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Holding Out for You

Page 29

by Anna Paige

  She shook her head but said nothing as it landed at her feet atop the pile of other items I’d somehow decided I didn’t like anymore.

  “And for the record, we were there at least half an hour, and I let her send me home with enough roast beef to feed us both for a week. Feeding me usually makes her feel better, but this time she’s gone berserk. I had to turn my phone completely off before Professor Randall kicked me out over the constant vibrations coming from it.”

  “Ugh, I hate that guy. Such a dick.”

  “Well, I got along with him great until he started giving me the death stare because of my phone and called me ‘Miss Popularity’ in front of the entire lecture hall.”

  Charli’s brows rose. “Shit, I’d be so embarrassed.”

  “I was pissed. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him to kiss my popular ass.”

  She snorted. “Ash is rubbing off on you already.”

  “No, Ash would have said it. I can still maintain a modicum of civility.”

  “Yeah, he would have definitely said it.”

  I peeked out of the closet and gave her a nod. “The funny thing is, I have no doubt he would still somehow manage to ace the class. I’ve never seen anything like it. He never studied in school—or college according to Beck—but half the time he pulled better grades than my brother without even seeming to try.”

  Charli began counting on her fingers. “Smoking hot, arrogant jerk with a heart of gold, and secretly brilliant? That’s the ‘let me just slip off these panties’ trifecta.” She giggled.

  “That it is, girl,” I agreed, returning to the bedroom with three outfits in hand. “And speaking of panties, I need to pick out my bra and panty sets for the weekend.” I threw the clothes on the bed and turned to my dresser, already mentally sorting through my options.

  “What the hell for? It’s not like you’ll be needing them. I’d wear my best set to the cabin and not pack a damn thing else to wear after he shreds those with his teeth.”

  I eyed her in the mirror above my dresser. “Christ, Charli. You need to get laid.”

  She blushed and dropped her head, suddenly clamming up.

  I froze with a handful of silk and lace as I turned from my lingerie drawer and gave her my full attention. “Charli?”

  She reached over and fiddled with the buttons on one of my blouses. “What?”

  “Did you and my brother . . . ?”

  Her head popped up and she shook it back and forth, eyes wide. “No, of course not.” She faltered. “Well, not technically anyway.”

  “What does not technically mean? Either you did or you didn’t.”

  “Last night, I woke up at like midnight and couldn’t get back to sleep. Becker was on the couch and I tried to be quiet, but when I was getting something to drink, that stupid ice dispenser in the freezer door spazzed out and shot half a dozen pieces of ice across the room.”

  “Which woke him up,” I added, nodding. That thing really did need to be fixed.

  “I’m surprised it didn’t wake the whole building.” She shook her head. “Anyway, he came in to see what all the racket was, and we got to talking . . . and then we kissed for a while . . .” She looked down again, her cheeks heating. “And the rest is probably more than a sister ever wants to know about her brother.”

  I was about to argue when the list of “not technically” sex possibilities forced me to reconsider. “Okay, enough said.” I couldn’t help the little smirk I gave her. “I’m just glad things are finally happening between the two of you, even if they are personally distressing for me to think about in any specific detail.” At least I knew he was back on the couch by two, not that there weren’t a world of shenanigans possible within a two-hour span.

  She looked at me for a long moment. “You really are happy about it, aren’t you?”

  I went over and sat beside her on the bed, tossing the handful of panties aside and taking her hands in mine. “Of course I am. You’ve been head over heels for Beck since we were in grade school, and it’s about time he realized what I’ve known since you and I were little kids; you’re absolutely incredible.”

  “How can you still think that after what happened with Tommy?” Her face fell and she tried to pull her hands away, but I held tight.

  “I will always think that. I have always thought that. Even when you made me want to throttle you with my bare hands, even when you borrowed my favorite lipstick and accidentally melted it in the dryer, even when you continue to take the blame for something that is not your fault. You’ve got an amazing, thoughtful, compassionate heart.” I gave her a snarky grin. “You’re just a hot mess, which works because so am I.”

  She let go of my hands and chuckled. “You really are.”

  “We both are,” I agreed, snorting. “And we both have a big weekend ahead. How about we finish up my packing and I help you get ready for your date with Beck?” I stood and twirled one of her curls around my finger. “Maybe an updo so you can score some neck kisses. Those are the best.”

  “Neck kisses are great and all, but after last night, I can guarantee that wouldn’t be the first option if I was going to choose where he put his mouth . . .” She smirked even as I cringed. “Okay, no specifics, but I will say that you’re lucky you weren’t home. You would have to have been dead to the world not to hear the noises I was making.”

  I closed my eyes and slowly exhaled. “So glad you’re not trying to overshare.”

  “Fine, but the best friend agreement has a clause somewhere about this. We’ve always shared everything, even the not so great things—ahem, Cliff—so you’re gonna have to get used to hearing about me and Beck. Besides, I thought you said you were well aware that he was a guy and had a—”

  “I know what he has. And I know what goes on between two consenting adults. It’s hearing about his specific actions and techniques that kind of squicks me out.” I picked out two extra sets of lingerie and added them to the pile on my bed, looking over at her once I was done inspecting my wardrobe. “But, since this friendship has never been one-sided on any topic, I will make an effort not to flip shit if you talk about what happens between you and Beck. Just start small and work up to the big things, okay?”

