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The Perversion Trilogy: Perversion, Possession & Permission

Page 43

by T. M. Frazier

  “Do you like the title?” I ask.

  He nods as he runs his fingers over the raised letting. There’s pride in his voice as he reads it out loud.

  “Nothing’s Fair in Love and Gang War.”

  Epilogue Continued

  I follow Tricks, lurking far enough behind so she won’t notice me but close enough I can see very well what she’s doing. And what she’s been doing both makes me want to laugh and wrap my hands around her throat. All the while, my chest swells with something that feels a lot like pride. While my cock swells with something else entirely.

  She started out by pickpocketing a man in a suit. She leaned over to pick something up, knowing full well he was going to look down her shirt. She’d swiped his phone and wallet out of his briefcase before the motherfucker had a chance to adjust the crotch of his pants.

  She then does something that surprises me. She circles the slot machines on the outside of the room, pretending to be interested in a penny slot machine for a while before making her way back to the same man who she’d just taken his wallet from. The man is now confused and searching frantically for his missing items.

  “Is this yours?” she says to him, playing up her southern accent and big smile. “I found it over by the slot machines and the photo on the ID looks a lot like you.”

  “Oh my god. Thank you. Thank you so much,” he says, wiping the beaded sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief from his pocket.

  “It’s no problem at all. It’s all in there,” she says when he opens it to inspect to see if his cash is missing. “I found it lodged under the machine, so I don’t think anyone else saw it but me.”

  “Can I buy you a drink? As a thank you,” the man says, standing up and tucking his wallet away.

  “No, thank you. I mean, I’d love to, but I’m just here applying for a much-needed job. Fingers crossed,” she says, lifting her shoulders to her jaw and crossing her fingers on both hands. “I got a couple of kids at home and a babysitter I can’t afford to pay more than the one hour. So, I gotta hurry.”

  She only makes it a couple of steps, but I see that by the third she’s already slowed her stride, just in time for the man to shout, “Miss. Wait. I’m so stupid. Here.” He takes out his wallet and hands her a few twenty-dollar bills. “Thank you again. I hope this will help pay for the babysitter.”

  She smiles, and she’s good. Better than I ever realized. “Awe. This is so sweet. Thank you so much. This won’t quite pay the sitter, but maybe, it will pay for a ride home so I won’t have to take the bus since I have to see Daddy at the hospital on the way home.”

  He digs back into his wallet and pulls out every bill in it. “Here, take it all. For the kids.”

  “What kids?” she asks cheerily, tucking the now folded bills into her bra and prancing away on the balls of her feet like a newborn deer out for a frolic. Now, she’s just fucking with him. I hold my hand over my mouth to suppress a laugh.

  The man is left scratching his head for several minutes before heading to the ATM to refill his now empty wallet.

  When I feel her presence behind me, I don’t turn around. “You’ve gotten better.”

  “You haven’t. I knew you were following me since I left the house.”

  “I was curious what you were up to,” I say turning around to where she’s standing so close I can smell her perfume. Every man instinct in me is shouting to shove her between two slot machines, hike up her skirt, and push inside her.

  “Well, we are in a casino, and by the looks of it, I’m up about…” She pulls the money from her bra and counts it before tucking it back in. “Three hundred and forty dollars.”

  “What are you going to do with all that money?” I ask, raising a brow.

  She raises her arms and wraps them around my neck. “Rosey’s piggy bank of course,” she says.

  “Chief David is going to be pissed,” I tell her.

  She doesn’t seem the least bit concerned. “Nah, he knows what I’m up to. I’ve been waving at him through the security cameras for weeks. Plus, he was over the moon happy when I gave him a signed copy of my book. He thinks because I mention him in it that he’s super famous now.”

  It’s true, the Chief even went so far as to make Tricks’s book available at the casino gift shop.

  “Speaking of Rosey, are you ready to go home, or do you have a few more tricks in you, tonight?” I ask.

  She wags her eyebrows suggestively. Her voice is smooth and seductive. “Oh, baby, I’m done here, but I’ve always got a few more tricks for you.”

  I groan at the implication, pick her up, haul her over my shoulder and carry her out of the casino. Slapping her ass as she laughs wildly.

  “Are we going home?” She laughs as I set her over my bike.

  “Yes. Where I’m going to let you show me those tricks, and hopefully, it will end in you giving me another baby.”

  “Another?” she asks.

  I nod and press my lips to hers. “Yes, I want another, and it’s all your fault.”

  “My fault?” she asks, pushing against my chest.

  I hold her still. “Yours. You planted this love thing inside me and now it’s grown out of control. I need more people to give it to before I explode.”

  She gasps and looks over her shoulder, spying the Bedlam compound. “Why wait until we get home? I can show you my tricks right now.”

