I’m not sure whether it’s a good idea, but I walk over anyway. His arms move back and forth, broom in hand. He’s clearing the small amount of grass that has fallen onto the driveway, and I can’t help but stare. His strong arms flex and soften with every move of the broom. I pull the corner of my lip into my mouth, forcing my eyes away from his toned biceps.

  “Hey,” I say, my own voice sounding a little awkward.

  He stops, both hands resting on the end of the broom stick, his chin resting on his hands.

  “How was school?”

  “Same as ever.”

  “You really hate it that much, huh?”

  “More than you can possibly imagine.”

  “Swap?” he suggests with a lift of his brow.

  “How is the whole back-to-school plan working out for you?”

  He swallows hard. “I’m not sure. Liza offered to help with that, but I’m kinda avoiding her right now.”

  “A little too full on?”

  He laughs. “Something like that.”

  The sound of an engine approaching interrupts our conversation. I turn, trying to figure out who it is.

  “Expecting visitors?” Leo asks.

  “Not me.”

  Leo steps in front of me, almost a little protectively. “I’ll check it out.”

  Leo walks over to the car that has now stopped on our driveway. He raps his knuckles on the window. I slowly follow him over to the car, stopping just behind Leo, pushing my hands into the back of my jean shorts. The glass slowly lowers and the man’s face comes into my line of sight.

  My heart falters for a second before beginning to thrash wildly in my chest.

  “Can I help you?” Leo asks.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Vinny asks.

  Shock soon turns to anger and my body shakes uncontrollably. Flustered and driven by my inner rage, I storm toward the vehicle. Not thinking straight, I place my hand on Leo’s arm and push him to the side a little.

  “What do you want?” I demand to know. Glaring at him, my eyes are hard and cold. This asshole needs to know that I’m not going to be his victim anymore. “You’re not welcome around here.”

  “Jeez, Cassie, chill out. I’m here to see your father.”

  Heat flushes through my body and the vein in my neck pulsates rapidly.

  His hand moves to open the door, but I push my palm against it. “No way. Don’t you dare get out of the car. You do and I call the police and get your ass arrested for trespassing.”

  I glance a look at Leo who has a puzzled look etched on his face.

  “You don’t get to tell me what to do, Cassie. Never did, and never will.” The door flies open and my hand does nothing to stop it. Snapping my hand away, I stumble back, my skin crawling at the mere sight of this monster. He hasn’t changed one bit. He may be bigger than he was before, but he’s exactly as I remember him. A fleeting memory flashes through my mind and I clamp my eyes shut, trying to force it away.

  Leo steps up, standing between me and Vinny and I’m grateful that there’s some space between me and my tormentor.

  “You heard her, man. You need to back the fuck up and get back into your car.” Leo’s voice is deep and rumbly and it’s clear he’s not messing around.

  “What are you, her boyfriend or something?”

  “That’s none of your goddamn business.” Leo places a firm hand against Vi
nny’s chest before shoving him—HARD. He staggers back, hitting the car behind him.

  “Asshole,” Vinny grates out. He adjusts his stance until he’s upright and in Leo’s face. “You want to take me on, little pretty boy,” he goads. With his chest puffed out, he closes the small space between the pair.

  “Stop!” I shout. “Stop this now.”

  I place my hands between them, trying to pry them apart. Vinny suddenly thrusts out his arm, pushing me away. He uses so much force that I fall flat on my back. Leo’s eyes follow me as I crash to the floor. As I look up at him, it’s as though time slows almost to a complete stop. His face hardens and a look appears on his face that scares me. It’s like something inside him has snapped. I watch as he tenses his fist so hard that his knuckles whiten.

  I know I need to jump up, stop Leo from lashing out, but I can’t. The slow-motion feeling continues as I helplessly watch Leo’s fists connect with Vinny’s face over and over.

  “Leo! NO!” Liza screams as she comes running out from the house. Running over to the pair, she pulls on Leo’s arm, dragging him away and saving Vinny from yet more of his punches.