  She gave me a wicked little smile; one I knew well. “Oh, I haven’t even seen the big thing yet . . . I felt the outline of it, though.”

  “Charli!” I shoved her off the end of the bed, but she was anticipating that and managed not to hit the floor. “You shit, I said start slowly.”

  “But I prefer it fast, which is something your brother will hopefully be finding out this weekend.”

  I swatted at her again as she giggled and darted out of the room. “Quit playing with your drawers and come help me find some your brother will want to get into.”

  “I’m about to kick your hot-mess ass, Charlene.”

  “Just don’t leave any marks. I want a clean slate for Becker to spank later,” she called.

  She was having entirely too much fun with this.

  “Holy sh—I mean . . . you look . . . wow,” Ashton stuttered, standing in the doorway of my apartment a few hours later, his eyes wide and one hand massaging his jaw as he took me in.

  I’d decided on a navy halter dress that hit just below mid-thigh and had a split on one side that went even higher. My hair was curled to perfection and pulled up, because, well, neck kisses. And I was wearing a pair of silver open-toe pumps that would be killing my feet after a few hours but looked fucking amazing against my summer-sun-kissed skin.

  “I’m probably overdressed. I got carried away,” I said in apology, feeling like maybe it was too much.

  “Carried away? Not in the slightest. You’re stunning, baby.” He stepped forward and took my hand, guiding it to his chest. “One look and my heart is galloping like I just ran—and won—the Kentucky Derby. Without a horse.”

  He leaned in and brushed a feather-light kiss across my lips as I backed up far enough for him to get inside and shut the door.
  “You look amazing yourself.” He was wearing a black button-down shirt, top two buttons open to reveal a hint of his muscular chest and the sleeves rolled up to expose his toned, tanned forearms. He paired it with dark jeans and a black version of his customary work boots. All that dark material made his hair seem insanely golden and his eyes popped an even brighter, clearer green than usual.

  He gave me one of those sexy grins he was notorious for and let me look all I wanted, all while the tips of his fingers glided up and down my side. “Like what you see?”


  “If you’re a very good girl, I might let you see even more later.” He gripped my waist with both hands and gave a gentle tug, pulling me flush against him.

  “And if I’d rather be a bad girl?”

  His eyes locked on mine and he gripped me tighter, pressing his impressive erection into my belly. “Then I can show you right now.” He glanced around the room. “Assuming we have the place to ourselves, that is.”

  I reached around and grabbed his ass in both hands, pulling him harder into me just to let him know he didn’t get to have all the fun. “Charli left with Becker half an hour ago. Their plans weren’t local, so they needed to leave early.”

  “Hmm . . .” he muttered, thrusting forward again. “In that case—”

  I gave his ass a light slap and let go, stepping away despite his attempts to hang on. “I’m sure you have big plans for us. Do you really want to do this now?”

  “Depends on whether you ask me or my dick.” He chuckled hollowly, took a deep breath, and ran both hands through his hair. “But you’re right. I’ve got a big night planned, and if I got you out of that dress right now, we wouldn’t be going anywhere until long past dawn.”

  I somehow managed to speak, despite how his words stole my breath and made me infinitely nervous at the same time. I wasn’t about to let him know that, though. “So, you intend to be very thorough. Is that it?”

  “Incredibly, immeasurably, mind-blowingly thorough. You’re going to think you’re burning alive and it’ll be so good you’ll still be begging me to throw gasoline on the flames.” He reached up and brushed the pad of his thumb over my left nipple, making me shudder. “But first, I’m taking you somewhere to show you off. It’s important that as many people as possible see you in that dress tonight.” He grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

  “Why is that?”

  He tossed a dark look over his shoulder as I reached for my clutch and followed him out. “Because by tomorrow it’ll be a pile of unrecognizable scraps.”


  I’d never been a man who had trouble maintaining control. Nothing and no one stole that from me. Even when I went after Tommy on that beach, it wasn’t him who had the upper hand in triggering a response in me but rather I was taking control and making the choice to shut him the fuck down. I didn’t often war with myself, didn’t second-guess my instincts.

  Tonight, though, I was fighting with myself at every turn, regretting choices, and generally struggling to maintain control.

  And it was all her fault.

  She was killing me with every sway of her hips, every brush of her fingers along the back of my neck as we danced, every little sigh she thought I couldn’t hear over the music.

  I should have shredded that dress back at her apartment, should have buried myself in her and not come up for air until morning.

  I’d brought us to this club, intent on showing her off and sweeping her off those gorgeous silver heels, but she was the one with the upper hand now. She was the one with the control as sure as if she’d ripped it from my grasp, twirling it around her thread by thread as she spun in my arms.

  I’d never been so hard in my life.