  I pick her up again and carry her toward the compound. When we reach the door, I slide her off my shoulder slowly so I can feel every inch of her gorgeous flesh against me. She unbuckles my jeans while I lift of her skirt. I feel between her legs. She’s so wet and ready. I lift her off her feet, toss her down onto the couch and cover her body with my own, filling her pussy with one hard thrust. She cries out as I fuck her hard. At the end of each thrust, when her eyes roll back into her head with pleasure I recite my Bedlam Oath, telling her how much I love her in the best way I know how. “My Life.” Thrust. “My Death.” Thrust. “My Honor.” Thrust. She cries out. I’m barely holding on. “My Loyalty.” Thrust. “For you.” Thrust. “For us.” Thrust. She comes violently, squeezing my cock mercilessly. I push into her one last time. My balls seize and pleasure rips down my spine as I empty my cock inside her tight pussy.

  We collapse together, breathing hard. She turns and smiles up at me, and my heart seizes, shaking my body more violently than the orgasm. She brushes her lips against mine and finishes the oath.

  “For always.”


  A message from the author

  In these books I mention a casino on an Indian reservation, but I do not mention the name of the tribe. This is intentional. I did not want to create an imaginary tribe in fear of offending existing ones, and I did not want to use the name of an existing one in fear of the same, as well as a fear of not being able to describe it well enough to do it justice. The tribe, reservation, and casino in this book are entirely of my own imagining. The rituals performed in this book are a product of combining research on the ceremonies and rituals from several different tribes, and for that reason, entirely fictional.

  The Irish slang/accent used in this book is incorrect. I know this. However, I wrote it from the perspective of two people unfamiliar with Irish slang so the wording I used is more based on what they think they are hearing.

  I also take a lot of artistic liberties when it comes to the town, my characters, medical interventions, and most other things. I do this because my goal is not to keep things realistic, it’s to create an entire world existing within, yet entirely separate, from the real world.

  And because it’s fiction.

  And because I do what I want.

  Word to your mother,



  To be able to write stories for a living means everything to me. It is all because of YOU my wonderful readers who continue to buy and devour my books with an enthusiasm that makes me more and more emotional with each release. I can’t thank you enoug

  Thank you to Karla Nellenbach and Ellie for assistance with edits and proofing. Without you there would be no commas. Or too many commas. I hate commas. Whatevs.

  Thank you to my agent, Kimberly Brower, for taking a chance on me all those years ago. Look how far we’ve come!

  Thank you to all of my foreign publishers for bringing my words to your country and introducing my stories to the world.

  Thank you to Wander Aguilar for your amazing talent. Your photos are inspirational, as are you, my friend.

  Thank you to Jenn and Sarah of Social Butterfly PR for being the best PR team out there, as well as my friends.

  Thank you to BB Easton, as always, for putting up with my whining and crying.

  Thank you to my beta readers and my ARC team. You guys are the best. I couldn’t do this without you. Sarah Sentz, you are an angel.

  Thank you to my Frazierlanders for being my safe place and my favorite people.

  A huge and very special thank you to the other half of my love story. Logan, I know it’s not easy being married to a woman who literally hears people talking in her head. Thank you for taking care of us when I can’t. Thank you for understanding when I have dark days out of nowhere. Thank you for knowing that lighter days always follow. Not a lot of people could deal with a spouse who works crazy hours and whose mind is usually somewhere else. Not only do you put up with me, but you love me for it, not in spite of it. Without your encouragement and support none of these books would have ever been written, and I would never have discovered who I truly am. For that alone I owe you the world. Thank you for not only pushing me to embark on this incredible journey, but for taking it with me. I love you forever and always, with everything I am and more. I couldn’t write about love if you hadn’t shown me what it really means.

  Thank you to my baby girl for just being you. Mommy loves you to the moon and back.











  Jake & Abby’s Story (Standalone)

  The Dark Light of Day (Prequel)

  King & Doe’s Story (Duet)

  KING (Book 1)

  TYRANT (Book 2)

  Bear & Thia’s Story (Duet)

  LAWLESS (Book 3)

  SOULLESS (Book 4)

  Rage & Nolan’s Story (Standalone)

  ALL THE RAGE (Spinoff)

  Preppy & Dre’s Story (Triplet)




  Smoke & Frankie’s Story (Standalone)

  UP IN SMOKE (Spinoff)

  Nine & Lenny’s Story



  T.M. Frazier

  T.M. Frazier never imagined that a single person would ever read a word she wrote when she published her first book. Now, she’s a USA Today bestselling author. Her books have been translated into numerous languages and published all around the world.

  T.M. enjoys writing what she calls ‘wrong side of the tracks’ romance with sexy, morally corrupt anti-heroes and ballsy heroines.

  Her books have been described as raw, dark and gritty. Basically, what that means, is while some authors are great at describing a flower as it blooms, T.M. is better at describing it in the final stages of decay.

  She loves meeting her readers, but if you see her at an event please don’t pinch her because she's not ready to wake up from this amazing dream.

  For more information please visit her website

  Join her Facebook Group, Frazierland!




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