  “What the hell?” Liza screeches. She spins on the spot, eyeing me on the floor.

  “Get up, Cassie.”

  “You need to learn to keep your dogs on a lease, Auntie Liza.” Vinny’s tone is full of sleaze and sarcasm.

  Leo doesn’t say anything. His head turns and his eyes focus on me, despite the shit that flies from Vinny’s mouth. He snaps his arm from Liza’s hold, slowly making his way forward. He stops, towering over me. Holding out his hand, his brows lifted as he waits for me to take it.

  “Are you okay?” he asks, his voice quiet.

  Taking his hand, I let him pull me up from the ground. My stomach rolls and I can’t look at Vinny. My flight reflex kicks in and I know the only way I can cope with this is to get the hell out of here; away from Vinny and the nightmare that plays over and over in my mind when I look at him.

  My hand wraps around my neck. “I gotta get out of here.” My eyes are wide and I rub my neck, hoping the airways will open and I’ll be able to start breathing. Because right now, I feel like I’m suffocating. A plethora of memories flood my mind and overwhelm me. I can’t cope with the emotion overload.

  Leo doesn’t hesitate. He grabs my hand and pulls me with him, inside the house.

  Liza yells for us but we don’t stop. He pulls me, and I let him. Guiding me up the stairs and into my room, Leo slams the door shut behind us. His clenched fist thuds against the wooden door and I can’t help but jerk in surprise.

  “Who the hell was that?” he asks, his hands still resting on the door, his back to me.

  “My cousin.”

  “I want to kill him, Cassie.” His back heaves as he breathes deeply, his arms tremble. “He hurt you. Didn’t he?”


  “Please, tell me.” He finally lifts his head, turning to look at me. The pained look on his face matches the pain I feel deep within my chest.

  “Yes,” I answer simply.


  “How what?” I shoot back, but I’m no fool. I know what he’s asking, I’m just not sure I’m ready to answer.

  His eyelids flutter shut and his shoulders slump. “How old were you?”

  He knows.

  “I was six. But, Leo. No one knows. Not even my father.”

  His jaw tenses, and before I know it, he’s opening the door. “I’m going to hurt him. So help me God.”

  “No,” I screech. “NO, please don’t do this.” I grab his hand and he stills. “Please, I don’t want you to get into trouble because of what that sick fuck did to me. Stay with me.” I step until I’m in front of him, my hand reaching up and cupping his face. “Please. I need you.”

  He mirrors my touch, placing his hand on the side of my face, leaning into me. His lips touch mine, and my eyes flutter shut as I allow him to kiss me.

  I want this.

  I want to erase the memories.

  I want to forget all about that asshole.

  This is all I need right now.

  Here with Leo.

  I want him close, I want to feel his body against me. Reaching up, I tug his hair, Leo letting off a low growl into my mouth. His hands find my hips and he slowly guides me back into my room, using his foot to close the door behind us.

  He’s kissing me like he’s hungry, and I know that this time I want more. I’m not sure why this time is different, but it is. Maybe it was seeing that monster that made me realize that I can’t lose Leo. Maybe it was his protectiveness that sparked something within me. But whatever it was, or is, I’m thankful for it. Because I’m not going to let my past ruin a possible future with this guy.

  His warm hand trembles as it comes to stop at the back of my neck. His tongue works against mine, and the kiss alone has me worked into a frenzy. My body reacts to Leo, and the pulse between my legs is all I can feel.

  Leading me back until the back of my legs hits the bed frame, Leo places his hands on my ass, scooping me up and lowering me onto the bed. I’m flat on my back and feeling completely vulnerable. Leo’s fingers hook inside the straps of my tank top, lowering them down. I don’t stop him. I want to feel him touch me. My skin is on fire and every nerve ending in my body is alive with anticipation of his touch. Lowering my top, he takes down my bra straps too. The lust in his eyes meets the lust in mine.

  “You want this?” His voice is barely audible.

  I bite my lip and nod. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. I’ve just been too scared to admit it.”