  And still she smiled and spun and tugged me into her as she ground herself against me, having the time of her life, blissfully unaware of just how tempted I was to drag her off to the nearest darkened corner, press her face-first into the goddamn wall, bunch that dress up around her waist, and fuck the living hell out of her until we were both screaming loud enough to drown out the DJ.

  Fuck. Me.

  The scent of her hair, the heat of her breath on my neck when she stepped in close, the way I kept catching other guys on the dance floor checking her out, their own desire obvious in their perusal of her perfectly curvy body.

  It was becoming more than I could take.

  “I need a breather. Drink?” I called, leaning down and speaking into her hair as I gripped her hips. She’d been mid-spin and I caught her with her back to me, my dick twitching painfully when my mind flashed to my earlier fantasy.

  I was a hair’s breadth from reaching for the hem of her skirt, my desire making me carelessly bold when she nodded and leaned back against my chest. “Yes, please. I’m parched.”

  Thank fuck.

  She turned and stretched upward, kissing the tip of my nose. “Think we can find a table?”

  I gripped her hand and nodded. “I’m sure we can.”

  Before I knew it, she’d darted in front of me and one hand subtly came back to brush over the tip of my cock. “Better look for a high-top, so you have room to tuck that thing under it.”

  I hissed with the contact and laughed at the remark, shaking my head as she surprised me yet again.

  Apparently, she wasn’t so oblivious after all.

  The drive from the club to the cabin was the longest forty minutes of my life.

  We’d lucked into a table and I tipped a server to place a “reserved” placard on it for the rest of the evening so we could dance without losing our spot. And dance we had. I didn’t know how Blair could brave those sparkly shoes for as long as she had, but her smile never slipped and her steps never faltered as we gave every inch of that dance floor our attention.

  And she’d held the attention of every man in the room.

  God, the way they’d looked at her.

  Despite my protectiveness, it hadn’t made me jealous.

  It made me grateful.

  Supremely grateful that despite their continued perusal, she only had eyes for me. To her, they didn’t even exist. It was the two of us alone on that dance floor.

  She simultaneously stole my breath and gave me reason to breathe.

  I’d never felt so high in my life and that was before I ever touched a drop of alcohol.

  No drug on earth could match this rush, no boozy concoction able to match this buzz.

  I was stoned on her.

  We’d both had two drinks early on but switched to soda after that, neither of us keen on the idea of being inebriated when we got to our weekend love nest. The forty-minute drive there precluded any heavy drinking on my part to begin with, but that wasn’t the point. I wanted to be in complete control of my facilities when the time came to lay her beautiful body onto that lush, king-sized bed for the first time.

  And thinking about that very moment was exactly why the drive seemed to take for-goddamned-ever.

  “You’re awfully quiet,” she commented after a while, eyeing me from the passenger seat.

  I gave her a soft smile and dropped my right hand to her exposed knee. “Just picturing you on that dance floor again. My God, you dazzled the whole damn club.” I ran my thumb over her skin.

  There was a soft scoff. “I highly doubt that.”

  “Sweetheart, even the women were checking you out.”

  She was quiet for a moment before letting out a soft chuckle. “Guess that explains it.”

  “Explains what?” I turned to look at her and even by the faint light of the instrument panel, I could tell she was blushing.

  “When we were leaving and I made a quick stop in the ladies’ room?”

  “Yeah?” I frowned, not quite following where this was headed.

  “I was drying my hands, sort of giving myself a pep-talk in the mirror.” She ducked her head, really blushing now. “You know, because I’m a little nervous about this weekend.”

  She held up a hand to stop me. “Anyway,” she emphasized the word, shutting me down before I could pursue the subject. “This woman came out of one of the stalls and caught me. I was embarrassed, but she was super nice and said not to be nervous. She said I was ‘slaying it’ in this dress and called me gorgeous. I thought she was just being encouraging—believe it or not women kind of look out for each other like that sometimes—but then she ran her hand up my arm and slipped me her business card on the way out.”

  We were slowing to take a left onto the long country road that eventually led to the cabin. Once we’d made the turn, I looked over at her with a huge smirk on my face. “I should probably be jealous, but all I can think to say right now is . . . was she hot?”

  “A complete knockout,” Blair blurted on a laugh. “I remember thinking it was crazy that someone that attractive was telling me I was pretty.”

  I shifted my hand so my fingertips were on her inner thigh and gave it a squeeze. “One, if you don’t know by now how heart-stoppingly beautiful you are, prepare to be reminded every hour of every damn day. Because I’m making it my mission to tell you over and over and over until there is no doubt in your mind just how stunning you are.”

  She just shook her head, chuckling at me. “Okay, that was one. What’s next on the list?”

  “Two has to do with that getting hit on by the knockout in the bathroom.”

  She quirked a brow at me as I turned my attention to the road. “Yeah?”

  “Excellent work.” I kept my eyes on the road but held up my fist for her to bump it with hers.

  Which she did, laughing the whole time.

  “That’s my girl.”

  “Yes, I am,” she confirmed, leaning over the console and kissing my cheek.

  The last few miles to the cabin were just as long as all those that came before them, but the air around us had changed and the heat between us was rising, which made those last ten minutes stretch into an infinity.


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