  With stretched arms, he pauses, hovering over me. “I don’t want you to run into my arms and something to happen between us that you’re going to regret.”

  “I want this because I want you.”

  He places a soft kiss against my lips before ducking his head, his warm mouth meeting my nipples. I close my eyes, enjoying the feel of him sucking and nipping at my sensitive buds.

  One hand lowers, grazing my leg. I tremble as the intensity of his touch makes me squirm. All of these feelings are overwhelming. I’ve never been intimate with anyone, and my body is reacting in a crazy way that I’ve never experienced before. Leo’s hand slowly grazes my inner thigh and a moan escapes me. He starts to press against my sex, rubbing back and forth. My stomach tightens and the feeling is unreal.

  “You’re so wet, Cassie.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat and open my eyes. I meet his gaze and he smiles. “That’s a good thing, right?”

  “So good,” he breathes.

  I widen my legs, ready to feel more when a loud knock sounds from the door.

  A gasp from Leo brings us both crashing down to earth as he removes his hand and jumps up from the bed. I scramble to pull up my bra and straps before shouting, “Who is it?”

  I watch as Leo runs his hand through his hair, letting out an exasperated breath.

  “Open the door, or I’m coming in,” Liza yells.

  Grasping the handle, I dip it, pulling open the door. I peer through the gap at Liza. “What?”

  “Don’t what me, young lady.” Her hand lands heavily on the door and she forces it open, striding inside my room.

  “Get out,” I say calmly. I watch as her eyes search my room trying to locate Leo.

  “What the hell were you thinking out there, Leo? Do you have any idea what I’ve had to do, just to convince Vinny not to call the damn cops?”

  “He swung first,” I blurt out, trying to defend Leo.

  “Really?” Liza asks with a sound of disbelief. “Not the story Vinny is telling.”

  “I don’t care what Vinny has said. You know Dad told Auntie Lorraine and her devil’s spawn that they were no longer welcome here.”

  “I’m well aware of what happened all those years ago, Cassie. But the reason he came today was to tell your father that his sister is dying. She has cancer.”

  “Oh…” I say, not really
knowing how to react to the unexpected news.

  “Oh, indeed. And the welcome he got was a beating from yours truly.” Her arm flies out dramatically as she points to Leo.

  “He pushed Cassie to the ground. I wasn’t going to stand there and do nothing,” Leo replies. “I would’ve done the same for you.”

  A sinister smile creeps across her face.

  “Well, you’re lucky I managed to calm him down. He’s gone now with a large check in his back pocket, but you’re lucky I was here.”

  “Thanks,” Leo says, his hands scraping down his face.

  “He’s gone for good, right?” I ask with wide eyes, waiting for Liza to respond.

  “He wants to speak to your father. He’s going to call, arrange a time to see him.”

  I start to chew the inside of my lip, my fist resting against my chin.

  “Why the sad face? You and Vinny were inseparable as kids,” Liza asks, her eyes studying me and I can’t help but feel extremely uncomfortable under her gaze.

  My stomach contracts and I feel my chest heave. I press my palm against my mouth, but it’s no use. I dash across the room and into the bathroom, dropping to my knees as I start to empty the contents of my stomach into the bowl.

  “Cassie?” Liza appears at the door, her voice full of concern. “What is it?”

  I shake my head from side to side. “Something I ate,” I mumble, reaching for some toilet paper. I grab a sheet and tear it from the roll, using it to wipe my mouth.

  “You should get some rest.”

  “I’ll be fine. I have class tonight.”

  “Ugh, seriously. Don’t you ever think of anything else, Cass?”

  Titling my head, I look up at her, glowering. Why does she have to be such a bitch?

  Pushing myself up from the floor, I grab a glass from the sink and fill it with water from the faucet. I gulp down the water, clearing the acidic taste from my mouth.

  Liza disappears from the door and I look for her in the bedroom. Leo and Liza speak in hushed tones. Leo looks pissed and snaps his arm from her hold before Liza storms out of the room. His head is down, but he steps toward the bathroom.


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